Saturday, November 24, 2007

25 new messages in 20 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* MI5 Persecution: Why do you think MI5 are responsible? (6867) - 1 messages,
1 author
* www. china discount wholesale air force one shoes,
evisu shoes,women shoes,nike shox,gucci prada puma shoes, gucci purses,
handbags, MP3,Nokia N95 Mobile Phone,clothing - 1 messages, 1 author
* MI5 Persecution: Why would they be doing this to you, sir? (9042) - 1
messages, 1 author
* MI5 Persecution: .net Magazine Applauds my Website (11217) - 1 messages, 1
* MI5 Persecution: BBC Newscasters Spying on my Home (13392) - 1 messages, 1
* Gucci Brown Men's Sneakers at WWW.NIKES4WHOLESALE.COM - 1 messages, 1 author
* Dump the Dollar, China State TV Tells Viewers - 1 messages, 1 author
* Looking For Free Air Pump At Gas Station (North Dallas/Richardson/Plano -
Texas) - 1 messages, 1 author
* 24-Hour Fitness? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Black Friday Shoppers = Fuckin Morons - 1 messages, 1 author
* Black Friday scams - 4 messages, 4 authors
* "The Secret... To Working From Home..." - 1 messages, 1 author
* Free Neutrogena Healthy Skin Rejuvenator - 1 messages, 1 author
* Jordan basketball shoes for sale - 2 messages, 1 author
* The Gift That Returns To You a Thousand Fold - 1 messages, 1 author
* Free Aveeno Daily Moisturising Lotion - 1 messages, 1 author
* Old stove died, need advice. - 2 messages, 2 authors
* www. Discount Sport Shoes Sneaker Louis Vuitton Gucci
Prada Puma Chanel Fendi Bape Women Shoes Handbags & Purses Designers Jeans t-
shirts China wholesale - 1 messages, 1 author
* Useful cosmetic information for you - 1 messages, 1 author
* Tyra Moore free video clips. Nude movies gallery - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: MI5 Persecution: Why do you think MI5 are responsible? (6867)

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 12:07 am

Why do you think MI5 are responsible?

The question of who is ultimately responsible for this eight-year
harassment is one which is very difficult to answer, as the persecutors
have never clearly made their identities known to the persecutee. However,
I believe I am correct in attributing the continuing victimisation to
elements of the British Security Service MI5, and in this article, I will
try to explain the reasons for this belief.

The British internet magazine ".net" featured my website on page 17 of
their March 1998 issue (number 42). Their review kindly describes it as an
"excellent site" and gives some details of what the net surfer will find
there. Should you wish to reply to this article you can do so;

"When did you first suspect MI5 were responsible?"

Over Easter 1995 I went to see a local solicitor in London with a view to
talking to the police about the harassment. Soon afterwards I did go to my
local police station in Clapham and spoke to an officer there. The
solicitor made a comment which suggested to me that the persecution I had
been experiencing may have been organised by an intelligence service.

Up to this point, I did not have any clear idea as to who was behind the
harassment. Only their agents were visible, in the media, on television
news programmes, and on the radio; in the workplace, where things said at
my home were repeated verbatim; and in some cases abuse in public and
during travel, for example on the trip to Poland in June 1992 which I have
already described.

Both from the fact that widely disparate individuals and organisations
were employed as agents in the campaign against me, and from the fact that
an entity would be required to marshal their resources in the areas of
spying on my home and giving gathered information to their agents, it was
clear to me that a single entity was responsible for carrying out the
campaign. Yet from June 1990 until Easter 1995 I did not have a clear idea
of who might be responsible. I guessed that perhaps some private
individual or group of persons who saw themselves as my enemies had
perhaps paid private detectives to organise the harassment. Alternatively,
since the campaign had started in the media, I made a far-fetched
supposition that perhaps it was an ad-hoc group of media people who had
set themselves up in opposition to me. After Easter 1995 I saw that these
guesses were wrong, and I made an I believe much more accurate estimate as
to who my enemies really are.

"Why couldn't a private group be behind the persecution?"

There are several reasons why a private individual or group would not be
behind this campaign.

Quantity of resources / Money. Here is what one Usenet (internet
newsgroup) participant had to say (several years ago) on the topic of how
much money it would cost just to keep the surveillance going.

PM: >But why? And why you? Do you realize how much it would cost to keep
PM: >one person under continuous surveillance for five years? Think about
PM: >all the man/hours. Say they _just_ allocated a two man team and a
PM: >supervisor. OK., Supervisor's salary, say, #30,000 a year. Two men,
PM: >#20,000 a year each. But they'd need to work in shifts -- so it would
PM: >be six men at #20,000 (which with on-costs would work out at more
PM: >#30,000 to the employer.)
PM: >
PM: >So, we're talking #30,000 x 6. #180,000. plus say, #40,000 for the
PM: >supervisor. #220,000. Then you've got the hardware involved. And
PM: >any transcription that needs doing. You don't think the 'Big Boss'
PM: >would listen to hours and hours of tapes, do you.
PM: >
PM: >So, all in all, you couldn't actually do the job for much less than
PM: >a quarter million a year. Over five years. What are you doing that
PM: >it worth the while of the state to spend over one and a quarter
PM: >on you?

A private individual or group would not spend over a million pounds to
verbally torture a victim without some financial motive or gain. Private
industry is driven by the profit motive, and there is no financial profit
to be had from carrying out a campaign in this way. If a private
enterprise were behind it then they would have taken direct physical
action a long time ago.

State enterprises, on the other hand, can afford to be wasteful, since
they are funded by the taxpayer. They do not have to show a money
profit. The employees or contractors employed by a state organisation such
as MI5 are driven by their own personal profit motives, to make the most
money out of their employers for the longest period of time. MI5 is funded
to the tune of #150M p.a.; even a few hundred thousand a year would to
them be affordable if their managers could convince themselves of the
necessity of what they were doing.

