Friday, September 19, 2008

25 new messages in 8 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* I am losing my butt - 2 messages, 2 authors
* In fact, it really does look as if the foundations of US capitalism have
shattered. The World As We Know It Is Going Down - 8 messages, 6 authors
* Video - Banking: The Swindle - "That's why I quit paying my credit cards.
Fuck em if they can't take a joke" - 1 messages, 1 author
* Investor's Business Daily Interview of William J. O'Neil - 1 messages, 1
* Frugal HDTV (Pocket LCD 1" BW?) - 6 messages, 6 authors
* Palin splurgin' on $2,500 silk jackets and other high fashion - 5 messages,
3 authors
* A La Carte satellite TV system under $250 or so? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Surviving a bear attack - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: I am losing my butt

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Sep 18 2008 11:53 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Chief Thracian <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Chief Thracian <> wrote
>>> JR Weiss <> wrote

>>>> Fine. Tell us this "Completely trivial" scheme to put your
>>>> deposits into banks that are GUARANTEED against bank failures,
>>>> inflation, and devaluation. If that's too hard, try for 2 out of 3.

>>> His answer to ME in this same thread, was to keep my money under the bed!

>> Lying, as always.

> The evidence of my vericity is right here in this thread...

Yep, that you're lying, as always.

> and nothing you can do will change that. 8th msg. from
>the top, where you say "Cash under the bed isnt, fool.".
> Message-ID: <>

Pity about the context of that line, liar.

Here it is again

>>> All that said, yeah, the markets are way too volatile for people in or very near retirement.

>> Wrong again. All those close to retirement have to do is avoid the most volatile markets.

> EVERY market is highly volatile, dufus.

Cash under the bed isnt, fool.

That is JUST saying that cash under the bed isnt HIGHLY VOLATILE, fool.

Nothing like the same thing as saying you should put your cash under the bed, liar.

> And if you really meant cash in a safe box, you
> have said that in the first place, not under the bed.

Doesnt matter where you put it within reason, its STILL not HIGHLY VOLATILE, liar.

> 'Cause a safe box can be kept in just about any place...usually in a clost.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 9:54 am
From: Dennis

On Fri, 19 Sep 2008 01:48:51 -0400, "Nicik Name"
<> wrote:

>"Jeff" <> wrote in message
>> The main trouble with the SS trust fund is that the government has
>> "borrowed" it to run other branches of government. In effect it is backed
>> by treasury bonds.
>There is NO Social Security Fund in the United States

Don't be silly. There is a perfectly good filing cabinet in the SS
office that is stuffed to the brim with IOUs. Rock-solid, I tell you.

Dennis (evil)
"There is a fine line between participation and mockery" - Wally

TOPIC: In fact, it really does look as if the foundations of US capitalism
have shattered. The World As We Know It Is Going Down

== 1 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 12:28 am
From: Jeff

Felix D. wrote:
> "Jeff" <> wrote in message
>> Let's see in the last week or so, the two largest Mortgage buyers,
>> Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have essentially been nationalized to save
>> them. One of the worlds largest insurers, AIG, has been rescued by the
>> FED, Only two of the five largest investment banks remain independent and
>> one of them is in talks with a Chinese firm from to bail it out. Gold
>> jumped $70 in one day. The FED is borrowing money...
> Well, if it all goes down the tubes, we all go down with it so who's to say
> what might happen? Whether you think we'll pull together and see it through
> or fall apart into warring tribes depends on how you view mankind to begin
> with.
>> Yes, it's all very lovely.
> Isn't it? History is unfolding / being made right before our eyes.
Not unexpected, but fascinating. The whole house of cards has been
stacked for a while. And yet, there were those who thought that years of
a negative savings rate could be balanced by easy credit. That that was
a solid foundation for an economy. To keep pumping in money that we
didn't really have.

And as financial giants fall, the leader of the free world watches from
the sidelines ready to give a cheer and an atta boy when the hometown
crowd needs it.


