Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Digest for - 4 updates in 2 topics Nov 28 12:32PM -0600

>I gotta take a shower but I don't wanna kill the cricket and I can't get it to jump out, what I do ?
(for future reference)
Make a tiny bar of soap?
Dennis <>: Nov 28 11:43AM -0800

>>I gotta take a shower but I don't wanna kill the cricket and I can't get it to jump out, what I do ?
>(for future reference)
>Make a tiny bar of soap?
Or a tiny top hat and tails?
Dennis (evil)
"There is a fine line between participation and mockery" - Wally Nov 28 02:12PM -0600

>>Make a tiny bar of soap?
>Or a tiny top hat and tails?
>Dennis (evil)
Or an itsy bitsy guitar or drum set?
Beaver-fever: "I need someone for a power of attorney."
Jiminy: "Chirp?"
Beaver-fever: "Someone who can leap over obstacles with a single bound."
Jiminy: "Chirp?"
Beaver-fever: "Somebody who isn't afraid to speak up!"
Jiminy: "Chirp?"
Beaver-fever: "Someone able to defend themself against predatory lawyers."
Jiminy: "Chirp?"
Lawyer: "Ribbit. <flick> Burp!" Nov 28 12:29PM -0600

>you die late, maybe that's a good thing, maybe it's a bad thing, depending
>on how one looks at it.
> Michael
Meh. I've known when I'm supposed to die for years. (Don't ask how, it wouldn't
apply to you anyway) It is amazingly freeing. The real trick is to live a good
and productive life where you continue to grow and learn and have fun. Obsessing
on an expiration date or how it all will end takes all the fun out.
One thing I do find particularly fun is running up against some doctor who
claims "If you don't take these pills, you won't be able to live to 100." It
can really piss them off when their fear game gets short-circuited.
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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Digest for - 6 updates in 2 topics Nov 24 03:46PM -0800

Cyber Monday deals: Nov 23 09:15PM -0800

I gotta take a shower but I don't wanna kill the cricket and I can't get it to jump out, what I do ?
The Real Bev <>: Nov 23 11:06PM -0800

> I gotta take a shower but I don't wanna kill the cricket and I can't get it to jump out, what I do ?
Cover it with a bucket-like container. Slide a piece of stiff paper
slowly under it so the cricket will have time to climb onto it. Pick up
the whole thing and release the cricket outside. This method works with
spiders too, and sometimes kittens.
Cheers, Bev
Don't tax me. Don't tax thee. Tax that man behind the tree. Nov 24 08:28AM -0800

On Friday, November 23, 2018 at 11:06:58 PM UTC-8, The Real Bev wrote:
> --
> Cheers, Bev
> Don't tax me. Don't tax thee. Tax that man behind the tree.
After typing this post I went back and it was gone.
The Real Bev <>: Nov 24 09:29AM -0800

>> the whole thing and release the cricket outside. This method works with
>> spiders too, and sometimes kittens.
> After typing this post I went back and it was gone.
Like roaches, where there's one there are others. Keep that bucket handy.
Cheers, Bev
Don't tax me. Don't tax thee. Tax that man behind the tree.
Michael Black <>: Nov 24 12:49PM -0500

On Fri, 23 Nov 2018, The Real Bev wrote:
> under it so the cricket will have time to climb onto it. Pick up the whole
> thing and release the cricket outside. This method works with spiders too,
> and sometimes kittens.
One time I saw some lint in the basement sink, I pick it up and realize
it's a mouse. Clearly, it had gone down there to get a drink, then unable
to get up the high sides. THere was a plastic bottle handy, he climbed
in, I don't recall needing to do anything much other than hold it near
him, and then out to the front lawn for his release. He then headed back
to the back door, where he probably came in, hoping to get back in.
The only time I've caught a mouse like that.
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Thursday, November 22, 2018

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

The Real Bev <>: Nov 22 09:39AM -0800

$70 now if I send you an "invite". ~$5/month ONLY thereafter. Cheapest
I've seen for a long time. We've had it for at least 5 years and love
it. (I get $20, but big deal!)
Cheers, Bev
I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock
every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there
picking the locks, they are always locking three.
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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Digest for - 3 updates in 2 topics Nov 21 08:41AM -0800

> >
> Upcoming Black F. ads:
"catalpa" <>: Nov 20 10:42PM -0500

<> wrote in message
> oh fuck it's this week
> what do i do?
Wait till Friday and it will be over.
Michael Black <>: Nov 20 11:00PM -0500

