Wednesday, August 15, 2007

25 new messages in 7 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Generation gaps (Re: "Me" generation marriages..) - 8 messages, 6 authors
* ot question - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Motivating high-school students to join college - 6 messages, 5 authors
* humor - 4 messages, 4 authors
* sport shoes Clothing Shirt Cap Nike Jordan nike tn puma bape gucci prada
Sport shoes Bape Dunk jean T shirt Handbag bags IPOD MP3 MP4 PSP PS2 PS3 Nokia
N95 Hoodies Sunglasses Nokia N93 Nokia N70 Sony memory card Mobile Phones www. - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Cash Back Credit Cards - 1 messages, 1 author
* Long Distance carrier advice -- Yes, again - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Generation gaps (Re: "Me" generation marriages..)

== 1 of 8 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 9:35 am
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message


> There was an excellent article back in 1992 in the Atlantic Monthly about
> the "new generation gap". It concerned the aging baby boomers and the
> then-young Gen-Xers. The story is at
>, but you need to be a
> subscriber to get to it. I'll post the first four paragraphs below.
> Meanwhile, in the story, the authors indicate that there was an earlier
> generation gap much like the 1960s gap between boomers and their parents,
> back around 1880. What was then the younger generation they labeled the
> Missionary Generation, as these were the young folks who were going to
> save the world by going off to Asia to "save" the heathen. Their parents
> were the Civil War generation who fought in the great war, much as
> boomers' parents were the "Greatest" generation who saved the day in the
> 1940s. The parents became materialistic after the war; the young'uns were
> idealistic and anti-material. One of the main themes of the story is that
> these generational archetypes are repeating, and in pretty much the same
> order.

i think this is because most young people are idealistic,
and as they get older, they get some wisdom (hopefully)
and see the world for what it is, and so they start sounding
like their parents.

== 2 of 8 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 11:43 am
From: freeisbest

On Aug 15, 11:11 am, "AllEmailDeletedImmediately" <>
> "Bill" <> wrote in message
> > When I was that age, it was "our" money. "We" paid for this that and the
> > other thing. One checking account in "our" names. "We" would decide to buy
> > or not buy something for "us".
> > My parents were the same way as well as all the other families I knew
> > growing up.

Yes, that's the way it's done in an actual marriage.

> i'm 50, married almost 31yrs. it's always been "our" money. i
think that
> the no fault divorce laws may be at the root of it. who wants to get
> financially tangled up when the spouse can say "bye" anytime? women
> especially. i think if i should ever remarry, that may be the way
i'd go, as well.

I like it, 31 years, at the age of 50! We did that too - got
married then grew up together. :)
We're 67, married 41 years. It has always been 'our' money.
During the difficult early years, knowing that we were in it together
always helped, when dread and dismay would set in every third week,
the week before the monthly paycheck came in. No question that it
would have been an easier, pleasanter life for us all if there had
been enough money. But at least we didn't nickel-and-dime each other,
or treat each other like roommates.
I really can't blame them for not trusting each other, but I feel
deeply sorry for these poor distrustful young people. Must be very
hard to live with someone who considers you just one "option" among

== 3 of 8 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 11:47 am
From: "Rod Speed"

Bill <> wrote:
> They say those in their 20's are the "me" generation. (Very selfish,
> only think about themselves, etc.)
> Well I am finding it interesting to see modern day marriages between
> some of these people. Especially when they talk about money matters...
> It is "my" money and "her" money. Or "my" money and "his" money.
> "I can't watch "my" TV show because she did not pay for the cable TV
> with "her" money like she was supposed to."
> "I'm not paying for that with "my" money, you pay for it with "your"
> money!"
> There is "his" bank account and "her" bank account.
> The monthly car insurance bill for two cars comes as two separate
> statements. One for his car, the other for hers. He pays his with
> "his" money, she pays hers with "her" money. (They could of course
> get a discount if they placed both cars under the same policy.)
> Etc.
> When I was that age, it was "our" money. "We" paid for this that and
> the other thing. One checking account in "our" names. "We" would
> decide to buy or not buy something for "us".
> My parents were the same way as well as all the other families I knew growing up.

