Tuesday, March 11, 2008

25 new messages in 7 topics - digest



Today's topics:

* Converter boxes for new HDTV sets -- which is the best one? - 1 messages, 1
* Nephew running with the money - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Using laptop as full time "desktop"? - 13 messages, 9 authors
* Is Buying A Hybrid Really Smart?? - 5 messages, 5 authors
* Brandy taylor hardcore,free hardcore teen black porn - 1 messages, 1 author
* Is it fraud or thinking ahead? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* "A good illegal alien is a dead illegal alien". Cannot be disputed. - 1
messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Converter boxes for new HDTV sets -- which is the best one?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 9:10 am
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"larry" <foo@foobar.com> wrote in message


> Only problem is that you can't use the fed coupons. Only converter boxes
> with rf ch3/4 and/or composite video output qualify. The set manufactures
> lobbied to prevent upgrading with the $40. Otherwise we'd all be gettin
> atsc usb sticks and keepin the change ;-)

it think it says on the card that you can't get any money back.

> is anyone selling the qualifying boxes for the $40.00? walmart is at $49.
> i still think tv stations will be giving away free boxes once the fed
> money runs out.
> also, the boxes are software upgradeable, wonder if the boxes might do
> more once out of the feds watch?

like what?

TOPIC: Nephew running with the money

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 9:31 am
From: "tim \(not at home\)"

"Rod Speed" <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Ronald Raygun <no.spam@localhost.localdomain> wrote:
>> Rod Speed wrote:
>>> google@woodall.me.uk wrote:
>>>> Deed of variation gives 100k to the nephew from the father and so
>>>> reduces the mothers estate to 300k. Nephew agrees that in return for
>>>> getting his inheritance early, the other two can share the spoils
>>>> when the mother dies. Mother dies and it turns out the estate isn't
>>>> worth anything like 300k (maybe nursing home fees etc) and now the
>>>> other two now feel agrieved that they haven't even done as well as
>>>> the nephew.
>>> Trouble with this line is that it raises the question of why the
>>> money wasnt given to those she intended to receive it instead of the
>>> nephew.
>> Quite so. But substitute "they" for "she". For the DoV to be
>> possible, all the father's heirs must have agreed. This presumably
>> includes the children.
>>> One obvious possibility is that it was considered to be less likely
>>> to be noticed by the tax authoritys if she did die before the 7
>>> years that is needed to make it legally bulletproof on avoiding the
>>> inheritance tax due otherwise.
>> Eh? If the nephew's money came from the father's estate,
> That hasnt been established.

Yes it has. The term Dead of Variation confirms it.


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 12:48 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

tim (not at home) <tims_new_home@yahoo.co.uk> wrote
> Rod Speed <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote
>> Ronald Raygun <no.spam@localhost.localdomain> wrote
>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>> google@woodall.me.uk wrote

>>>>> Deed of variation gives 100k to the nephew from the father and so
>>>>> reduces the mothers estate to 300k. Nephew agrees that in return
>>>>> for getting his inheritance early, the other two can share the
>>>>> spoils when the mother dies. Mother dies and it turns out the
>>>>> estate isn't worth anything like 300k (maybe nursing home fees
>>>>> etc) and now the other two now feel agrieved that they haven't
>>>>> even done as well as the nephew.

>>>> Trouble with this line is that it raises the question of why the money wasnt given to those she intended to receive
>>>> it instead of the nephew.

>>> Quite so. But substitute "they" for "she". For the DoV to be possible, all the father's heirs must have agreed.
>>> This presumably includes the children.

>>>> One obvious possibility is that it was considered to be less likely
>>>> to be noticed by the tax authoritys if she did die before the 7
>>>> years that is needed to make it legally bulletproof on avoiding the
>>>> inheritance tax due otherwise.

>>> Eh? If the nephew's money came from the father's estate,

>> That hasnt been established.

> Yes it has.


> The term Dead of Variation confirms it.

You dont know that it was what happened, particularly when he initially said
that the nephew got the money after the mother had died and that turned
out to be wrong. This latest variation could well be wrong too, particularly
when he still hasnt provided any good reason for the nephew to have got
the money temporarily rather than the deed of variation just distributing the
money to those who its supposed to be going to now, if the nephew was
prepared to return it. The story STILL has that very obvious hole in it and
it still isnt clear what actually happened.

