Wednesday, May 7, 2008

21 new messages in 9 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Gas Prices - 12 messages, 6 authors
* I Just Took The Bush-McCain Challenge - 1 messages, 1 author
* Car Lease Debacle - 1 messages, 1 author
* China Wholesale Hogan Mauri 4US Bapesta Lacoste Evisu Dsquared S hoes &
Sneakers - 2 messages, 1 author
* Full Size Mattress - Find SALES on Full Size Mattresses - 1 messages, 1
* I Don't Even Buy Organic And Am Paying $1.10 For An Apple!!! - 1 messages, 1
messages, 1 author
* Emergency Room ..Experienced opinion. - 1 messages, 1 author
6 $ 24.99,SEX AND THE CITY DVD9 SEASONS1-6 $ 29.99,007 JAMES BOND $ 24.99,
HEROES $14.99,CHARMED $ 55.99,SOPRANOS $ 25.99,STAR TREK $ 44.99 and SO MANY

TOPIC: Gas Prices

== 1 of 12 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 7:28 pm
From: (Don Klipstein)

In <>, Larry Caldwell wrote:
>In article <76yTj.13853$>,
> (William Souden) says...
>> Still holds true. Some people who, unlike you, work and have bills
>> can not pay in full each month.
>If they piss their money away on credit card interest, there's no
>helping them. They have to learn to look past the next paycheck, and
>learn some financial responsibility.
>If you can live on your income, you can live on 90% of your income.

Many people who used to be able to live on 90% of their income can no
longer do so.

Ratio of median income to consumer price index has hardly advanced since
1973, due to the top 80% getting higher percentage raises than the bottom
80% since then, and especially since 1980.

Also, the consumer price index has some flaws - the government likes to
fudge it to make it appear that the cost of what households have to pay
for is not going up as fast as it actually is. One example is the Reagan
Administration adding home mortgage interest cost to the "basket" - when
interest rates had recently peaked at a historic high and had nowhere to
go but down.

The CPI measures the cost of gasoline, but I doubt it measures effects
of people living farther from work and farther from supermarkets than in
the past.

One more factor is that households are gaining expenses. The consumer
price index measures rate of inflation of what is in "The Basket", and
does not consider how household expenses grow from the basket list
increasing. Internet access has low inflation, but that is a bill that
few people paid 15-20 or more years ago. Same for cell phones. Hardly
anyone had a computer 30 or more years ago. These became necessities for
all too many households in the last 10-12 or so years. And the list of
required vaccines expands, and child car seats became a necessity somewhat
recently. Just a little farther in the past, VCRs became a reasonable
part of the cost of living, bit I expect that the CPI considers the
inflation (or lack thereof) of VCRs and their successors while avoiding
consideration of increase of cost of living due to those items becoming
part of the cost of living. Same for microwave ovens.
The list of necessities expands despite this list also losing items such
as buggy whips and carriages, as in few costs of living became avoidable
since the CPI was invented while many became unavoidable new bills in
modern times! CPI does not measure how cost of living increases due to
the list of necessities expanding!

And God help people with above-average exposure to hyperinflationary
costs - such as those people paying for their own health insurance!

Average income has been increasing fast enough to cover these new bills
nicely. However, about 80% of Americans have had their income grow slower
than average income has grown, due to the top roughly 20% and especially
the top 5% increasing the percentage size of their slice of the pie.

- Don Klipstein (

== 2 of 12 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 7:35 pm
From: clams_casino

Larry Caldwell wrote:

>In article <j_6Uj.169117$>,
>xx@xx.xx (SpammersDie) says...
>>That's in addition to, not in lieu of, an emergency fund. The e-fund is to
>>cover the truly unanticipated crises.
>I handle it more simply than that. I just pay the bills each month and
>put whatever is left over in a savings account.

I found a better way was to place extra money as additional mortgage
payment, essentially saving at the rate of one's mortgage vs. the 1-3%
typical of savings accounts. Occasionally I needed some of that money,
but accessed it via a home equity loan which I paid off as quick as
possible. End result was always having a substantial emergency reserve
while saving significant amounts in interest payments (far superior to
saving in a savings account).

> I started out making
>fixed payments to my savings account, but with plenty of money back, I
>don't have to be that strict any more. I just have a rule that I don't
>buy anything I can't pay cash for. If I don't have the money, I can't
>afford it. With no consumer debt (car payments) and no credit card
>debt, I can afford to live a little better than I could live if I was
>making payments, and I sleep a lot better.

