Monday, March 27, 2017

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic Mar 27 03:54PM -0700

How to Buy service days for alcatel tracphone
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Friday, March 24, 2017

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic Mar 24 03:51PM -0700

> I have to admit, it felt good blasting that fucker after it had pissed
> me off for weeks. The local Walmart had a new keyboard and for about $15
> I was back online without fighting with that piece of shit keyboard.
For every problem there is a gun. 'Murica!
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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Digest for - 2 updates in 2 topics

Fazal Ahmed <>: Mar 23 03:41AM -0700

Apache Spark is an open source big data processing (solid basic structure on which bigger things can be built) built around speed, ease of use, and fancy (or smart) (information-giving numbers). It was (at first/before other things happened) developed in 2009 in UC Berkeley's AMPLab, and open sourced in 2010 as an Apache project. With Spark, developers can write fancy (or smart) parallel computer programs to execute faster decisions, better decisions, and (happening or viewable immediately, without any delay) actions, applied to a wide variety of use cases, (related to the beautiful design and construction of buildings, etc.)s, and businesses. Spark Class room training course provides an introduction to this amazing technology and you will learn to use Apache spark for big data projects. Spark Class room training course is simple to follow and will lay the foundation for big data and parallel figuring out/calculating. Spark technology is based on in memory (people with no modern technology/very basic things) makes it almost 100 times faster than Hadoop and Mapreduce. Classroom Training in Spark are delivered by experts with 100% practical use. Mar 22 11:28PM -0500

On Tue, 28 Feb 2017 15:25:50 -0500, Susan Bugher <>
>debris falls out that may cure the problem. (Vacuuming keyboards
>sometimes helps too.)
I wish I couold find the picture I took of a keyboard that kept having
keys stick. I cleaned it, and within a few days it would stick again.
Thats when I took it outside, set it on a post, tied it to the post with
bailing twine. Then I loaded my 22 Rifle, and shot that goddamn keyboard
at least 10 times. Thats when I took pictures of the remains of that
keyboard. I knew that no key would ever stick again, because every key
was blown off, and the cord was hanging from a shattered case and pieces
of circuit board.
I have to admit, it felt good blasting that fucker after it had pissed
me off for weeks. The local Walmart had a new keyboard and for about $15
I was back online without fighting with that piece of shit keyboard.
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Monday, March 20, 2017

Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic Mar 20 10:54AM -0700

Hi all
I would like to share my underwater channel, here you can watch my underwater footage's and some tips and tricks about Scuba diving and also you can follow me if you wish
Peter Mar 20 01:42PM -0700

> Thanks
> Peter
Fuck off
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Saturday, March 18, 2017

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic Mar 15 10:36PM -0700

On Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at 2:46:06 PM UTC-7, Dennis wrote:
> Dennis (evil)
> --
> I'm a hands-on, footloose, knee-jerk head case. -George Carlin
that.s right, you might try the number 1 cut at the barber, or yourself
lots of [famous] athletes have done this
worth a try - it'll grow back if not happy
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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Digest for - 2 updates in 2 topics Mar 15 11:03AM -0500

>>You're welcome.
>And remember, when you buy a Merkin, buy Amerkin.
>Dennis (evil)
That's right! Grab 'em by the ... Whoops! Let me help you put that back.
Fazal Ahmed <>: Mar 15 04:47AM -0700

Big Data Training is Designed for the people who wants to learn Big Data in a format that meets your convenience, availability and flexibility needs, these courses will lead you on the path to becoming a certified Big Data professional. People are looking for Big Data Training in bay area , BigData trunk will provide bigdata training with experienced faculty in union city. Big Data is a very common and powerful (raised, flat supporting surface) for working with data, but it can be a little hard to get a grip exactly on what it is and what it does. It's a collection of software computer programs that are used to work with big data. Big Data Training offers full-length courses on a range of Big Data technologies for developers, data analysts and administrators.
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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Digest for - 3 updates in 2 topics Mar 14 03:15PM -0700

