Sunday, January 20, 2008

24 new messages in 6 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* OT: Why I hate Geico ads - 6 messages, 4 authors
* It happened! My pipes froze, they burst today, and my entire bathroom was
FLOODED! - 8 messages, 5 authors
1 messages, 1 author
* No Credit Score - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Boo-hoo for bloodsucking retailers - 4 messages, 3 authors
* Soldering eyeglass Frames - 2 messages, 2 authors

TOPIC: OT: Why I hate Geico ads

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 12:30 pm
From: "John A. Weeks III"




Time was when so-called Christian civilization seemed able to send its
vices abroad and keep its virtues at home. When men went by long
sea voyages to the far East in sailing vessels, in the interests of
conquest or commerce, and fell victims to their environments and weak
wills, far removed from the restraints of religious influences, and
from the possibility of exposure and disgrace in wrongdoing, they
lived with the prospect before them, not always unfulfilled, of
returning to home and to virtue to die.

That day has passed forever. With the invention of steam as a
locomotive power of great velocity, with the introduction of the
cable, and later, the wireless telegraphy; with the mastery of these
natural forces and their introduction in every part of the world, we
see the old world being drawn nearer and nearer to us by ten thousand
invisible cords of commercial interests, until shortly, probably
within the lifetime of you and me, the once worn out and almost
stranded wreck will be found quickened with new life and moored
alongside us. The Orient is already feeling the thrill of renewed
life. It is responding to the touch of the youth and vigor of the
West and becoming rejuvenated; it is drawing closer and close

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 2:17 pm
From: "Green Xenon [Radium]"

relations of kindred and friendship all up and down the Canton
river, and the business of the preparation of slave girls for the
foreigners and for foreign markets (as the trade expanded) gradually
extended backwards up the Canton river, until many of its boats were
almost given over to it. "Flower-boats" were probably never unknown to
this river, but, besides their use as brothels, they became stocked
with little girls under training for vice, under the incitement of an
ever-growing slave trade. These little girls were bought, stolen or
enticed from the mainland by these river people, to swell the number
of their own children destined to the infamous slave trade. Chinese
law forbids this kind of slavery, but, as we have seen, the Tanka
people were sort of outlaws, the river life facilitated such a
business, and Hong Kong was near at hand.

In later years Dr. Eitel, Chinese interpreter to the Governor, stated:

"Almost every so-called 'protected woman,' i.e. kept mistress of
foreigners here, belongs to the Tanka tribe, looked down upon and kept
at a distance by all the other Chinese classes. It is among these
Tanka women, and especially under the protection of these 'protected'
Tanka women, that private prostitution and the sale of girls for
concubinage flourishes, being looked upon as a legitimate profession.
Consequently, almost every 'protected woman' keeps a nursery of
purchased children or a few servant girls who are being reared with
a view to their eventual disposal, according to their personal
qualifications, either among foreigners here as kept women, or among
Chinese residents as their concubines, or to be sold for export to
Singapore, San Francisco, or Australia. Those 'protected women,'

== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 11:07 am
From: "John A. Weeks III"

bought and sold, aged 11 years, is a very intelligent
child, and described the negotiations for her sale with great

The Chief Justice then went on to repeat the little girl's testimony
as to these "brokers of mankind," and the child's knowledge, from
personal observation of these purchases and sales, to which he adds:

"Let me here ask, Is the trade, or rather profession, 'broker of
mankind,' also a sacred China custom? I will not ask the queries
which would naturally arise in case the question were answered in
the affirmative. At present, however, I must say that, custom
or no custom, the practice of this profession is prohibited by
statute, and it is my duty to meet its exercise by punishment."

The prisoner was sentenced to two years' penal servitude. The Chief
Justice concluded his remarks on that occasion by replying to the
statements made in the Chinese petition.

