Thursday, October 11, 2007

25 new messages in 7 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Bush To Let Illegal Aliens Get $40 Digital TV Coupons - 4 messages, 2
* Aldi's grocery store: All high carb foods?! - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Fried chicken restaurant GREED! - 2 messages, 2 authors
* accept paypal sell sports shoes cloth handbag sunglasse - 1 messages, 1
* Worried about your wedding speech? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Restaurant coupon issue - how SHOULD I have reacted? - 6 messages, 3 authors
* What happened to surface mail shipping overseas? - 7 messages, 3 authors

TOPIC: Bush To Let Illegal Aliens Get $40 Digital TV Coupons

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 11:33 am
From: "Jerry Okamura"

"Anthony Matonak" <> wrote in message
> Jerry Okamura wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>>> Your boss was obviously an idiot. Suppose an employee came to the
>>> boss and said "Every 10th widget that comes off the assembly line has
>>> cracks in it and is going in the scrap pile." According to the
>>> boss, that does very little good because the employee doesn't have a
>>> solution to the problem.
>> Yes, because the boss may not have a solution to the problem either, so
>> telling him about the problem does not solve the problem.
> No problem was ever solved until it was first discovered.
And it still does not get solved unless someone has a solution.....

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 11:36 am
From: "Jerry Okamura"

"Thanatos" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> wrote:
>> On Oct 10, 1:57 pm, "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote:
>> > "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > > In article <470c2a86$0$7506$>,
>> > > "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote:
>> >
>> > >> I asked for what someone would suggest we do about the problem.
>> > >> Do you have a workable plan?
>> >
>> > > Not the point. You're bascially saying, "Yeah, there's a problem but
>> > > until someone tells me how it can be solved (at which point I will do
>> > > my
>> > > damndest to torpedo whatever they come up with), nothing should be
>> > > done
>> > > at all."
>> >
>> > I had a boss who told me once, you know every Tom, Dick and Harry can
>> > tell
>> > me about what they see as a problem. It does very little good to hear
>> > about
>> > a problem if they do not have a solution to the perceived problem.
>> Your boss was obviously an idiot. Suppose an employee came to the
>> boss and said "Every 10th widget that comes off the assembly line has
>> cracks in it and is going in the scrap pile." According to the
>> boss, that does very little good because the employee doesn't have a
>> solution to the problem.
>> If you
>> > believe that something is a problem and you have no solution to solving
>> > the
>> > problem, then the problem will never go away....because SOMEONE has to
>> > come
>> > up with a solution.
>> Regarding the illegal immigration problem, there are obvious
>> solutions. The only problem is, no one has the political will to
>> implement them. Primarily because they are all afraid of being
>> branded as racists, similar to what you see trying to be done in this
>> thread.
>> Solutions:
>> Have guest worker permits that allow foreigners to work here legally
>> for a limited time. Bush proposed this 5 years ago and it got shot
>> down by everyone.
>> Then enforce penalties against employers that hire illegal aliens.
>> Increase the penalties where appropriate. Once there are no jobs for
>> illegals, they'll stop coming.
>> Allow and encourage police at all levels to report illegal aliens that
>> they encounter.
>> Deport those that are found
> Don't forget cutting off all federal funding to any city, county or
> state that undermines federal law by implementing "sanctuary" policies.

and if they won't be intimidated by such tactics, then what?

