Wednesday, August 6, 2008

25 new messages in 9 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* heavy feeling in head (paxil) - 6 messages, 4 authors
* Describe American teenagers' lives to a 16-year-old Chinese girl - 2
messages, 2 authors
* Visa Withdrawn - 4 messages, 4 authors
* The leeches are reaching for more - 5 messages, 4 authors
* Buying clothes off eBay? - 1 messages, 1 author
* OIL DROP BRINGS NO RELIEF TO THE PUMP - 1 messages, 1 author
* Wood Furniture - 1 messages, 1 author
* canned fruit - 4 messages, 2 authors
* does anybody here know anything abou freecycle - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: heavy feeling in head (paxil)

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 5 2008 11:58 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Rod Speed, ye sloppy witch, despised substance of divinest show, ye

> Do all women just lie there and make crappy little ohh noises during
> sex? My g/f doesn't seem to do anything, I'm worried that I am crap in
> bed! She is my first. help! any tips on how to be better any
> techniques to try???

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 3:07 am
From: clams_casino

William Souden wrote:

> Rod Speed wrote:
>> Marsha <> wrote:
>>> clams_casino wrote:
>>>> nearly 1% of homes are currently in foreclosure - over 6% of
>>>> mortgages are in default.
>>> How many of these were by morons who were trying to keep up with the
>>> Joneses'? Doesn't anyone take responsibility anymore? And don't
>>> blame mortgage lenders. Democrats, including Obama in his previous
>>> roles, had a lot to do with forcing banks to give mortgages to people
>>> who really shouldn't have had them. Responsible people who took out
>>> loans and are paying them back faithfully are really the ones
>>> getting screwed,
>> Nope, not when interest rates are essentially set by the fed.
>>> along with taxpayers having to bail out those whose money IQ is
>>> somewhere between 1 and 50.
>> No one is bailing them out.
> How will welfare boy respond to this, Will he say it is
> "irrelevant"?,"bullshit" or got to the flushing bot? All admissions
> that the facts have failed him.
> The bill would authorize the Federal Housing Administration to insure
> up to $300 billion in refinanced mortgages, enabling borrowers now
> saddled with unaffordable loans to assume more manageable 30-year
> fixed-rate loans. To take part in the program, lenders would have to
> lower each debt obligation to 90 percent of a home's current value and
> also make a payment to an insurance fund to insulate taxpayers against
> losses from any future defaults.

In reality, home mortgage rates are NOT "essentially" set by the Fed.
If they were, why are 30 yr rates still around 6% when the fed rate has
dropped from over 5% in 2006 to 2% today?

== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 8:45 am
From: Pan

On Tue, 5 Aug 2008 15:00:24 -0400, "cybercat" <>

>"Pan" <> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 5 Aug 2008 10:34:42 -0400, "cybercat" <>
>> wrote:
>>>Do you think you ignorant Republican motherfuckers could please piss off?
>> Well I could piss off of any thing you want.
>> As to being a motherfucker, yes I am, and what's your mothers name?
>> As you can see any one can be crude & ignorant, now did that make you
>> feel better?
>> And I will stay here as long as I want.
>It was just a request. I even said "please."

O.K. You get one point for "please"
But you lost two points for "ignorant" & "motherfucker"
so your now -1

== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 8:49 am
From: Pan

On Tue, 5 Aug 2008 16:58:46 -0400, "cybercat" <>
>> Is that your entire repertoire, Bush hate?
>> And Roosevelt's actions are now considered to have lengthen the
>> recovery.
>There's the "H" word again! Remember, Blake, if you don't like W you HATE
>What's a little unnecessary economic depression? A few million lives ruined,
>some suicides, come on Man, it's the American Way!
A little reading comprehension would be helpfully.
I said hate Bush, if I had meant hate America, I would have said

And I did not discount the trials and tribulations of those who lived
during the depression. I questioned the actions of Roosevelt.

== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 8:57 am
From: Pan

On Tue, 5 Aug 2008 18:38:54 -0400, "cybercat" <>

>You mean, IKYABWAI. Dad.
>Now then, I realize you're bitter because you're looking at EIGHT years of
>Democratic administrations, but if we could take EIGHT years of the First
>Chimp, you can take eight years of our guy.
>And even if you can't, you have to.

Don't cackle, until after the election, and if your right I will be
bitter, and fight thru my state's rep's, to stop what I can.