Until that is explained, its either an incompetant troll or he's mangled the story.

TOPIC: Using laptop as full time "desktop"?

== 1 of 13 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 9:42 am
From: "rick++"

Another issue is ergnomoic.
Some people have neck problems and arm numbness
from looking down all the time.
Some laptops have video ports to drive regular monitors
when you are at a desk.

== 2 of 13 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 10:04 am
From: Just A User

me@privacy.net wrote:

I have had both laptops and desktops. I now use a Toshiba laptop. I
don't think I will ever go back to a desktop. I don't need a laptop too
much, but do use it sometimes on car trips and vacations. Try to do that
with a desktop.

I use a laptop cooler.
I power it down when not going to be used for more than a couple of hours.
I unplug it during those times.

My current one is over a year old and I have had no issues with it.

== 3 of 13 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 10:06 am
From: Seerialmom

On Mar 11, 6:59 am, m...@privacy.net wrote:
> My computer usage is such that I really do not NEED a
> laptop.
> I don't travel for work..... and even tho I'm a student
> find that dragging a full size laptop to school to be a
> burden and unnecessary as campus has many desktops
> setting around to use anyway.
> Having said that... I can still see value in having
> laptop to move from room to room..... take on car
> trips.... easy to resale on used market via mail order,
> etc.
> Some questions abt using a laptop in full time desktop
> mode tho:
> 1.  Can a laptop run on 110 vac without battery being
> in unit? It's best not to "cook" the battery all day
> long if the laptop is plugged in and used as a desktop
> anyway, is it?
> 2. Is it Ok to leave a laptop plugged into 110 vac and
> without battery ON all day long? Say you leave the
> house for a few hrs..... just leave it on...... will
> that be hard on the internals and cooling fan? not
> being designed for that?
> 3. When shutting the laptop down at the end of the
> day..... anyway to stop the phantom current flow form
> the power brick being plugged into the wall versus just
> unplugging it (hassle)?
> Bottom line.... what habits are worthwhile to use a
> laptop as a desktop" all day long without causing any
> damage? and make it convenient as a desktop?

1. Some of the newer laptops have a "refresh" option to cycle the
battery (the older laptops had batteries that were similar to the old
cordless phones...that is, they "remember" the battery usage so if you
only use 20 minutes of battery...that's what it'll keep).

2. Well...since I use 2 laptops at work "all day long" (as do most of
my coworkers); so far it's not a big deal. But we do have "docking
stations" that are powered; external monitor is connected to the
docking station and in your case...if you want to save your LCD, I'd
connect an external monitor and use that. Most of the damage these
laptops see is from (l)users who think it's no big deal to "walk and
compute" at the same time...the result being crashed hard drives.

3. Simple answer: no. Even having the brick plugged into the wall but
not plugged into the laptop would draw juice...so how about
simplifying by plugging brick into a power strip and shutting that

Bottom line answer: Laptops typically have default "power saving" and
"system saving" settings for "on battery" vs "on plug", use those as a
guideline and adjust as needed.

But you know...it'd probably be cheaper to just have a couple of
desktops for the price you pay for the lower CPU powered laptops.
Just set up desktop stations in a few rooms in the house :)

== 4 of 13 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 10:17 am
From: Paul M. Eldridge

On Tue, 11 Mar 2008 09:42:59 -0700 (PDT), "rick++"
<rick303@hotmail.com> wrote:

>Another issue is ergnomoic.
>Some people have neck problems and arm numbness
>from looking down all the time.
>Some laptops have video ports to drive regular monitors
>when you are at a desk.

Hi Rick,

This is one reason why I continue to use a desktop at home. Once you
plug in an external mouse, keyboard and monitor you're pretty much
back at square one, and since my desktop is a mini-tower that sits on
the floor, it doesn't steal any workspace. Portability is nice, but
that's become less important to me than in the past and I can still
transfer critical work files on a small (and inexpensive) UBS drive or
by way of a network connection.