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 12:23 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Jerry Okamura <> wrote:
> "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
>> In article <470d7468$0$9534$>,
>> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote:
>>> <> wrote in message
>>>> On Oct 10, 1:57 pm, "Jerry Okamura" <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I had a boss who told me once, you know every Tom, Dick and
>>>>> Harry can tell me about what they see as a problem. It does
>>>>> very little good to hear about a problem if they do not have
>>>>> a solution to the perceived problem.
>>>> Your boss was obviously an idiot. Suppose an employee came to the
>>>> boss and said "Every 10th widget that comes off the assembly line
>>>> has cracks in it and is going in the scrap pile." According to the
>>>> boss, that does very little good because the employee doesn't have
>>>> a solution to the problem.
>>> Yes, because the boss may not have a solution to the problem
>>> either, so telling him about the problem does not solve the problem.
>> But according to your logic (or your brilliant boss's logic), the
>> worker who discovered the problem shouldn't even mention it unless
>> he has a solution ready to go.
> That is not what my boss or I said. Problems are just that problems.
> Problems with a solution that works, become non problems. Problems
> with no solution, remain problems.
>>>> Then enforce penalties against employers that hire illegal aliens.
>>>> Increase the penalties where appropriate. Once there are no jobs
>>>> for illegals, they'll stop coming.
>>> That also is not a bad idea, but it ain't going to solve the
>>> problem. First because you cannot possibly stop businesses from
>>> hiring these people.
>> You can't stop people from murdering each other, either. But we still
>> have laws against it and we enforce those laws when people break
>> them.
> No we do not enforce the laws when people murder someone. We enforce
> the law when we catch them, and we prove that the did indeed commit
> the crime. Besides, you said that it will stop them from coming. It
> will not stop them from coming. It "may" deter some from coming, but
> it will not stop them from coming.
>> And just to head off the lackbrain that will inevitably chime in
>> that he can't believe I'm comparing/equating illegal immigration to
>> murder, I'm not. Read very slowly and carefully and you'll discover
>> that I'm not actually making a comparison or an equivalency at all.
>>>> Allow and encourage police at all levels to report illegal
>>>> aliens that they encounter.
>>> Not a bad idea, but it won't happen.
>> So basically trader was right: there are solutions, there's just no
>> political will to implement them.
> Well, actually there is one sure fire solution, that is to figure out
> a way, and have the politcial will to act. That is to change the
> dymanic at work. People come to this country illegally because they
> believe that they have a shot at living a better life here than the
> country where they come from. The "real" solution to the problem is to back solutions that will improve their chances
> of living the life
> they want to live in the country where they come from....then you
> would not have them wanting to leave in the first place.

Trouble is that there are no 'solutions' that will actually do that.

They clearly arent even capable of doing what china has
done, and even with china, there are still hordes of chinese
that would move to the US for precisely the reason you list
above, if the US would allow that, right now.

> The other is to throw in jail anyone who breaks our law and enters this coutnry illegally (you can deport them after
> they serve their sentence).

Makes absolutely no sense to be giving them a holiday in jail where
their standard of living would be higher than where they came from.

> That makes just about anyone think twice before entering this country illegally.

Its a nice theory, but the reality is that plenty chose to leave Vietnam etc
when there was a very real risk of death in the process and you still see
that with those choosing to leave Cuba in pathetically inadequate boats
etc that sees some of them end up dead every year.

The reality is that jail is no real deterrence for most of them.

And a very real risk of death doesnt stop North Koreans heading into China.

> And if you combine that with lousy living conditions, and something like working in a chain gang, it will reinforce
> the message that this is the price you pay for entering this coutnry illegally.

See above.

> And it would be even better if you increased the time in prison if you are caught again entering this coutnry
> illegally, and it increases every time you do enter this country illegally. Will that cost this country money to do,
> yes it will.

It would be a hell of a lot cheaper to just continue to give them
the free services they get now and wont have much effect on
the numbers, essentially because jail in the US is STILL better
than where they come from for so many of them.

> Do we want to solve the problem on the cheap, would be my answer to those who say that.