== 2 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 9:51 am
From: Bill Smith

On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 20:58:39 -0700, Curly Surmudgeon
<> wrote:

>On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 20:06:39 -0700, Bill Smith wrote:
>> On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 19:43:48 -0700, Curly Surmudgeon
>> <> wrote:
>>>On Fri, 19 Sep 2008 02:07:41 +0000, Morton Davis wrote:
>>>> "St Georges Day April 23rd" <> wrote in
>>>> message
>>>> Over 97%of mortgages are being paid. Over 95% of banks are sound. Over
>>>> 94% of American workers are employed. This is a bump. We'll get over
>>>> it. The markets are rebounding, oil is down. Were it not for Ike my
>>>> area would be knocking on $3 a gallon for regular gas.
>>>> Sell your gloom and doom elsewhere.
>>>Sell your denials elsewhere.
>>>Trends are all in the wrong direction and the economic disasters brought
>>>upon us by the Bush Administration are rapidly spiraling downward with no
>>>end in sight.
>> You'd advise a panic then? That'll be useful.
>> Bill Smith
>Sarcasm not withstanding, where did I say such a thing, or did voices in
>your head tell you that? You sound like the trolls in another newsgroup
>who project their fantasies on anyone who doesn't agree with their reality

You can blame Bush if you like, and he certainly has contributed to
it, but the deregulation began with the Clinton Administration with
his shameless pandering to the Republicans. Phrases like "Rapidly
spiraling downward" sure looks like panic to me.

Things like "financial meltdown" shouted often enough and loudly
enough in the press, for example, tend to become self-fulfilling
prophesies. This really isn't useful. Neither is ignoring reality,
which doesn't appear to be the case. I'm not reading very much about
what's solid in our economy, why is that? I'll tell you; it doesn't
sell newspapers.

Bill Smith

== 3 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 9:49 am
From: "John R. Carroll"

Bill Smith wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 20:58:39 -0700, Curly Surmudgeon
> <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 20:06:39 -0700, Bill Smith wrote:
>>> On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 19:43:48 -0700, Curly Surmudgeon
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 19 Sep 2008 02:07:41 +0000, Morton Davis wrote:
>>>>> "St Georges Day April 23rd" <>
>>>>> wrote in message
>>>>> Over 97%of mortgages are being paid. Over 95% of banks are sound.
>>>>> Over 94% of American workers are employed. This is a bump. We'll
>>>>> get over it. The markets are rebounding, oil is down. Were it not
>>>>> for Ike my area would be knocking on $3 a gallon for regular gas.
>>>>> Sell your gloom and doom elsewhere.
>>>> Sell your denials elsewhere.
>>>> Trends are all in the wrong direction and the economic disasters
>>>> brought upon us by the Bush Administration are rapidly spiraling
>>>> downward with no end in sight.
>>> You'd advise a panic then? That'll be useful.
>>> Bill Smith
>> Sarcasm not withstanding, where did I say such a thing, or did
>> voices in your head tell you that? You sound like the trolls in
>> another newsgroup who project their fantasies on anyone who doesn't
>> agree with their reality bubble.
> You can blame Bush if you like, and he certainly has contributed to
> it, but the deregulation began with the Clinton Administration

Nope, it was Reagan.


John R. Carroll

== 4 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 9:59 am
From: clams_casino

John R. Carroll wrote:

>>You can blame Bush if you like, and he certainly has contributed to
>>it, but the deregulation began with the Clinton Administration
>Nope, it was Reagan.
I don't know why they don't seek out expert advice from Palin - She can
see a bank right out her window.

== 5 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 10:03 am
From: Dennis

On Fri, 19 Sep 2008 03:28:21 -0400, Jeff <> wrote:

>And as financial giants fall, the leader of the free world watches from
>the sidelines ready to give a cheer and an atta boy when the hometown
>crowd needs it.

And the US Congress, who actually made all the rules that got us into
this, adjourns and slinks home, ducking and muttering "Not our

Dennis (evil)
What government gives, it must first take away.