Besides, I won't ever have to worry about this:


== 5 of 13 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 10:17 am
From: ranck@vt.edu

me@privacy.net wrote:
> 1. Can a laptop run on 110 vac without battery being
> in unit? It's best not to "cook" the battery all day
> long if the laptop is plugged in and used as a desktop
> anyway, is it?

My work laptop stays plugged in to its docking station
and running on 110V pretty much 24/7 with the battery
in it. No problems in over a year and half. My older
laptop used a wall-wart instead of a dock and I could
remove the battery while in use on the 110V. Didn't
usually do that, but it could be done and should not
hurt anything.

> 2. Is it Ok to leave a laptop plugged into 110 vac and
> without battery ON all day long? Say you leave the
> house for a few hrs..... just leave it on...... will
> that be hard on the internals and cooling fan? not
> being designed for that?

Power on and power off are harder on the electrical
components than steady state on. Battery in or out
should not make any difference. I don't know what
makes you think the cooling and internals aren't
designed for that. They certainly are.

> 3. When shutting the laptop down at the end of the
> day..... anyway to stop the phantom current flow form
> the power brick being plugged into the wall versus just
> unplugging it (hassle)?

The power brick is a transformer. There will always be
some small current unless it is unplugged. This small
current is negligible if the computer is turned off.
Seriously, you are talking a few cents per year in
electricity costs.

> Bottom line.... what habits are worthwhile to use a
> laptop as a desktop" all day long without causing any
> damage? and make it convenient as a desktop?

This is becoming the standard where I work. Most people
here have a laptop as their primary computer and they stay
plugged in and powered up most of the time.

Bill Ranck
Blacksburg, Va.

== 6 of 13 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 10:21 pm
From: Anthony Matonak

me@privacy.net wrote:
> 1. Can a laptop run on 110 vac without battery being
> in unit? It's best not to "cook" the battery all day
> long if the laptop is plugged in and used as a desktop
> anyway, is it?

Most laptops should work fine without the battery installed.

A proper charging circuit shouldn't ever "cook" the battery
and I know lots of folks who leave their laptop plugged in
99% of the time without problems.

If you do remove the battery then you might want to invest
in a small UPS to handle brownouts and power fluctuations.
You'll also want to remember to recharge the battery every
few weeks to keep it topped up.

Regardless of what you do, all the lithium batteries used
for laptops today are the kind that self destruct in about
3 to 5 years even if they're just sitting on a shelf.

> 2. Is it Ok to leave a laptop plugged into 110 vac and
> without battery ON all day long? Say you leave the
> house for a few hrs..... just leave it on...... will
> that be hard on the internals and cooling fan? not
> being designed for that?

Who says they aren't designed for that? As the other fellow
said, you can always get a cooling pad to put under it.

> 3. When shutting the laptop down at the end of the
> day..... anyway to stop the phantom current flow form
> the power brick being plugged into the wall versus just
> unplugging it (hassle)?

You can use a power strip with a switch to turn off everything.

> Bottom line.... what habits are worthwhile to use a
> laptop as a desktop" all day long without causing any
> damage? and make it convenient as a desktop?

I've known folks to put their laptop up on a stand and use a
regular keyboard and mouse attached to it.


== 7 of 13 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 10:40 am
From: max

In article <c14dt31tgcb7cii65ko0uv1hjhpocmotra@4ax.com>, me@privacy.net

> My computer usage is such that I really do not NEED a
> laptop.

Great idea!

Most of the people where i work (the main control room of the Fermi
particle accelerator) and myself, have ditched desktop units for
laptops, for both work and home. That's a lot of tech-savvy people and a
lot of laptops.

As far as battery stuff: follow mfr. instructions. You do not need to
worry about "cooking" batteries -- that's more of a NiCad problem and
laptops are all hydride-based now.

My laptop, a newer MacBookPro (bought last september), will sit in
standby/sleep mode for many days on a battery charge. I plug in the
charger when i'm near an outlet. Battery life is not an issue.

I DO NOT shut down my mac everyday, neither do my coworkers I put it to
sleep by closing the top -- when i'm ready to use it again, i open the
top and it's ready within 5 seconds. Much faster than rebooting.