That, we can agree upon. There is very little that can be justified
with credit card debt (interest). Borrowing for a car makes can make
sense when one is younger, but only for the minimum car that's
necessary. After perhaps age 35, it makes little sense to borrow for a car.

== 3 of 12 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 7:38 pm
From: clams_casino

Larry Caldwell wrote:

>In article <>, (cj) says...
>>Now, up here in Montana, we can go to *the* gas station in town (12
>>miles) or we can go to the slightly cheaper gas station in the next town
>>that has one (actually, they have 2!), it's only 75 miles. But to get
>>gas at Costco, I usually have to fill up just to get there, it's only
>>240 miles. Oh, and there's only one place to get gas on the way, it's a
>>mere 160 miles south of town.
>Cheer up. You could be like urbanoids, burning $3 worth of gasoline to
>save 5 cents a gallon at Costco. Why, if they buy 20 gallons of gas,
>they save a buck!
>I have found that the niftiest way to save money on gasoline is to stay
Only a fool considers just the cost of gas. The full cost of driving
should be considered - 50 cents / mile is the generally accepted average
by AAA as well as the federal government, although there will be some
cost savings using the smaller, more efficient cars.

== 4 of 12 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 7:59 pm
From: krw

In article <>, says...
> In article <>,
> krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzz> wrote:
> > I've found I make far more money getting off my ass. Perhaps you
> > should try it?
> are you a stripper?

No, but unlike you, at least they have jobs.


== 5 of 12 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 8:03 pm
From: krw

In article <Xns9A96CE104C66B7544444@>,
> Larry Caldwell <> wrote in
> >
> > Personally, I just use whatever service station is most convenient, and
> > save the 60 cents by driving slower or driving less.
> >
> Driving slower hasn't seemed to occur to a whole lot of the same
> idiots who complain the most about the price of gas.

It still hasn't seemed to occur to a whole lot of idiots that time
is money.

> I'm thinking of getting a bumper sticker that says something such as:
> I'm paying for the gas
> So get off my ass!

I'm sure you'll find that as useful as all the other bumper stickers
holding the rust together.

> There's a route I take to work that is 65 mph for @14 miles with only
> one passing lane mid-point. (CJ knows this road well.) Everyone gets on
> your ass so they can zoom up to 75-80mph and pass each other and
> jockey for a new place in the car herd.
> Six minutes later, we're all sitting at the same stop light anyway.

Physics doesn't work that way.

> They just sucked a bunch of extra gas up to get at the same stoplight and
> be 7th in line instead of 8th.
> What's the point?

Everyone *always* gets stopped at the light, for exactly the same


== 6 of 12 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 8:04 pm
From: (Don Klipstein)

In article <>, Larry Caldwell wrote:
>In article <>,
>(Rod Speed) says...
>> Nope, because they promise to pay interest on bonds
>> and continue to do so and repay the capital too.
>Not in this world they don't bunkie. The feds haven't made an interest
>payment in 60 years. They just borrow more money to keep the pyramid
>scheme running.

USA's national debt decreased during most of Clinton'as second term!
Not only was all interest being paid, but some principal was paid down!
One of those fiscal years even had an SS-excluding surplus!

Part of the credit goes to gridlock from Republicans ruling the House of
Representatives while a Democrat was in the White House - that slows down
new spending, spending increases and tax cuts!

- Don Klipstein (

== 7 of 12 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 8:06 pm
From: krw

In article <QM7Uj.300089$cQ1.197109@bgtnsc04->, says...
> krw wrote:
> > In article <fvpj06$167g$>,
> > says...
> >> Dave wrote:
> >>>> What's a big old guzzler car? I too have a 40 mile each way commute.
> >(snip)
> >>
> >> I don't think you can make a bench style front seat anymore and still
> >> have proper seatbelt/shoulder harness capabilities so it's really hard
> >> to find anything that seats 6 anymore unless it has a 3rd row of seat
> >> in the back. Back seat leg room is pretty much a thing of the past but
> >> that seems to be the major factor determining full-size anymore. But
> >> not everything that looks big has much leg room. A lot of the SUV type
> >> vehicles don't have room for my legs in the back seat but I've never
> >> heard anyone call them small cars.
> >
> > Complete nonsense. Ever hear of a Crown Victoria?
> No longer available new to general public- fleet sales only. Gone in a
> year or two anyway, as soon as Ford comes up with something for Taxi/Cop
> use. Not sure what they will do with Gran Marquis/Lincoln Towncar, built
> off same platform, since they don't sell enough to keep the line going
> by themselves.