== 6 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 10:13 am
From: Bill Smith

On Fri, 19 Sep 2008 09:49:53 -0700, "John R. Carroll"
<jcarroll@ubu,> wrote:

>Bill Smith wrote:
>> On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 20:58:39 -0700, Curly Surmudgeon
>> <> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 20:06:39 -0700, Bill Smith wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 19:43:48 -0700, Curly Surmudgeon
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 19 Sep 2008 02:07:41 +0000, Morton Davis wrote:
>>>>>> "St Georges Day April 23rd" <>
>>>>>> wrote in message
>>>>>> Over 97%of mortgages are being paid. Over 95% of banks are sound.
>>>>>> Over 94% of American workers are employed. This is a bump. We'll
>>>>>> get over it. The markets are rebounding, oil is down. Were it not
>>>>>> for Ike my area would be knocking on $3 a gallon for regular gas.
>>>>>> Sell your gloom and doom elsewhere.
>>>>> Sell your denials elsewhere.
>>>>> Trends are all in the wrong direction and the economic disasters
>>>>> brought upon us by the Bush Administration are rapidly spiraling
>>>>> downward with no end in sight.
>>>> You'd advise a panic then? That'll be useful.
>>>> Bill Smith
>>> Sarcasm not withstanding, where did I say such a thing, or did
>>> voices in your head tell you that? You sound like the trolls in
>>> another newsgroup who project their fantasies on anyone who doesn't
>>> agree with their reality bubble.
>> You can blame Bush if you like, and he certainly has contributed to
>> it, but the deregulation began with the Clinton Administration
>Nope, it was Reagan.

I stand corrected. Thank you.

Bill Smith

== 7 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 10:13 am
From: "Felix D." <>

"Jeff" <> wrote in message
> Felix D. wrote:
>> "Jeff" <> wrote in message
>>> Let's see in the last week or so, the two largest Mortgage buyers,
>>> Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have essentially been nationalized to save
>>> them. One of the worlds largest insurers, AIG, has been rescued by the
>>> FED, Only two of the five largest investment banks remain independent
>>> and one of them is in talks with a Chinese firm from to bail it out.
>>> Gold jumped $70 in one day. The FED is borrowing money...
>> Well, if it all goes down the tubes, we all go down with it so who's to
>> say what might happen? Whether you think we'll pull together and see it
>> through or fall apart into warring tribes depends on how you view mankind
>> to begin with.
>>> Yes, it's all very lovely.
>> Isn't it? History is unfolding / being made right before our eyes.
> Not unexpected, but fascinating. The whole house of cards has been stacked
> for a while. And yet, there were those who thought that years of a
> negative savings rate could be balanced by easy credit. That that was a
> solid foundation for an economy. To keep pumping in money that we didn't
> really have.
> And as financial giants fall, the leader of the free world watches from
> the sidelines ready to give a cheer and an atta boy when the hometown
> crowd needs it.

All well and good until you try a little BushBash here. I'm always amused
when people claim that Bush is somehow, some way, running the economy and is
to blame when things go wrong.

== 8 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 10:31 am
From: "John R. Carroll"

