Thursday, January 24, 2008

18 new messages in 12 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Reputable debt consolidation companies - 1 messages, 1 author
* Build Your Own Dream City!!! =) - 2 messages, 1 author
* Soldering eyeglass Frames - 1 messages, 1 author
* Cleaning a Wool Shirt - 1 messages, 1 author
* What is the average annual cost of owning a car if paying cash in lump sum
in the beginning? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Computer keyboard which is super-quiet - 2 messages, 2 authors
* temporary health insurance for a recent graduate - 1 messages, 1 author
* Newsest Phones & Great Rates - 1 messages, 1 author
* Amana Air Command 80 Gas Fired Furnace (4 blinks) troubleshooting - 3
messages, 1 author
* wholesale cheap Nike Air Jordan shoes jean belt handbag coat LV Gucci
pradawatch mobile phones - 3 messages, 1 author
* How much does it cost you to live a day in your life? - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Reputable debt consolidation companies

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 7:46 pm

On Wed, 23 Jan 2008 16:19:43 -0800, "John Weiss"
<> wrote:

><> wrote...
>> I am trying to help a friend think about debt consolidation. I'm
>> running into a problem, though, and that is that searching for debt
>> consolidation companies online turns up a lot of rather fishy looking
>> enterprises. I'm suspecting that a lot of these companies are
>> predatory and of questionable legality (or worse).
>> Does anyone know of a website where I could find reliable information
>> about debt consolidation companies? The Better Business Bureau's site
>> was of no help whatsoever. I know she can get debt consolidation
>> services through reputable major banks (e.g., BofA, Wells Fargo), but
>> I also guess that there deals may not be as competitive as companies
>> that specialize in DC.
>Start with your friend's current bank or credit union. Expand to other local
>banks and credit unions.
>Another place to start is your local Consumer Credit Counseling Service
>"Debt consolidation" is not magic, though it is only part of the picture. That
>part of it is simply finding a loan at the lowest possible interest rate and
>best repayment terms, so you can pay off your higher-interest debt with the
>proceeds. Your friend may need help getting into a position to qualify for such
>a loan or to find a willing lender; that is where CCCS or similar may help.

Just a comment. Years ago I got in over my head with CC debt due to
an accident. I lost my job and became legally disabled after
considerable legal hassles. Of course I was being hounded by debt
collectors and all of the usual hassles, but with no income and
medical bills up the wazoo, I could not pay this debt no matter how
hard I wanted to. Later on, I got on disability, and wanted to try to
pay this off, but the interest had nearly tripled the amount and I saw
it would be impossible to ever get caught up on the little money I

I saw one of these debt consolidation ads on tv, went to their
website, and applied. I had to fill out a long detailed form on the
web, with lots of personal info. I filled everything out as requested
and made sure it was all accurate and correct. I received an email
telling me I was accepted and would be contacted soon by phone. I got
the phone call, had to answer personal questions which were recorded
on the phone. This included spelling my name, address, repeating my
SS#, etc. They told me that everything was fine, and I would be
required to pay a monthly amount for x amount of years, and would be
charged a small fee of I think it was $8.00 a month. I realized that
what they wanted was still more than I was able to pay per month, so I
asked what else they could do. They said they could lengthen the
period, but it would cost me more for their services, and said that
under the circumstances, bankruptcy was another consideration. He
said that they would write up several alternate plans, and mail them
to me.

At least a month went by before I finally got something in the mail
from them. But rather than getting some alternate plans to choose
from, I got a bill for their services and my first months payment.
What they wanted was almost three times what I originally was told.
Instead of $8.00 a month, they wanted $40 a month, plus they wanted me
to pay a couple hundred dollars for applying to use their services.
That's when I noticed on the envelope that the mail had been addressed
to the wrong mailing address, and went thru numerous post offices
before finally getting to me. Looking more closely at this thing,
they not only had my address wrong, but my last name was spelled
wrong, my SS# was wrong, and several other errors.

I phoned them and told them to cancel their services because this is
not what I agreed to. They told me they could not cancel it until I
paid their application fee, and first payment and there were a few
other things, which amounted to nearly $500. They they old me that
this would be a breach of contact and that I would be penalized....
blah blah blah..... Thats when I got angry and told them I refused to
pay them anything, the case was closed, and I hung up. They called me
back and threatened to sue me if I refused to pay. This was followed
by a threatening letter.