Quality of resources / Technical resources - electronic and other
surveillance. In summer 1994 a reputable and competent private detective
agency was employed to conduct a counter-surveillance sweep of my home in
London. They charged us over #400 for this, conducted a thorough search
for radio transmitting devices, hard-wired "probe" microphones and also
tested the telephone line. They found nothing. This was not altogether
surprising, since it had been made very clear to me that there were bugs
in my home; the "buggers" would not have made this clear unless they had
felt their bugs were of sufficient sophistication as to be safe from

But there is another lesson to be gained from the failure of the private
detectives to find anything. The agency employed was one of the most
reputable in London. They were employed on the principle of "setting a
thief to catch a thief", for if the harassment were being carried out by
private detectives, as I then believed, then surely another set of private
detectives would be able to find the bugs that they had planted. That
these "private eyes" were unable to find anything, and that the harassers
were confident that they would not be able to find any bugs, points to the
harassers being an order of sophistication above a private agency, and
leads me again to believe that a state intelligence service is responsible
for the surveillance and harassment.

Quality of resources / Technical resources - Interception of Postal
service. In summer 1994 when I emigrated to Canada to try to escape the
harassment, I wrote letters home to my family and friends in London. Quite
soon after my arrival in Canada, the harassers were able to find precisely
where I was staying. The only way I can see of "their" being able to find
out my new address was by interception of my letters to the UK.

Later in 1994, I conducted an experiment to see if my letters home were
indeed being read. In a letter home I wrote of being depressed and talked
in vague terms of suicide. I deliberately chose this topic, since I
believed it was the outcome my harassers were trying to achieve, and that
if they read the letter, they would "echo" its contents. Sure enough, soon
afterwards there were two incidents of people shouting "suicide" at me in
public places in Canada.

It is inconceivable for a private agency to have the ability to intercept
postal mail. The state security service on the other hand is well known to
engage in these activities.

Quality of resources / Access to Media. One of the strangest aspects of
this case is the access "they" have to the broadcast and print media. I
still do not understand what could persuade newscasters such as Martyn
Lewis and Michael Buerk, who consider themselves "gentlemen", to behave in
an almost voyeuristic way by "peeking" into the living room of one of
their viewers. A year ago I wrote to the BBC asking if these newscasters
would confirm or deny the accusations made against them. The BBC replied
that their newscasters had denied the accusations, but refused to do so in

It is well known that MI5 have the ability to plant stories in certain
newspapers, but convincing television newscasters to "watch" a viewer
while they read the news would surely be very difficult for them to
accomplish, unless they presented themselves to these journalists as
being, for example, a group in the media who were seeing to it that I got
my "deserved" treatment. MI5 has a history of manipulating the media, so
it might not be too difficult for them to accomplish such a trick, whereas
a private group would not have this ability.

"Have they ever denied that they are the Security Service?"

No. Never. This is in fact the main reason why I believe "they" are MI5
and not a privately funded group. If my guess had been wrong then I am
sure that "they" would have crowed over my mistake, but they have never
admitted nor denied that they are employees of MI5.

In early January 1996 I flew on a British Airways jet from London to
Montreal; also present on the plane, about three or four rows behind me,
were two young men, one of them fat and voluble, the other silent. It was
quite clear that these two had been planted on the aircraft to "wind me
up". The fat youth described the town in Poland where I had spent
Christmas, and made some unpleasant personal slurs against me. Most
interestingly, he said the words, "he doesnt know who we are".

Now I find this particular form of words very interesting, because while
it is not a clear admission, it is only a half-hearted attempt at denial
of my guess that "they" = "MI5". Had my guess been wrong, the fat youth
would surely have said so more clearly.

"If MI5 were behind it, why would they wish to mask their involvement?"

I have heard a number of times a belief from people in the media that it
is they, the media people, who are behind the abuse. In spring 1994 Chris
Tarrant the Capital Radio D.J. said sarcastically on his breakfast show,
"You know this bloke? he says were trying to kill him. We should be done
for attempted manslaughter". We, we, we. Tarrant thought it was a media

Returning to the question of "interactive watching" by television
newscasters, it would again be much easier for them to take part in that
sort of activity if they convinced themselves that the surveillance and
abuse were organised by "their own", by media people. It must be second
nature to MI5 to mask their involvement in the matters they deal with; in
this case, they pretend the campaign is organised by a group in the media,
and any journalists who suspect otherwise keep their silence.


Over the last three years I have stated with some force my belief that MI5
are responsible for my misfortunes. I have done so on Internet newsgroups,
in letters and faxes to people in politics and the media in the UK, and in
1997 I made a formal complaint to MI5 regarding their activities; the
Security Service Tribunal replied in June 1997 that "no determination in
your favour has been made on your complaint". (I believe the statement by
the Security Service Tribunal can be disregarded, as they have never, ever
made a ruling in favour of a complainant.) In three years of naming MI5 as
my oppressor "they" have never denied the charge. To me, their silence on
this point indicates that my guess was accurate. I believe my persecutors
stand identified. The question of why they should carry out this campaign
is one I will try to answer in a future article.


Posted via - Premium Uncensored Newsgroup Service
Unlimited Access, Anonymous Accounts, Uncensored Broadband Access

TOPIC: www. china discount wholesale air force one
shoes,evisu shoes,women shoes,nike shox,gucci prada puma shoes, gucci purses,
handbags, MP3,Nokia N95 Mobile Phone,clothing

== 1 of 1 ==
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TOPIC: MI5 Persecution: Why would they be doing this to you, sir? (9042)

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 12:34 am

MI5 Persecution Update: Friday 15 May, 1998

The persecution has been quite severe for the last week. It appears that
my enemies are reacting to the steady stream of faxes making their way
over the Atlantic to the fax machines of Westminster politicians and the
media. Here is whats happened in the last few days;

The week started off with an incident in the cafeteria at a local shopping
centre where I habitually drink my morning coffee. My enemies have
concentrated since winter 1995/96 on throwing a particularly horrible
sexual slander against me. They "put people up" to repeat this slander
against me, and this is what happened again here.

