Saturday, May 31, 2008

2 new messages in 2 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* If food and gas prices keep going up, the only direction for housing is down
- 1 messages, 1 author
* I'm getting 32 MPG... - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: If food and gas prices keep going up, the only direction for housing is

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, May 30 2008 7:27 pm

On May 30, 9:00 am, Jeff <> wrote:
> George wrote:
> > Jeff wrote:
> >> wrote:
> >>> On May 28, 6:30 pm, wrote:
> >>>> There's no other way around.
> >>> If your dwelling is near employment centers, you might be well off.
> >> The trend where I live is mixed commercial and residential. You could
> >> live on top of the business you work at. Myself, I prefer to work in
> >> the easy chair across from the bed...
> >>> If your dwelling is far out in the suburbs, and the commute to work is
> >>> long, you might be not so well off.
> >> Oddly, the further out people live, the more likely they drive a gas
> >> hog. It's the opposite of what makes sense now.
> > Can I suggest that waste such as hauling yourself and a large coffee
> > around in a five ton fashion statement truck never made sense?
> Sure, you can suggest that. And you'd be right! Well put.
> Isn't that 3 ton loophole still open? That you can write off 100% of
> a $100,000 SUV as long as it weighs 3 tons?
> Considering that gas prices were already spiking back in 2003, to
> extend the road hog tax benefit at that time is indicative of the
> culture of short sightedness and greed that characterizes the W White
> House to this day.
> Jeff
> >>> If you own a farm and don't need to buy seeds, you are in great shape.
> >> I think it's a real mixed bag for farmers. With livestock producers
> >> probably being hard hit, if they have to buy feed. Anyone that runs
> >> farm machinery is going to take a hit also.
> >> Jeff

Spoken as if W conceived, wrote, debated, passed, and signed the
legislation all by himself, without congress, citizens, or lobbyists.

The legislation in question was intended to support capital
expenditures by businesses. They were thinking trucks, farm stuff,
delivery vehicles, etc.
IIRC, ordinary citizens didn't get the tax break, unless they had a
business and were able to write the gas-hog off as some sort of
deduction to the business. Think real estate people who bought the
biggest thing because dollarwise it made sense.

It's not the first, only, or last time that legislation had unintended
consequences. It would have been nice, though, if congress had fixed
the problem as soon as it was recognized. Please note that the
President can't sign any legislation that congress has not passed.

TOPIC: I'm getting 32 MPG...

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, May 30 2008 10:16 pm
From: Katy

I get 32 MPG with my car.

It's not a hybrid.

It's just my 1999 Saturn SL2.

Wanna know how I do it? I set up a blog called Smart Driving Tips for
Smart People so that I can share some of the things I do to stretch
every last ounce of gas out of my tank. I hope you find it useful.

1. I coast whenever possible.
If the light up ahead is red, or even yellow, I'll just coast. It
never ceases to amaze me when someone speeds up to zip around me only
to have to slam on their brakes for the red light. And you know what?

Keep reading...


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