It just happened that at that time, a friend of mine was dating a
lawyer. I had told him about this and he mentioned it to his lawyer
friend. She told him to send me over. I went there, she took one
look at it and said "this is bullshit. This is not even addressed to
you" (referring to the wrong last name spelling, incorrect address and
SS#). She typed up a quick letter telling them that the person they
are billing does not exist, based on the last name spelling, etc....,
and if they continued to harass me, they would be sued for fraud,
harassment, and other things. She handed me the envelope, told me to
put a stamp on it and toss it in the mail. She did not charge me
anything, but asked me to help her by taking a few boxes of old
paperwork to her basement. I mailed the letter and a week later I got
a notice that my account had been closed, but as they put it *I
provided false and incorrect information*, and thus they would not
handle my services.

What I am saying is DO NOT trust these companies, and if you do want
to go with them, check them out first. Use the BBB and other

This company I dealt with turned out to have several bad marks against
them in BBB records, and shortly after they went out of business.
(Actually they probably just changed to another business name).

TOPIC: Build Your Own Dream City!!! =)

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 7:50 pm
From: nadmin

It's sort of like Sim City, but with a collaborative aspect--when you
visit my town, more people come to live there.
Please to be clicking'cause right now I'm having trouble to balance my
industry, enviroment, transport and crime.
If you build a town, post your link here, for the clicking!

Thank you. =)

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 7:53 pm
From: nadmin

It's sort of like Sim City, but with a collaborative aspect--when you
visit my town, more people come to live there.
Please to be clicking'cause right now I'm having trouble to balance my
industry, enviroment, transport and crime.
If you build a town, post your link here, for the clicking!

Enjoy!!! =)

TOPIC: Soldering eyeglass Frames

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 7:54 pm
From: "Michael Kennedy"

"JoeSpareBedroom" <> wrote in message
> "Richard J Kinch" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns9A2DD7235B5C5someconundrum@
>> JoeSpareBedroom writes:
>>>> Various engineering things, including optical engineering.
>>> Do you work for free in all your "things", or do you get paid for some
>>> of them?
>> Huh? You asked me what I did for a living. That means I get paid for
>> engineering. Unless I've missed your point.
> You suggested taking imported glasses back to the person who wrote the
> prescription. In many cases, that person also sells glasses, so
> essentially, you're doing this:
> - Buy $200 lawn mower from Wal Mart
> - When it has problems, take it to a locally owned specialty shop and ask
> them to "check it" for free.
> You never actually said "free", but if the optometrist said he charged $35
> to check them, you might balk.

Well you paid your optometrist to check your eyes. My optometrist doesn't
sell glasses so I don't see why it would be an issue. They have all of the
equipment to check the lenses as well. There is a shop next door that they
refer business to, but you don't have to get it made by them.


TOPIC: Cleaning a Wool Shirt

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 7:58 pm
From: The Real Bev

Evelyn C. Leeper wrote:

> Mark Anderson wrote:
>> I have this very warm 100% thick wool shirt that I need to clean. I
>> know you can't wash wool in the washer but is there a simple cheap way
>> to clean this without having to pay a dry cleaner?
> Wash it by hand. The recommendations I've seen are to use dish
> detergent, not soap. Google around for various suggestions.

Dish detergent requires lots of rinsing. Use Woolite. More expensive,
but how much of it are you actually going to use?

I don't know if you'd want to put it on a hanger to dry, but laying it
flat on a towel as if it were a sweater seems harmless. You'll need to
press it using the 'wool' setting, of course.

"I wish I had more time to seek out the dark forces
and join their hellish crusade." -- Clarice

TOPIC: What is the average annual cost of owning a car if paying cash in lump
sum in the beginning?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 8:08 pm
From: "Dave L"

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
>>>> Nope, not at all. I don't put an enormous amount of miles a year on
>>>> my car, but it's nowhere under 5k! From experience, there comes a
>>>> time when unpredictable maintenance costs start adding up.
>>> Depends entirely on how carefully you choose the car that doesnt get
>>> that result.
>> I have all of the regular maintenance done. Sometimes strange things
>> start going bad, such as a VSS (vehicle speed sensor) and the
>> speedometer stops working. A clutch slave cylinder going bad. A
>> master cylinder "washer" going bad, and they thought it was the
>> master cylinder! Dealer ordered the part and was in there to replace
>> it, and discovered it was only a worn washer. BTW - this was on an
>> '89 Honda Prelude, and started happening around '04-'05. So still -
>> wear and tear along with age, and will happen to any car. Just
>> depends how long it takes.
> The point tho is that with a well designed car chosen for its long life,
> you
> can find that you only have a couple of very trivial repairs to do in 30+
> years.
> In my case it was just one alternator regulator.
>>>>>> Don't want to be stuck hundreds of miles away from
>>>>>> home, on a holiday weekend or in the middle of the night :-)
>>>>> And its just convenient not to have to fart around repairing stuff
>>>>> too.
>>>> Exactly. The inconvenience of having to get the part to fix it
>>>> yourself or have someone else fix it. Happens at the most
>>>> inopportune time as well.
>>>>>> Especially for those who need to do the driving for their job
>>>>>> (fortunately I don't with the exception of driving to work!).
>>>>>> Of course, if bought new you'll know the maintenance you did to
>>>>>> the car without wondering how the previous owner took care of it.
>>>>>> Then again, 3,500-4,000 miles are low.
>>>>> Doesnt necessarily have that much effect on maintenance tho.
>>>> Nope. Mainly peace of mind.
>>> It isnt peace of mind either once you realise that maintenance isnt that
>>> important with
>>> modern cars as long as you do the basics like change the timing belt
>>> when required etc.
>> Exactly. Modern cars. When you have an old used car, it cannot be
>> considered "modern" anymore can it?
> Yes it can when the design was something that hasnt been improved on with
> the latest cars.