Presumably because most of them didnt have the woman working, so it wasnt feasible.

Many more of that generation you are howling about arent even married at all.

== 4 of 8 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 11:50 am
From: "Rod Speed"

AllEmailDeletedImmediately <> wrote:
> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
> snip
>> There was an excellent article back in 1992 in the Atlantic Monthly
>> about the "new generation gap". It concerned the aging baby boomers
>> and the then-young Gen-Xers. The story is at
>>, but you need
>> to be a subscriber to get to it. I'll post the first four
>> paragraphs below. Meanwhile, in the story, the authors indicate that
>> there was an earlier generation gap much like the 1960s gap between
>> boomers and their parents, back around 1880. What was then the
>> younger generation they labeled the Missionary Generation, as these
>> were the young folks who were going to save the world by going off
>> to Asia to "save" the heathen. Their parents were the Civil War
>> generation who fought in the great war, much as boomers' parents
>> were the "Greatest" generation who saved the day in the 1940s. The
>> parents became materialistic after the war; the young'uns were
>> idealistic and anti-material. One of the main themes of the story
>> is that these generational archetypes are repeating, and in pretty
>> much the same order.
> i think this is because most young people are idealistic,
> and as they get older, they get some wisdom (hopefully)
> and see the world for what it is, and so they start sounding
> like their parents.

Or old farts have always howled about what the kids get up to.

You can read the ancient greeks doing it, millennia ago.

Presumably everyone else did it too, it just wasnt as well recorded with cave men etc.

== 5 of 8 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 12:11 pm
From: Millhaven

Why the hell do people get married nowadays anyway? Seems to be a
rather obsolete concept compared to a generation or two. Rather
pointless really.

== 6 of 8 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 12:19 pm
From: "Matthew Beasley"

"Millhaven" <> wrote in message
> Why the hell do people get married nowadays anyway? Seems to be a
> rather obsolete concept compared to a generation or two. Rather
> pointless really.

It does make legal matters more complex. Particularly if raising children.

== 7 of 8 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 12:28 pm
From: barbie gee

On Wed, 15 Aug 2007, Millhaven wrote:

> Why the hell do people get married nowadays anyway? Seems to be a
> rather obsolete concept compared to a generation or two. Rather
> pointless really.

unless you don't mind fatherless and/or illegitimate children being bred.

== 8 of 8 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 12:34 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"freeisbest" <> wrote in message
> On Aug 15, 11:11 am, "AllEmailDeletedImmediately" <>

> I like it, 31 years, at the age of 50! We did that too - got
> married then grew up together. :)

yeah, we knew each other 2.5 months when we married. he, of course,
suggested that we live together (it WAS the 70's), but i suggested we get
married. :) so we also got to know each other while married. i lucked
can't speak for him, especially now that menopause has hit. I hold the
speed record, i'm sure. poor guy =(:-o)

> We're 67, married 41 years. It has always been 'our' money.
> During the difficult early years, knowing that we were in it together
> always helped, when dread and dismay would set in every third week,
> the week before the monthly paycheck came in. No question that it
> would have been an easier, pleasanter life for us all if there had
> been enough money. But at least we didn't nickel-and-dime each other,
> or treat each other like roommates.
> I really can't blame them for not trusting each other, but I feel
> deeply sorry for these poor distrustful young people. Must be very
> hard to live with someone who considers you just one "option" among
> many.

which is why there's a good chance i won't marry again. i'd need a long
(years) celibate courtship to trust the men of today, and there aren't too
men out there that would stand for that in this day and age.

TOPIC: ot question

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 9:37 am
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

i know how to download google videos to my hardrive so that i can watch them
when not connected. but i haven't found a way to do that with youtube

anyone here know how to do it? so far, i can't find it on google.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 10:34 am
From: "eBayer"

"AllEmailDeletedImmediately" <> wrote in message
>i know how to download google videos to my hardrive so that i can watch
>them when not connected. but i haven't found a way to do that with youtube
> anyone here know how to do it? so far, i can't find it on google.