On Thursday morning (yesterday), instead of going to the usual cafeteria I
went to a nearby convenience store for coffee. The same horrible sexual
slander was shouted at me very loudly by a member of staff as I walked
into the store. This was the first time I had ever bought morning coffee
in that shop. The other staff obviously knew what was going on, one of
them said, "they screwed up my life".

The fax gateway I use to send these faxes to the UK has been working hard
these last few days to shut down my access by barring the accounts I use
to send these faxes.

I have received an anonymous threat from fax number 0171-219-6101 (the
machine gave its name as "ETRA-HoC") which said, "Stop sending to this fax
no 0171-219-6101 or else" (the consequences of continued transmission were
unspecified). I invited the sender to apologise for his threat, but
received no response.

This all adds up to quite a severe reaction to my faxes of the last few
weeks. I actually find this quite heartening since it shows that my faxes
are finding the mark and there may yet be a breakthrough in my efforts to
expose the Security Service conpiracy of abuse against me which has now
been going on for eight years.

MI5 Persecution: "Why would they be doing this to you, sir?"

This article will concentrate on the difficult question of "Why". The
question which forms the title of this piece was asked of me by the police
officer I spoke to in Easter 1995, when I went to make my complaint.

There are really two sides to this question. Firstly, why should MI5 be
harassing anybody in this fashion? Secondly, if they choose to behave in
this way, why should they have selected me in particular, and not somebody
else? Alternatively, why did the persecution start, and why is it

I do not have definite answers to either side of this question, since my
persecutors have usually kept themselves hidden and only acted through
other parties. To know "why", one would have to know who the persecutors
are, and something of their personalities, since their abuse is almost
certainly symptomatic of a personality disorder of the abusers. Certain
things however can be deduced about the abusers from the nature of their
behaviour, and I will talk about this later in the article.

Why did it start?

It is clear that the persecution must have been initiated by someone who
knew me personally, either at school, or at university, or socially, and
knew that I was borderline mentally ill, since this is what makes me a
target for the persecutors. Unfortunately, the originators have never been
identified, and there are several possible candidates. Neither has the
link from the originators of the persecution, to the persecutors
themselves, ever been made clear. So who are the originators?

University Staff

The identity of the originators may lie in the timing of the
persecution. It started in June 1990, while I was finishing a course at
Imperial College in London, and a year after I graduated from Cambridge,
where I received a degree in computer science. At Cambridge I had achieved
some notoriety in the computer lab from various nefarious exploits. Roger
Needham attacked me by saying that "there were great hopes for it, but it
failed terribly". When I started at Imperial I found that my reputation
had preceded me; Cambridge computer lab had spoken to I.C. lecturers about
me. I.C. lecturer Frank McCabe summed up commenting about "setting up a
straw man so you can tear him down". (Despite being "torn down" by the
Cambridge computer labs lecturers, I still achieved a good first degree
and a Masters degree at Imperial.)

Other students at university

So, the originators may have been university staff who knew me from my
student days. But there are other possibilities. I had other enemies at
university, including some fellow students. At my Cambridge college it was
common knowledge that my mental health was dubious, and it was known that
I talked to myself in my sleep - the floor and walls were quite permeable
to noise, so other students heard. I was given the nickname
"gibber" because of this habit. Sometime later, I managed to catch myself
talking in my sleep when I woke up in the middle of the night.

Here is a quote from a participant in the internet newsgroup where I have
been posting for the last three years;

>One thing which has been missing from this discussion is this simple
>prognosis: that maybe he is right and that, despite his admitted
>mental condition, there really is a campaign against him organised by
>now-influential ex-students of his university.

People I knew socially

I had yet other enemies in 1990 (I am a man of many enemies!). In January
1990 I broke up with some people I had been going out with socially. One
of them, by the name of Andy Turner, wrote a letter to Alan Freeman, who
at the time was a Radio 1 DJ. Freeman read part of the letter out on his
Rock Show, about the "one who wore out his welcome with random precision",
saying "thats a hell of a letter you wrote there Andy", and "with a
schizophrenic youre never alone".

It is my belief that Andy Turner and his friends were trying to make
trouble for me, and Turner wrote to Freeman with this in mind. Freeman may
have discussed the letter with others, and things may have snowballed from
there. This is, of course, pure supposition. The fact is that I do not
know who the originators are, and can only guess.

Once it started, why is it continuing?

The answer to this question is obvious. It is unacceptable to the "powers
that be" in the UK to have somebody running around who knows he has been
targeted by the Security Service and media organizations, and who is in a
position to embarrass British institutions. This has become particularly
evident in the last week; as I send more faxes to UK politicians and
media, so the pressure on me grows, and the volume of abuse increases.

Part of the reason the persecution continues is in the personalities of
the abusers, and it is this subject to which I will turn to next, since
the key to understanding the persecution lies in understanding those who
carry it out, as much as we can.

The Security Service operatives, the persecutors, are they psychopaths?

Let us first examine the definition of the term "psychopath". DSM-IV
defines "anti-social personality disorder" as a "pattern of disregard for
and violation of the rights of others ... deceitfulness, irritability and
aggressiveness ... consistent irresponsibility and lack of remorse". The
Harvard Mental Health Letter of Sept 1995 describes these people as using
"charm, manipulation, intimidation and violence to control others and
satisfy their own needs. Lacking in conscience and in feelings for others,
they cold-bloodedly take what they want and do as they please", having "no
guilt or regret".

I must say, reading this description of the condition, that it fits the
persecutors perfectly. The persecutors have never shown the slightest
remorse or guilt. Even when I was severely ill, they continued to abuse
me. They have repeatedly blamed their actions on me, which is another
trait common amongst psychopaths. They have no respect for my legal or
personal rights, and they use intimidation and verbal violence.

If the MI5 operatives are psychopaths then it would explain both why the
persecution started, and the degree of verbal violence. Psychopaths by
definition damage other people; here, the MI5 operatives find an outlet
for their personality disorder, through "cripple-kicking".