Doesn't make it modern.

>> I consider myself more vigilant of maintenance than the "average" person
>> I've seen.
> Yes, and you have basically wasted your money doing that.

Take care of my car and it'll take care of me. I don't do 3k oil changes
but also won't do the 10k my manual says for "normal" driving.

TOPIC: Computer keyboard which is super-quiet

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 9:07 pm
From: ""

Any recommendations?

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 10:19 pm
From: "Dave"

<> wrote in message
> Any recommendations?

Get a backlit one. Essentially, they take a notebook style keyboard (soft
touch, short stroke) with semi-transparent plastic keys, put a light under
the keys...

Oh, you don't have to use the backlight unless you want to (you can turn
that off). But, you might like it. The one we use is a Zippy EL-715. They
come with white, black and silver cases, I believe. (the one we own is
black) We've had it a couple of years, use it heavily, no problems at all.
A link to a white one follows, just so you can see what I'm referring to.
I just noticed the description even says that it is super quiet. I can
confirm it is super quiet. Not silent, but super quiet compared to most

Only downside is some touch-typists might not like it. I know many touch
typists that don't like notebook style keyboards. But I type just as fast
on this keyboard as I do on any other. If it's quiet you are after, The
Zippy EL-715 is a good choice.

But I suspect you'd find any backlit keyboard will be very quiet, because
they use notebook or membrane type "switches" to allow thin keys to allow
the light to shine through them. This makes them very quiet compared to any
ordinary computer keyboard. -Dave

Here's a similar one I found, without backlight:

TOPIC: temporary health insurance for a recent graduate

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 9:14 pm
From: "Rob Mitchell #14 and Home Office"

On Jan 13, 3:29 pm, P <> wrote:
> I have just graduated, am 24 yrs old with a Body Mass Index of 20, nohealthissues. I have started looking for full time jobs, but until I get
> coverage through my employer I want to have some sort of coverage for
> catastrophic matters. I cannot come under my parent's coverage(as they are
> self-employed so have to get their own). I can work for some place(WalMart,
> McDonald) full time to get coverage, but I would rather spend all my time
> searching for jobs than working at those places just for the sake ofhealthinsurance. Working full time at one job will reduce the available time to
> job searching.
> I have browsed the web and talked to a few agents, but the more agents I
> talk to the more confused I become as to which plan to choose. Some offer a
> premium of 100/month and some as low as 30/month(which have a high
> deductible of 2500 and which cannot be considered credible coverage) if I
> get a position(as told by the plan agent).
> Is it better to get a premium of 100/month or the one with 30/month would
> be fine? I generally visit the doctor once a year, don't have glasses.
> I would appreciate any advice and I am presently in Florida, U.S.

I found some information from a website, . They
help folks with issues with health care coverage.

Here is a link to their site:

TOPIC: Newsest Phones & Great Rates

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 9:55 pm
From: MrWeb

J Blint
TANA Enterprises eMarketing
Newsest Phones & Great Rates.
Free Accessories, Quick Shipping.

J Blint
TANA Enterprises eMarketing

TOPIC: Amana Air Command 80 Gas Fired Furnace (4 blinks) troubleshooting

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 10:02 pm
From: "Donna Ohl, Grady Volunteer Coordinator"

Can you help me troubleshoot my Amana Air Command 80 gas-fired furnace?

1. Today it stopped heating the house; three red blinks were visible.
The instructions say this means the "pressure switch is stuck open".

2. I could see the "top" (smaller" motor wasn't spinning) but the bottom
(bigger) motor was spinning; so, I guessed, there was no vaccum to the
pressure switch - hence - the pressure switch was stuck in the open (off)

3. To test, I removed the hose from the top (smaller) motor & sucked on it.

4. This self-induced vacuum caused the diaphram to move which caused the
mechanical switch connected to the pressure valve to close (I could see the
switch move when I sucked on it).