On Tue, 20 Nov 2018, catalpa wrote:
>> oh fuck it's this week
>> what do i do?
> Wait till Friday and it will be over.
From Canada, the US Thanksgiving has always seemed better than here in
Canad, we have ours in early October.
I guess it's because I see it through the lens of tv and movies, all that
family getting together and the rituals involved, the food and the
football game. It just seems so cozy, while here it just seems cold. Amd
of course, US Thanksgiving is a good launch to the Christmas season, not
the Black Friday, but the CHristmas specials start then too. I'ts a
reasonable distance before Christmas too. And the Macy's parade. Even "A
Miracle on 34th Street" begins with US Thanksgiving and the parade.
So it's all very cozy watching it from up here, any reality missing from
what we see.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Digest for - 15 updates in 1 topic Nov 19 07:46PM -0800

oh fuck it's this week
what do i do?
The Real Bev <>: Nov 19 08:12PM -0800

> oh fuck it's this week
> what do i do?
Cheers, Bev
Nothing is so stupid that you can't find somebody who
did it at least once if you look hard enough.
ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Nov 19 08:47PM -0800

On Monday, November 19, 2018 at 10:12:24 PM UTC-6, The Real Bev wrote:
> > oh fuck it's this week
> > what do i do?
> Eat.
Michael Black <>: Nov 20 12:08AM -0500

> oh fuck it's this week
> what do i do?
You could go to work, leaving others to stay home?
Michael Nov 19 10:17PM -0800

On Monday, November 19, 2018 at 9:11:26 PM UTC-8, Michael Black wrote:
> > what do i do?
> You could go to work, leaving others to stay home?
> Michael
I don't have a job. Nov 19 10:35PM -0800

On Monday, November 19, 2018 at 8:47:51 PM UTC-8, ItsJoan NotJoann wrote:
> > > what do i do?
> > Eat.
I don't know where any bingo games are around here.
ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Nov 20 11:36AM -0800

> > You could go to work, leaving others to stay home?
> > Michael
> I don't have a job.
Then you can spend Thanksgiving day cooking or volunteer at the Salvation
Army or any homeless shelter dishng up Thanksgiving food.
Michael Black <>: Nov 20 02:54PM -0500

>> You could go to work, leaving others to stay home?
>> Michael
> I don't have a job.
So where's all the money coming from that you need all this financial
planning for?
Michael Black <>: Nov 20 02:55PM -0500

>>> Eat.
> I don't know where any bingo games are around here.
Maybe there's radio bingo? The radio station on the reserve outside of
town here has a weekly radio bingo, I hear it does pretty well.
Michael Black <>: Nov 20 02:59PM -0500

On Tue, 20 Nov 2018, ItsJoan NotJoann wrote:
>> I don't have a job.
> Then you can spend Thanksgiving day cooking or volunteer at the Salvation
> Army or any homeless shelter dishng up Thanksgiving food.
He could take over the panhandling for someone for the day, letting them
have a day off to do holiday things.
I used to listen to WBZ in Boston a lot, even though it's not local, and
one of their announcers would do Christams eve, because he was Jewish
while the other announcers did want the day off. So it was live radio at
a time when most stations would use recordings, and he really made it all
so nice and cozy. He actually did other holidays too, equally cozy. Toof
often radio becomes recordings on holidays, making things kind of cold, on
days that can seem cold (not just literally) if you aren't actually
celebrating the holiday. It's a time when really live radio is a good
thing, except people at the station want that time off (and I'm not saying
they shouldn't).
ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Nov 20 01:25PM -0800

On Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at 1:57:52 PM UTC-6, Michael Black wrote:
> So where's all the money coming from that you need all this financial
> planning for?
> Michael
Hahahahaaaaa, good catch!
ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Nov 20 01:28PM -0800

On Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at 2:02:46 PM UTC-6, Michael Black wrote:
> He could take over the panhandling for someone for the day, letting them
> have a day off to do holiday things.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Yeah, give those tired feet a rest and those cramped
hands holding signs asking for 'donations' a break.
The Real Bev <>: Nov 20 03:22PM -0800

On 11/20/2018 11:59 AM, Michael Black wrote:
>> Army or any homeless shelter dishng up Thanksgiving food.
> He could take over the panhandling for someone for the day, letting them
> have a day off to do holiday things.
Our local panhandlers already work in shifts so I suspect that's already
been worked out with the guy who drops them off and picks them up.
Cheers, Bev
"I just realized how bad the economy really is. I recently
bought a new toaster oven and as a complimentary gift,
I was given a bank." -- L. Legro
Bob F <>: Nov 20 04:29PM -0800

On 11/20/2018 1:25 PM, ItsJoan NotJoann wrote:
>> planning for?
>> Michael
> Hahahahaaaaa, good catch!
I thought he was selling stuff on ebay. But it could be drugs, I suppose. Nov 20 04:33PM -0800

On Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at 11:57:52 AM UTC-8, Michael Black wrote:
> So where's all the money coming from that you need all this financial
> planning for?
> Michael
My side hustle.
And it goes totally dead for a bit right about now.
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Monday, November 19, 2018