And you'll need to install a .flv player on your machine.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 11:33 am
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"eBayer" <> wrote in message news:f9vddp$dmt$
> "AllEmailDeletedImmediately" <> wrote in message
> news:5ZFwi.605$eL.112@trndny07...
>>i know how to download google videos to my hardrive so that i can watch
>>them when not connected. but i haven't found a way to do that with
>>youtube videos.
>> anyone here know how to do it? so far, i can't find it on google.
> And you'll need to install a .flv player on your machine.

thanks. i was searching something else. i didn't think that those search
terms would get me what i wanted. i know that just because you push the
google video button to download doesn't mean that it
saves to the hd. and you have to have the google player to watch it.
but i know how to save it and watch it on a divx player.


TOPIC: Motivating high-school students to join college

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 9:37 am
From: Dennis

On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 11:26:35 -0400, clams casino
<> wrote:

> wrote:
>>clams casino <> wrote:
>>>I'd place networking ahead of a degree and thirdly experience.
>> Interesting idea!
>>So you feel that networking trumps even education and
>>work experience?
>>And that "who you know" is THE most important factor in
>>success in work world?
>Fully agree. Most jobs (especially the best jobs) seem to be obtained
>through connections.

True -- as far as initially getting in the door. However, unless you
go to work for your uncle Saul, keeping and doing well at that good
job draws more on education and experience.

Dennis (evil)
The honest man is the one who realizes that he cannot
consume more, in his lifetime, than he produces.

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 10:23 am
From: Cindy Hamilton

On Aug 15, 11:04 am, wrote:
> "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> >> There are all these other people around you, and a high proportion of
> >> them (compared to the general population) want to learn things, plus
> >> there are a bunch of grad students and professors you can ask about
> >> things if you are really curious. So for that reason, I like it.
> >I've always felt that its dinosaur stuff, a primitive way of learning things.
> I'm full time adult college student right now
> I agree with BOTH of you!
> In some ways college is god exposure.... but in some
> waste (like Rod) feel it's also a rip off one thing Id
> like to see change is the METHOD in which classes are
> taught
> let me explain.... instead of taking say four classes
> simultaneous..... calculus, chemistry, history,
> ethics... and having to meet all kinds of weird
> schedules.... why not do ONE subject at a time for say
> three hrs a day but for three or four weeks? THEN.....
> move on to next subject and do the same way?
> Seems to me that this more intense way of learning
> which allows one to concentrate only on that one
> subject would be best

It's a good model of how the real world works. Juggling multiple
priorities and switching from one task to another is standard
operating procedure out here.

Cindy Hamilton

== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 11:56 am

Cindy Hamilton <> wrote:

>It's a good model of how the real world works. Juggling multiple
>priorities and switching from one task to another is standard
>operating procedure out here.

understand that

but not such a god way to "learn" in my
opinion....especially something such as calculus

Id much rather have ONLY a calculus class every day say
for three or four hrs daily for several weeks... rather
than intermixed with other classes (history) for 16

== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 12:05 pm
From: "Rod Speed" wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote

>>> There are all these other people around you, and a high proportion
>>> of them (compared to the general population) want to learn things,
>>> plus there are a bunch of grad students and professors you can ask
>>> about things if you are really curious. So for that reason, I like it.

>> I've always felt that its dinosaur stuff, a primitive way of learning things.

> I'm full time adult college student right now

Yeah, I remembed that you said you were going to do that.

> I agree with BOTH of you!

Thats just the common effect of college, that sort of
group dynamic produces that sort of wooly 'thinking' |-)

> In some ways college is god exposure....

Thats what churches do, surely |-)

> but in some waste (like Rod) feel it's also a rip off one thing Id
> like to see change is the METHOD in which classes are taught

Yeah, that was always my main objection, the
entire concept of lectures is real dinosaur stuff.

Not so bad in the hard science with pracs etc, but the modern
trend to assignments counting towards a substantial percentage
of the final grade instead of just final exams has real downsides too.