5. The flame ignighter heated up and the gas started burning.
The three blinking red LED signal went out; I thought I "fixed" my furnace.

I cycled the power a few times while I cleaned the filters and blew dust
from around the wires.

But ...

6. Then the Amana Air Command 80 gas-fired furnace stopped heating again;
this time, four red blinks were visible!

7. Now the opposite ocurred; the "top" (smaller) motor was now spinning but
the bottom (big) motor was not spinning. No air was circulating through the

8. Four blinks indicate an "open Limit Control (primary or auxilliary)".

8. If I cycle the power to the furnace, it works for about ten minutes and
then the bottom (big) motor stops spinning and the four blinks start again.

I have a few questions:
a) How can I troubleshoot this Amana Air Command 80 gas-fired furnace?
b) Is there a reset switch somewhere?
c) Is there a maintenance guide on the web somewhere?


== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 10:16 pm
From: "Donna Ohl, Grady Volunteer Coordinator"

> 1. Today it stopped heating the house; three red blinks were visible.
> The instructions say this means the "pressure switch is stuck open".

Literally, the instructions say:

Pressure Switch Stuck Open
If, after the vent blower is energized, the pressure switch does not close,
the congtrol will keep the blower on and wait for the switch to close. The
diagnostic light code for this problem is three short flashes followed by a
pause. The probable cause is either:
a) disconnected hose to the pressure switch,
b) faulty pressure switch or wiring, or
c) restricted air intake or flue piping.
<end quote>

By pulling the vacuum hose off at the top (smaller) motor side, and sucking
on it, I was able to see the pressure switch diaphragm moved and the
electrical contact closed, causing the heating element to heat up and the
gas to start. So, I could tell the hose was OK (a) and the pressure switch
(b) seemed ok.

That leaves (c).

Can you advise me what it means to have "a restricted air intake or flue

Where do I look and what do I do to unrestrict an air intake or flue


== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 10:21 pm
From: "Donna Ohl, Grady Volunteer Coordinator"

> 8. Four blinks indicate an "open Limit Control (primary or auxilliary)".

Despite the fact that three blinks and a non-spinning top (smaller) motor
were the initial problem, I now have consistently four blinks and a
non-spinning bottom (larger) motor in my Amana Air Command 80 gas-fired

Reading the instructions it says:
Open Limit Control (Primary or Auxiliary)
If either limit control opens, the air circulation and vent blower will be
turned on until the limit closes. The diagnostic light code for this is
four short flashes followed by a pause. The probable cause is either:
a) Low conditioned air flow due to dirty filter or resistance in duct work,
b) Faulty limit, faulty blower, or blower speed set too low.
<end quote>

What does that mean?
What is a "limit control"?
Which motor is the "air circulation" (bottom big motor?) blower?
Which motor is the "vent blower" (top small motor?)?

I know the filter is clean because, while it was really dirty, I replaced
it and I still have the problem. I have no idea how to test resistance in
the duct work, but, I didn't change anything to change that, either before
or after the problem ocurred.

I would have no idea how to set the blower speed.

What's a faulty "limit" and how would I test to ascertain the cause?


TOPIC: wholesale cheap Nike Air Jordan shoes jean belt handbag coat LV Gucci
pradawatch mobile phones