Xenophobia on the basis of mental illness, and race

My enemies have made clear many times that one of the reasons they are
persecuting me is because of my admitted mental illness. However, it is my
belief that they are also persecuting me because I am not of ethnic
English origin, and the fact that there have been several incidents of an
overtly racist nature reinforces this view.

In one case, two youths on a tube train in London made openly racist
references to me as a "soft toy, not up to British Standards". Another
person near my home made remarks about "Polish people". In yet another
incident in Croydon, a youth made comments about "foreigners".

But the main thrust of their xenophobia is because of my mental illness. I
should make clear that I do not look ill; if you met me, you would not
know that I had the illness. I take a relatively low dose of medication,
and feel quite well. But the persecutors have repeatedly harped on about
my supposed serious mental illness; they have called me a "nutter", a
"schizophrenic", etc. They have also persuaded other people to use these
terms of abuse. They are able to get away with this because abusing the
mentally ill is still something which is mostly acceptable in Britain; the
media do it, "nutter" is not taboo in the way that "nigger" is.


There are several groups of people who might have wished to cause me
trouble, and I still do not know who originated the persecution. Nor do I
know how the originators came to be in contact with the
(presumed) Security Service operatives who have been carrying out the
campaign. To know conclusively why it started, we would have to know who
started it, and this information is not available.

However, we can infer some things about the personalities of the
persecutors from their methods, and from the degree of verbal violence
they employ. It is clear that a main reason for the continuing harassment
is the psychopathic disorder of the MI5 agents who carry it out. That they
have never been "brought to book" for their misdeeds reinforces their
belief that they do no wrong; and, unhappily, until they are brought to
book, their persecution campaign looks set to continue.


Posted via - Premium Uncensored Newsgroup Service
Unlimited Access, Anonymous Accounts, Uncensored Broadband Access

TOPIC: MI5 Persecution: .net Magazine Applauds my Website (11217)

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 1:04 am

MI5 Persecution: .net Magazine Applauds my Website

The March 1998 issue (number 42) of .net Magazine reviews the MI5
Persecution website describing it as an "excellent site". The webpages
describe in detail the nature of my persecution since 1990 by what are
believed to be elements of the UK security service.

(snip image)

You are encouraged to read the web pages which include

o a FAQ section outlining the nature of the persecutors, their methods
of harassment through the media, people at work and among the general public
o an evidence section, which carries audio and video clips of media and
workplace harassment, rated according to how directly I think they refer to me
o factual descriptions of the state security agencies involved
o scanned texts of the complaints I have made to media and state security agencies involved
o posts which have been made to netnews over the last three years on this topic


Posted via - Premium Uncensored Newsgroup Service
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TOPIC: MI5 Persecution: BBC Newscasters Spying on my Home (13392)

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 2:02 am

MI5 Persecution Update: Friday 13 November, 1998

If You Intend To Reply, Please Read This

If you have any questions or observations you would like to share with me,
then you are very welcome to reply to my fax number 0171-681-1190. But
please.... keep your response to one page if you can! I have had several
people faxing my article back to me, including one MP faxing back twenty
pages. I do not know if he had anything intelligent to say in his 20-page
fax because I applied judicious use of the "Delete" key on my
computer. Faxes over a page or two will be deleted without being read.

MI5 Resume Hostilities in Response to these Faxes

When I wrote last weeks "MI5 Persecution Update" I remarked how quiet my
life had become. No longer! MI5 have restarted hostilities with a
vengeance the past week, in response I believe to the faxes I have been
sending to members of the House of Commons.

On Saturday 7 November I went to Clapham Picture House cinema to see the
film "Antz" (a very enjoyable film). At the cinema, I was verbally
assaulted by a group of teenagers with the words "still crazy", repeated
about ten times. There was a film with that name showing at the cinema,
but it was clear their abuse was directed at me. I do not look ill, so why
would they pick on me? answer, the incident was set-up by the
persecutors. One of the teenagers also said to another, "I don't know what
we're laughing at".

The following day, Sunday 8/11/98, I was on my way to play squash when I
was verbally assaulted by a youth who said "it was so funny", without the
slightest trace of humour. What he meant by this phrase was that was
funny, and they were trying to humiliate me. I have heard this phrase "it
was so funny" used at me before many, many times over the last eight and
half years.

Please Encourage Keith Hill MP to Help Me

I live in a bugged house, bugged both for audio and video. My movements
are monitored by MI5. The Security Service have followed me to Canada, to
Poland and the Continent, to the States. I cannot work anywhere, not in
England, not in Canada, because MI5 will destroy whatever employment I am
able to obtain. I have asked Keith Hill MP to help me, and he has refused.

The situation is intolerable. It is Mr Hills job to help me out of this
mess. So, please, as I said in the last fax a week ago: Do not waste your
time returning multiple copies of my faxes to my fax mailbox, as some of
you have done. Instead;

Please encourage Keith Hill M.P. to help me.

I am sorry to be using this device to encourage Mr Hill to help, but I
think eight and half years are quite enough and it is time something was
done to bring this matter to a close.

MI5 Persecution : BBC Newscasters Spying on my Home

This week's topic is the quite extraordinary claim that BBC newscasters
such as Martyn Lewis and Michael Buerk have spied on my living room while
they read the news. I currently have an advert running for the next six
months in Private Eye's "Eye Say" column (at a cost of over #200) which
says,"MI5 Persecution - BBC Newscasters Spying on my Home"; the story of
my campaign in the Eye is on my Website

BBCs staff magazine Ariel also ran my advert "BBC Newsreaders Spying on my
home" for one issue in the Personal category on 8/July/1997 before it was
spotted and axed by editor Robin Reynolds; please see


The very first incident in the "MI5/BBC Persecution" occurred in June of
1990, when a newsreader reacted to what she saw in my living room at home
as she read the news. My mother had brought an apple for me into the room,
whereupon the newsreader smirked and giggled, apparently finding this
funny. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I carried on watching news
and other television programmes to see if presenters would show signs of
"interactive watching"; to my surprise, this happened again and
again. Unfortunately, I did not have my wits sufficiently about me to
videotape these programmes, and it is now almost impossible to obtain
recordings dating back to 1990.