One thing i like about my mac is the magsafe power cord -- it doesn't
plug in, it sticks on to the side magnetically, and if i tug on the
cord, it comes off w/o damaging the connector or pulling my computer off
the table.

There's also a bit to be said for being able to use your computer from
your comfy chair at home (like i am right now) or at the library or a
coffee shop or Panera Bread, where you can get *free* -- legitamitely
free, not stolen -- *free* internet access. Because I work very
strange hours, and am often off during the daytime during the week, i
have come to greatly enjoy hanging out at Panera, munching on a bagette
and drinking too much coffee and ...posting here among other things.

I recommend you buy a laptop, get a well padded carry case (ii use a
swiss army knapsack), treat it with a modicum of care. I assure you you
will never want another desktop unit.

You will probably be happier with a lighter one vs. a heavier one. Ask
your friends...



This signature can be appended to your outgoing mesages. Many people include in
their signatures contact information, and perhaps a joke or quotation.

== 8 of 13 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 11:23 am
From: Zuke

On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, max wrote:

> In article <c14dt31tgcb7cii65ko0uv1hjhpocmotra@4ax.com>, me@privacy.net
> wrote:
>> My computer usage is such that I really do not NEED a
>> laptop.

>Oneike about my mac is the magsafe power cord -- it doesn't
> plug in, it sticks on to the side magnetically, and if i tug on the
> cord, it comes off w/o damaging the connector or pulling my computer off
> the table.

This is the problem with my laptops, they run through power cords
like candy. My daughter has a MAC and I noticed that magnetic
feature. It seemed like a great idea.

Does anybody have any suggestions to keep the power cord from
going on the fritz? Maybe putting some extra tape on it or
something where it goes into the computer?

== 9 of 13 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 12:42 pm
From: me@privacy.net

"rick++" <rick303@hotmail.com> wrote:

>Another issue is ergnomoic.
>Some people have neck problems and arm numbness
>from looking down all the time.
>Some laptops have video ports to drive regular monitors
>when you are at a desk.

I have the above problem as well but was thinking I
could use a laptop "stand" to alleviate that. see link


== 10 of 13 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 12:44 pm
From: me@privacy.net

Paul M. Eldridge <paul.eldridge@ns.sympatico.ca> wrote:

>This is one reason why I continue to use a desktop at home. Once you
>plug in an external mouse, keyboard and monitor you're pretty much
>back at square one, and since my desktop is a mini-tower that sits on
>the floor, it doesn't steal any workspace. Portability is nice, but
>that's become less important to me than in the past and I can still
>transfer critical work files on a small (and inexpensive) UBS drive or
>by way of a network connection.

My concerns above as well

I'm thinking abt building a small cheap Shuttle based

Then using a N810 or PC as cheap mobile device since
they are REALLY small

== 11 of 13 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 1:02 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

me@privacy.net wrote:

> My computer usage is such that I really do not NEED a laptop.

Hardly anyone does today.

> I don't travel for work..... and even tho I'm a student find that dragging
> a full size laptop to school to be a burden and unnecessary as campus
> has many desktops setting around to use anyway.

The most obvious advantage of that approach is that you take the work
you are working on with you, tho its definitely a nuisance to cart it around.

> Having said that... I can still see value in having laptop to move from room to room.....

Yes, I use mine for that, in addition to two desktop systems, one
thats the PVR and the other is the main PC that I normally use.

> take on car trips....

Yes, thats much more convenient than a desktop system.

> easy to resale on used market via mail order, etc.

They dont have a great resale value tho.

> Some questions abt using a laptop in full time desktop mode tho:

> 1. Can a laptop run on 110 vac without battery being in unit?


> It's best not to "cook" the battery all day long if the laptop
> is plugged in and used as a desktop anyway, is it?

Its not cook so much as the charger may not
treat the battery ideally when its fully charged.

I dont care, I leave the battery in the system all the time
and just unplug it from the power for maximum convenience
around the house for a hour to two and leave the system
charging almost all the time, and accept the fact that that
may reduce the battery life a bit for the convenience.

> 2. Is it Ok to leave a laptop plugged into 110 vac and without battery ON all day long?


