Friday, March 31, 2023

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Digest for - 4 updates in 1 topic

The Real Bev <>: Mar 24 10:32PM -0700

On 3/24/23 12:31 PM, anthona wrote:
> I have to create an account just to ask a tax question. All i want is to make a copy of the qualified dividends of capital gains and loss worksheet . They have it in the instruction booklet, but with a grey background which is bad for me to read with my eyesight. I put that title in the search box and all that appears is Schedule D, nothing about a worksheet. I googled and all i get is the copy of that worksheet for the year 2018, which does me nothing. Does anyone here know how i can get a good, legible copy of it for these 94 year old eyes? I still like to do my own tax's.
Here is a link to a Schedule D (capital gains & losses) pdf which you
can print. There are also instructions. You should be able to find the
other forms you need by searching here.
Cheers, Bev
Giving advice likely to kill the stupid is called passive eugenics.
anthona <>: Mar 25 05:20AM -0700

On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 1:32:56 AM UTC-4, The Real Bev wrote:
> --
> Cheers, Bev
> Giving advice likely to kill the stupid is called passive eugenics.
Thank you, but i have Schedule D forms, in fact getting most forms that have a number or letter are the easiest to get....its the worksheets that are hard or even possible to get...Schedule D tells me that I need to do the Qualified dividend capital gains worksheet..and the only one i do see is the one printed in the 1040 instruction book, which with its grey background makes it difficult to read the numbers or the questions. When i was younger i had no probem reading. When i scan and make a printout, the results are even worse.
Bob F <>: Mar 25 06:14AM -0700

On 3/25/2023 5:20 AM, anthona wrote:
>> Cheers, Bev
>> Giving advice likely to kill the stupid is called passive eugenics.
> Thank you, but i have Schedule D forms, in fact getting most forms that have a number or letter are the easiest to get....its the worksheets that are hard or even possible to get...Schedule D tells me that I need to do the Qualified dividend capital gains worksheet..and the only one i do see is the one printed in the 1040 instruction book, which with its grey background makes it difficult to read the numbers or the questions. When i was younger i had no probem reading. When i scan and make a printout, the results are even worse.
The Real Bev <>: Mar 25 09:49AM -0700

On 3/25/23 5:20 AM, anthona wrote:
>> Giving advice likely to kill the stupid is called passive eugenics.
> Thank you, but i have Schedule D forms, in fact getting most forms that have a number or letter are the easiest to get....its the worksheets that are hard or even possible to get...Schedule D tells me that I need to do the Qualified dividend capital gains worksheet..and the only one i do see is the one printed in the 1040 instruction book, which with its grey background makes it difficult to read the numbers or the questions. When i was younger i had no probem reading. When i scan and make a printout, the results are even worse.
A more readable website:
I suggest you bite the bullet and buy some tax software. I used
TurboTax for a while until it lied to me about submitting my return
on-line, and now I use HRBlock and send paper. It's cheaper and a
little clunkier and sometimes you need to beat it into submission, but
it deals with worksheets nicely.
I used to do our taxes by hand, carefully perusing Publication 17 to
make sure I did things correctly. The software is better. I don't want
to think about how nice a car I give the feds each year -- I just want
to fill in the forms, write the checks and forget the whole thing until
next year.
Plenty of other things to stress about :-(
Cheers, Bev
When you wish upon a falling star your dreams can come true. Unless
it's really a meteorite hurtling to the earth which will destroy all
life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for.
Unless it's death by meteor. --Demotivators
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Friday, March 24, 2023

Digest for - 3 updates in 3 topics

Dim Witte <>: Mar 24 05:38PM -0700

Wondering if leaving the nest is all that bad an idea.
1. If you keep your family around you, like on the same property and with youngsters never leaving, you would be imitating what they did originally.
2. You would have resources and assets at hand, so everybody doesn't buy a car, etc..
3. Division of labor would allow both women, men, and children have a hand in survival, more like a repeated seasonal plan.
4. A chief head of family could be in charge of management, like they used to have patriarchs.
5. Could have your own farm-like investment in raising animals, gardens, produce for sale, etc..
6. You would be learning traditional ways of using your land and communicating with neighbors.
7. No question but that more in the family is better for your defense and opportunities.
8. Have your own church, graveyard, bank, stores, school, etc..
9. Might be the Amish have a plan.
anthona <>: Mar 24 12:31PM -0700