He called attention to the Chinese resting their claim on the
temporary promise of Governor Elliott in 1841; of the fact that
they ignored the proclamation of the Queen in 1845. He said that
infanticide was also a Chinese custom in the same sense that slavery
was, on the words of the petition:

"Amongst the Chinese there has hitherto been the custom of
drowning their daughters. The Chinese threaten the increase of
this 'custom' of drowning children if their sale is put down....
I can only say that in case father, mother, or relative were
convicted of infanticide, Chinese custom would be no protection,
and, unless I am grievously mistaken, the presiding judge would
have no alternative but to sentence the perpetrator to death ...
the one custom is tolerated just as the other custom is tolerated,
and both alike or neither must be claimed as sanctioned

== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 11:22 am
From: "Joel Olson"

lest He say to us: "Ye have not hearkened unto Me, in proclaiming
liberty, everyone to his brother, and every man to his neighbor;
behold, I proclaim a liberty unto you, saith the Lord, to the sword
and to the pestilence and to the famine."

From the first days of the enactment of this measure, and all the way
through until 1877, the inspectors of brothels had standing orders to
enter any native house that they suspected of containing any women
of loose character, and arrest its inmates in accordance with the
following plan: The inspector would secure an accomplice, called an
informer, or often more than one. The accomplice would enter a native
house plentifully supplied with marked money out of the Secret Service
Fund. This accomplice was often a friend or relative of the family he
called upon. He would often offer them a feast and drinks, and send
to a near-by restaurant and procure them at Government expense. After
feasting and drinking, he would try to induce some woman of the house
to consort with him, showing her a sufficient sum of money to fairly
dazzle her eyes. This he could well afford to do, for the Government
put the money in his hands to offer, and if the woman accepted, it
would not be a loss to the Government, for it would be taken back
again afterwards. Perhaps some poor half-starved creature would yield
to the tempter; perhaps some heathen man would press his wife to
accept the offer, in his greed for the money; perhaps some foolish
young girl would think she had suddenly come into great fortune in
having a man of such great wealth proposing marriage to her. It must
not be forgotten that the poorest people in China often marry in
a manner which is _almost devoid of all ceremony_, and yet it is
considered perfectly right and honorable, and the couple remain
faithful to each other afterwards. It is not unlikely, then, a young

== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 11:56 am

's view that laws securing the
freedom of the women were to be executed, whatever the result to the
brothel system. He wrote in reply as though Sir John Smale had said
many things that had not been put in the same light, demanded to know
what law could be put into operation to improve conditions, and wished
to know if Sir John Smale accepted Dr. Eitel's views on "domestic
servitude," and later he wrote pronouncing the views expressed in the
insolent attack of Mr. O'Malley upon Sir John Smale's anti-slavery
pronouncements as "well considered and convincing." He also referred
to the "humane intentions" of Mr. Labouchere in the passing of the
Contagious Diseases Ordinance of Sir John Bowring's time, which "were
intended to ameliorate the condition of the women." But it does not so
much concern us what the officials in London did and said, excepting
at the one point, namely, that they did not at this time back the
noble efforts of the Governor and of Sir John Smale to put down
slavery, and so rendered it practically impossible for them to
accomplish what they wished to do. The replies from Sir John Smale
are, however, of much value to us, as throwing light upon social
conditions at Hong Kong. On August 26, 1880, Sir John Smale replied in
a letter meant for the Secretary of State at London, but sent in due
form to the Colonial Secretary at Hong Kong for forwarding:

"My observations in Court arose out of cases of kidnaping;
and, according to the practices of judges in England, in their
addresses to the Grand Juries, and on sentencin

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 12:54 pm
From: "Green Xenon [Radium]"

example should
be a warning to the fact that even the most religious men can too
often hold very different views of life according to whether they are
embodied in religious sentiments or in one's politics. But nowhere are
right moral conceptions more needed (not in hymn-book nor in church),
as in the enactments by which one's fellow-beings are governed. Other
religious men not so conspicuous as Sir John Bowring, but of more
enlightened days than his, have died and left on earth a testimony to
strangely divergent views and principles, according to whether they
were crystallized in religious sentiments, or in the laws of the land,
and according to whether they legislated for men or for women.