> let me explain.... instead of taking say four classes
> simultaneous..... calculus, chemistry, history,
> ethics... and having to meet all kinds of weird
> schedules.... why not do ONE subject at a time for
> say three hrs a day but for three or four weeks?
> THEN..... move on to next subject and do the same way?

Some colleges did try that sort of thing in the 60s, but it never
really ended up being more than a short term fad. And it was
mostly used when teaching hard languages like Japanese.

> Seems to me that this more intense way of learning which allows
> one to concentrate only on that one subject would be best

Sure, but its got real downsides too, particularly for those who
treat college more as a social thing than just for education.
There is a real sense in which particularly for kids just out of
highschool, that college is more about a social situation where
the kids get more freedom to do what they want when they
want to do it, rather than the more structured high school situation.

I've got a rather jaundiced view of the college system, essentially
because what I was employed to do, computing, didnt even get
covered in any of the college education, it wasnt even available then.

Not so practical to pick it up as you go along in other
fields tho,most obviously with medicine and surgery etc.

== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 12:08 pm
From: "simon"

Shawn Hirn <> wrote:
> In article <>,
> Usenet2007@THE-DOMAIN-IN.SIG <Usenet2007@THE-DOMAIN-IN.SIG> wrote:
>> On the other hand, there is plenty of education available from
>> the School Of Hard Knocks.
>> And some of it is actually much, much more valuable than what
>> lots of drones, I mean people, seem to have learned in
>> classrooms.
> I completely agree, but the reality is that a college education
> provides a much greater likelihood (not guarantee) of financial
> success than only a high school education.

You havent established cause and effect there tho.

Its more likely to just be the result of the fact that the two populations are very different,
its the dregs of the labor market that end up with just a high school education now.

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 12:11 pm
From: "Rod Speed" wrote:
> clams casino <> wrote:
>> I'd place networking ahead of a degree and thirdly experience.
> Interesting idea!
> So you feel that networking trumps even education and work experience?

It varys dramatically with the field of work and the employment market.

> And that "who you know" is THE most important factor in success in work world?

> Agree?

Nope, its more important to actually getting the job than success in that job once you have got it.

And some fields like small business are ones where a degree isnt much use at all.

And some like medicine etc where you dont even get to start without one.

TOPIC: humor

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 9:43 am
From: sno

LOL....Thank you....I needed something like this today....

have fun......sno

AllEmailDeletedImmediately wrote:
> How to treat a Woman:
> Wine her.
> Dine her.
> Call her.
> Hold her.
> Surprise her.
> Compliment her.
> Smile at her.
> Listen to her.
> Laugh with her.
> Cry with her.
> Romance her.
> Encourage her.
> Believe in her.
> Pray with her.
> Pray for her.
> Cuddle with her.
> Shop with her.
> Give her jewelry.
> Buy her flowers.
> Hold her hand.
> Write love letters to her.
> Go to the ends of the earth and back again for her.
> How To Treat a Man:
> Show up naked.
> Bring chicken wings.
> Don't block the TV.

No matter how dangerous nuclear power may or
may not be.....
Is it any more dangerous then what we are doing

This tag line is generated by:
SLNG (Silly Little Nuclear Generator)

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 10:29 am
From: Dennis

On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 16:30:45 GMT, "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"
<> wrote:

>How to treat a Woman:
> Wine her.
> Dine her.
> Call her.
> Hold her.
> Surprise her.
> Compliment her.
> Smile at her.
> Listen to her.
> Laugh with her.
> Cry with her.
> Romance her.
> Encourage her.
> Believe in her.
> Pray with her.
> Pray for her.
> Cuddle with her.
> Shop with her.
> Give her jewelry.
> Buy her flowers.
> Hold her hand.
> Write love letters to her.
> Go to the ends of the earth and back again for her.
> How To Treat a Man:
> Show up naked.
> Bring chicken wings.
> Don't block the TV.

Good one.

The really funny part is most men are thinking: "Why don't women get
something so simple?" And most women are thinking: "That's so true of
all those other slobs, but not my guy -- he's different!"