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

Michael Black <>: Nov 19 03:01PM -0500

On Sat, 17 Nov 2018, Derald wrote:
> My own retirement plan was: "Retire" at 50 and move to the "country",
> leaving behind grifters, peddlers, feather merchants and sleazy
> "planners"of all types.
It would be a lot more helpful if one knew when they'd reach last day.
It's easier to plan for a specific date than some vague date that could
vary a lot. Then you would know if you were running low, or if you were
ahead, and adjust accordingly.
The real trick is then to terminate with no money in the bank account,
unless one is planning to leave some to someone.
The disadvantage is that you know when you'll die, and that might not be a
good thing. If you go early, that's a sad thing to look forward to. If
you die late, maybe that's a good thing, maybe it's a bad thing, depending
on how one looks at it.
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Sunday, November 18, 2018

Digest for - 3 updates in 3 topics Nov 18 01:02PM -0800

> I'm sure you're not the only one.
My roommate is barely functional like me, and then just hanging by a thread so I am not sure he would even be able to do all that. The only difference between me, him and even the homeless dude I talk to on the bus sometimes is I saw an opportunity, seized it with practice and accumated working capital and knowledge kept growing it.
I would never even normally care if not for the sudden reversal of fortunes.
Yeah I wouldn't pay a lawyer.
My few friends are like me, no car, no money, no clue (I am still pretending to be broke).
No family in the area. Nov 18 07:39AM -0800 Nov 17 08:41PM -0800

Upcoming Black F. ads:
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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Digest for - 3 updates in 3 topics

Derald <>: Nov 17 07:41PM -0500

>Have to register to read it, No Thanks.
My own retirement plan was: "Retire" at 50 and move to the "country",
leaving behind grifters, peddlers, feather merchants and sleazy
"planners"of all types. Nov 17 04:24PM -0800

> Maybe I will just appoint my roommate and hope he complies?
You should ask him if he's willing and capable. If it's a simple estate,
just some bank accounts, maybe some stocks, and personal belongings,
it's not hard to do, at least here in NJ. The executor takes a copy
of the will to the surrogate's office, gets it entered and they give
the executor certificates of executorship which the executor can then
use to close bank accounts, get to safety deposit boxes, sell cars,
etc. The executor follows the will, divides up whatever there is to go
to the various recipients and prepares an estate tax return, if needed,
pays any tax, submits an income tax return if one is required, etc.
A competent person can do that and save thousands. I've seen attorney's
really rip people off, charging thousands for doing very little and the
above can be done by an executor without an attorney.
> He's about as functional and capable as me, living way below the poverty line, etc. I was going to leave him something just so my untimely death doesn't end up putting him and his cats on the street.
You can leave the executor some compensation for their trouble.
> > and state.
> Gotcha. The records are digital, all on my computer, updated and emailed to myself once a week or so just so I still have them if there is a problem. Actually the whole business is mostly digital. And quite possibly almost impossible for anyone else to understand.
> Gotta find someone new to do my taxes, he misunderstood something I gave him, seriously underreporting last year's income by like 50k and I still haven't dealt with that yet.
Oh no, that isn't good.
> I kinda got started when I felt sick this time last year but then got really busy again and just let it go.
> I tend to spend like every waking moment trying to make money I hope I never have to spend and let everything else fall to the wayside.
> And it's not just the money but ongoing business concerns which no one would know how to handle except maybe one friend. It doesn't help that I also really have no idea what I am doing.
I'm sure you're not the only one. Nov 17 09:27AM -0800
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Friday, November 16, 2018

Digest for - 3 updates in 1 topic

ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Nov 15 07:56PM -0800

On Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 7:09:00 PM UTC-6, catalpa wrote:
> >
> Have to register to read it, No Thanks.
I got the same message about registering, no thanks. Besides, the article
is almost 2 years old.
Michael Black <>: Nov 16 12:22PM -0500

On Thu, 15 Nov 2018, Cbrown24 wrote:
> On Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at 6:29:30 PM UTC-8, wrote:
> Can you just give us the Cliff notes?
1)Plan early
2)save lots of money
3)live until you can retire
4)retire and adjust to your new life
ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Nov 16 11:14AM -0800

On Friday, November 16, 2018 at 11:24:59 AM UTC-6, Michael Black wrote:
> 3)live until you can retire
> 4)retire and adjust to your new life
> Michael
I think you nailed it.
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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Digest for - 4 updates in 2 topics Nov 14 06:29PM -0800
Cbrown24 <>: Nov 15 09:38AM -0800

Can you just give us the Cliff notes?
"catalpa" <>: Nov 15 08:09PM -0500

<> wrote in message
Have to register to read it, No Thanks. Nov 15 01:15PM -0800

On Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 12:34:49 AM UTC-10, RJH wrote:
> > Then things have changed. My doctors are able to give me very specific
> > recommendations on which vitamins I need to supplement.
> I seem to have persistent vitamin D and potassium 'borderline' readings...
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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic Nov 12 06:39PM -0800