On May 2nd, 1856, Sir John Bowring, Governor of Hong Kong, wrote to
the Secretary of State for the Colonies at London submitting a draft
of an Ordinance which was desired at Hong Kong because of certain
conditions prevailing at Hong Kong which were described in the
enclosures in his despatch. Mr. Labouchere, the Secretary of State for
the Colonies at the time, replied to the Governor's representations
in the following language: "The Colonial Government has not, I think,
attached sufficient weight to the very grave fact that in a British
Colony large numbers of women should be held in practical slavery for
the purpos

TOPIC: It happened! My pipes froze, they burst today, and my entire bathroom

== 1 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 3:15 pm
From: Winston_Smith

On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 14:59:07 -0800 (PST),

>How I hate that.
>I have straw outside my crawl space home to warm the pipes. I had
>water dripping from the faucets so that the pipes don't freeze. I
>opened the closets underneath the sinks. I had a space heater blowing
>warm heat at the pipes, nevertheless they FROZE and bursted today.
>I don't think that I get a plummer before Tuesday.
>I shut the main water valve off.

Make sure you shut off your hot water heater.

>Now, my question is: As I am living alone, would you shut the main
>water valve off every day before you go to bed and empty all pipes and
>open the main water valve the next morning to protect the pipes?
>Is there anything that speaks against shutting the main water switch
>off every day?
>What I am thinking is this: If the plummer is fixing the pipes on
>Tuesday, it might cost me dearly. Then he goes, the next day, they
>freeze again up on me, etc. And I have to fix them again, and again,
>and again, till it is finally spring.
>What do you think?

== 2 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 3:56 pm

On Jan 20, 5:15 pm, Winston_Smith <> wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 14:59:07 -0800 (PST),
> wrote:
> >How I hate that.
> >I have straw outside my crawl space home to warm the pipes. I had
> >water dripping from the faucets so that the pipes don't freeze. I
> >opened the closets underneath the sinks. I had a space heater blowing
> >warm heat at the pipes, nevertheless they FROZE and bursted today.
> >I don't think that I get a plummer before Tuesday.
> >I shut the main water valve off.
> Make sure you shut off your hot water heater.
> >Now, my question is: As I am living alone, would you shut the main
> >water valve off every day before you go to bed and empty all pipes and
> >open the main water valve the next morning to protect the pipes?
> >Is there anything that speaks against shutting the main water switch
> >off every day?
> >What I am thinking is this: If the plummer is fixing the pipes on
> >Tuesday, it might cost me dearly. Then he goes, the next day, they
> >freeze again up on me, etc. And I have to fix them again, and again,
> >and again, till it is finally spring.
> >What do you think?
> >Gene

I am afraid I don't understand. Why should I turn the hot water heater
off? I have gas.


== 3 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 4:17 pm
From: clams_casino wrote:

>I am afraid I don't understand. Why should I turn the hot water heater
>off? I have gas.

Try Beano.

== 4 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 4:38 pm
From: Jerry@ (Jerry)

On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 14:59:07 -0800 (PST),

>How I hate that.
>I have straw outside my crawl space home to warm the pipes. I had
>water dripping from the faucets so that the pipes don't freeze. I
>opened the closets underneath the sinks. I had a space heater blowing
>warm heat at the pipes, nevertheless they FROZE and bursted today.
>I don't think that I get a plummer before Tuesday.
>I shut the main water valve off.
>Now, my question is: As I am living alone, would you shut the main
>water valve off every day before you go to bed and empty all pipes and
>open the main water valve the next morning to protect the pipes?
>Is there anything that speaks against shutting the main water switch
>off every day?
>What I am thinking is this: If the plummer is fixing the pipes on
>Tuesday, it might cost me dearly. Then he goes, the next day, they
>freeze again up on me, etc. And I have to fix them again, and again,
>and again, till it is finally spring.
>What do you think?

I guess you forgot to light the straw, no wonder the pipes got cold.:)

If you are going to shut off the main every day then let your water
run a little bit when you turn it back on before drinking it, it will
appear dirty at first. Make sure you turn off your water heater so
that it doesn't keep running without water coming in, you will destroy
the heater and possibly start your house on fire.