Dennis (evil)
"There is a fine line between participation and mockery" - Wally

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 10:52 am
From: onionhead

On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 16:30:45 +0000, AllEmailDeletedImmediately wrote:

> How to treat a Woman:
> Wine her.
> Dine her.
> Call her.
> Hold her.
> Surprise her.
> Compliment her.
> Smile at her.
> Listen to her.
> Laugh with her.
> Cry with her.
> Romance her.
> Encourage her.
> Believe in her.
> Pray with her.
> Pray for her.
> Cuddle with her.
> Shop with her.
> Give her jewelry.
> Buy her flowers.
> Hold her hand.
> Write love letters to her.
> Go to the ends of the earth and back again for her.
> How To Treat a Man:
> Show up naked.
> Bring chicken wings.
> Don't block the TV.

Don't you just *hate* it when a naked woman blocks the TV?

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 11:27 am
From: freeisbest

On Aug 15, 1:29 pm, Dennis <> wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 16:30:45 GMT, "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"
> <> wrote:
> >How to treat a Woman:
> > Wine her.
> > Dine her.
> > Call her.
> > Hold her.
> > Surprise her.
> > Compliment her.
> > Smile at her.
> > Listen to her.
> > Laugh with her.
> > Cry with her.
> > Romance her.
> > Encourage her.
> > Believe in her.
> > Pray with her.
> > Pray for her.
> > Cuddle with her.
> > Shop with her.
> > Give her jewelry.
> > Buy her flowers.
> > Hold her hand.
> > Write love letters to her.
> > Go to the ends of the earth and back again for her.
> > How To Treat a Man:
> > Show up naked.
> > Bring chicken wings.
> > Don't block the TV.
> Good one.
> The really funny part is most men are thinking: "Why don't women get
> something so simple?" And most women are thinking: "That's so true of
> all those other slobs, but not my guy -- he's different!"

..sigh... Yes, I did. Just read the list, smiled, then thought,
"But not my guy..."

> Dennis (evil)
> --
> "There is a fine line between participation and mockery" - Wally

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== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 9:46 am