> It's better to have a will and executor at a distance, than no executor
> at all. A will is essential in determining who gets what, unless you're
> OK with state law, which governs that, absent a will.
Maybe I will just appoint my roommate and hope he complies?
He's about as functional and capable as me, living way below the poverty line, etc. I was going to leave him something just so my untimely death doesn't end up putting him and his cats on the street.
My mom is in another state and guardian of small children. And my dad, something is not quite right there.
> see you did $500K in sales last year, had expenses of $X, paid $10K in
> income tax, no competent executor would report $500K in income to the IRS
> and state.
Gotcha. The records are digital, all on my computer, updated and emailed to myself once a week or so just so I still have them if there is a problem. Actually the whole business is mostly digital. And quite possibly almost impossible for anyone else to understand.
Gotta find someone new to do my taxes, he misunderstood something I gave him, seriously underreporting last year's income by like 50k and I still haven't dealt with that yet.
(I am like seriously financially retarded, barely competent, unemployable, etc ... I just got really lucky on a few money making opportunities recently)
> to use a lawyer, who will probably charge you a few hundred bucks to draw
> it up. An advantage there, they can notarize it, have the office folks
> be a witness, deal with any special issues you have, etc.
I kinda got started when I felt sick this time last year but then got really busy again and just let it go.
I tend to spend like every waking moment trying to make money I hope I never have to spend and let everything else fall to the wayside.
And it's not just the money but ongoing business concerns which no one would know how to handle except maybe one friend. It doesn't help that I also really have no idea what I am doing.
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Monday, November 12, 2018

Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic Nov 12 07:53AM -0800

> of it as he can, prepare any tax returns, and disburse the assets per the will.
> Without a will, the probate court will appoint an executor and like you say,
> who gets what will follow what is provided for in state law.
No will or executor (I have like no close friends and family is scattered).
What I mean is I am getting loads of electronic payments on a daily basis which are reported to the IRS but only a small part is profit which means without the accounting if they would consider it all taxable income then take all the cash I have left.
I know I gotta make one. Once upon a time it didn't matter but things took a hard turn in the other direction in the last few years.
I keep a running tally, on my computer.
If anything were to happen to me, I am sure my mom could really use the money. Nov 12 09:20AM -0800

> > Without a will, the probate court will appoint an executor and like you say,
> > who gets what will follow what is provided for in state law.
> No will or executor (I have like no close friends and family is scattered).
It's better to have a will and executor at a distance, than no executor
at all. A will is essential in determining who gets what, unless you're
OK with state law, which governs that, absent a will.
> What I mean is I am getting loads of electronic payments on a daily basis which are reported to the IRS but only a small part is profit which means without the accounting if they would consider it all taxable income then take all the cash I have left.
If those payments are for sales, no competent executor would just take sales
as income. There should also be similar records of payments for goods sold
and other expenses. An executor would sort through all that, perhaps together
with an accountant, or whoever does your tax returns, etc. They also should
have previous years income tax returns available as a reference. If they
see you did $500K in sales last year, had expenses of $X, paid $10K in
income tax, no competent executor would report $500K in income to the IRS
and state.
> I know I gotta make one. Once upon a time it didn't matter but things took a hard turn in the other direction in the last few years.
> I keep a running tally, on my computer.
> If anything were to happen to me, I am sure my mom could really use the money.
Then you should prepare a will. There are PC programs available that can
do a simple will, provided you can follow the directions to get it correctly
witnessed, notarized, etc., which is essential. I bought a copy of Quicken
Will Maker that was
a few years old for a few bucks on Ebay. The laws governing wills rarely
change year to year, the program will generate a will that is legal in
any of the 50 states.
Besides a will, just having a list of relatives, copies of a few previous
years income tax returns, a list of all bank accounts where you have
money, location of any safety deposit boxes, receipts for current year's
business expenses, etc, would be a huge plus. That would be extremely
useful to any executor, even if one has to be appointed because you die
without a will. But if you want to leave it all to your mother and reduce
the chaos and costs of having the state appoint an executor, then you
need a will. IDK what state you live in or the laws there, but I'm in NJ
and you can generate a will with the Quicken program, it then needs to be
witnessed by two people of legal age, before a notary public when you sign
it. Here in NJ those two people could be anyone, even an executor, your
mother, or a person working in whatever place you have it notarized.
But it's best if they are of age to likely survive you, actually have known
you, will be around if the need arises later. Usually there is no need,
unless the will is later challenged for some reason. The other choice is
to use a lawyer, who will probably charge you a few hundred bucks to draw
it up. An advantage there, they can notarize it, have the office folks
be a witness, deal with any special issues you have, etc.
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