== 5 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 4:38 pm
From: Winston_Smith

On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 15:56:39 -0800 (PST),

>On Jan 20, 5:15 pm, Winston_Smith <> wrote:
>> On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 14:59:07 -0800 (PST),
>> wrote:
>> >How I hate that.
>> >I have straw outside my crawl space home to warm the pipes. I had
>> >water dripping from the faucets so that the pipes don't freeze. I
>> >opened the closets underneath the sinks. I had a space heater blowing
>> >warm heat at the pipes, nevertheless they FROZE and bursted today.
>> >I don't think that I get a plummer before Tuesday.
>> >I shut the main water valve off.
>> Make sure you shut off your hot water heater.
>> >Now, my question is: As I am living alone, would you shut the main
>> >water valve off every day before you go to bed and empty all pipes and
>> >open the main water valve the next morning to protect the pipes?
>> >Is there anything that speaks against shutting the main water switch
>> >off every day?
>> >What I am thinking is this: If the plummer is fixing the pipes on
>> >Tuesday, it might cost me dearly. Then he goes, the next day, they
>> >freeze again up on me, etc. And I have to fix them again, and again,
>> >and again, till it is finally spring.
>> >What do you think?
>> >Gene
>I am afraid I don't understand. Why should I turn the hot water heater
>off? I have gas.

You count on the water to conduct the heat away from the heater/burner
and to the thermostat. If the tank runs low on water, the thermostat
can read can't see that the heater/burner is running with nothing to
heat. The water is the heat sink that conducts heat from the heater
and keeps it at a reasonable temperature. If it's not there the
heater/burner it will overheat and could be a fire hazard.

== 6 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 4:46 pm

Your problem is that you have a gmail account.

First, it is "plumber," not plummer. Plumb, from the latin "plumb" for
lead, which is what plumbers used to use.

Secondly, the dripping faucet routine doesn't work. You have to have
a certain amount of heat in the water for it to work. Get electric
heat tape to place alongside your pipes, then get some foam pipe
insulation to cover the pipe and tape.

Third, it ain't bursted. A pipe bursts. The past tense is also burst.

Yeah, I had some frozen pipes last freeze. I covered them with mulch,
after putting heat tape in the most vulnerable spots.

On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 16:15:10 -0700, Winston_Smith <>

>On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 14:59:07 -0800 (PST),
>>How I hate that.
>>I have straw outside my crawl space home to warm the pipes. I had
>>water dripping from the faucets so that the pipes don't freeze. I
>>opened the closets underneath the sinks. I had a space heater blowing
>>warm heat at the pipes, nevertheless they FROZE and bursted today.
>>I don't think that I get a plummer before Tuesday.
>>I shut the main water valve off.
>Make sure you shut off your hot water heater.
>>Now, my question is: As I am living alone, would you shut the main
>>water valve off every day before you go to bed and empty all pipes and
>>open the main water valve the next morning to protect the pipes?
>>Is there anything that speaks against shutting the main water switch
>>off every day?
>>What I am thinking is this: If the plummer is fixing the pipes on
>>Tuesday, it might cost me dearly. Then he goes, the next day, they
>>freeze again up on me, etc. And I have to fix them again, and again,
>>and again, till it is finally spring.
>>What do you think?

== 7 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 5:02 pm

On Jan 20, 6:38 pm, Winston_Smith <> wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 15:56:39 -0800 (PST),
> wrote:
> >On Jan 20, 5:15 pm, Winston_Smith <> wrote:
> >> On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 14:59:07 -0800 (PST),
> >> wrote:
> >> >How I hate that.
> >> >I have straw outside my crawl space home to warm the pipes. I had
> >> >water dripping from the faucets so that the pipes don't freeze. I
> >> >opened the closets underneath the sinks. I had a space heater blowing
> >> >warm heat at the pipes, nevertheless they FROZE and bursted today.
> >> >I don't think that I get a plummer before Tuesday.
> >> >I shut the main water valve off.
> >> Make sure you shut off your hot water heater.
> >> >Now, my question is: As I am living alone, would you shut the main
> >> >water valve off every day before you go to bed and empty all pipes and
> >> >open the main water valve the next morning to protect the pipes?
> >> >Is there anything that speaks against shutting the main water switch
> >> >off every day?
> >> >What I am thinking is this: If the plummer is fixing the pipes on
> >> >Tuesday, it might cost me dearly. Then he goes, the next day, they
> >> >freeze again up on me, etc. And I have to fix them again, and again,
> >> >and again, till it is finally spring.
> >> >What do you think?
> >> >Gene
> >I am afraid I don't understand. Why should I turn the hot water heater
> >off? I have gas.
> >Gene
> You count on the water to conduct the heat away from the heater/burner
> and to the thermostat. If the tank runs low on water, the thermostat
> can read can't see that the heater/burner is running with nothing to
> heat. The water is the heat sink that conducts heat from the heater
> and keeps it at a reasonable temperature. If it's not there the
> heater/burner it will overheat and could be a fire hazard.