What you propose wouldnt solve the problem, so its just a much
more expensive way of doing what wont achieve anything.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 12:40 pm
From: "Rod Speed" wrote:
> On Oct 11, 12:49 am, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> On Oct 10, 10:24 pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Oct 10, 1:57 pm, "Jerry Okamura" <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> In article <470c2a86$0$7506$>,
>>>>>>> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I asked for what someone would suggest we do about the problem.
>>>>>>>> Do you have a workable plan?
>>>>>>> Not the point. You're bascially saying, "Yeah, there's a problem
>>>>>>> but until someone tells me how it can be solved (at which point
>>>>>>> I will do my damndest to torpedo whatever they come up with),
>>>>>>> nothing should be done at all."
>>>>>> I had a boss who told me once, you know every Tom, Dick and Harry
>>>>>> can tell me about what they see as a problem. It does very
>>>>>> little good to hear about a problem if they do not have a
>>>>>> solution to the perceived problem.
>>>>> Your boss was obviously an idiot. Suppose an employee came to
>>>>> the boss and said "Every 10th widget that comes off the assembly
>>>>> line has cracks in it and is going in the scrap pile."
>>>>> According to the boss, that does very little good because the
>>>>> employee doesn't have a solution to the problem.
>>>>> If you
>>>>>> believe that something is a problem and you have no solution to
>>>>>> solving the problem, then the problem will never go
>>>>>> away....because SOMEONE has to come up with a solution.
>>>>> Regarding the illegal immigration problem, there are obvious
>>>>> solutions. The only problem is, no one has the political will to
>>>>> implement them. Primarily because they are all afraid of being
>>>>> branded as racists, similar to what you see trying to be done in
>>>>> this thread.
>>>>> Solutions:
>>>>> Have guest worker permits that allow foreigners to work here
>>>>> legally for a limited time. Bush proposed this 5 years ago and
>>>>> it got shot down by everyone.
>>>>> Then enforce penalties against employers that hire illegal aliens.
>>>>> Increase the penalties where appropriate. Once there are no jobs
>>>>> for illegals, they'll stop coming.
>>>>> Allow and encourage police at all levels to report illegal aliens
>>>>> that they encounter.
>>>>> Deport those that are found
>>>>> Get working on high tech solutions to manage the border. Surely
>>>>> with satellites, drone aircraft, sensor on the ground and the
>>>>> like, we can make it extremely difficult to get across the
>>>>> border. In fact, this would solve much of our problem in Iraq.
>>>> Nope, the cost of doing that is unaffordable and you would
>>>> need FAR more apes in boots than you have there now too.
>>> Unaffordable?
>> Yep, unaffordable.
>>> We're spending hundreds of billions of dollars on Iraq.
>> That would have to continue too.

> It could continue, but the same or lesser money could cover closing the borders,

Nope, not when just gunning down anyone who trys to cross it wont work.

> because if you could reduce the terrorist attacks that are
> primarily lethal because of imported shaped charges from Iraq,

Nope, they'd just change over to using what is available
in Iraq even if you did manage perfect border control.

> there is a good chance the war could be wound down

Pure fantasy. They mostly dont use shaped charges when they
blow each other up and that wont be stopping any decade soon.

> and we could reduce our presence and cost.

Pure fantasy.

> Unless you want it to go on forever.

What I want is completely irrelevant, what you propose just wont work.

Just like Vietnam didnt either.

>>> It will be into the trillions before it's over.
>> That will happen anyway.
>>> And investing in cheap aircraft like drones,
>>> as well as some land sensors is too much?
>> Yep, because that alone wont do a damned thing, you
>> have to have gorillas in boots with guns to do something
>> about those who choose to cross those borders.
>>> Nice that you refer to our men in uniforms as apes.
>> Thats what they are.

> And stupid comments like this, calling US troops apes, is why you
> have the reputation here that you do. And why you have to keep
> using new identies, because so many have you kill filed as a jerk

Fuck all do.

>>> Really shows a lot about who you are and what your values are.
>> Just another of your silly little drug crazed fantasys.
>>> And in the case of Iraq, which is a war zone,
>>> who says you need men on the ground?
>> Iraq wont accept the US gunning down anyone who moves across the
>> border from the air.

> Really? How do you know that?

They've already said that they're sick of the non military
goons gunning down anyone they feel like executing.

> Have you asked them?

Dont need to if you have a clue.

> And how about if we told them it was either that or we leave?

They'll just tell you to leave. Just like Vietnam did.

>>> Anyone seen trying to cross borders anywhere other
>>> than authorized checkpoints can be taken out by a
>>> missle from a drone, an airstrike from a fighter,

>> And the first time that is a car full of kids/refugees etc, there
>> goes any hope of ever getting the elected Iraqis to allow that.

> Who says the "elected Iraqis" have to agree to it?

Because if you clowns do whatever you feel
like doing, you'll end up with another Vietnam.

> Bush has been a complete idiot for this allowing this deference
> to the "elected Iraqis to go on for as long as it has. This past
> summer, these shit heads took the summr off for vacation.
> Any decent president would have told them if they do that, the
> US troops are leaving. So, I see no problem with a president
> with some brains and balls telling the Iraqis either accept tight
> border securtiy, where anyone crossing illegally may be killed, or
> the US goes home. Either way, my proposal solves the problem.

No it doesnt when it wouldnt make any difference to who gets blown up.

Just another mindlessly superficial proposal that not only wont
actually achieve a damned thing except to piss off all the rest of
the Iraqis that do currently support a US presence in their country.