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Wholesale Nike footwear and Nike Shoes to this market:USA,
America,US,United States,UK,England, United Kingdom, IT,Italy, NT,
Netherlands, China, Chinese, Germany, DE, Greece,GR, France, FR,
Spain, Portugal, USA, Switzerland, Switzerland, Brazil, Chile,
Peru,Canada, Japan, Korea,Australia,Hongkong, Canada,Mexico,
Etc..Available Mens Size(tallie) 41 42 43 44 46 Available Womens
Size(tallie) 36 37 38 39 40 Your Shopping Spots for Nike
Sneakers,Jordan Sneaker,Air Force 1S,Nike Dunks,nike sb, Bape
nike,gucci,pradA,sta; Nike sneakers continue to be among the hottest
sellers in men"s casual shoesFrom the ever popular Air Jordan line,
now on 21, to the off-shoot Jordan brands to the Shox and latest
LeBron James shoes, Nike is certainly at the top of their game.
Hottest model wholesale here are:Nike Sneakers including custom nike
sneakers,nike basketball sneakers, womens nike sneakers,rare nike
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jordan sneakers for custom and customize and get your latest
exclusive jordan sneakers,The third is Air Force 1s incluing
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top air force 1s,easter egg air force 1s, rasheed wallace air force
1s, scarface air force 1s,mr catoon air force 1s,mid air force 1s,
airbrush air force 1s,painted air force 1s, neew green air force
1s,all white air force 1s,kid air force 1s,2007 air force
1s,yellow,pink,white stash air force 1s. air force 1s for wholesale
and sale from our nike store. We supply you with various model for
wholesale price: Nike men"s Shoes, Nike women"s Shoes, Nike mens
Shoes, Nike womens Shoes, Nike men Shoes, Nike women Shoes, Nike kids
Shoes, Nike children Shoes.Nike discount Shoes, Nike cheap Shoes,
china Nike Shoes.also we provide you with colorful styles for nike
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white, all blue, gold, golden, yellowall black,Silver, purple,
oragle , Green, Brown, Grey, beige, darkish, fawn, buff, powder blue,
celandine green, French grey, grayish, pearl blue, azury, aqua, baby
pink, laurel brown ,green, lilac, puce, atrous, carmine, navy blue,
olive-drab, bottle green, claret, modena,Nike Wholesale China for
Cheap with Discount here, we supply Nike Sneakers,Jordan
Sneakers,AirForce 1S, Nike Air Max, Nike Shox, Nike Dunks, Nike SB,
Nike AirRift,alsobapestaLacostepolo,LV,
10deep,LRgChanel,DG,hogan,timberland,dior,bathing,bape sta hoody
available .So you now get to know where to buy your cheap nike shoes
and sneakers now, why not get started .to contact us for buying . we
have all new and customs model for you want with wholesale price,
nomatter the the rare,or limited edition or discontinued just get to
check on website to view the picture and get the price for you want
from our nike outletsThe most suggest sneakers we suggest for nike
wholesale are nike sneakers incluing nike shoes, nike air max, nike
shox, nike air rift, Jordan sneakers from Jordan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 9.5 6.5 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 , new arrival jordan 22
are best right now, Jordan DMP and jordan dubzero can get cheap. Air
Force 1s with many many new items right now, most favorated model like
Gucci Air Force 1s, L.V air force 1s, All white color and all black
color are recommanded. New arrival including bape sta are most hot
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see what we have to get them sneaker jordan sneaker air max
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Nike shoes wholesale. nike wholesale prices, nike shoes price, nike
wholesale - nike shoes wholesale: Nike air jordan, Nike air dunk, Nike
air force 1, Nike shox tl nz r4, Nike air max 360 95 97 90 TN Plus.
Nike shoes sale & wholesale to nike shop & nike store from nike
factory.Nike shoes wholesale styles: nike air force 1 one, nike air
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replica shoes, nike trainers, nike sneakers, nike running, nike
Nike shoes wholesale sale sizes include: nike men"s shoes, nike
women"s shoes, nike mens, nike womens, men, women, nike shoes
Sneakers,AIR FORCE ONE 1)- Nike Air Dunk:Nike Dunk , Nike Dunks, Nike
Air Dunk, Nike Air Dunks, Nike Dunks Dunk low,Nike Air Dunks Dunk
High , Nike Dunk mid Shoes.
Nike Sale(NIKE SHOES WHOLESALE ,NIKE shoes Sale,Air Jordan
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Timberland, Baping ape sta, Reebok,Converse, Casual, And 1, DC, K-
Swiss, New Balance, Skechers, Gucci, Tommy Hilfiger.Nike Footwear:
Sport shoes, Customs Shoes, Custom design, Trainers, Sneakers,
Basketball shoes, Running Shoes, Training shoes, Walking
shoes,Football shoes, Slippers, Boots, soccer shoes,sandals, garments,
Apparel, baseball , .Men"s,Women"s, Kids, boys, Mens,Womens, Men,
Women, Child, Girls, Lady"s. Nike shoes wholesale, sale, trade,
Import, Export, Trading, Retail, sell, buy, distribution, shop, store,
stocks, cheap, discount, company, wholesaler, traider, market,
retailer, sales, seller. We also Wholesale Puma Shoes,puma sneaker,
timberland Shoes, timberland boots, adidas Shoes, bathing ape Shoes,
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WHERE.Nike Others Nike Football shoes, nike basketball shoes, nike
Clothing, Nike Dress, ApparelNike Huarache, Nike Zoom Haven, Nike
Flightposite, Nike Air retro Jordan, Retro, Mart, trading company,
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== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 10:09 am