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 10:44 pm

Dear my friend
It is our pleasure to meet you here.
we are wholesaler sport shoes,clothing,electrons in Fujian of China.
our website:
We are professional and honest wholesaler of all kinds of brand
sneaks and apparel.the products
our company supply are as follows:
1).Nike Jordans
Jordan 1 jordan 1.5 jordan 2 jordan 3 jordan 3.5 jordan 4 jordan 5
jordan 5.5 jordan 6 jordan 6.5 jordan 7 jordan 8 jordan 9 jordan 9.5
jordan 10 jordan 11 jordan 12 jordan 13 jordan 13.5 jordan 14 jordan
15 jordan 16 jordan 17 jordan 18 jordan 18.5 jordan 19 jordan 20
jordan 21 jordan 21.5 jordan 22 jordan King jordan Dub Zero Jordan 23
Jordan 7.5
2).Air Force One Air Force one (low) Air Force one (High) Air Force
one (Mid) Air Force one (clear) Air Force One 25 year
3).SHOX Shox R3 Shox R4 Shox R5 Shox TL1 Shox TL2 Shox TL3 Shox NZ
Shox OZ Shox Turbo Show GO Shox CL Shox Coqnescenti Shox Energia Shox
Explodine Shox Monster Shox Rhythmic Shox Warrior
4).Bape Shoes Bape Bape (transparent)
5).Air max AirMax 90 AirMax 95 AirMax 97 AirMax 2003 AirMax 2004
AirMax 2005 Air Max 2006 AirMax 180 AirMax LTD AirMax TN AirMax solas
AirMax 87 AirMax Rift
6).Puma Puma Rpt2 Puma SK6 Puma Jayfi Puma Cir Puma Speed Puma Repli
Puma Future Cat Puma Mostro Puma Lifestyle
7).Dunk SB Dunk High Dunk Low
8).Timberland Timberland High Timberland Low
9).Adidas Adidas 35 Adicolor Country city sense Adidas NBA
11).Prada & Gucci Prada Gucci
12).Footballer Shoes Footballer
14).converse & Reebok converse Reebok
15).D&G shoes ugg shoes boss shoes
16).Dsquared2 shoes
17).James shoes
18).Nike King
9).Children shoes Jordan Shox
20).Women shoes Women Jordans Women Shox R3 Women Shox R4 Women AirMax
95&97 Women AirMax 03&06 Women Dunk Women Shox NZ Women AF1
21).sandal & baboosh Nike Puma Gucci Prada
CLOTHES 1).Bape 2).ED Hardy 3).BBC 4).CLH 5).LRG 6).Artful Dodger
Hoodies 7).GINO GREEN GLOBAL 8).10 Deep 9).A&F Coat 11).Jersey NBA
Jersey Football Jersey 12).Juicy Bikini 13).Adidas Coat 14).F1 Coat
15).D&G Coat 16).Superman Coat 17).NBA Coat
JEAN 1).E&D Jeans 2).BBC Jeans 3).BAPE Jeans 4).D&G Jeans 5).EVSIU
Jeans 6).Red monkey 7).COOGI Jeans
T-shirt 1).POLO 2007 polo(women) 2007 POLO IIII(Men) POLO (stripe)
polo (small )
2).Lacoste Lacoste (LONG) Lacoste (SHORT) 3).Name Brand shirt D&G
Shirt Giorgio Armani TN Shirt 4).BBC T-shirt 5).LRG & gina green
glalal 6).Triumvir 7).ED handy 8).Evsiu 9).R.M.B 10).CLOT
Burse & Handbag 1).LV Bag 2).Gucci Bag 3).Dior Bag 4).Chanel Bag
5).Fendi Bag 6).Coach Bag 7).Burberrys Bag 8).Prada Bag 9).Man Leisure
Bag 11).D&G bag 12).nike bag 13).Wallet 14).Suitcase
Electronics 1).Vertu Mobile 2).New iphone Mobile(apple iphones,apple
iphones,apple iphones,apple iphones) 3).Nokia Mobile(Nokia N95,Nokia
N95 Nokia N95 Nokia N95 Nokia N93,Nokia N70,Nokia N92,Nokia 8800)
4).moto Mobile 5).PSP Game & memory card 6).Sony Mobile 7).Samsung
Mobile 8).Ipod nano 9).Sony PS3 10).Laptops IBM laptops DELL laptops
Sony laptops ASUS laptops
CAP 1).ED Hardy Cap 2).New Bape & NY Cap 3).RMC Cap 4).New era NBA
5).F1 6).Chanel 7).D&G 8).gucci 9).LV 10).Prada 11).PUMA 12).wool
WATCH 1).Rolex 2).Omega 3).Cartier 4).Chanel 5).Piaget 6).Breitling
7).Bvlgari 8).Corum
Sunglasses 1).Gucci Sunglasses 2).D&G Sunglasses 3).Dior Sunglasses
4).LV Sunglasses 5).Chanel Sunglasses 6).Prada Sunglasses 7).Versace
Sunglasses 8).Giorgio Armani
Strap 1).Bape Strap 2).D&G Strap 3).Gucci Strap 4).LV Strap 5).Scarf
Other 1).Lighter

size chart
Men Size:
US: 7 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 13 14 15
UK: 6 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 12 13 14
EUR: 40 41 42 42.5 43 44 44.5 45 45.5 46 47.5 48 49
Women Size:
US: 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5
UK: 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
EUR: 35.5 36 36.5 37.5 38 38.5 39 40

US: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5
UK: 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5
EUR:17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28 29 30 30.5

Clothing Size:

7.because the space of the website is limited,we can also supply many
other products which be not showed out in our site. if you have the
photos of the products you need , we are pleasure to supply for your
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4.many products in stock. We have many products in stock and kinds of
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Hope sincerely to have glad and long term business relationship with
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Please trust us , we will be your best choice !!!
Website :
MSN and E-mail:
Fashion Footwear Industrial Co.,Ltd.(Fujian,CHINA)