Have you the remotest concept of how many Iraqis have chosen
to cross that border on the way out because of what a complete
and utter obscenity the US invasion of their country has produced ?

What you propose would just execute any of those that attempt to return.

>>> With today's technology, none of that is far fetched.

>> The problem aint the technology, stupid.

>>> What's needed is some shift in budget from fighting using conventional
>>> tactics to alternative means, ie technology to secure borders.

>> Wont do a damned thing about the fools killing people inside the country.

> Again, obviously you are completely ignorant of the facts.

You wouldnt know what a fact was if it bit you on your lard arse.

> The devices causing the most casulaties to US troops


>>>>> If you can secure the borders,
>>>> Have you the remotest concept of how much border Iraq actually has
>>>> ?
>>> Have you the remotest idea of how far the moon is? We went there
>>> and back 3 decades ago. The same technology that did that, gave
>>> us stealth aircraft, and satellites that can read license plates can
>>> surely put in place high tech solutions to monitor borders a hell
>>> of a lot better than it's being done now. The CIA put a missle up
>>> the ass end of a car in the Sudan from a drone, after actually
>>> identifying the occupants, didn't they? And Iraq is particulalry
>>> easy because it ain't a jungle, to get in there you have to cross
>>> mostly open desert.
>> Pity about the elected Iraqis actually allowing the US to kill
>> anyone they like.
>>>>> then no more explosives and terrorists would be coming in to Iraq
>>>> Pure fantasy. Even an Iraeli type wall wouldnt achieve that.
>>>>> and what explosives they have would be used up in short order.
>>>> Pure fantasy given what happened when Iraq army was shut
>>>> down and what happened to all the stuff they had at that time.
>>> If you read the news instead of the funny papers, you;d know that
>>> most of the deaths being inflicted on US troops are from modern
>>> shaped charges that cut through vehicle armor, which are coming
>>> from Iran, not from some left over crap that Sadam had.
>> And if the borders were made completely secure, they'd just change
>> over to using what was left after Sadam scuttled off to his rat hole.-

> Again, obviously you are completely ignorant of the facts.

You wouldnt know what a fact was if it bit you on your lard arse.

> The devices causing the most casulaties to US troops


> You can't make them from mortars, or shells. Plus, not
> only weapons, but terrorists cionducting many of the
> attackes are also coming into Iraq via the borders.

Iraqis that have left the country because of the
utter obscenity that the US has produced in spades.

Gunning those down when they attempt to return to their country
is a GREAT way of ensuring that what Iraqis continue to support
a US presence in their country will continue to do so. What a fool.

> And like our dumb political leaders, you completely miss the point.

You in spades.

> If some high tech solutions were applied to border control, we
> could likely do a better job of securing critical borders everywhere.

Nope, because gunning down anyone who dares to cross it aint a viable approach, fool.

> In the UK, after the latest terrorist attack, in a matter of hours, with
> only a license plate number, police could tell where that car had been
> on many of their highways. That wasn't from reviewing some videos
> my time. It came straight from a database where character
> recognition together with cameras on the highways goes straight into a
> database, with no human intervention.

Pity that didnt do a damned thing to prevent it happening in the first place.

In spades with the london bombings, fool.

<reams of your puerile shit flushed where it belongs>

Just another terminal fuckwit thats never ever had a fucking clue about anything at all, ever.

TOPIC: Aldi's grocery store: All high carb foods?!

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 11:39 am
From: "Chloe"

<> wrote in message
> We have a local Aldi grocery store that everyone raves
> abt low prices
> So I went there last night and looked around. It
> seemed to me that all of this low priced food was VERY
> high in carbs and sugar. many factory made things.
> Anyone else have this same feeling abt Aldi's? Maybe
> its just me or something.