I get it, not enough water but gas burning inside might set the thing
on fire, right?

== 8 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 5:05 pm

On Jan 20, 6:46 pm, wrote:
> Your problem is that you have a gmail account.
> First,

Thanks buddy for the grammar lesson. Just what you want to hear when
your place is under water.

It is exactly the time in which a person has time to work on typos and
grammar. Home under water - but grammar is perfect and all typos

Thanks for being so realistic.


> it is "plumber," not plummer. Plumb, from the latin "plumb" for
> lead, which is what plumbers used to use.
> Secondly, the dripping faucet routine doesn't work. You have to have
> a certain amount of heat in the water for it to work. Get electric
> heat tape to place alongside your pipes, then get some foam pipe
> insulation to cover the pipe and tape.
> Third, it ain't bursted. A pipe bursts. The past tense is also burst.
> Yeah, I had some frozen pipes last freeze. I covered them with mulch,
> after putting heat tape in the most vulnerable spots.
> On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 16:15:10 -0700, Winston_Smith <>
> wrote:
> >On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 14:59:07 -0800 (PST),
> >wrote:
> >>How I hate that.
> >>I have straw outside my crawl space home to warm the pipes. I had
> >>water dripping from the faucets so that the pipes don't freeze. I
> >>opened the closets underneath the sinks. I had a space heater blowing
> >>warm heat at the pipes, nevertheless they FROZE and bursted today.
> >>I don't think that I get a plummer before Tuesday.
> >>I shut the main water valve off.
> >Make sure you shut off your hot water heater.
> >>Now, my question is: As I am living alone, would you shut the main
> >>water valve off every day before you go to bed and empty all pipes and
> >>open the main water valve the next morning to protect the pipes?
> >>Is there anything that speaks against shutting the main water switch
> >>off every day?
> >>What I am thinking is this: If the plummer is fixing the pipes on
> >>Tuesday, it might cost me dearly. Then he goes, the next day, they
> >>freeze again up on me, etc. And I have to fix them again, and again,
> >>and again, till it is finally spring.
> >>What do you think?
> >>Gene


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 3:38 pm
From: 4Front <>


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The following is a list of pricing information pursuant to your


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Note: The only exception to our flat rate pricing of $795.00 is Hawaii
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We work with you as the client to draw up a game plan which is the
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Our Agent(s) follow the subject(s) videotape and photograph ALL of
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all videotape taken along with photographs and a comprehensive
reporting each day. This price is based on a single Investigator for 8
hours. Some cases warranted two Investigators. A second Investigator
adds an additional cost of $350.00 per 8 hours to our flat rate price
of $795.00 per day. The only exception to this would be out of state
travel where additional expenses would apply.

We can also break the 8 hour day into two 4 hour segments for an
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We offer a multi day discount for clients that request 3 days or more
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Please allow approximately 3 weeks to complete this type of


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The cost for this service is $400 for every month that you are
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You will receive on month of all credit card activity for any credit
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The cost for this service is $400 for every month you are requesting
information for.


$295.00 per individual


This service provides deposits and withdrawals on up to 5 accounts at
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The cost for this service is $500 for every month that you are
requesting information for.


This service lets you find out comprehensive financial information on
anyone. You will receive bank account information (which includes:
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The cost for this service is $450.


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The cost for this service is $450.


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Ship out, taxes on shipment, date and time in, date and time out, and
when the shipment cleared.

The cost for this service is $1,050.


This service will provide information on any insurance policies for
any person/business in the US or Canada. You will receive information
on any health, whole life, personal, business, and vehicle,
malpractice, assault, and product insurance policies.

The report may also include details of injury, medication being taken,
if they are receiving psychiatric care, etc.

The cost for this service is $1,000.


This service locates high roller/VIP account details from anyone in
any Casino in any Country.

The report contains account balances, wires, deposits, withdrawals,
markers, perks, arrival date, and departure date.

The cost for this service is $1,200.


Verification of current employment by Name, date of birth and social
security number. This search provides current employment of a subject,
address and telephone number of employer. $339.00

Employment history search provides all employment history past and
present $325.00


$320.00 per person


We obtain these records for our clients with the understanding they
are provided for informational purposes only. We assume the requesting
party has a legal right to access this information. These records are
becoming increasingly difficult to obtain and the price we are charged
to obtain these records for our clients is substantial.