Same car, different paint.


== 8 of 12 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 8:07 pm
From: (Don Klipstein)

In article <9t8Uj.1885$tM1.502@newsfe20.lga>, clams_casino wrote:
>Larry Caldwell wrote:
>>The rule of thumb is that you should have 50% of your annual income in
>>cash for emergencies.
>Glad I never used your advice. Having 50% cash is a sure way to never
>get ahead - equal and maybe worse than having credit card debt..

OK, instead of cash, have it in money market, bond, and stock mutual
funds. If you have high expectations of being able to not tap into that
nest egg, have it mostly or all in a good stock index mutual fund - such
as Vanguard's "Index 500" or "Index Total".

- Don Klipstein (

== 9 of 12 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 8:08 pm
From: krw

In article <>, says...
> In article <>,
> (Rod Speed) says...
> > Nope, because they promise to pay interest on bonds
> > and continue to do so and repay the capital too.
> Not in this world they don't bunkie. The feds haven't made an interest
> payment in 60 years. They just borrow more money to keep the pyramid
> scheme running.

Haven't made an interest payment? Surely you don't mean that.


== 10 of 12 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 8:33 pm
From: Terri

krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzz> wrote in

> In article <Xns9A96CE104C66B7544444@>,
> says...
>> Larry Caldwell <> wrote in
>> >
>> > Personally, I just use whatever service station is most convenient,
>> > and save the 60 cents by driving slower or driving less.
>> >
>> Driving slower hasn't seemed to occur to a whole lot of the same
>> idiots who complain the most about the price of gas.
> It still hasn't seemed to occur to a whole lot of idiots that time
> is money.
I'd certainly agree with that. All they need to do is get up earlier
to allow themselves the extra time to save some gas by not rushing.
It's just simple common sense and you'd think people would get that,
wouldn't you?
>> I'm thinking of getting a bumper sticker that says something such as:
>> I'm paying for the gas
>> So get off my ass!
> I'm sure you'll find that as useful as all the other bumper stickers
> holding the rust together.
On your car? Mine doesn't have either.

>> There's a route I take to work that is 65 mph for @14 miles with only
>> one passing lane mid-point. (CJ knows this road well.) Everyone gets on
>> your ass so they can zoom up to 75-80mph and pass each other and
>> jockey for a new place in the car herd.
>> Six minutes later, we're all sitting at the same stop light anyway.
> Physics doesn't work that way.
Perhaps. But since I'm speaking of automotive driving I think you might
want the sci.physics group. Give my regards to Archimedes Plutonium.
>> They just sucked a bunch of extra gas up to get at the same stoplight
>> and be 7th in line instead of 8th.
>> What's the point?
> Everyone *always* gets stopped at the light, for exactly the same
> time?
When I get to the stoplight it's always red. And eventually? It turns
green! Is that cool or what? I have no idea of the actual time involved
stopped at the stop light, which probably why I didn't mention it and
instead mentioned only the placement of the cars in the line.
At the light.
The cars at the red light. Sometimes they are trucks in there too.
The cars and trucks at the red light waiting for the light to turn green.
The cars and trucks at the red light, waiting for the light to turn green
so they can make a left at the T-junction of a very busy highway full of
east-west commuter traffic. (Also full of cars and trucks.)

You appear to be having some trouble comprehending written words as well
possibly the definitions of scorn and/or derision and/or humor, so I hope
that helps clear things up a bit for you!


== 11 of 12 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 8:42 pm
From: Dean Hoffman <""dh0496\"@ine$br#as&">

Terri wrote:

> Perhaps. But since I'm speaking of automotive driving I think you might
> want the sci.physics group. Give my regards to Archimedes Plutonium.

AP has a few posts at sci.agriculture now. He's trying to find
the best way to mechanically get rid or curly dock.
The gas stations at a nearby town drop the gas price a nickel a
gallon on Thursdays. I can't believe all the people who wait in line to
save that nickel/gallon. It didn't make much cents to me when gas was
under $2. It makes less cents now.