Fresh produce, dairy products, canned vegetables, fruits and cupboard
staples, fresh and frozen meats...sorry, but it's just you. You might do
better if you went in with a list of basic foods you use, look to see if
Aldi carries them, and compare ounce-for-ounce pricing. I can tell you I've
never had to use their quality guarantee: I've never bought anything there I
was dissatisfied with.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 11:43 am
From: barbie gee

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007, Zuke wrote:

> On Thu, 11 Oct 2007, wrote:
>> We have a local Aldi grocery store that everyone raves
>> abt low prices
>> So I went there last night and looked around. It
>> seemed to me that all of this low priced food was VERY
>> high in carbs and sugar. many factory made things.
>> Anyone else have this same feeling abt Aldi's? Maybe
>> its just me or something.
> Every Aldi's I have been in have a produce section so I'd
> say "NO". If people want to eat the high carb and sugar
> stuff who is to say they shouldn't.
> I'm of the opinion is that it is not what you eat but how
> much of it.

you have to read the labels, but I do that at "regular" grocery stores, as
well. Once you know the product line, it's not that hard to shop well and
nutritiously there.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 12:57 pm
From: George wrote:
> We have a local Aldi grocery store that everyone raves
> abt low prices
> So I went there last night and looked around. It
> seemed to me that all of this low priced food was VERY
> high in carbs and sugar. many factory made things.
> Anyone else have this same feeling abt Aldi's? Maybe
> its just me or something.

Actually its no different than any other store. They have the junk food
arranged to get your attention when you first enter but have real food
in the store.

The only disappointing thing about them is that the local ones put in
meat cases and now carry the Walmart style embalmed "fresh" meat.

TOPIC: Fried chicken restaurant GREED!

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 11:36 am
From: "Chloe"

"Bill" <> wrote in message
>I usually eat at home, but was too worn out to cook and stopped at the
>fried chicken place on the way home. Been a while since I have been there
>as their prices are so high.

I don't buy fast food fried chicken unless I have a coupon or it's on some
kind of sale. The exception is occasionally at Popeye's, where I ended up
spending something like $7 recently for a couple pieces of chicken and two
sides. I know food prices are skyrocketing but I agree with you, there are
too many other better options for that kind of money.

The home-town grocery chain's ready-to-eat whole chickens have been
shrinking in size and are often overcooked and dried out. Sam's Club sells a
large, perfectly roasted bird for $4.99, the same price as the grocery's
smaller one. Aldi also carries the refrigerated Tyson whole roasted chickens
for the same price, if you want to keep one on hand in the freezer for those
times when standing in line at Sam's behind someone stocking up for their
restaurant seems too discouraging <g>.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 12:28 pm
From: Zuke

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007, Chloe wrote:

> "Bill" <> wrote in message
>> I usually eat at home, but was too worn out to cook and stopped at the
>> fried chicken place on the way home. Been a while since I have been there
>> as their prices are so high.
> <snip>
> I don't buy fast food fried chicken unless I have a coupon or it's on some
> kind of sale. The exception is occasionally at Popeye's, where I ended up
> spending something like $7 recently for a couple pieces of chicken and two
> sides. I know food prices are skyrocketing but I agree with you, there are
> too many other better options for that kind of money.
> The home-town grocery chain's ready-to-eat whole chickens have been
> shrinking in size and are often overcooked and dried out. Sam's Club sells a
> large, perfectly roasted bird for $4.99, the same price as the grocery's
> smaller one. Aldi also carries the refrigerated Tyson whole roasted chickens
> for the same price, if you want to keep one on hand in the freezer for those
> times when standing in line at Sam's behind someone stocking up for their
> restaurant seems too discouraging <g>.

I went in to a Popeye's last night with a buy a three piece get a two
piece. I told them it was "for here". The clerk looked at me with
big eyes and asked "are you going to eat all of that"? I told them
"No, the two piece is for my daughter" and they were real nice and
wrapped it up in a to go box.

TOPIC: accept paypal sell sports shoes cloth handbag sunglasse

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 11:54 am
From: ""

We can supply many kinds of Nike shoes air jordan,bape star,AF1,nike
dunk,nike shox,timbland,puma,air maxand clothings
coat,hoody,jacket,jean,shirt,sweat,T-shirt to the USA,
Canada,Germany,Australia ,the UK and Italy. Authentic shoes are
available for prompt shipment. There are shoes in stock now for
prompt safe shipment by air Express.

The delivery time is max. seven days.
payment: paypal,western union,wire transfer
The size is 8 to 13 US size. If you are interested in any styles of
our shipments,
please feel free to let us know or leave your Email address on line,
so that
we can contact you directly. If your shoes and clothes from us you
will get
best price from us.

