Thursday, August 16, 2007

7 new messages in 6 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* My swamp cooler / box fan . . . review - 1 messages, 1 author
* "Me" generation marriages.. - 1 messages, 1 author
* Bump on the road to a free iPod - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Motivating high-school students to join college - 1 messages, 1 author
* Milenko Kindl pxpxpxpxpxpx - 1 messages, 1 author
* Who loves ya, Rush? - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: My swamp cooler / box fan . . . review

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 7:49 pm
From: "Tockk"

Wow . . . now that's what I call a post . . .

TOPIC: "Me" generation marriages..

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 8:13 pm
From: barbie gee

On Wed, 15 Aug 2007, Logan Shaw wrote:

> Rudy Canoza wrote:
>> Bill wrote:
>>> They say those in their 20's are the "me" generation. (Very selfish, only
>>> think about themselves, etc.) [snip remainder of big steaming load...]
>> Well, that's funny - that's what people in their 40s and up were saying
>> about people in their 20s back in the 1970s when I was in my 20s.
> Funny, when I saw the words "'me' generation", those are the exact numbers
> I thought of -- people who were in their 20's in the 1970's.

I kept wondering who is Bill (OP) considering as "they", and who are these
folks he's observing, under what circumstances?

maybe he means "Generation Me", as described here;?
(the offspring of the original Me Generation folks)

TOPIC: Bump on the road to a free iPod

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 9:14 pm
From: Gordon

"AllEmailDeletedImmediately" <> wrote in news:rJ1wi.3601

> "Gordon" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns9987D88B3ED28greederxprtnet@
>> Hit my first bump on the road to getting a free iPod out of
>> Key Bank. My employer won't split up my direct deposit
>> between two banks. So now I have to figure out how to get
>> $200.00 into the account without getting hit with a $5.00
>> Teller charge, or a wire transfer fee, or an ATM fee. Hmmmm.
> deposit it all to key and then withdraw?

That's what's going to happen.
I have a few "starter checks" that Key gave me when I
set up the account. That will take care of the withdrawal.
I'll leave enough in the Key bank account to cover a $100.00
automatic payment.

But finding a payment of over $100 is
going to be an issue. Let's see: Electric? no. Gas? no.
Phone, internet, cable TV? No, no and no. Cell phone? no.

I'm starting to see some drawbacks to this frugal lifestyle.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 10:17 pm
From: Logan Shaw

Gordon wrote:
> That's what's going to happen.
> I have a few "starter checks" that Key gave me when I
> set up the account. That will take care of the withdrawal.
> I'll leave enough in the Key bank account to cover a $100.00
> automatic payment.
> But finding a payment of over $100 is
> going to be an issue. Let's see: Electric? no. Gas? no.
> Phone, internet, cable TV? No, no and no. Cell phone? no.
> Hmm...
> I'm starting to see some drawbacks to this frugal lifestyle.

Just pick the largest bill and make a payment of $100. You'll
have a credit on the account, but you'll eventually use that up.

- Logan

TOPIC: Motivating high-school students to join college

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 9:14 pm
From: Shawn Hirn

In article <>,

> clams casino <> wrote:
> >I'd place networking ahead of a degree and thirdly experience.
> Interesting idea!
> So you feel that networking trumps even education and
> work experience?
> And that "who you know" is THE most important factor in
> success in work world?

Networking is very important, but its hard to paint with a wide brush to
say its more (or less) important than a college education to advance
one's career. It really depends on the individual situation.

For example, a medical doctor in private practice probably can get away
with minimal professional networking, but as an IT specialist, I find
networking is essential to my work and maintaining job security. My
education has definitely helped me network because a lot of my most key
acquaintances are people who I met in college. Most colleges and
universities have a very active alumni association where graduates can
get together to network. Some of the contacts I made many years ago when
I was in school have helped me greatly in my career advancement and
there is no way that would have happened if I didn't get a college
education AND make the effort to get to know people.

TOPIC: Milenko Kindl pxpxpxpxpxpx

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 9:24 pm
From: "Irish Mike"

Please post the same message another three times - it makes you seem so much

Irish Mike

"Ludi Duke" <> wrote in message
> Milenko Kindl
> Hospital officials in northwestern Iraq have told TIME that the death
> toll from Tuesday's blasts in Qahataniya may exceed 300, making the
> multiple suicide bombings the deadliest terrorist operation in the
> country since the fall of Saddam Hussein. One hospital is saying that
> there are at least 500 bodies and that 375 people are injured. That
> report, however, cannot yet be verified. The only previous occasion
> when the toll from concerted attacks has exceeded 200 was last
> November, when six car-bombs in Baghdad's Sadr City killed 215 people.
> If the toll in the Qataniya incident grows, it could become the worst
> terrorist incident since al-Qaeda's September 11, 2001 attack on the
> U.S. (The Beslan massacre in Russia in September 2004 came to
> approximately 330, about half of the total children).
> Since then, the massive "surge" of U.S. and Iraqi troops in and around
> Baghdad has made the Iraqi capital safer than before from such
> bombings - but terrorist groups have stepped up attacks elsewhere.
> There have been a number of attacks in northern Iraq, which had
> enjoyed a long spell of peace before the start of the "surge."
> Tuesday's bombings were also a reminder that even successful U.S.
> military operations can have a short shelf life - a sobering thought
> for Bush Administration officials and independent analysts who have
> recently been talking up the successes of the "surge." After all, the
> area around Qahataniya was the scene of a major anti-insurgent
> operation barely two years ago. In the fall of 2005, some 8,000
> American and Iraqi troops flushed a terrorist group out of the nearby
> town of Tal Afar in an operation that was a precursor to the "clear,
> hold and build" strategy that underpins the current "surge." A few
> months later, President Bush cited Tal Afar as a success story for the
> U.S. enterprise in Iraq.
> There have been several attacks in and around Tal Afar since then;
> last March, two truck bombs killed more than 100 people in a Shi'ite
> neighborhood in the town. The bombings in Qahataniya were a deadly
> reminder that the terrorists have not gone very far away.
> The U.S. military said al-Qaeda was the prime suspect; some Iraqi
> government officials fingered Ansar al-Sunnah, which has links to al-
> Qaeda and has long been active in northern Iraq. Early reports suggest
> the majority of the victims were Yazidis, a pre-Islamic sect in Syria
> and northern Iraq.
> Throughout history, Yazidis have faced persecution because an
> archangel they worship as a representative of God is often identified
> by Muslims (and some Christians) as Satan. Branded as devil
> worshipers, they are detested by extremists on both sides of Iraq's
> sectarian divide.
> The Yazidis have their own extremists: earlier this year, members of
> the community stoned to death a young woman they accused of converting
> to Sunni Islam to marry her lover. A widely distributed video of the
> stoning inflamed Sunni sentiments; in retaliation, insurgents executed
> 23 Yazidi factory workers near Mosul. With reporting by Andrew Lee
> Butters

TOPIC: Who loves ya, Rush?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2007 11:34 pm
From: Robert

On Aug 12, 4:28 am, bearc...@cruller.invalid wrote:
> The unique Rush Limbaugh audience. Salt o' the earth. The kind of
> dependable, everyday amurrican guy you want for a neighbor. The story
> doesn't say, but how much you want to bet he has a flag sticker and a
> support-our-troops magnet on his car? Representing those who spew hate
> for immigrants, other poor people, liberals, Democrats and feminazis:
> <,4670,ODDLivinginCar,00.html>

Not many people hate immigrants. Most people are anti-illegal
immigrant for good reasons.



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