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== 12 of 12 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 10:07 pm
From: max

In article <>,
krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

> In article <>,
> says...
> > In article <>,
> > krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzz> wrote:
> >
> > > I've found I make far more money getting off my ass. Perhaps you
> > > should try it?
> >
> > are you a stripper?
> No, but unlike you, at least they have jobs.

jobs are for chumps. i live off my grandfather's trust fund.


This signature can be appended to your outgoing mesages. Many people include in
their signatures contact information, and perhaps a joke or quotation.

TOPIC: I Just Took The Bush-McCain Challenge

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 8:07 pm
From: "Windy Anderson"

A fun online quiz to see if you can tell the difference between George W.
Bush and John McCain. Check it out, and see if you can do any better than I

Start the Bush-McCain Challenge by clicking here:


TOPIC: Car Lease Debacle

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 8:16 pm

There's the one extra line the major brand dealer wrote into a new
lease, and it seems there are at least two principal ways of
interpreting it. Here's the line.

"This Lease is subject to assignee approval within ten days of
execution. Otherwise, this Lease shall be void, and Lessee shall
return the Vehicle on demand."

That could mean:

1) if it's not approved by the assignee within 10 days, then it's too
late for them to get it approved and too late for them to void the
lease and too late for them to demand returning the car and the
is still as named on the lease...the dealership. In other words, the
is only "subject to" assignee approval within 10 days, but after 10
it's no longer governed by whether an assignee approves it.

2) if it's not approved by the assignee within 10 days, then the
is simply void and they can demand the car back any time.

Which is the correct interpretation?

The assignment wasn't rejected by the assignee until 20 days after
execution of the lease. The dealership is named as the Lessor on the
lease. It has been 50 days since execution. The dealership
("Lessor") refuses to accept monthly payments theoretically due to
them, and instead advised around 30-40 days from execution to wait
until it's due at the assignee. The assignee denied the lease so
will not accept monthly payments. Is there a valid lease here or a
void lease? Can the Lessor legitimately deny payment? At what point
is this going to come to a head?

TOPIC: China Wholesale Hogan Mauri 4US Bapesta Lacoste Evisu Dsquared S hoes &

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 8:18 pm

Discount Coach Sandals, Dior Sandals, Prada Sandals, Chanel Sandals,
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== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 8:19 pm

Discount Coach Sandals, Dior Sandals, Prada Sandals, Chanel Sandals,
Versace Sandals, Crocs Sandals, Women's Sandals Men's Slippers From
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TOPIC: Full Size Mattress - Find SALES on Full Size Mattresses

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 8:41 pm

Full Size Mattresses and Their Features

The most important feature when buying a mattress, especially for
couples, would be the size of the mattress itself. In general, there
are many different sizes of mattresses, which include king, queen,
full, single, and twin. One of the most confusing ones would be the
full size mattress, because of its nearness in dimension to the other
types of mattresses.

Full Size Mattress:


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TOPIC: I Don't Even Buy Organic And Am Paying $1.10 For An Apple!!!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 8:56 pm
From: The Real Bev

SMS wrote:

> mavigozler wrote:
>> I was in the grocery store (Safeway in Davis, CA) and I bought FIVE granny
>> smith apples for $5.49. That works out to about $1.10 per apple.

Only the truly desperate or profligate would pay a buck for an apple.

>> Has the dollar gone down the toilet THAT MUCH???
> The problem is that you're shopping at Safeway. Had you gone to Costco,
> Smart & Final, an Asian market, or a Mexican market, you would have paid
> much, much less. Safeway is often more expensive than even Whole Foods.

I almost never buy produce at Costco -- you have to buy too much, and
the price isn't all that much better than what you get at the supers AND
you still have to wait for it to ripen.

S&F is a little better, but the ethnic markets are the way to go.

> Last week Whole Foods had non-organic navel oranges at $1.33 per pound.
> The Chinese market near me had them at 33¢ per pound.

Same for the Italian and middle-eastern stores here.

> You can't find groceries much more expensive than Safeway or Lucky.

Gelson's, Whole Foods...

BTW, our friendly independent health food store has brown rice and
rolled oats for 99 cents/pound (50 cents/pound a year ago). Steel-cut
oats were $1.20/lb. I'd heard about them but never tried, so I bought
some. Disappointed. Too long to cook and no better than rolled.

Cheers, Bev
Q: How many lawyers does it take to grease a combine?
A: One, if you feed him in real slow.