> Say you leave the house for a few hrs..... just leave it on......
> will that be hard on the internals and cooling fan?

Well, the fan will get used more like that, but the rest will be fine.

> not being designed for that?

Plenty are now.

> 3. When shutting the laptop down at the end of the day.....
> anyway to stop the phantom current flow form the power brick
> being plugged into the wall versus just unplugging it (hassle)?

I dont care about this power use, but then I
have two desktop PCs on 24/7 as well anyway.

> Bottom line.... what habits are worthwhile to use a laptop
> as a desktop" all day long without causing any damage?

Anything reasonable will be fine.

> and make it convenient as a desktop?

Few find laptop keyboards as convenient to use as a decent separate keyboard if you type much.

I prefer 19" screens too.

== 12 of 13 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 1:05 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Seerialmom <seerialmom@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Mar 11, 6:59 am, m...@privacy.net wrote:
>> My computer usage is such that I really do not NEED a
>> laptop.
>> I don't travel for work..... and even tho I'm a student
>> find that dragging a full size laptop to school to be a
>> burden and unnecessary as campus has many desktops
>> setting around to use anyway.
>> Having said that... I can still see value in having
>> laptop to move from room to room..... take on car
>> trips.... easy to resale on used market via mail order,
>> etc.
>> Some questions abt using a laptop in full time desktop
>> mode tho:
>> 1. Can a laptop run on 110 vac without battery being
>> in unit? It's best not to "cook" the battery all day
>> long if the laptop is plugged in and used as a desktop
>> anyway, is it?
>> 2. Is it Ok to leave a laptop plugged into 110 vac and
>> without battery ON all day long? Say you leave the
>> house for a few hrs..... just leave it on...... will
>> that be hard on the internals and cooling fan? not
>> being designed for that?
>> 3. When shutting the laptop down at the end of the
>> day..... anyway to stop the phantom current flow form
>> the power brick being plugged into the wall versus just
>> unplugging it (hassle)?
>> Bottom line.... what habits are worthwhile to use a
>> laptop as a desktop" all day long without causing any
>> damage? and make it convenient as a desktop?

> 1. Some of the newer laptops have a "refresh" option to cycle the
> battery (the older laptops had batteries that were similar to the old
> cordless phones...that is, they "remember" the battery usage so if
> you only use 20 minutes of battery...that's what it'll keep).

That isnt seen anymore, it was only seen with older NiCad batterys.

> 2. Well...since I use 2 laptops at work "all day long" (as do most of
> my coworkers); so far it's not a big deal. But we do have "docking
> stations" that are powered; external monitor is connected to the
> docking station and in your case...if you want to save your LCD, I'd
> connect an external monitor and use that. Most of the damage these
> laptops see is from (l)users who think it's no big deal to "walk and
> compute" at the same time...the result being crashed hard drives.

> 3. Simple answer: no. Even having the brick plugged into the wall but
> not plugged into the laptop would draw juice...so how about simplifying
> by plugging brick into a power strip and shutting that off?

> Bottom line answer: Laptops typically have default "power saving" and
> "system saving" settings for "on battery" vs "on plug", use those as a
> guideline and adjust as needed.

> But you know...it'd probably be cheaper to just have a couple of
> desktops for the price you pay for the lower CPU powered laptops.
> Just set up desktop stations in a few rooms in the house :)

Not if you go for a low end laptop.

== 13 of 13 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 1:07 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Zuke <me@privacy.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, max wrote:
>> In article <c14dt31tgcb7cii65ko0uv1hjhpocmotra@4ax.com>,
>> me@privacy.net wrote:
>>> My computer usage is such that I really do not NEED a
>>> laptop.
>> Oneike about my mac is the magsafe power cord -- it doesn't
>> plug in, it sticks on to the side magnetically, and if i tug on the
>> cord, it comes off w/o damaging the connector or pulling my computer
>> off the table.
> This is the problem with my laptops, they run through power cords
> like candy. My daughter has a MAC and I noticed that magnetic
> feature. It seemed like a great idea.

> Does anybody have any suggestions to keep the power cord from going on the fritz?