1) Box coming with retro cards
2) Colours: pink, red, violet, blue brand sneakers with small and big
3) We have obtained a good reputation among our clients
4) Our main markets: the USA, UK, ,European countries
5) Our shipping time is in seven business days
6) payment:paypal,western union,wire transfer

TOPIC: Worried about your wedding speech?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 12:14 pm
From: joshusa

It's great to find a group of people I can relate to. My wedding was a
very stressful time for me which is a shame because weddings should be
enjoyed to the fullest. I worried the most about my speech because it
is so very important and would be recorded for everyone to see in the

"Your wedding should be the most worry-free, stress-free, and joyful
day of your life."

Wedding speeches don't have to be as hard as you think. With a little
research and advice they can flow quite easily.
I've got a blog with tips and advice for your wedding speech, and I
hope by reading it, others will be helped and not have to worry so
much about their speech when the BIG DAY arrives! Check it out at .

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 12:58 pm
From: clams casino

joshusa spammed:

>It's great to find a group of people I can relate to.

Hint - nobody here wants to read your SPAM .

TOPIC: Restaurant coupon issue - how SHOULD I have reacted?

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 12:18 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"Goomba38" <> wrote in message
> Don K wrote:
>> No the issue was caused by you. Your coupon said 2 combo meals. You
>> ordered something else. You can't negotiate for something different over
>> the phone with someone who does not fully understand what you're talking
>> about.
>> When you got to the restaurant you should have clarified whether the
>> coupon
>> would still apply even with the substitutions, before you ordered. Then
>> you would have a case if they didn't do what they agreed to
>> IMO, be thankful you didn't overreact and make a fool of yourself.
>> Don
> I think it was certainly easier for OhioGuy's wife to act all bravada and
> say what he should have done, considering she said it away from the actual
> confrontation.
> I think OhioGuy made the mistake of not clarifying the coupon issue before
> eating...and wonder if he's so cheap (like his wife's father sounded) and
> stiffed them on the tip too? Did he know to tip on the value of the entire
> meal costs before the discounted coupon?

op: I left a decent tip for what the full price would
normally be.

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 12:20 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"George Grapman" <> wrote in message
> On a related note I never buy into deals that require me to show the
> coupon when the meal is ordered. If you are truly getting two for one they
> should not need to know you have it before it is prepared.

i've often wondered if they somehow skimped on the meals that ordered
with a coupon. or maybe they just wanted to be sure there were no
problems with fulfillment.

== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 1:04 pm
From: "OhioGuy"

> You should check deep in the pocket of your wife's >purse and retrieve
> your testicles, but be sure to ask her >permission first or she will dope
> slap you.

Says the man who never talks to his wife before doing anything. Don't
bring me down, man, just for considering other people.

Seriously, my wife said that her Dad always did this sort of thing, and
even paid proportionally less if the food wasn't prepared to his liking.
While he NEVER let anyone take advantage of him, she said it also made it
rather unpleasant to go out to eat with him.

I'm just not that picky. If the food and atmosphere are good, I'm quite
happy to pay a reasonable amount. In this case, however, the amount I was
being asked to pay was twice what I was expecting.

== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 1:07 pm
From: "OhioGuy"

>Was somebody holding down your wife so she couldn't
>speak up? Point out to your wife that she lives in OHIO >and not

Uhh ... I think women need to go to the bathroom there, too. We were in
quite the hurry so she could go to a lecture about the Wizard of Oz. I was
on the way up to pay the bill before I noticed the price discrepancy, while
she put some food in a doggie bag and went to the bathroom. When I left
her, even I didn't know about the price issue.

== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 1:31 pm
From: "OhioGuy"

You know that every Mexican restaurant is pretty much the same as every
other. If you order a #4 at El Gringo it will be the same as a #4

The difference is that the combo meals here are NOT numbered. You have
about 10 things to choose from, and you choose 2. Then you also get refried
beans and rice.

I think several things added to the confusion.

1) They recently changed their combo meals from 3 items to 2

2) They did away with the numbers

3) The guy on the phone finally repeated everything to me A - OK at the end,
so I thought I was getting two combo meals - specifically what I asked for,
so that the coupon would be accepted

4) We were in a hurry, and thus called ahead to make sure the food was
waiting when we got there

5) they kept changing stories at the cash register - first it was ok, we'll
take the coupon. Then it was "oh, sorry, this coupon is no good". Then
"ok, we'll give you $5 for the coupon".