Bill Smith wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Sep 2008 09:49:53 -0700, "John R. Carroll"
> <jcarroll@ubu,> wrote:
>> Bill Smith wrote:
>>> On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 20:58:39 -0700, Curly Surmudgeon
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 20:06:39 -0700, Bill Smith wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 19:43:48 -0700, Curly Surmudgeon
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, 19 Sep 2008 02:07:41 +0000, Morton Davis wrote:
>>>>>>> "St Georges Day April 23rd" <>
>>>>>>> wrote in message
>>>>>>> Over 97%of mortgages are being paid. Over 95% of banks are
>>>>>>> sound. Over 94% of American workers are employed. This is a
>>>>>>> bump. We'll get over it. The markets are rebounding, oil is
>>>>>>> down. Were it not for Ike my area would be knocking on $3 a
>>>>>>> gallon for regular gas.
>>>>>>> Sell your gloom and doom elsewhere.
>>>>>> Sell your denials elsewhere.
>>>>>> Trends are all in the wrong direction and the economic disasters
>>>>>> brought upon us by the Bush Administration are rapidly spiraling
>>>>>> downward with no end in sight.
>>>>> You'd advise a panic then? That'll be useful.
>>>>> Bill Smith
>>>> Sarcasm not withstanding, where did I say such a thing, or did
>>>> voices in your head tell you that? You sound like the trolls in
>>>> another newsgroup who project their fantasies on anyone who doesn't
>>>> agree with their reality bubble.
>>> You can blame Bush if you like, and he certainly has contributed to
>>> it, but the deregulation began with the Clinton Administration
>> Nope, it was Reagan.
> I stand corrected. Thank you.

You really have to go back even farther if you want to get to the academic
roots of current Republican economic underpinning.
About 1970 and the third Chicago Shool.


John R. Carroll

TOPIC: Video - Banking: The Swindle - "That's why I quit paying my credit
cards. Fuck em if they can't take a joke"

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 12:37 am
From: 007 <>

On Sep 18, 5:44 pm, (Ralph) wrote:
> St Georges Day April 23rd <> wrote:
> > Swindling the Goyim
> > How the bankers steal with simple tricks. If this is true, then what
> > are they doing with credit cards and home mortgages?
> >
> This is way oversimplfied. The central banks of Europe and the US create
> money out of nothing.
> Money, Banking & The Federal Reserve (42 minutes)
> G Edward Griffin - Creature From Jekyll Island A Second Look at the
> Federal Reserve (42 minutes)
> Monopoly Men (Federal Reserve Fraud) (47 minutes)
> ZEITGEIST, The Movie - Official Release - Part 3 of 3 (47 minutes)
> (I don't recommend Zeitgeist parts 1 and 2 which are basically a fuzzy
> logic anti-religion rant and 9-11 conspiracy theories, but he's right on
> in his segment on the Fed)
> FIAT EMPIRE - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution (59
> minutes)
> America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version (1 hour 51
> minutes)
> The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America
> (3 hours 35 minutes)

I've seen some of these videos. Many, if not all, of them say that
banks may loan many times what they take in as deposits. What is the
source for this claim? I've heard it for 20 years and I've never come
across any justification for it besides the assertion. I believe
banks are limited to loan only what they've taken in, with some of it
being subject to a 10% reserve.

"If the reserve requirement is 10%, for example, a bank that receives
a $100 deposit may lend out $90 of that deposit." See:

Here is an example of how money is created through fractional reserve

In the example, from $100 that is deposited into a bank, there ends up
being a total of $457.05 deposited and $357.05 loaned out. The banks,
collectively, owe $457.05 to their depositors and are owed $357.05 by
their borrowers.

TOPIC: Investor's Business Daily Interview of William J. O'Neil

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 3:22 am
From: " Frank"

TOPIC: Frugal HDTV (Pocket LCD 1" BW?)

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 4:18 am
From: Al Bundy wrote:
> I watch TV half an hour a month and don't care much for it. I have
> three pocket 1" BW LCD TVs and I'm looking for the cheapest way to get
> HDTV after February. If I had to pay more than fifty bucks I would
> forego TV altogether.
> - = -
With only 1" TV's you have already foregone television. You are
merely listening to TV stations with a postage stamp to keep you busy.

Perhaps there would be a reasonably priced digital radio that would
pick up the signal and provide the TV channels as well as some other
things like the music you prefer.

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 4:48 am
From: "Dave"

<> wrote in message
> I watch TV half an hour a month and don't care much for it. I have
> three pocket 1" BW LCD TVs and I'm looking for the cheapest way to get
> HDTV after February. If I had to pay more than fifty bucks I would
> forego TV altogether.