Most of the "TV watching" has occurred on the news, and most of it in
summer 1990, although some as late as autumn 1993. My website has a few
extracts of what might be politicians "getting at" me, in particular John
Major and interviewer Dimbleby sharing a joke about the "Knutsford
Guardian" which is almost certainly about me.

I sold my portable TV in autumn 1990 and stopped watching television
regularly. I realise now that this may have been a mistake. What I should
have done was to watch TV and listen to the radio, but tape-record
everything and make a note of what each excerpt meant to me. I would then
be in a much stronger position as regards to evidence that I am now. That
is what I am trying to do now, but unsurprisingly the TV/radio presenters
have stopped getting at me, now they know they are being recorded.

Examples of Media Harassment

Here are a few examples which I can still remember of media harassment;

In early 1992 I was watching the BBC news with Martyn Lewis on a small
black-and-white portable television at my then home in Oxford. I threw a
term of abuse at Lewis; he flinched, then gave a grin and made a comment
from which I understood that he had been on my side, but might have
changed his mind as a result of what Id just said to him.

Victor Lewis Smith in his TV (BBC2?) program at the end of 1993, had a
taxi-driver saying, "theyre all out to get me", to which VLS replied, "but
you're quite intelligent aren't you?" (what a nice chap VLS is,
compliments no less!)

Paul Daniels the TV magician, sometime in 1990-92 (sorry I can't be more
precise but it was so long ago), made a "crying face" and put his face in
his hands, which was his way of expressing that I was frequently crying in
1990-92, and that he and other media people found my crying funny.

Kenny Everett (deceased) on some talk show, compared me to a "huge
ape" who "scratches himself"; he made some other remarks about what the
"ape" got up to which unfortunately I cant remember. (I remember that
Everetts comments were quite sympathetic and human, but were obviously
about me.)

Stephen Fry on another talkshow (Wogan I think) talking about
"masturbatory fantasies", he then referred to me with the words "you
prat"; I wonder if the studio audience knew what he was talking about and
to whom his comments were directed?

Griff Rhys Jones on Clive James' TV show, made a "lunatic face" (wide
fixed grin) to which I said to the TV that he had a "face like a horse's
arse", to which Clive James said to GRJ "did you hear that?"

Crimestoppers summer 1990, remarks by a Midlands police officer on the
programme, while Nick Ross was presenter (as far as I can remember). The
officer talked about "in car entertainment". Nick Ross said to officer,
"why don't you stop doing it?" to which he replied, "we can't while he's
like this".

BBC2 Newsnight in autumn 1993 had a piece on football hooliganism. A black
interviewee said apparently of the hooligans, but in fact of me; "they're
just idiots, carry on with the surveillance".

There was an incident with Jonathan Ross which I remember clearly; he was
on both BBC and ITV television at the same time, one (ITV I think) was
recorded, the other channel was live. Ross has a speech impediment which
causes him to pronounce his "r"s as "w". I sarcastically said something
about "Mr Woss" to the recorded channel, then turned over to where he was
live, and he repeated "Woss" with heavy emphasis and sarcasm.

On the radio, in spring 1994, Chris Tarrant made a sarcastic remark in his
morning show, saying "he says were trying to kill him, we should be done
for attempted manslaughter", to which another of the studio staff said,
"oh no, dont say that". His comment was in reply to a comparison Id made
the previous evening between my persecutors and the Polish secret police
who murdered dissidents.

Martyn Lewis Denies & Lies, But Wont in Writing

In February 1997 I wrote to BBC Viewer & Listener Correspondence and asked
them to investigate the claim that their newscasters had engaged in
"interactive watching". They replied that they had asked Martyn Lewis and
Michael Buerk whether they had engaged in such practices, and that they
had both made verbal denials to VLC, but were refusing to put their
denials in writing.

I can understand that they might think that if they were to make written
denials to me, then many other people with my condition might write to
them with similar questions. But Ive asked a couple of journalists if
theyve been writing about me, theyve made written denials, Ive believed
them, and I have not put their denials on my website because, since I
believe their denials, it would not be relevant to publish them.

To me it looks as if Lewis and Buerk are happy to lie verbally but not in
writing, because written falsehoods would place them unambiguously in the
wrong, whereas they can try to talk their way out of verbal lies if they
are ever caught, or perhaps even deny the verbal lies completely? If they
lie without shame, then why would they have any shame about future lies
about lying?

One of the strangest aspects of "TV watching" is that Buerk and Lewis have
convinced themselves that their "interactive spying" is reasonable
behaviour. Martyn Lewis thinks of himself as a "gentleman". He expressed
in 1992 that he was "on my side". If this matter ever comes out into the
open, I wonder what these newscasters will have to say for themselves, and
what the British public will make of their behaviour?

Media Persecution Evidence on my Website

You may directly access the Evidence section on my website at URL;

The category currently contains four video segments, a number of audio
files and three published articles. The first video of ITN's John Suchet
is unfortunately a mistake - after looking at it again it is obviously not
about me. The two Ken Clarke excerpts may or may not be about me; it is
funny that he should keep on harping about "paranoia" and "madness", but I
have given these ratings of only 30% certainty, as it is more likely that
they are not about me in particular, and Clarke is simply displaying the
normal prejudices against the mentally ill found in much of society.

The piece I find most interesting is the Dimbleby/John Major interview
from April 1997. I have assigned this a 90% rating. Dimbleby starts by
emphasising a report from the "Knutsford Guardian". Major recognizes
what's going on and joins in with a falsely apologetic "heaven
forfend". The emphasis is on the first syllable pronounced "nuts" in
"Knutsford", which is repeated three times. Of course this is hardly
anywhere near convincing evidence; the really clear items were all in
1990-92, and they are basically unobtainable now.