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Jordan Shoes: Nike dunk, Nike jordan, Nike air force 1s, Nike shox tl
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We Import & Export & Trading & Retail & sell & buy & distribution &
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Etc..Available Mens Size(tallie) 41 42 43 44 46 Available Womens
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Sneakers,Jordan Sneaker,Air Force 1S,Nike Dunks,nike sb, Bape
nike,gucci,pradA,sta; Nike sneakers continue to be among the hottest
sellers in men"s casual shoesFrom the ever popular Air Jordan line,
now on 21, to the off-shoot Jordan brands to the Shox and latest
LeBron James shoes, Nike is certainly at the top of their game.
Hottest model wholesale here are:Nike Sneakers including custom nike
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airbrush air force 1s,painted air force 1s, neew green air force
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1s,yellow,pink,white stash air force 1s. air force 1s for wholesale
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oragle , Green, Brown, Grey, beige, darkish, fawn, buff, powder blue,
celandine green, French grey, grayish, pearl blue, azury, aqua, baby
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olive-drab, bottle green, claret, modena,Nike Wholesale China for
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from our nike outletsThe most suggest sneakers we suggest for nike
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shox, nike air rift, Jordan sneakers from Jordan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Nike shoes wholesale. nike wholesale prices, nike shoes price, nike
wholesale - nike shoes wholesale: Nike air jordan, Nike air dunk, Nike
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Nike shoes sale & wholesale to nike shop & nike store from nike
factory.Nike shoes wholesale styles: nike air force 1 one, nike air
dunk dunks, Nike air jordon jordans, Nike shox tl 1 2 3 III, nike shox
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replica shoes, nike trainers, nike sneakers, nike running, nike
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women"s shoes, nike mens, nike womens, men, women, nike shoes
Sneakers,AIR FORCE ONE 1)- Nike Air Dunk:Nike Dunk , Nike Dunks, Nike
Air Dunk, Nike Air Dunks, Nike Dunks Dunk low,Nike Air Dunks Dunk
High , Nike Dunk mid Shoes.
Nike Sale(NIKE SHOES WHOLESALE ,NIKE shoes Sale,Air Jordan
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Sport shoes, Customs Shoes, Custom design, Trainers, Sneakers,
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Import, Export, Trading, Retail, sell, buy, distribution, shop, store,
stocks, cheap, discount, company, wholesaler, traider, market,
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our product are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price.
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TOPIC: Cash Back Credit Cards

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Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 10:14 am
From: Dennis

On Tue, 14 Aug 2007 21:29:09 -0700, "NR" <> wrote:

>Citi Bank cut the cash back they give their card holders for gas, food and
>drug store purchases from 5% to 2%. It looks like most other credit card
>companies are no longer offering 5% cash back on these types of purchases or
>are offering 5% for only a limited time. Or they offer 5% for purchases in
>less popular categories and rotate the categories every 3 months or so.
>Discover Card does this and based on the categories I've seen I would be
>much better off always getting 5% or even 3% on gas, food and drugstore
>purchases instead of the Discover rotating categories.
>Does anyone know of any credit cards still offering 5% cash back for gas,
>food and drug store purchases? The best I've seen is 3%.

Discover offers a gas card that gives 5% cashback. However, the 5%
rate is only applied to the first $1200 worth of gas purchases each
year (i.e., max $60 cashback per year at the higher rate), then it
drops to a lower rate.

I use about 400 gallons of gas per year commuting, so I just max out
the benefit. YMMV ;-)

Dennis (evil)
I'm behind the eight ball, ahead of the curve, riding the wave,
dodging the bullet and pushing the envelope. -George Carlin

TOPIC: Long Distance carrier advice -- Yes, again

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Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 10:54 am
From: imascot wrote in

> On Aug 12, 8:53 pm, Gene S. Berkowitz <> wrote:
>> I continue to be happy with ECG. 3.5 cents/minute for LD, slightly
>> higher for intra-state. They do pass along the Universal Service Fee, at
>> 9.1% of your call total.
>> --Gene
> ECG looks fantastic. Unfortunately, they don't offer service in my
> area. :>(
> PowerNet seems to want my social security number, at least in the
> couple of "resellers" I found. Not going to happen.
> Any other ideas.?
Here's a comparison site which I used to find my LD carrier. Don't know about the SS thing. Some of
these co.'s drop any monthly fee in exchange for online-only billing. I did this, we hardly ever make
LD calls, but when we do, I don't want to have to pay a monthly fee just to have it, dial long strings,
locate the card, etc.



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