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 10:46 pm

Dear my friend
It is our pleasure to meet you here.
we are wholesaler sport shoes,clothing,electrons in Fujian of China.
our website:
We are professional and honest wholesaler of all kinds of brand
sneaks and apparel.the products
our company supply are as follows:
1).Nike Jordans
Jordan 1 jordan 1.5 jordan 2 jordan 3 jordan 3.5 jordan 4 jordan 5
jordan 5.5 jordan 6 jordan 6.5 jordan 7 jordan 8 jordan 9 jordan 9.5
jordan 10 jordan 11 jordan 12 jordan 13 jordan 13.5 jordan 14 jordan
15 jordan 16 jordan 17 jordan 18 jordan 18.5 jordan 19 jordan 20
jordan 21 jordan 21.5 jordan 22 jordan King jordan Dub Zero Jordan 23
Jordan 7.5
2).Air Force One Air Force one (low) Air Force one (High) Air Force
one (Mid) Air Force one (clear) Air Force One 25 year
3).SHOX Shox R3 Shox R4 Shox R5 Shox TL1 Shox TL2 Shox TL3 Shox NZ
Shox OZ Shox Turbo Show GO Shox CL Shox Coqnescenti Shox Energia Shox
Explodine Shox Monster Shox Rhythmic Shox Warrior
4).Bape Shoes Bape Bape (transparent)
5).Air max AirMax 90 AirMax 95 AirMax 97 AirMax 2003 AirMax 2004
AirMax 2005 Air Max 2006 AirMax 180 AirMax LTD AirMax TN AirMax solas
AirMax 87 AirMax Rift
6).Puma Puma Rpt2 Puma SK6 Puma Jayfi Puma Cir Puma Speed Puma Repli
Puma Future Cat Puma Mostro Puma Lifestyle
7).Dunk SB Dunk High Dunk Low
8).Timberland Timberland High Timberland Low
9).Adidas Adidas 35 Adicolor Country city sense Adidas NBA
11).Prada & Gucci Prada Gucci
12).Footballer Shoes Footballer
14).converse & Reebok converse Reebok
15).D&G shoes ugg shoes boss shoes
16).Dsquared2 shoes
17).James shoes
18).Nike King
9).Children shoes Jordan Shox
20).Women shoes Women Jordans Women Shox R3 Women Shox R4 Women AirMax
95&97 Women AirMax 03&06 Women Dunk Women Shox NZ Women AF1
21).sandal & baboosh Nike Puma Gucci Prada
CLOTHES 1).Bape 2).ED Hardy 3).BBC 4).CLH 5).LRG 6).Artful Dodger
Hoodies 7).GINO GREEN GLOBAL 8).10 Deep 9).A&F Coat 11).Jersey NBA
Jersey Football Jersey 12).Juicy Bikini 13).Adidas Coat 14).F1 Coat
15).D&G Coat 16).Superman Coat 17).NBA Coat
JEAN 1).E&D Jeans 2).BBC Jeans 3).BAPE Jeans 4).D&G Jeans 5).EVSIU
Jeans 6).Red monkey 7).COOGI Jeans
T-shirt 1).POLO 2007 polo(women) 2007 POLO IIII(Men) POLO (stripe)
polo (small )
2).Lacoste Lacoste (LONG) Lacoste (SHORT) 3).Name Brand shirt D&G
Shirt Giorgio Armani TN Shirt 4).BBC T-shirt 5).LRG & gina green
glalal 6).Triumvir 7).ED handy 8).Evsiu 9).R.M.B 10).CLOT
Burse & Handbag 1).LV Bag 2).Gucci Bag 3).Dior Bag 4).Chanel Bag
5).Fendi Bag 6).Coach Bag 7).Burberrys Bag 8).Prada Bag 9).Man Leisure
Bag 11).D&G bag 12).nike bag 13).Wallet 14).Suitcase
Electronics 1).Vertu Mobile 2).New iphone Mobile(apple iphones,apple
iphones,apple iphones,apple iphones) 3).Nokia Mobile(Nokia N95,Nokia
N95 Nokia N95 Nokia N95 Nokia N93,Nokia N70,Nokia N92,Nokia 8800)
4).moto Mobile 5).PSP Game & memory card 6).Sony Mobile 7).Samsung
Mobile 8).Ipod nano 9).Sony PS3 10).Laptops IBM laptops DELL laptops
Sony laptops ASUS laptops
CAP 1).ED Hardy Cap 2).New Bape & NY Cap 3).RMC Cap 4).New era NBA
5).F1 6).Chanel 7).D&G 8).gucci 9).LV 10).Prada 11).PUMA 12).wool
WATCH 1).Rolex 2).Omega 3).Cartier 4).Chanel 5).Piaget 6).Breitling
7).Bvlgari 8).Corum
Sunglasses 1).Gucci Sunglasses 2).D&G Sunglasses 3).Dior Sunglasses
4).LV Sunglasses 5).Chanel Sunglasses 6).Prada Sunglasses 7).Versace
Sunglasses 8).Giorgio Armani
Strap 1).Bape Strap 2).D&G Strap 3).Gucci Strap 4).LV Strap 5).Scarf
Other 1).Lighter