If you're reading the website, have a look at the two files from David
Hepworth's programme on GLR radio. The first one from 21/Feb/1997 has him
talking about an "embarassment" of prizes and "absolute obscene", in
reference I believe to the verbal sexual abuse that was being used against
me at the time (and which unfortunately is still current). In the second
file dated 9/May/1997 he again talks about "absolute embarrassment" of
prizes, followed by laughter. To my mind he knows I am listening to his
programme, and deliberately makes these remarks for my benefit, with very
little attempt to disguise their purpose.

Bernard Levin - "Fanatic's Fare for the Common Man"

On 21 September 1991 this article by Bernard Levin appeared in The
Times. It is reproduced in the Evidence section of the website, or may be
accessed directly at URL;

To my mind, Levin's article described the situation at the time and in
particular a recent meeting with a friend, during which I for the first
time admitted to someone other than my GP that I had been subjected to a
conspiracy of harassment over the previous year and a half.

Levin writes about a "madman running loose about London" who "bursts into
tears, and swears it is all true. And it is." I am pleased to agree with
his assertion that "it is all true" because the truth is what I presented
to my friend in September 1991 and it is what is being presented to the
readership of these articles now.


The harassment, in particular media persecution, was at its strongest in
1990-92. Today, I am recording everything I watch, read and listen, and
the media have pretty much given up. It is now incidents "in public" which
make up what there is of MI5s persecution. But much of the material from
1990-92 still exists in archives, although the organisations which have
those archives generally wont make the material available to the public,
for copyright and other reasons.

MI5 can no longer employ the media to persecute me, partly because
journalists now know who is behind the persecution, and also because I
would publish any instances. My mistake during 1990-92 was to not record
instances as they happened; Ive learned from that mistake, and know better


Posted via - Premium Uncensored Newsgroup Service
Unlimited Access, Anonymous Accounts, Uncensored Broadband Access

TOPIC: Gucci Brown Men's Sneakers at WWW.NIKES4WHOLESALE.COM

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 2:05 am
From: chinawholesaler

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TOPIC: Dump the Dollar, China State TV Tells Viewers

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 2:43 am
From: clams casino

Democracy Highlander wrote:

> wrote:
>>While a weak dollar would make imports more expensive in the U.S., it
>>would also make U.S. manufactured goods more affordable overseas.
>US manufactured goods ?
>Go at Home Depot and look how many circular saws "made in USA" you can find.

I was amused to find "made in China" stickers on stair treads and and
other finished wood products at Depot.

TOPIC: Looking For Free Air Pump At Gas Station (North Dallas/Richardson/Plano
- Texas)

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 4:28 am
From: Jeff

Anthony Matonak wrote:

> Tiziano wrote:
>> My neighborhood gas stations charge $0.75 for using their air pumps.
>> That's way too much!! So that I can maximize saving gas, I like to
>> check the tire pressure of my car at least once or twice per month...

That and you would spend far more money driving to a free air station
than yould ever save on mileage. The much touted mileage boost is
negligible compared to just about everything else you could do, such as
not taking unnecessary trips!

> I believe this topic comes up at least a couple of times a year.
> You could try searching the archives to see what everyone has
> said about this previously. :)
> The best way to deal with this, from my point of view, is to buy
> your own air pump. This lets you fill your tires as much as you
> would like.
> I have seen 12V powered versions for less than $15, foot pumps for
> even less so it's not a huge expense.
> Anthony

TOPIC: 24-Hour Fitness?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 4:44 am
From: "Don K"

"The Real Bev" <> wrote in message
> Don K wrote:
>> "The Real Bev" <> wrote:
>>> Local (less than a 1/4-mile away) is offering a Thanksgiving-weekend membership
>>> special -- $600/person/3 years and then $29/year/person thereafter.
>> So in 3 years, they will be pulling in 56 cents a week from you.
>> That will certainly put you in the drivers seat. With that kind of customer
>> clout, you can be sure they're going to want to keep you happy.
> I think they know that most people run out of enthusiasm before they're absorbed all the
> services they've paid for. It's easy enough to do weights at home if you have lots of
> room, but without that the overhead in setting up each exercise for each person is a
> real pain. I know, we tried it for a while. Free weights are clearly the frugal way to
> go (it's not impossible to find someone willing to pay you to take theirs away),
> provided you have a good place to use them.
> I don't need "them" to make me happy, just access. Showers and a locker are nice, but
> aren't all that necessary. I own towels and know how to use them. They HAVE to have
> toilets, and I would imagine that the health department would be interested if they
> aren't up to ordinary standards of sanitation.

600 bucks for 3 years seems like a reasonable rate for a storefront-type gym,
but I assume they want that money up front, so you're really buying into the
viability of the business.

It seems somewhat like a pyramid scheme to me. The business is sustainable
only as long as they continue to find new customers to pay a premium to cover
actual operating costs for everyone. If they don't, they will close and move on
in a heartbeat, and the promised 56 cent weekly membership never materialize.

As a point of reference, I pay $33 each month for a 24-hour gym that provides
indoor pool, handball, basketball, roller rink, free coffee, tea, towels, as well
as the usual gym stuff. It's a 2-year commitment, but there was no buy-in.
It's payable by the month, so if they close down, I stop paying.

A toilet can get pretty disgusting before the health department steps in (so to speak).
Another concern is the potential of picking up that super bacteria/bug from shared gym
equipment. I don't think a casual wipedown cuts it. I just use the pool and have
my own gym equipment from freecycle.


TOPIC: Black Friday Shoppers = Fuckin Morons

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 5:22 am
From: Jeff

Joe wrote:
>>What's the difference beween an idiot and a fucking idiot?
> Procreation.

That's about it.

I got sucked into a Fry's one day sale on black friday. Some
incredible prices on computer parts/accessories and found everything in
short order.

But the line ran around the side to the back of the building. Now,
Fry's has a lot of sales registers and the I got to the register in 50
minutes. Then things stared to go wrong. An hour later, I was out the
door. Just amazing!