On Friday, March 10, 2017 at 2:40:27 PM UTC-8, Vandy Terre wrote:
> so many of the ones I know any thing about seem to
> be about making money rather than helping folks in
> need. Suggestions please?
No matter what type of volunteer work you do, there is someone making money from it. Take Meals On Wheels. The gas station is making money. The food suppliers from farmer and fertilizer to packaging preserving. Even the MOW CEO is pulling in a salary.
When you look in your neighbors rice bowl, it should be to make sure he has enough, not that he has too much.
You could get a job at Wal Mart and spend much of your time telling people how unhealthy much of the junk food is. Or tell them to shop elsewhere and buy American made stuff, telling them they don't so much junk, not to buy cheap stuff and instead invest their money. That way you do good and the company didn't make anything off of you. I did that for three months before quitting because I wouldn't work Thanksgiving.
Dennis <>: Mar 14 02:46PM -0700

>I keep telling myself this can't be real.
>At first I thought my mind is playing tricks on me but there is no denying it now.
>What the hell can I do about this?
Why fight it? Get out the razor and show your dome who's boss!
I think the skinhead look would work for you.
Dennis (evil)
I'm a hands-on, footloose, knee-jerk head case. -George Carlin
Dennis <>: Mar 14 02:53PM -0700

>>What the hell can I do about this?
>You're welcome.
And remember, when you buy a Merkin, buy Amerkin.
Dennis (evil)
"There is a fine line between participation and mockery" - Wally
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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

Michael Black <>: Mar 11 03:13PM -0500

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Friday, March 10, 2017

Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic

Vandy Terre <>: Mar 10 05:40PM -0500

I need to get out of the house and be around
intelligent people so I am thinking a Service
Organization might be the answer. It is just that
so many of the ones I know any thing about seem to
be about making money rather than helping folks in
need. Suggestions please?
John Weiss <>: Mar 10 03:36PM -0800

On 3/10/2017 14:40, Vandy Terre wrote:
> so many of the ones I know any thing about seem to
> be about making money rather than helping folks in
> need. Suggestions please?
There are WAY too many such organizations to list here! What are your
interests? What do you want to DO?
Habitat for Humanity
Meals on Wheels
Guide Dogs for the Blind
Disabled American Veterans
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Thursday, March 9, 2017

Digest for - 3 updates in 1 topic

Bob F <>: Mar 08 07:35PM -0800

> I keep telling myself this can't be real.
> At first I thought my mind is playing tricks on me but there is no denying it now.
> What the hell can I do about this?
A friend of mine said "I'm not going to waste any hormones on hair" Mar 08 10:21PM -0800

> I keep telling myself this can't be real.
> At first I thought my mind is playing tricks on me but there is no denying it now.
> What the hell can I do about this?
May I suggest you grow about three hairs really long and style it in a swirly pompadour with a D.A. in the back. Sure, you'll look ridiculous, but that's why you then need to color yourself orange. When people laugh behind your back, you can take solace they laugh at you because of your coloring and who needs bigots like that anyway? It works, apparently. Mar 09 09:10AM -0600

>I keep telling myself this can't be real.
>At first I thought my mind is playing tricks on me but there is no denying it now.
>What the hell can I do about this?
You're welcome.
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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic Mar 07 08:38PM -0800

I keep telling myself this can't be real.
At first I thought my mind is playing tricks on me but there is no denying it now.
What the hell can I do about this? Mar 08 10:56AM -0800

doesn't the president take some sort of hair drug/medication?
it's a natural process for many many men
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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic

Bob F <>: Mar 03 09:03PM -0800

On 3/3/2017 1:26 PM, The Real Bev wrote:
> pedestrians, but NOT for drivers :-(
> OTOH, if these people were smart they never would have bought stuff they
> were willing to sell for 5 cents or less on the dollar!
Maybe they bought them at "5 cents or less on the dollar"
The Real Bev <>: Mar 04 10:55AM -0800