size chart
Men Size:
US: 7 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 13 14 15
UK: 6 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 12 13 14
EUR: 40 41 42 42.5 43 44 44.5 45 45.5 46 47.5 48 49
Women Size:
US: 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5
UK: 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
EUR: 35.5 36 36.5 37.5 38 38.5 39 40

US: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5
UK: 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5
EUR:17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28 29 30 30.5

Clothing Size:

7.because the space of the website is limited,we can also supply many
other products which be not showed out in our site. if you have the
photos of the products you need , we are pleasure to supply for your
And our company can supply for our customers ,as follow:
1. top quality.all our products have top quality.
2. most rational price. we offer the most competitive price to you to
open your market. So today most of our products have sold well in the
America, Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia etc..
3. safe and fast shipment. As different country you are in, we will
deliver the products to you by different ways and pledge to arrive to
your address 100%.and we will send the products to you within 24h
after we get your payment.
4.many products in stock. We have many products in stock and kinds of
size you need , also include kid's.
5.our credit. If the products can be not delivered to your address as
our reason, we will refund the money you paid.
Hope sincerely to have glad and long term business relationship with
If you are interested in our products and have any problem, welcome
contact us.
Please trust us , we will be your best choice !!!
Website :
MSN and E-mail:
Fashion Footwear Industrial Co.,Ltd.(Fujian,CHINA)

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 10:46 pm

Dear my friend
It is our pleasure to meet you here.
we are wholesaler sport shoes,clothing,electrons in Fujian of China.
our website:
We are professional and honest wholesaler of all kinds of brand
sneaks and apparel.the products
our company supply are as follows:
1).Nike Jordans
Jordan 1 jordan 1.5 jordan 2 jordan 3 jordan 3.5 jordan 4 jordan 5
jordan 5.5 jordan 6 jordan 6.5 jordan 7 jordan 8 jordan 9 jordan 9.5
jordan 10 jordan 11 jordan 12 jordan 13 jordan 13.5 jordan 14 jordan
15 jordan 16 jordan 17 jordan 18 jordan 18.5 jordan 19 jordan 20
jordan 21 jordan 21.5 jordan 22 jordan King jordan Dub Zero Jordan 23
Jordan 7.5
2).Air Force One Air Force one (low) Air Force one (High) Air Force
one (Mid) Air Force one (clear) Air Force One 25 year
3).SHOX Shox R3 Shox R4 Shox R5 Shox TL1 Shox TL2 Shox TL3 Shox NZ
Shox OZ Shox Turbo Show GO Shox CL Shox Coqnescenti Shox Energia Shox
Explodine Shox Monster Shox Rhythmic Shox Warrior
4).Bape Shoes Bape Bape (transparent)
5).Air max AirMax 90 AirMax 95 AirMax 97 AirMax 2003 AirMax 2004
AirMax 2005 Air Max 2006 AirMax 180 AirMax LTD AirMax TN AirMax solas
AirMax 87 AirMax Rift
6).Puma Puma Rpt2 Puma SK6 Puma Jayfi Puma Cir Puma Speed Puma Repli
Puma Future Cat Puma Mostro Puma Lifestyle
7).Dunk SB Dunk High Dunk Low
8).Timberland Timberland High Timberland Low
9).Adidas Adidas 35 Adicolor Country city sense Adidas NBA
11).Prada & Gucci Prada Gucci
12).Footballer Shoes Footballer
14).converse & Reebok converse Reebok
15).D&G shoes ugg shoes boss shoes
16).Dsquared2 shoes
17).James shoes
18).Nike King
9).Children shoes Jordan Shox
20).Women shoes Women Jordans Women Shox R3 Women Shox R4 Women AirMax
95&97 Women AirMax 03&06 Women Dunk Women Shox NZ Women AF1
21).sandal & baboosh Nike Puma Gucci Prada
CLOTHES 1).Bape 2).ED Hardy 3).BBC 4).CLH 5).LRG 6).Artful Dodger
Hoodies 7).GINO GREEN GLOBAL 8).10 Deep 9).A&F Coat 11).Jersey NBA
Jersey Football Jersey 12).Juicy Bikini 13).Adidas Coat 14).F1 Coat
15).D&G Coat 16).Superman Coat 17).NBA Coat
JEAN 1).E&D Jeans 2).BBC Jeans 3).BAPE Jeans 4).D&G Jeans 5).EVSIU
Jeans 6).Red monkey 7).COOGI Jeans
T-shirt 1).POLO 2007 polo(women) 2007 POLO IIII(Men) POLO (stripe)
polo (small )
2).Lacoste Lacoste (LONG) Lacoste (SHORT) 3).Name Brand shirt D&G
Shirt Giorgio Armani TN Shirt 4).BBC T-shirt 5).LRG & gina green
glalal 6).Triumvir 7).ED handy 8).Evsiu 9).R.M.B 10).CLOT
Burse & Handbag 1).LV Bag 2).Gucci Bag 3).Dior Bag 4).Chanel Bag
5).Fendi Bag 6).Coach Bag 7).Burberrys Bag 8).Prada Bag 9).Man Leisure
Bag 11).D&G bag 12).nike bag 13).Wallet 14).Suitcase
Electronics 1).Vertu Mobile 2).New iphone Mobile(apple iphones,apple
iphones,apple iphones,apple iphones) 3).Nokia Mobile(Nokia N95,Nokia
N95 Nokia N95 Nokia N95 Nokia N93,Nokia N70,Nokia N92,Nokia 8800)
4).moto Mobile 5).PSP Game & memory card 6).Sony Mobile 7).Samsung
Mobile 8).Ipod nano 9).Sony PS3 10).Laptops IBM laptops DELL laptops
Sony laptops ASUS laptops
CAP 1).ED Hardy Cap 2).New Bape & NY Cap 3).RMC Cap 4).New era NBA
5).F1 6).Chanel 7).D&G 8).gucci 9).LV 10).Prada 11).PUMA 12).wool
WATCH 1).Rolex 2).Omega 3).Cartier 4).Chanel 5).Piaget 6).Breitling
7).Bvlgari 8).Corum
Sunglasses 1).Gucci Sunglasses 2).D&G Sunglasses 3).Dior Sunglasses
4).LV Sunglasses 5).Chanel Sunglasses 6).Prada Sunglasses 7).Versace
Sunglasses 8).Giorgio Armani
Strap 1).Bape Strap 2).D&G Strap 3).Gucci Strap 4).LV Strap 5).Scarf
Other 1).Lighter