Now, I'll see if I can get HDTV out of my pile of components!


TOPIC: Black Friday scams

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 5:37 am
From: Political Pagan

On Fri, 23 Nov 2007 17:58:12 -0800, George Grapman
<> wrote:

>The Trucker wrote:
>> On Fri, 23 Nov 2007 07:52:03 -0800, Joe wrote:
>> The biggest scam of all is the "manufacturer's rebate" that takes several
>> months and may not ever come. I have been waiting 6 months now for a
>> rebate that I have decided will never show up. Its sorta like medical
>> insurance: If you make it difficult enough to get reimbursed then the
>> plaintiff will eventually give up on it.
> Whenever I have a rebate problem I do the following:
> Ask the person I am speaking with if I can record the call. I never
>actually record it but they respond better if think I am.
> Politely ask for their name or employee ID number. I tell them I need
>this because when when I file a complaint with the FTC or your state
>consumer protection agency I know the company will contact me ans I want
>to be able to tell them that I took this step because (name of person)
>refused to deal with the issue in a reasonable and timely manner. This
>almost always gets me transferred to someone in middle management who is
>often able to accommodate me. Tell them that that two weeks is more than
>enough time to take care of the matter and you are not interested in
> When AT&T delayed my modem rebate a manager said they needed 45-60
>days to verify my address. I told him that would look very foolish when
>a consumer affairs reporter called him up to verify the excuse. "Please
>hold" was followed by a promise to call back by the end of the next day
>and at that t5time I was told the check had been processed. I got it two
>days later.

I did the same thing a few years back, ended up getting extra added to
the check.

"Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so"
Bertrand Russell

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 7:28 am
From: George Grapman

Scott in SoCal wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Nov 2007 17:58:12 -0800, George Grapman
> <> wrote:
>> Whenever I have a rebate problem I do the following:
>> Ask the person I am speaking with if I can record the call. I never
>> actually record it but they respond better if think I am.
>> Politely ask for their name or employee ID number. I tell them I need
>> this because when when I file a complaint with the FTC or your state
>> consumer protection agency I know the company will contact me ans I want
>> to be able to tell them that I took this step because (name of person)
>> refused to deal with the issue in a reasonable and timely manner. This
>> almost always gets me transferred to someone in middle management who is
>> often able to accommodate me. Tell them that that two weeks is more than
>> enough time to take care of the matter and you are not interested in
>> excuses.
>> When AT&T delayed my modem rebate a manager said they needed 45-60
>> days to verify my address. I told him that would look very foolish when
>> a consumer affairs reporter called him up to verify the excuse. "Please
>> hold" was followed by a promise to call back by the end of the next day
>> and at that t5time I was told the check had been processed. I got it two
>> days later.
> This is fine if you enjoy confrontations, and if arguing with people
> is a source of entertaiment for you. You seem to see it as some sort
> of contest, or a perhaps game of wits. You enjoy the fight, and you
> REALLY enjoy the win. Most of us, however, see chasing down rebates as
> a hassle to be avoided at all costs.
Actually I get what I want b y being non-confrontational and a phone
call takes a lot less time than resending the documentation so it can be
ignored over and over. I spent all of 5 minutes on the phone with AT&T.
Companies know you want to avoid the hassle which is why they make it

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 7:41 am
From: "Chloe"

"Meghan Noecker" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 23 Nov 2007 14:20:32 -0800 (PST), sarge137
> <> wrote:
> I mentioned it, and he said he would check them. Another 15 minutes,
> and he came back. I added it up, and it was still $300 higher than my
> purchase. He took it back again. Another 10 minutes, and he came out
> and admitted that it would cost $300, but it was a good deal. I told
> him to take it off. No way I was I buying an extended warranty.
> My sister would have paid it, never noticing the problem. It makes me
> wonder how many people fall for that scam, and how they can get
> employees to do this without feeling guilty.

They might feel guilty, but I bet the bonuses they get based on how many of
the warranties they sell helps ease the pain.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 7:53 am
From: sarge137

On Nov 23, 4:38 pm, (Peder B. Pels) wrote:
> What Me Worry? <__@____.___> wrote:
> > "The Trucker" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > On Fri, 23 Nov 2007 07:52:03 -0800, Joe wrote:
> > >>
> > > The biggest scam of all is the "manufacturer's rebate" that takes several
> > > months and may not ever come. I have been waiting 6 months now for a
> > > rebate that I have decided will never show up. Its sorta like medical
> > > insurance: If you make it difficult enough to get reimbursed then the
> > > plaintiff will eventually give up on it.
> > Rebates should be outlawed. They are a scam.
> > Best Buy used to be one of the worst offenders, but now they (wisely) have
> > stopped using the rebate ploy:
> >
> Did they do so on their own accord? If that is the case, then the market
> does seem to work toward pushing companies toward more ethical
> practices.
> --
> regards , Peter B. P.,

Well......yes and no.

They weren't ordered to do it. But, from what I read, it was in
response to the rules adopted by the states of Connecticut and Rhode
Island a couple of years ago. In those states if an after rebate
price is listed in an advertisement or on the shelf, the rebate has to
be fulfilled by the merchant immediately at the point of sale. In
other words, as in my earlier post, if CompUSA has a shelf price of
$499 on and item that actually sells for $799 before rebates, they
either have to cut me a check for $300 at the register, or sell it to
me for the $499 that's on the shelf. Same for any print ads they may
put out.

The general consensus is that it was easier to do away with rebates
and simply reduce prices, than to keep track of different rules in
different states. There's quite a rebate reform movement afoot, and
many states are looking various measures to regulate them and speed up
fulfillment. In fact it's so widespread, the FTC is considering some
federal rules so that the issue is standrardized across the states.

Don't know how other stores deal with it in those states. My guess is
that they make so much money from unfulfilled rebates that the cost of
keeping track of separate rules is more than off set.


TOPIC: "The Secret... To Working From Home..."