And again the hate Bush statement, "first chimp".
Could you name a piece of legislation, that you man has initiated, and

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 9:02 am
From: blake murphy

On Tue, 5 Aug 2008 16:58:46 -0400, cybercat wrote:

> "Pan" <> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 05 Aug 2008 17:24:41 GMT, blake murphy
>> <> wrote:
>>>> The market recovered even after great depression.
>>>yep, all we gotta do is wait ten years and start a world war. oh, wait,
>>>bush has already started on the latter.
>>>prosperity is just around the corner!
>>>your pal,
>> Is that your entire repertoire, Bush hate?
>> And Roosevelt's actions are now considered to have lengthen the
>> recovery.
> There's the "H" word again! Remember, Blake, if you don't like W you HATE
> What's a little unnecessary economic depression? A few million lives ruined,
> some suicides, come on Man, it's the American Way!

survival of the bat-shittest.

your pal,

TOPIC: Describe American teenagers' lives to a 16-year-old Chinese girl

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 12:02 am
From: PaPaPeng

On Tue, 5 Aug 2008 21:50:32 -0700 (PDT), ""
<> wrote:

>Hello --
>This topic is probably off-base for this group. I am posting it first
>here because I have found pretty level-headed advice in this group and
>maybe readers can help me on this question. Please tell me if you can
>suggest other newsgroups better suited to this question.
>A Chinese 16-year-old girl I met in China a year ago wants me to tell
>her something about American teenagers. My children are long past
>that age and I need to acquire some cultural awareness quickly.
>Can anyone suggest safe newsgroups, blogs or websites that present
>factual information about American teenage life that I could recommend
>she browse?
>Thanks in advance for any help.
>Larry Mehl

That's a pretty big question. What she really wants to know is are
the images she sees in Hollywood films anywhere near reality? Those
are the impressions she would be familiar with. On one hand we have
those dark murderous images of poor inner city youth gangs. On the
other hand there are these images of late teen white vacuous kids a-la
Paris Hilton. They seem to be so wealthy and carefree that America
must really be the land of milk and honey where one doesn't have to
strive for anything to live a luxurious life.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 3:45 am
From: Shawn Hirn

In article
"" <> wrote:

> Hello --
> This topic is probably off-base for this group. I am posting it first
> here because I have found pretty level-headed advice in this group and
> maybe readers can help me on this question. Please tell me if you can
> suggest other newsgroups better suited to this question.
> A Chinese 16-year-old girl I met in China a year ago wants me to tell
> her something about American teenagers. My children are long past
> that age and I need to acquire some cultural awareness quickly.
> Can anyone suggest safe newsgroups, blogs or websites that present
> factual information about American teenage life that I could recommend
> she browse?
> Thanks in advance for any help.

Does this Chinese girl have Internet access at home? If so, she can ask
American teenage girls herself. I don't have any kids, but I am close
with a cousin who has four kids, the oldest of which is 14. She chats
online with kids her age from all over the world. She meets them online
at various web sites such as myspace, club penguin, etc.

One has to be careful, of course, but the Internet is a great way to
meet friends. My cousin's 9 year old daughter has a web cam on her
laptop and she practices violin with a girl her age in England. Its just
amazing how the Internet can bring people who are far away closer.

TOPIC: Visa Withdrawn

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 1:35 am
From: PaPaPeng

Boycott Payback. Those 2 Britons and 2 Americans who unfurled a
"Tibet is Free" bannewr should be fined and deported from Beijing
immediately. Banned from visiting China for life too.

Chinese Deny Cheek's Visa
By Katie Thomas
August 5, 2008, 11:10 pm

BEIJING — The Chinese embassy revoked the visa of Joey Cheek, a former
Olympic speedskater and the founder of the group Team Darfur, a day
before he was scheduled to fly to Beijing, Cheek said Tuesday.
Cheek had planned to fly to Beijing Wednesday, but said he received a
call from the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C. late Tuesday
afternoon saying that his visa had been revoked. He said he was not
given a reason for the change.

Team Darfur is a group of athletes, including 72 current Olympians,
who have called attention to China's link to the Darfur crisis.
"I have always been an absolute believer in the Olympics and what the
Olympics can do," said Cheek, who won a gold medal in Turin in 2006.
"I never asked for a boycott."

Emmanuelle Moreau, a spokeswoman for the International Olympic
Committee, said she was aware of Cheek's visa situation but said she
could not comment. Because Cheek is not a current Olympian, "visa
applications from non-accredited persons do not fall within the
I.OC.'s remit and we are therefore not best placed to answer you on
this question," Moreau said in an e-mail message.

A spokesman for the Beijing organizing committee could not immediately
be reached for comment.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 2:36 am
From: "Rod Speed"

PaPaPeng <> wrote:

> Boycott Payback. Those 2 Britons and 2 Americans who unfurled
> a "Tibet is Free" bannewr should be fined and deported from
> Beijing immediately. Banned from visiting China for life too.