I have to create an account just to ask a tax question. All i want is to make a copy of the qualified dividends of capital gains and loss worksheet . They have it in the instruction booklet, but with a grey background which is bad for me to read with my eyesight. I put that title in the search box and all that appears is Schedule D, nothing about a worksheet. I googled and all i get is the copy of that worksheet for the year 2018, which does me nothing. Does anyone here know how i can get a good, legible copy of it for these 94 year old eyes? I still like to do my own tax's.
Beaver Fever <>: Mar 24 11:43AM -0700

On Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 10:19:27 AM UTC-7, gggg gggg wrote:
I fell short of my goal of putting a few mil (or even a mil) in the bank so I am a bit anxious the money will run out before my heartbeat does.
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Thursday, March 23, 2023

Digest for - 2 updates in 2 topics

Dim Witte <>: Mar 23 10:22AM -0700

On Monday, March 20, 2023 at 12:52:00 PM UTC-8, Dim Witte wrote:
Or it occurred to me that a few could start their own NFP business/corporation of transporting nearby. This would mean that you could buy a car and insurance, pay yourselves with start-up money and salaries you declare as expenses. Pay several of you as partners? Buy a 9-seat station wagon or even small bus?
gggg gggg <>: Mar 23 10:19AM -0700
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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Digest for - 2 updates in 2 topics

Dim Witte <>: Mar 22 02:50PM -0700

Ever since the pandemic started and food stores were horded, I've heard a few say they have a freezer at home to store certain foods for long storage.
Where I live, the apartment managers allow small freezers in pantries for an additional $5 a month rent, which I've ignored--until now.
I read that lots of food you can freeze will last months, even years. Don't have a list with their freezer storage limits, but no doubt it could be rounded up. I particularly notice that some foods are becoming not only more expensive, but are going to be in short supply. Not even sure a small, apartment size freezer holds very much.
Once upon a time I visited a commercial freezer renting spaces behind wire screens, but doubt that's a safe risk if foods gets scarce.
In Alaska we commonly store food below ground or in a cache on stilts, which winter keeps okay. Below ground might get as low as 40 degrees F; in just a root cellar might be 60 F for storage of beets and potatoes. Up north, they have permafrost a couple feet below ground, so natural freezing exists.
Alaska is a subsistence state, so we commonly store up fish by drying and smoking, just left hanging on lines. Canning is also popular.
Solartony Tony <>: Mar 22 11:01AM -0700

... doesn't last ... soap compartment 1st to break ...then shocks ... then spin cycle ...
service says no parts, no schematics, no service manual, doesn't 'remember' where parts came from,
doesn't remember who manufactured components ...
absurd crap .... paid $1,600 wasted ... a piece of crap ...
has anyone had any luck finding repair parts & replacement components ?
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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Digest for - 6 updates in 5 topics

gggg gggg <>: Mar 21 04:29PM -0700
gggg gggg <>: Mar 21 12:47PM -0700
gggg gggg <>: Mar 21 12:31PM -0700

On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 12:42:21 AM UTC-8, wrote:
Beaver Fever <>: Mar 21 12:08AM -0700

for all the bad things I done
Beaver Fever <>: Mar 20 07:53PM -0700

On Monday, March 20, 2023 at 1:52:00 PM UTC-7, Dim Witte wrote:
> c. sign up with free or low cost transportation service for seniors and disabled with wheels and assistants. I have an account where I can schedule free delivery and return from appointments, and other, as needed.
> d. usually a service that has info about the above.
> 3. Possibly join a small group for weekly trips? I understand that taxi service allows up to 4 or 5 at a time for same price, which you could split.
I walk everywhere.
Except when it's too far so I take the bus.
Or don't go.
gggg gggg <>: Mar 20 08:21PM -0700

On Monday, March 20, 2023 at 1:52:00 PM UTC-7, Dim Witte wrote:
> c. sign up with free or low cost transportation service for seniors and disabled with wheels and assistants. I have an account where I can schedule free delivery and return from appointments, and other, as needed.
> d. usually a service that has info about the above.
> 3. Possibly join a small group for weekly trips? I understand that taxi service allows up to 4 or 5 at a time for same price, which you could split.
Public transportation is free in Luxembuorg:
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Please visit our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn

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Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team