Dont yank the cord out by holding onto the cord itself, hold onto the connector instead.

> Maybe putting some extra tape on it or something where it goes into the computer?

Not necessary if you dont yank it out by pulling on the cord.

TOPIC: Is Buying A Hybrid Really Smart??

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 10:02 pm
From: Anthony Matonak

Shawn Hirn wrote:
> Even so, the Prius does not get its energy entirely from gas. You are
> simply wrong on that statement. A good deal of the battery recharging on
> a Prius comes from what Toyota calls "regenerative braking" which takes
> kinetic energy that would have been wasted from the brakes and uses it
> to recharge the battery. Its quite ingenious.

Just to be technical, the kinetic energy from the moving car was
provided by the gas engine. This means that all the energy came
from gas to start with.


== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 10:42 am
From: barbie gee

On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Anthony Matonak wrote:

> Shawn Hirn wrote:
> ...
>> Even so, the Prius does not get its energy entirely from gas. You are
>> simply wrong on that statement. A good deal of the battery recharging on a
>> Prius comes from what Toyota calls "regenerative braking" which takes
>> kinetic energy that would have been wasted from the brakes and uses it to
>> recharge the battery. Its quite ingenious.
> Just to be technical, the kinetic energy from the moving car was
> provided by the gas engine. This means that all the energy came
> from gas to start with.

even when it's running in battery only mode?
this starts to look like a bit of hair-splitting, dontcha think?

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 12:51 pm
From: Dennis

On Tue, 11 Mar 2008 12:42:10 -0500, barbie gee
<barbie.gee@NOSESPAMgmail.com> wrote:

>On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Anthony Matonak wrote:
>> Shawn Hirn wrote:
>> ...
>>> Even so, the Prius does not get its energy entirely from gas. You are
>>> simply wrong on that statement. A good deal of the battery recharging on a
>>> Prius comes from what Toyota calls "regenerative braking" which takes
>>> kinetic energy that would have been wasted from the brakes and uses it to
>>> recharge the battery. Its quite ingenious.
>> Just to be technical, the kinetic energy from the moving car was
>> provided by the gas engine. This means that all the energy came
>> from gas to start with.
>even when it's running in battery only mode?

Yes, even when it's running in battery only mode. The energy in the
battery came from the gasoline fuel, by way of the engine and

>this starts to look like a bit of hair-splitting, dontcha think?

Not at all. Where else would it come from? Does the Prius convert
sunlight or windpower? No. Every joule of energy used by the Prius
comes from the gasoline put in the tank.

Now, if you do want to split hairs, you could claim that the initial
charge in the battery when it was installed was not produced by the
gasoline in the tank... ;-)

Dennis (evil)
I'm behind the eight ball, ahead of the curve, riding the wave,
dodging the bullet and pushing the envelope. -George Carlin

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 12:51 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

barbie gee <barbie.gee@NOSESPAMgmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Shawn Hirn wrote:
>> In article <Pine.LNX.4.64.0803102135390.30900@sghcrg.sghcrg.pbz>,
>> barbie gee <barbie.gee@NOSESPAMgmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 10 Mar 2008, Seerialmom wrote:
>>>> On Mar 10, 12:49 pm, James <j0069b...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Do you save anything on long trips? I understand the savings is in
>>>>> city stop & go traffic and not on the highway crusing at 65.
>>>> That's my understanding about the hybrids as well. And since the
>>>> majority of my driving is "highway"; it doesn't make sense. However, it'd be fine with rush hour gridlock, right?
>>> Depends on the car, the driver, and the traffic.
>>> (2005 Prius)
>>> I get best mileage at 55-65mph on the highway, good mileage on the
>>> highway in slow but moving traffic, and crappy mpg when driving on
>>> arterial streets with lots of stop lights where you cannot avoid
>>> full stops and starts every half mile. (think Chicago.)
>> Right. As a recent Prius owner, (about 7 weeks), I am learning this
>> first hand. I also see that the fuel economy goes up when I don't use
>> the climate control. The Prius' heater really consumes a lot of
>> energy.
> welcome to the family, Shawn!
> As you do more research, you'll find lots of little tweaks and tricks
> to optimize mileage;
> use higher psi in the tires (I do 40 front, 38 rear, although some do
> 42/40), coast a lot (unfortunately other drivers seem to hate it,
> even if you're coasting to a RED light. people stupid.), learn to
> "feather" and so on...