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 5:37 am
From: lynng

Is to go to
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TOPIC: Free Neutrogena Healthy Skin Rejuvenator

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 5:43 am
From: ""

Why not see for yourself by indulging in a FULL-SIZED Neutrogena Healthy
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TOPIC: Jordan basketball shoes for sale

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 5:52 am

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== 2 of 2 ==
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TOPIC: Old stove died, need advice.

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 7:02 am
From: "jaygreg"

>>Problem is that they cant get access to the real data that matters,
the repair history of the entire model run over decades and even if
they could, the model isnt available anymore once you identify one
that does the job very well.<<

You obviously have no experience working with CR or CU. YOu're simply wrong
on both accounts. They DO take service history into account. What's more -
in the appliance as in the auto industry - model differenciation is most
often made with accessory item; items that don't really affect the quality
of the main components. Two gas ranges differenciated by only a digital
clock will still meet the same overall quality standards of the
manufacturer. One model simply has another feature that may fail. But that
holds true in anything one buys.

>>Clearly the OP's input that the one that has just died did require a
lot of maintenance over its life is useful info that CR wont have etc.<<
And that was only one incident we know of for sure. The person making the
decision has to give that whatever weight s/he cares to assign to it.
Personally, I'd consider it .... but recognize it as only one incident. Not
very significant.

>>And there is a real tendency for hardly anyone to bother with the high end
anymore, so no one bothers to produce much at that end anymore too.

And there is always the real problem that its not in the manufacturer's
to produce a product that will last forever, their income is stuffed that
Where do you live, Rod? Surely not North America. The most profitable part
of the appliance industry is high end and more manufactures have entered the
market at that segment. SubZero refrigerators, Bosch dishwashers, Viking
ranges... and the list goes on. You're simply wrong on what you think you've
observed, Rod. Next time you're at Best Buy... even Lowe's for that
matter... count the high end goods on display. That segment is growing...
not waining.

>>The jobs just got exported. Why is it any worse that they are made outside
the country instead of inside it ? Anything else is mindless racism.<<
???? Who said anything about it being worse? Or even implied it? The
industry lost jobs but the consumers gained lower prices. Society as a whole
wins. (Racism? Where you comin' from? This had nothing to do with racism nor
was there anything close to that implied in any of this thread.)

>> Trouble is that that doesnt give you any handle on
how much work will be required on it over the years.<<
If, after reading the consumer reports and opening and closing doors on
display one feels they have a better way of making their personal decision,
by all means, follow your heart. The decision maker is the one who has to
live with the product.

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> jaygreg <> wrote:
>> Jack, I'd suggest you rethink your decision process. I spent over 30
>> years in the consumer appliance industry from the street to the
>> executive suite. Put your highest weight on the Consumer Reports; not
>> what you read here. Consider what you read here... particularly the
>> negatives... but place your weight on the CR's. They employ impartial
>> engineers (who you can't even take to lunch) to "tear down" the
>> appliances they buy then evaluate what they find. When I learned how
>> they operate, they won my confidence hand over fist.
> Problem is that they cant get access to the real data that matters,
> the repair history of the entire model run over decades and even if
> they could, the model isnt available anymore once you identify one
> that does the job very well.
>> You have to read carefully. They are reporting what they find on very
>> specific models and sometimes - because of the long leadtime in
>> reporting - a problem they report has been corrected by the
>> manufacture already. That's where input here "might" come in handy.
> Clearly the OP's input that the one that has just died did require a
> lot of maintenance over its life is useful info that CR wont have etc.
>> In general, major appliances have become a very competitive commodity
>> business at the low and medium price ranges.
> And there is a real tendency for hardly anyone to bother with the high end
> anymore, so no one bothers to produce much at that end anymore too.
> And there is always the real problem that its not in the manufacturer's
> interest
> to produce a product that will last forever, their income is stuffed that
> way.
>> Consumers get a lot for their money (and good quality) even at the low
>> end. They was a day (in the 60's and 70's) when quality was used as a
>> step-up feature. Not anymore. As manufacturing began leaving American
>> shores, heavy emphasis was placed upon quality. Though that wasn't
>> sufficient to
>> save the jobs, the consumers benifited in lower prices and higher
>> quality.
> The jobs just got exported. Why is it any worse that they are made outside
> the country instead of inside it ? Anything else is mindless racism.
>> Just find something rated well in the CR's, go to a big box store that
>> carries the brands your interested in, (don't foreget to consider
>> Lowe's, Home Depot, Sam's Club and Costco), open and shut the doors, slid
>> the drewers, play with the knobs, and make your selection.
> Trouble is that that doesnt give you any handle on
> how much work will be required on it over the years.
>> There's a very high probablility you'll be pleased even 15 years from
>> now.
> Depends on how much repair it required. Thats what really pisses me
> off, the repairs. Particularly with appliances where it isnt practical to
> have
> more than one so you can just yawn while one of them gets fixed etc.
>> "Jack Ricci" <> wrote in message
>>> My old gas stove just died, and is beyond repair. I have had the
>>> stove since the early sixties, has been repaired many times, the
>>> company is no longer in business, so I must bite the bullet and get
>>> a new one. I am 74 years old, love to cook and bake, but let's face it,
>>> I don't
>>> have that much baking left in my life. I want a solid, dependable gas
>>> stove, not fancy, don't need lots of bells and whistles. A friend
>>> bought a very expensive stove last year and has had lots of problems
>>> with it. In fact, the company replaced it after fighting the
>>> replacement forever. I won't name the company, but I know that is
>>> not in my price range anyway.
>>> I will look at Consumers Reports but I cannot go entirely with their
>>> recommendations. Sometimes they miss the mark--I'd much rather hear
>>> from people who have stoves that they like and stoves that they
>>> hate, and hope to make my decision on the strength of that.
>>> Thank you.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 7:17 am
From: clams casino

jaygreg wrote:

>You obviously have no experience working with CR or CU.

Rod has no experience with anything. He simple makes up everything.

It's best to just filter him away.

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