As I said, we were already in a hurry, and I just wanted out of there by

Yes, I did leave a $4 plus tip. I did work at a fast food restaurant
once, so I try to leave 20%. I remember what it was like, just getting
pocket change, no tip, or just a dollar or two.

And no, the only trolling I've ever done was out on Lake Erie, and then
again down in the Gulf of Mexico. I've also had a pet rock, but hopefully
I'm not as dumb as one.

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 1:35 pm
From: Dennis

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 19:20:20 GMT, "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"
<> wrote:

>"George Grapman" <> wrote in message
>> On a related note I never buy into deals that require me to show the
>> coupon when the meal is ordered. If you are truly getting two for one they
>> should not need to know you have it before it is prepared.
>i've often wondered if they somehow skimped on the meals that ordered
>with a coupon.

Or maybe they added a little something extra ...

Dennis (evil)
"There is a fine line between participation and mockery" - Wally

TOPIC: What happened to surface mail shipping overseas?

== 1 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 12:33 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"clams casino" <> wrote in message
> AllEmailDeletedImmediately wrote:

>>did you contact the usps to verify that comic books cannot be sent media
>>mail before posting? you're the one claiming he's cheating. maybe he
>>contacted them and was told it was fine.
> did you contact the usps to verify that comic books can be sent media
> mail before posting? maybe he
> contacted them and was told it was not allowed.
it's a simple question, but you didn't answer it, so i guess not. perhaps,
since you insist on challenging him, you should find out and let us all know
for sure, because comics could be a gray area. i don't read them, so i
no idea what's in them. and i don't work for the post office (and neither
you, i'd guess). so perhaps you can check it out, and if he's wrong, track
down his location and let the post offices there know that they need to
checking all media mail contents because they have some guy mailing loads
of comic books out as media mail. then they'll catch him and you can rest
at night.

== 2 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 12:38 pm
From: "OhioGuy"

>did you contact the usps to verify that comic books >cannot be sent media
>mail before posting? you're the >one claiming he's cheating. maybe he
>contacted them >and was told it was fine.

Bingo. I talked to my friendly neighborhood postal clerk, and was told
that for comic books, I could send them either Media Mail or boung printed

I was told, however, that if I was shipping anything that was in the
majority *advertising*, then it would have to be media mail.

I think realistically, they realize now that loads of things *INCLUDE*
advertising, but are not advertising. Get the difference? I guess it could
be vague to some people, so here goes:

A flier advertising Dan Quayle for president would be advertising

A comic book that happened to have an ad inside would NOT be advertising,
even though it likely includes it.

== 3 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 12:53 pm
From: clams casino

AllEmailDeletedImmediately wrote:

>"clams casino" <> wrote in message
>>AllEmailDeletedImmediately wrote:
>>>did you contact the usps to verify that comic books cannot be sent media
>>>mail before posting? you're the one claiming he's cheating. maybe he
>>>contacted them and was told it was fine.
>>did you contact the usps to verify that comic books can be sent media
>>mail before posting? maybe he
>>contacted them and was told it was not allowed.
>it's a simple question, but you didn't answer it, so i guess not. perhaps,
>since you insist on challenging him, you should find out and let us all know
>for sure, because comics could be a gray area. i don't read them, so i
>no idea what's in them. and i don't work for the post office (and neither
>you, i'd guess). so perhaps you can check it out, and if he's wrong, track
>down his location and let the post offices there know that they need to
>checking all media mail contents because they have some guy mailing loads
>of comic books out as media mail. then they'll catch him and you can rest
>at night.

It's a simple question, but you didn't answer it. I guess not. Perhaps,
since you insist on challenging me, you should find out and let us all know
for sure, because comics could be a gray area. I haven't read them in many years, but they always had ads. I don't work for the post office (and neither do you, I'd guess). Perhaps you can check it out. If I'm wrong, inform us all. Then, you can sleep at night.

For your information, the PO does spot check media mail contents because they have many guys mailing loads
of non media items as media mail. Ever notice the stamp the PO typically applies to media mail concerning the PO's right to inspect items shipped as media?

I'm surprised you don't read comic books considering your 4th-grade grammatical skills.

== 4 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 12:56 pm
From: clams casino

OhioGuy wrote:

>>did you contact the usps to verify that comic books >cannot be sent media
>>mail before posting? you're the >one claiming he's cheating. maybe he
>>contacted them >and was told it was fine.
> Bingo. I talked to my friendly neighborhood postal clerk, and was told
>that for comic books, I could send them either Media Mail or boung printed
> I was told, however, that if I was shipping anything that was in the
>majority *advertising*, then it would have to be media mail.