> I'll never understand the folks with that "it'll never pay for itself" argument.

Your problem.

> Does the "premium" they pay for fancy rims, booming sound
> systems or some other fancy feature "pay for itself"?

Irrelevant to whether the higher price of a Prius
over a conventional equivalent car pays for itself.

> Why can't they understand that for us, a hybrid engine is the fancy feature we are willing to pay extra for?

Its only value is the better fuel consumption. What matters is whether
the higher capital cost ever pays for itself with the better fuel consumption.

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 1:09 pm
From: Jeff

barbie gee wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Anthony Matonak wrote:
>> Shawn Hirn wrote:
>> ...
>>> Even so, the Prius does not get its energy entirely from gas. You are
>>> simply wrong on that statement. A good deal of the battery recharging
>>> on a Prius comes from what Toyota calls "regenerative braking" which
>>> takes kinetic energy that would have been wasted from the brakes and
>>> uses it to recharge the battery. Its quite ingenious.
>> Just to be technical, the kinetic energy from the moving car was
>> provided by the gas engine. This means that all the energy came
>> from gas to start with.
> even when it's running in battery only mode?

But, where does the battery get it's energy from? The gas engine, of course!

We are not talking about plug ins.

> this starts to look like a bit of hair-splitting, dontcha think?

Not really, the energy from the regenerative braking originally came
from the gas engine. Even if you are going down hill, the energy to get
uphill came from the gas engine, or the battery which of course is
charged from the gas engine.

What we are doing is managing the energy from the gas engine very

Now, I wonder about using some other engine. Stirlings could make an
efficient battery charger. That would require a larger battery as you
would be running primarily off the electric motor, but I suspect that
the mileage could be very good. Now, I don't expect anything like this
in the near future, but I suspect in 25 years stirling hybrids and
plugins will be common.


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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 11:49 am
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TOPIC: Is it fraud or thinking ahead?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 12:37 pm
From: Seerialmom

Ok...so yesterday someone I know said their family was moving into a
new house (not brand new..but newer than where they are now). When
asked if they had sold their current house or if they were going to
rent it out; this person disclosed that they were still current on the
house payment where they are now....but once they move into the other
house they're buying the old house would eventually go into
foreclosure. Aside from the major "ding" on the credit rating for the
next 7 years....I'm still trying to figure out if this was smart
planning on their part or just outright fraud? At the least maybe
unethical? Just curious if anyone had heard of doing this before?

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 1:25 pm

"Seerialmom" <seerialmom@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Ok...so yesterday someone I know said their family was moving into a
> new house (not brand new..but newer than where they are now). When
> asked if they had sold their current house or if they were going to
> rent it out; this person disclosed that they were still current on the
> house payment where they are now....but once they move into the other
> house they're buying the old house would eventually go into
> foreclosure. Aside from the major "ding" on the credit rating for the
> next 7 years....I'm still trying to figure out if this was smart
> planning on their part or just outright fraud? At the least maybe
> unethical? Just curious if anyone had heard of doing this before?

Sounds bogus. How would they have qualified for a new mortgage without
selling the old house? If they have sufficiently decent credit to qualify
for a new mortgage, why wouldn't they sell the old house and pocket the
profit? Even if they owe more than the old house is worth, the bank will
require some sort of downpayment. I sense either a tall tale or someone who
will be very disappointed at their closing, when the bank refuses to cough
up the money. The only way this makes sense is if they have enough money to
afford both mortgages AND the old house is worth less than they owe. Then
they are just being sleezy by walking away from the old one, but at least
their credit will be ruined.

TOPIC: "A good illegal alien is a dead illegal alien". Cannot be disputed.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 12:53 pm
From: Ted

Never forget, never forgive those who have failed to protect American
citizens from the invasion.
Estimates range from 3 to 5,000 Americans killed last year by
homicides and drunken illegal
alien drivers.



American Renaissance


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