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 10:55 pm

jersey,supply,NFL,MLB,NBA,NHL SuperBowl NFL jersey from wholesale NFL
NBA MLB NHL Jerseys.Soccer Jersey china supplier,nlf NBA Jersey

TOPIC: Emergency Room ..Experienced opinion.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 11:17 pm
From: "Denise Stillwagon"

Hi all,

Just a recently experienced opinion here.

I am uninsured. (I couldn't afford the $500-$600 a month) I ended up in the
ER this past Oct. to find out I needed gallbladder surgery. That visit cost
me $6,000.00. Only $345.00 went to the Dr., the rest went to the hospital.
After staying on a low-fat to no-fat diet and loosing 30, it still wasn't
enough to prevent surgery, I was terribly sick.
The Surgeon AND Hospital made me prepay for my surgery to have it done.
I had to apply for a credit card, and between 2 cards, covered the
$10,000.00 they wanted. (I was NEVER in debt before.....I'm over my head
The surgery was done Feb. 27th with the grand total of a little over
To my great surprise....The surgeon and Anesthesiologist each got about $1,
300.00 THE REST WAS THE HOSPITAL CHARGES. The Surgeon and Anesth. are
the ones who take all the risk and pay astronomical insurance
costs.......the hospital supplies me with ice water for the less than 24
hours I was there and gets rich.
Go figure.
So, you can see where the REAL crooks lie.

Have a great day all.


"assholexterminator" <> wrote in message
> wrote in
> > On May 4, 2:09 pm, hubbahubba <> wrote:
> >> Goomba38 <> wrote
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> > Anonymous wrote:
> >> >> Have to have hernia surgery; only have Medicare.
> >>
> >> >> My choices are go to emergency room and take pot luck on the
> >> >> surgeon at a hospital not exactly known for it's excellence OR go
> >> >> to doctors office and probably have them ask me for a deposit
> >> >> before they will do anything. My guess is emergency room will
> >> >> result in big overcharges that they will want me to pay only I am
> >> >> judgement proof-they cannot get blood from a turnip, OR go to
> >> >> private surgeon; my guess is he will say, you need to deposit XX
> >> >> dollars before I will do it. Anyone here been in a similar
> >> >> situation that can offer helpful advice or information? Thanks
> >> >> much!
> >>
> >> > Emergency rooms are for emergencies. If you're not having bowel
> >> > incarceration (and you'd probably know this and it would be an
> >> > emergency!) you don't belong in an emergency room for this.
> >> > Since you know about it in advance you have time to find a doctor
> >> > who accepts Medicare and can arrange to find one that uses the
> >> > hospital you prefer.
> >>
> > Welcome to a broken medical system, which still provides some of the
> > best care in the world, if you can afford it.
> > To the OP: please use your doctor. Your use of emergency rooms for
> > non-emergencies is one of the reasons things are so expensive. Many
> > uninsured or underinsured pull this stunt, even to the point of using
> > an ambulance to get prescriptions. It's a thoroughly disgusting waste
> > of limited resources.
> >
> >> Haha, Goomba must be a Cheney disciple, or a relative of the "soup
> >> Nazi"! What an ass! He's in the right group though, extremely CHEAP,
> >> even with his advice.
> >>
> >> To O.P. just go to the emergency and fuck them when they send u the
> >> bill.
> >
> > To hubbahubba: Your political knowledge, attitude, and language put
> > you at the bottom rung of literate humanity.
> >
> ROTFLMAO, No it is Bush and all the rich fuck doctors, insurance
> companies and other assholes that are at the bottom of the rung. It is
> assholes like you that will bring this Kountry down. Like the Doctor
> Seuss story of the poor turtle (was it) everyone piling on his back
> until the whole stack collapses, that is what will happen to this shit
> Kountry with all you fucking greedy bastards out there, including many
> of the doctors that are ripping people off with their sham medical
> services. Let's give health care execs another fucking bonus, I think
> the poor slobs using substandard so called "emergency" room services are
> getting too much of a free ride. Go fuck yourself. Rest assured there is
> no end in site to the pursuit of greed at others' expense in this
> Kountry on the horizon with the next wave of cookie cutter prez.
> Kandidates. More of the same, ad infinitum....Stay tuned while China
> becomes the next superpower and the USA is relegated to a third world
> Kountry with commensurate divisions between the classes. Maybe we will
> get luck and Al Quieda or similar will put us out of our misery sooner
> rather than later.

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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, May 6 2008 11:24 pm

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