size chart
Men Size:
US: 7 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 13 14 15
UK: 6 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 12 13 14
EUR: 40 41 42 42.5 43 44 44.5 45 45.5 46 47.5 48 49
Women Size:
US: 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5
UK: 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
EUR: 35.5 36 36.5 37.5 38 38.5 39 40

US: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5
UK: 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5
EUR:17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28 29 30 30.5

Clothing Size:

7.because the space of the website is limited,we can also supply many
other products which be not showed out in our site. if you have the
photos of the products you need , we are pleasure to supply for your
And our company can supply for our customers ,as follow:
1. top quality.all our products have top quality.
2. most rational price. we offer the most competitive price to you to
open your market. So today most of our products have sold well in the
America, Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia etc..
3. safe and fast shipment. As different country you are in, we will
deliver the products to you by different ways and pledge to arrive to
your address 100%.and we will send the products to you within 24h
after we get your payment.
4.many products in stock. We have many products in stock and kinds of
size you need , also include kid's.
5.our credit. If the products can be not delivered to your address as
our reason, we will refund the money you paid.
Hope sincerely to have glad and long term business relationship with
If you are interested in our products and have any problem, welcome
contact us.
Please trust us , we will be your best choice !!!
Website :
MSN and E-mail:
Fashion Footwear Industrial Co.,Ltd.(Fujian,CHINA)

TOPIC: How much does it cost you to live a day in your life?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 10:54 pm
From: Too_Many_Tools

On Jan 23, 7:42 pm, "Scott Fargham" <> wrote:
> "Too_Many_Tools" <> wrote in message
> > So how little can you live on..$1000...$100...$10...$1?
> > And to do it every day.
> > So what is your minimum cost of living?
> > Considering today's events, you may need to answer that question
> > sooner than you think.
> Despite having just completed my daily browsing of various news-oriented web
> sites, I'm unsure about which of "today's events" triggered your question.
> Are you referring to the 300-point rise in the Dow and if so how does that
> lead to the "minimum cost of living" question? You're surely not implying
> that you think the global economy is on the verge of collapse, I hope.

Try reading this.

The fun is just beginning.



== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 11:36 pm
From: ""

♥♥House wife naked dance-Nipple show-BRA PICS♥♥




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