Makes more sense to use the traditional chinese approach, bullet
in the back of the neck and send the bill for the bullet to the relos.

> Chinese Deny Cheek's Visa
> By Katie Thomas
> August 5, 2008, 11:10 pm
> BEIJING - The Chinese embassy revoked the visa of Joey Cheek, a former
> Olympic speedskater and the founder of the group Team Darfur, a day
> before he was scheduled to fly to Beijing, Cheek said Tuesday.
> Cheek had planned to fly to Beijing Wednesday, but said he received a
> call from the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C. late Tuesday
> afternoon saying that his visa had been revoked. He said he was not
> given a reason for the change.
> Team Darfur is a group of athletes, including 72 current Olympians,
> who have called attention to China's link to the Darfur crisis.
> "I have always been an absolute believer in the Olympics and what the
> Olympics can do," said Cheek, who won a gold medal in Turin in 2006.
> "I never asked for a boycott."
> Emmanuelle Moreau, a spokeswoman for the International Olympic
> Committee, said she was aware of Cheek's visa situation but said she
> could not comment. Because Cheek is not a current Olympian, "visa
> applications from non-accredited persons do not fall within the
> I.OC.'s remit and we are therefore not best placed to answer you on
> this question," Moreau said in an e-mail message.
> A spokesman for the Beijing organizing committee could not immediately
> be reached for comment.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 2:36 am
From: "terrable"

"PaPaPeng" <> wrote in message
> Boycott Payback. Those 2 Britons and 2 Americans who unfurled a
> "Tibet is Free" bannewr should be fined and deported from Beijing
> immediately. Banned from visiting China for life too.

Who would be stupid enough to unfurl a "Tibet is Free" banner in Beijing?

Everyone knows that Tibet is being crushed and denied freedom by the
imperialist running dogs of Communist China.

** Posted from **

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 3:41 am
From: Shawn Hirn

In article <>,
PaPaPeng <> wrote:

> Boycott Payback. Those 2 Britons and 2 Americans who unfurled a
> "Tibet is Free" bannewr should be fined and deported from Beijing
> immediately. Banned from visiting China for life too.

Wrong newsgroup.

TOPIC: The leeches are reaching for more

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 3:19 am
From: clams_casino

Gordon wrote:

>Back in the early '70's my father had a mortgage, an electric bill
>a phone bill, a water bill and once a year we filled up the heating oil
>Sewer and garbage was paid from taxes.
>Today, I have a Mortgage, an electric bill, a phone bill,
>a cell phone bill, an internet access bill, I could have
>a cable TV bill, A water + sewer bill, a garbage collection
>bill. Basicly, more services to pay for.
>Of course it's not that simple.
>Cable TV wants you to buy a priemium package,
>Cell phone wants to tack on IM, chat, and data
>And then there are those web sites like
>Facebook,, 2nd life, (and for my daughter)
>Club penguine, Bratz,, etc that want to
>sell priemium membership.
>Hoo Boy! The leeches are everywhere!

If you want to have your father's bill structure, live that way - use
rabbit ears for TV reception, give up the computer, subscribe to basic
telephone service, buy a car without a CD player, air conditioning,
cruise control, etc.

It's like whining because the mortgage on your $500k home is more than
your neighbor is paying on his $200k home. Apples / oranges.

== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 3:48 am
From: Shawn Hirn

In article <Xns9AF1D5D52D23Dgreederxprtnet@>,
Gordon <> wrote:

> Back in the early '70's my father had a mortgage, an electric bill
> a phone bill, a water bill and once a year we filled up the heating oil
> tank.
> Sewer and garbage was paid from taxes.
> Today, I have a Mortgage, an electric bill, a phone bill,
> a cell phone bill, an internet access bill, I could have
> a cable TV bill, A water + sewer bill, a garbage collection
> bill. Basicly, more services to pay for.

Yes, but other then the services you mentioned back in the 70's, plus
utility bills, everything else is a luxury. You can live without cable
TV service. You can get along without cell phone service.

> Of course it's not that simple.
> Cable TV wants you to buy a priemium package,
> Cell phone wants to tack on IM, chat, and data
> packages,
> And then there are those web sites like
> Facebook,, 2nd life, (and for my daughter)
> Club penguine, Bratz,, etc that want to
> sell priemium membership.

All of them are luxuries. I manage to get along fine without premium
cable TV and I can certainly afford it. My folks manage to muddle along
quite well without any cable TV at all and they have a pay as you go
plan for their cell phone. Neither my folks nor I pay for any web sites;
not necessary, they're pure luxuries.