On 03/03/2017 09:03 PM, Bob F wrote:
>> OTOH, if these people were smart they never would have bought stuff they
>> were willing to sell for 5 cents or less on the dollar!
> Maybe they bought them at "5 cents or less on the dollar"
Unliikely; we tend to keep our shit until we die, at which time the
heirs pitch it into the dumpster or DAV truck.
Cheers, Bev
"Incontinence hotline, can you hold?"
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Friday, March 3, 2017

Digest for - 4 updates in 1 topic

The Real Bev <>: Mar 02 09:36PM -0800

On 03/02/2017 10:20 AM, Michael Black wrote:
> We had some warmish weather for the past two weeks, though now it's cold
> again, but spring can't be far off, and then garage sales. We aren't the
> lucky ones who have them all year around.
EXCEPT holiday weekends and weeks when it was assumed to rain on
Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Yard sales used to be a lot better when
people had to pay to put an ad in the paper. Now, since Craigslist is
free, people figure "Oh, I don't feel like getting up this morning,
let's do the sale next Saturday...". Even worse, they say "Corner of
Longden and Santa Anita" so enraged shoppers can't throw a brick through
their window if they drove tens of miles to a good-sounding sale only to
find NOTHING. Almost as bad -- the 'corner of' people don't put up a
sign, just figure you'll drive around the nearby area until you get lucky.
I swear I'd laugh and applaud if I saw somebody else heave a brick
through their window.
Cheers, Bev
"My life outside of USENET is so full of love and kindness that I have
to come here to find the venom and bile that I crave." --R. Damiani
Bob F <>: Mar 03 05:36AM -0800

On 3/2/2017 9:36 PM, The Real Bev wrote:
> sign, just figure you'll drive around the nearby area until you get lucky.
> I swear I'd laugh and applaud if I saw somebody else heave a brick
> through their window.
Then there are the signs with no date. And the corresponding people that
never take their signs down. No date - no go.
Michael Black <>: Mar 03 01:02PM -0500

The Real Bev <>: Mar 03 01:26PM -0800

On 03/03/2017 05:36 AM, Bob F wrote:
>> through their window.
> Then there are the signs with no date. And the corresponding people that
> never take their signs down. No date - no go.
And the signs on corners with tiny light letters -- suitable for
pedestrians, but NOT for drivers :-(
OTOH, if these people were smart they never would have bought stuff they
were willing to sell for 5 cents or less on the dollar!
Cheers, Bev
"If you put the government in charge of the desert, there would
be a sand shortage within ten years." -- M. Friedman (?)
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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic

The Real Bev <>: Mar 01 10:41PM -0800

On 03/01/2017 11:02 AM, Michael Black wrote:
> I opened up one keyboard that was in good shape, and either lost a keytop
> or broke something, enough to render that keyboard useless. Sadly it was
> a better than average keyboard.
That's why we buy every model M we find at yard sales! The one I
destroyed with a cup of coffee was from 1988. This one is from 1996.
1988 was a sentimental year :-(
Cheers, Bev
His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of morbid curiosity.
Michael Black <>: Mar 02 01:20PM -0500

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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic

The Real Bev <>: Mar 01 09:12AM -0800

On 02/28/2017 12:25 PM, Susan Bugher wrote:
> Dirty keyboard? Turn it upside down and bang it gently - if a lot of
> debris falls out that may cure the problem. (Vacuuming keyboards
> sometimes helps too.)
If you have an IBM Model M, take the top off and marvel at how much
cruft is in there. I did it the hard way -- take the keytops off and
use a Q-tip :-(
Cheers, Bev
"When I was a kid my dad once joked that the best way to
prevent being on a plane with someone carrying a bomb
would be to bring your own bomb and not detonate it.
Sounded convincing. What are the odds that two people
board, each with a bomb?" -- Rowdy
Michael Black <>: Mar 01 02:02PM -0500

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