4Front Investigations will assume no liability for providing this
material to our client in addition to the client assuming any and all
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question in any legal proceeding.

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of the telephone to obtain the records. If you do not know the SSN or
address we charge an additional $49.00 to obtain this for the


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$275.00 (full refund if we are unable to determine this information)

Search for new email addresses associated with a person $290.00 (full
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Computer Keystroke Tracking Device: $365.00
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$250.00 per license plate or VIN


Each one of our Agents has extensive training on the latest threats to
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TOPIC: No Credit Score

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 3:56 pm
From: E Z Peaces

I've lived at the same address 25 years. I own the house and pay all
the bills. I've never changed my name, but when I asked for free credit
reports a couple of years ago, agencies told me they had no history for me.

Subsequently, my auto insurer sent me notification that I was getting
the lowest rate because I had the best possible credit rating. Now my
agent has signed me up with another company, who informs me I am paying
a high rate because no credit history is available for me.

What's going on?

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 4:44 pm
From: sarge137

On Jan 20, 4:56 pm, E Z Peaces <c...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> I've lived at the same address 25 years.  I own the house and pay all
> the bills.  I've never changed my name, but when I asked for free credit
> reports a couple of years ago, agencies told me they had no history for me.
> Subsequently, my auto insurer sent me notification that I was getting
> the lowest rate because I had the best possible credit rating.  Now my
> agent has signed me up with another company, who informs me I am paying
> a high rate because no credit history is available for me.
> What's going on?

Having no credit history is as bad, if not worse in some cases, as
having a poor history. That's why young people with no or limited
credit have such a hard time getting favorable rates on mortgages,
major loans and insurance. That insurance agent who told you having
no credit history was best was flat talking out of his (or her) butt.

Having said all that, I can't imagine how someone who has been a
homeowner and bill payer for 25 years has no credit history. I
suppose I could contrive a scenario where you were born into major
money, have been independently wealthy all your life, and have never
held a job, had a bank account or needed credit for anything.

Assuming everything you've said is 100% accurate, if I were you, I'd
be spending a lot of time with the credit bureaus finding out which
incorrect SSN my credit history is filed under.


== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 4:48 pm

On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 18:56:17 -0500, E Z Peaces <cash@invalid.invalid>

>I've lived at the same address 25 years. I own the house and pay all
>the bills. I've never changed my name, but when I asked for free credit
>reports a couple of years ago, agencies told me they had no history for me.
>Subsequently, my auto insurer sent me notification that I was getting
>the lowest rate because I had the best possible credit rating. Now my
>agent has signed me up with another company, who informs me I am paying
>a high rate because no credit history is available for me.
>What's going on?

Does the phrase "parallel universe" mean anything to you?