It's obviously that you have been incorrectly advised.

== 5 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 12:55 pm
From: "OhioGuy"

>It sounds like you going to convince yourself of >whatever suits you, but
>again, media mail cannot contain >any advertising other then book
>annoucements, USPS is >clear about this, here is a more descriptive rule of
>media >mail and advertising

I'm just repeating what I was told by a USPS postal clerk, when I asked
them about the distinction, and explained that I would be mailing comics.

Some comics contain advertising. Others don't. Some contain advertising
only for other comics, while others have ads for all sorts of products.

But anyway, the difference is really moot.

If you want delivery confirmation and need to ship from home, (as I do,
since I'm a stay-at-home Dad with two toddlers) your only choice without
paying ridiculous fees is to ship through Paypal. That means that when time
isn't an issue, you are unable to choose Bound Printed Matter even if you
want to.

Take it up with Paypal and the U.S. Postal Service if you want - I'm sure
they discussed this before setting it up that way. My guess is that the
USPS doesn't have a problem with it - otherwise, it wouldn't be that way.

== 6 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 1:03 pm
From: clams casino

OhioGuy wrote:

>>It sounds like you going to convince yourself of >whatever suits you, but
>>again, media mail cannot contain >any advertising other then book
>>annoucements, USPS is >clear about this, here is a more descriptive rule of
>>media >mail and advertising
> I'm just repeating what I was told by a USPS postal clerk, when I asked
>them about the distinction, and explained that I would be mailing comics.
> Some comics contain advertising. Others don't. Some contain advertising
>only for other comics, while others have ads for all sorts of products.
> But anyway, the difference is really moot.
> If you want delivery confirmation and need to ship from home, (as I do,
>since I'm a stay-at-home Dad with two toddlers) your only choice without
>paying ridiculous fees is to ship through Paypal. That means that when time
>isn't an issue, you are unable to choose Bound Printed Matter even if you
>want to.
> Take it up with Paypal and the U.S. Postal Service if you want - I'm sure
>they discussed this before setting it up that way. My guess is that the
>USPS doesn't have a problem with it - otherwise, it wouldn't be that way.
As long as you can get away with it and you have no conscious .... fine.

== 7 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 11 2007 1:22 pm
From: clams casino

clams casino wrote:

> OhioGuy wrote:
>>> It sounds like you going to convince yourself of >whatever suits
>>> you, but again, media mail cannot contain >any advertising other
>>> then book annoucements, USPS is >clear about this, here is a more
>>> descriptive rule of media >mail and advertising
>> I'm just repeating what I was told by a USPS postal clerk, when I
>> asked them about the distinction, and explained that I would be
>> mailing comics.
>> Some comics contain advertising. Others don't. Some contain
>> advertising only for other comics, while others have ads for all
>> sorts of products.
>> But anyway, the difference is really moot.
>> If you want delivery confirmation and need to ship from home, (as I
>> do, since I'm a stay-at-home Dad with two toddlers) your only choice
>> without paying ridiculous fees is to ship through Paypal. That means
>> that when time isn't an issue, you are unable to choose Bound Printed
>> Matter even if you want to.
>> Take it up with Paypal and the U.S. Postal Service if you want - I'm
>> sure they discussed this before setting it up that way. My guess is
>> that the USPS doesn't have a problem with it - otherwise, it wouldn't
>> be that way.
> As long as you can get away with it and you have no conscious .... fine.
I should probably mention that I typically sell about 2k books /yr and
ship via USPS.

Some comic books do conform to media rules, many do not. None conform
to bound printed matter.

Of course, even the PO (especially inexpereinced clerks) will provide
conflicting answers as to what qualifies for media rate. I guess it's
much like getting advice from the IRS.

When I first started selling books, clerks in the local PO frequently
advised me to send some items via BPM. After a few months, I was
advised that they had been incorrectly processing my book orders with
BPM. I've also been told (by window PO clerks) that they will not
usually question a customer. One used an example where an elderly lady
would mail off local papers every week using media mail rates. The
clerk admitted knowing it was improper, but commented that since she was
an elderly woman living on a fixed income, they overlooked the situation.


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