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 4:49 am
From: "Stephanie"

Gordon wrote:
> Back in the early '70's my father had a mortgage, an electric bill
> a phone bill, a water bill and once a year we filled up the heating
> oil tank.
> Sewer and garbage was paid from taxes.
> Today, I have a Mortgage, an electric bill, a phone bill,
> a cell phone bill, an internet access bill, I could have
> a cable TV bill, A water + sewer bill, a garbage collection
> bill. Basicly, more services to pay for.
> Of course it's not that simple.
> Cable TV wants you to buy a priemium package,

Cable is not a necessity. It is a choice. And what *they* want you to do is
completely irrelevant. We have not had any kind of t.v. into our house in
about 14 years.

> Cell phone wants to tack on IM, chat, and data
> packages,

They may want to. You gonna let them? And while we are at it, why do you
need a cell AND a land line? We have both simply because the cost of the
phone in our broadband bundle is negligible. As a homeschooling family who
does not buy a curriculum, I would say that internet is a necessity for us.

> And then there are those web sites like
> Facebook,, 2nd life, (and for my daughter)
> Club penguine, Bratz,, etc that want to
> sell priemium membership.
> Hoo Boy! The leeches are everywhere!

Good thing we are too smart to let them attach to us!

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 4:50 am
From: "Stephanie"

Shawn Hirn wrote:
> In article <Xns9AF1D5D52D23Dgreederxprtnet@>,
> Gordon <> wrote:
>> Back in the early '70's my father had a mortgage, an electric bill
>> a phone bill, a water bill and once a year we filled up the heating
>> oil tank.
>> Sewer and garbage was paid from taxes.
>> Today, I have a Mortgage, an electric bill, a phone bill,
>> a cell phone bill, an internet access bill, I could have
>> a cable TV bill, A water + sewer bill, a garbage collection
>> bill. Basicly, more services to pay for.
> Yes, but other then the services you mentioned back in the 70's, plus
> utility bills, everything else is a luxury. You can live without cable
> TV service. You can get along without cell phone service.
>> Of course it's not that simple.
>> Cable TV wants you to buy a priemium package,
>> Cell phone wants to tack on IM, chat, and data
>> packages,
>> And then there are those web sites like
>> Facebook,, 2nd life, (and for my daughter)
>> Club penguine, Bratz,, etc that want to
>> sell priemium membership.
> All of them are luxuries. I manage to get along fine without premium
> cable TV and I can certainly afford it. My folks manage to muddle
> along quite well without any cable TV at all and they have a pay as
> you go plan for their cell phone. Neither my folks nor I pay for any
> web sites; not necessary, they're pure luxuries.

Pay as you go plans are not necessarily cheaper btw. Most will have the
minutes you buy expire if you don't use them. The best package is going to
depend on usage.

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 7:16 am
From: Aratzio

On Wed, 06 Aug 2008 09:52:57 +0545, in alt.usenet.kooks, "Kadaitcha

>Gordon, ye fool-born fools on both sides, four of thy five wits went
>halting off, and now is the whole man governed with one, ye tattled:
>> Back in the early '70's my father had a mortgage, an electric bill
>> a phone bill, a water bill and once a year we filled up the heating oil
>> tank. Sewer and garbage was paid from taxes.
>When ah were a lad, we lived in t'hole in middle o'road...

Ah, luxury, you had a hole AND a road.

TOPIC: Buying clothes off eBay?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 4:09 am
From: (elise d faber)

On Tue, 05 Aug 2008 17:45:24 -0500, wrote:

> (elise d faber) wrote:
>>clothes are heavy. but if the shipping charge looks too high, don't
>>use that seller. someone who will try to cheat you on shipping will
>>try to cheat you on merchandise also. a lot of people do add a
>>handling charge. if it's just a couple of dollars, i don't mind, but
>>if it's more, again i don't buy from them.
>>it also can be 'fee avoidance'. they don't have t give ebay a
>>percentage of the shipping, so if they add an extra $10, they save
>>some money. these people aren't to be trusted either. unless you are
>>buying something very rare, just avoid the questionable sellers.
>>there are plenty of others.
>Well is this company in link
>Look like they charge $12 to ship shoes. I guess shoes
>are a bit heavy.

unless you are getting extremely strong heavy boots or having them
shipped from out of the country, that looks excessive. the shipping i
have paid for shoes is around $5/$7. i do check the postage when i
get the package and this is about right for actual postage and a
dollar or two for handling.

as i said before, i wouldn't buy from them, but a $5 or so handling
charge isn't really out of line for a company. but if you can get it
elsewhere, you woiuld be better off. check their feedback. for a
company anything less tha 99++% is a warning signal.



== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 4:18 am
From: ""

The are almost giving it away!

TOPIC: Wood Furniture

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 4:36 am
From: AndyTao <>

Shop fast, Buy smart, Shopzilla for Furniture and other Furniture and
Home Decor. Every product from every store means you get a Bargain
Price. Don't just shop.

TOPIC: canned fruit

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 4:51 am
From: "Stephanie"

Seerialmom wrote:
> On Aug 5, 9:40 am, "h" <> wrote:
>> "CurlyQue" <> wrote in message
>>> AllEmailDeletedImmediately wrote:
>>>> "Stephanie" <> wrote in message
>>>>> We have a Costco membership. The canned fruit is MUCH cheaper
>>>>> there. We buy the small cans wrapped in several can packages. The
>>>>> large cans are even cheaper, but we don't each that much before
>>>>> it goes bad. Is there anything I can do with this fruit? I cannot
>>>>> imagine taking canned fruit and freezing it...
>>>> why not? probably be mushy when thawed, but if you use it for
>>>> smoothies/pies, should be okay.
>>>> ----------------------
>>>> "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His
>>>> justice cannot sleep forever."--Thomas Jefferson
>>>> "Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes
>>>> decide everything." -- Josef V. Stalin
>>>> heavy on the country music. if you don't like country, scroll down
>>>> for some surprises.
>>> Boil it with some sugar and put it up as preserves?
>>> Curly
>> There's already a ton of sugar in canned fruit, especially if it's
>> packed in
>> syrup. Canned fruit is really unhealty, unless you can it yourself
>> without
>> all the extra sugar. It's much more frugal to by fresh fruit and
>> freeze it.- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> Canned fruit is not unhealthy. Only the syrup it's packed in is, and
> not all canned fruit is packed in HFCS. Sure, there are degrees of
> "nutritiousness" in fruits (fresh picked yourself and eaten on the
> spot, flash frozen, fresh in store, canned and last, dehydrated.

The fresh season here in VT is *short* and does not cover much. We buy up
all the in season from the US when it is on sale and eat like royality. But
much of the year the supposed fresh fruit is expensive and nasty.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 7:46 am
From: Terri

"Stephanie" <> wrote in

> The fresh season here in VT is *short* and does not cover much. We buy
> up all the in season from the US when it is on sale and eat like
> royality. But much of the year the supposed fresh fruit is expensive and
> nasty.

I feel your pain. Supermarket our of season crap is just that, crap.
Another thing to do with the excess would be to dehydrate it
future use or you could make fruit leathers from it.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 7:52 am
From: "Stephanie"

Terri wrote:
> "Stephanie" <> wrote in
>> The fresh season here in VT is *short* and does not cover much. We
>> buy up all the in season from the US when it is on sale and eat like
>> royality. But much of the year the supposed fresh fruit is expensive
>> and nasty.
> I feel your pain. Supermarket our of season crap is just that, crap.
> Another thing to do with the excess would be to dehydrate it
> future use or you could make fruit leathers from it.

I was thinking of getting a dehydrator. I don't know much about them. When I
have done fruit leather in the oven, it never comes out. Can you do leather
in a dehydrator or just chunks?

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 7:53 am
From: "Stephanie"

Terri wrote:
> "Stephanie" <> wrote in
>> The fresh season here in VT is *short* and does not cover much. We
>> buy up all the in season from the US when it is on sale and eat like
>> royality. But much of the year the supposed fresh fruit is expensive
>> and nasty.
> I feel your pain. Supermarket our of season crap is just that, crap.
> Another thing to do with the excess would be to dehydrate it
> future use or you could make fruit leathers from it.

I am also a more than adequate canner. I just have only recently gotten to
the point of being poor enough to warrant saving Every Last Scrap! (But we
are happier than we have ever been, so there is no complaint here.)

TOPIC: does anybody here know anything abou freecycle

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 8:58 am
From: A Veteran

In article <4898a037$0$17238$>,
Samantha Hill - remove TRASH to reply <> wrote:

> > I've heard of it just wondering how it works.
> Everything you need to know is here:
> Some lists have a higher toleration for abuse than others.
> Also, there is Craigslist,, which has a free section.
> Which one is better will depend on your local community.

I tried both. seems Freecycle flooded my e-mail box with so many items,
I just canceled.
Craigslist is good.
If guns are out-lawed. Only the Out-laws & politicians will have guns.


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