Different credit reporting agencies. Get the report from the three

TOPIC: Boo-hoo for bloodsucking retailers

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 4:10 pm
From: -

Jeff wrote:
> clams_casino wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> I recall that around Christmas in the USA,
>>> the mass-media cartel told us repeatedly that
>>> retailers were having a hard time. Boo hoo!
>>> Based on this new, I assumed that post-Christmas
>>> discounting would be widespread. But no,
>>> what I discovered was hiked-up prices or
>>> worse, hiked-up-then-discounted prices.
>>> For instance at Kohl's, which sells clothing.
>>> Their "sale" prices were simply hiked-up
>>> prices taken down. The result was that
>>> prices were actually higher than normal.
>>> At Sears I do notice many sales, however,
>>> including a comical ad for jeans starting
>>> at $3.50 -- bait and switch surely.
>>> Electronics stores have had very few
>>> real discounts after Christmas, except for
>>> a few items e.g. the $450 Toshiba laptop
>>> at BestBuy (always check that the factory
>>> seal isn't broken). But other items remain
>>> at high prices.
>>> However at MicroCenter there are
>>> a few deals on thumb drives and media,
>>> although that's typical for them.
>> Considering the widespread losses, I'd say prices have generally
>> bottomed out.
>> It's going to be hard to replace inventory with the ever declining
>> value of the US dollar.
> A lot of people don't understand just how rotten the underpinnings of
> the economy have become.
> The value of the dollar has fallen by nearly half in the last 7
> years. The credit markets are a mess, no one knows the amount of risk in
> the debt. And the economy is kept sputtering along by cheap money and debt.
> The DJIA closed at 12,100 friday and when "W"onder President was
> inaugurated it was 10,700. 1 1/2 % a year, and that is the group that
> has gotten the top deal.
> Jeff
The devalue of the dollar is deliberate. N one master stroke just the
combination of policies by this Globalist Administrations.
His mandate was to reduce the US to the global economic level lowest
common denominator. He said he was a "Globalist" he has restated that
many times. Global Business and the Global Ruling Economic Aristocracy
had declared that the US Dollar was too high. To reduce U S
Citizens/Consumers to the same level as the third world would, in the
long run bring about a higher wealth poverty ratio for them. To have
great wealth you must have poverty. If everyone had the same wealth
their would be no wealth. There would be no demand and there would be no
They have rewritten our Banking Laws and Contracts Laws. By their very
wording they are unconstitutional. The Administration is championing
Globalism not the Republic. The Constitution is an obstacle and much in
contempt by the Globalists.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 5:02 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Some stupid pig ignorant racecourse bum claiming to be
William Souden <> desperately
attempted to bullshit its way out of its predicament
and fooled absolutely no one at all, as always.

No surprise that its a racecourse bum.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 5:03 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Some stupid pig ignorant racecourse bum claiming to be
William Souden <> desperately
attempted to bullshit its way out of its predicament
and fooled absolutely no one at all, as always.

No surprise that its a racecourse bum.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 5:04 pm
From: William Souden

Rod Speed wrote:
> Some stupid pig ignorant racecourse bum claiming to be
> William Souden <> desperately
> attempted to bullshit its way out of its predicament
> and fooled absolutely no one at all, as always.
> No surprise that its a racecourse bum.
Can't answer, can you?

TOPIC: Soldering eyeglass Frames

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 4:45 pm
From: "Pete C."

Ivan Vegvary wrote:
> "Marsha" <> wrote in message news:fmvp8i$rkl$
> > Pete C. wrote:
> >
> >> Shawn Hirn wrote:
> >>>True, but the OP could use the original lenses in new frames. There's no
> >>>law that says a frame and lenses must be sold together.
> >>
> >>
> >> They keep changing frame shapes to prevent that (more profits). The
> >> lenses may be perfectly fine, but it's very likely you won't find new
> >> frames of the same size and shape if it's more than a year or two old.
> >
> > When my mother's frames broke, the first shop we went to said they didn't
> > have frames to fit her lenses, but they could do both frames and lenses.
> > When I said we go someplace else, it was amazing how fast they found a
> > pair of frames that fit.
> >
> > Marsha/Ohio
> >
> Marsha,
> That's a horrible story but probably very typical. I've always suspected
> that most glasses purchases are a rip-off. I can't see more than a few
> dollars worth of materials and labor in a pair of frames.

The How it's Made series that runs on the Discovery Channel had an
episode showing the manufacture of eyeglass frames, as well as an
episode showing the lens manufacture. There is a bit more involved than
you probably think, and on the lens side there is some very expensive
specialized equipment involved.

> Fortunately, I need only reading glasses and have never paid more than 3
> pairs for $19.95! Other family members need prescription lenses and get
> screwed on price all the time.

I'm pretty happy with my contacts.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 4:48 pm

Many thanks for excellent replies. My plan is to try to get stainless
solder and then try a jeweler. THere is a place on Queens Blvd which
says "watch repair & shoe repair"

If I get sep read/walk glasses, Zenni is as low as $9. I got the
eyeglasses which broke in 2003 for $30 and that "factory outlet" now
costs $40. They must be cast iron because they hurt and I tried to
bend them in church when they broke. I used to be good at bending. I
really don't care if the temple looks different.

- = -
Vasos Panagiotopoulos, Columbia'81+, Reagan, Mozart, Pindus, BioStrategist

---{Nothing herein constitutes advice. Everything fully disclaimed.}---
[Homeland Security means private firearms not lazy obstructive guards]
[Urb sprawl confounds terror] [Remorse begets zeal] [Windows is for Bimbos]


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