OK, first, let's define terms. After February, you want to watch ATSC
television programming. If it's really HDTV you want to watch (High
Definition), then it doesn't make much sense to be looking for a cheap
television, as no cheap television is going to display HD resolution.

You can get a cheap TV with a digital tuner (ATSC) to watch TV after
February. But the cheapest you will find one is a 13" CRT set for about
$120 plus shipping.

If your budget is maxed at $50 though? Take a look at your computer. If
it's relatively recent (not ancient) and has an open PCI expansion slot, you
can get something like the following, plus ~$6 rabbit ears from wally world
(the antenna does NOT need to be "special" for digital programming...heck, a
coat hanger might work too) to turn your computer monitor and computer
speakers into a pretty decent HDTV!!!

If that link doesn't work just search froogle for ATSC PCI tuner
then sort by lowest price

Note the quality won't be great, but it will beat the heck out of a 1" BW
portable!!! And, it could possibly display real HD resolution digital
programming, depending on the quality of your computer monitor and video
card. -Dave

== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 4:58 am
From: "William Sommerwerck"

I believe I've seen USB HD tuners for around $50. It was just a few days
ago, but I don't remember where.

== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 5:24 am
From: "Pszemol"

<> wrote in message
> I watch TV half an hour a month and don't care much for it. I have
> three pocket 1" BW LCD TVs and I'm looking for the cheapest way to get
> HDTV after February. If I had to pay more than fifty bucks I would
> forego TV altogether.

$50 converter - $40 federal check ~= $10.

== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 8:46 am
From: Doug Smith W9WI

On Fri, 19 Sep 2008 04:18:42 -0700, Al Bundy wrote:
> Perhaps there would be a reasonably priced digital radio that would
> pick up the signal and provide the TV channels as well as some other
> things like the music you prefer.

There are no TV sound radios that will do digital.

Probably the closest thing would be one of the coupon-eligible converter
boxes feeding the audio output to a set of computer speakers. Not
portable though.

As for the original question, yes, one should be able to get one of the
coupon-eligible converter boxes for well under $50 after redeeming one of
the NTIA coupons. The ability to use it depends on the 1" TV having
either an external antenna input or external audio & video inputs. I
suppose in a pinch one could stuff a few inches of wire into the RF output
jack & wrap it around the TV's antenna.

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 9:07 am
From: Shawn Hirn

In article <gav7rb$pkj$>, wrote:

> I watch TV half an hour a month and don't care much for it. I have
> three pocket 1" BW LCD TVs and I'm looking for the cheapest way to get
> HDTV after February. If I had to pay more than fifty bucks I would
> forego TV altogether.

You don't need HDTV after February. You are confusing HDTV with digital
TV. Just google for "digital TV conversion" and you'll find tons of
information on it.

TOPIC: Palin splurgin' on $2,500 silk jackets and other high fashion

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 5:22 am
From: trotsky

Thanatos wrote:
> In article <>,
> "Dano" <> wrote:
>> Thanatos wrote:
>>>>>> Her money is derived from tax dollars.
>>>>> What? Are you saying that people who work for any
>>>>> level of government anywhere don't have the same
>>>>> right to spend their salaries however they wish as
>>>>> people who work in the private sector do?
>>>> Not at all.
>>> Then why would you suggest that the paychecks government
>>> workers receive are "tax dollars"?
>>> They aren't. The salaries are paid *with* tax dollars
>>> but the moment the check is issued, the money stops being
>>> tax dollars and becomes the sole property of the person
>>> who earned it, just as it does with any other job.
>> Since you choose to snip all relevant portions of my
>> response, you demonstrate that you are unworthy of any
>> further consideration. PLONK.
> And another coward runs away...

Did I miss your response to my post, fagmo?

== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 5:23 am
From: trotsky

clouddreamer wrote:
> charliekilo wrote:
>> "Dano" <> wrote in message
>>> Rich Hutnik wrote:
>>>> On Sep 17, 4:06 pm, denni...@dennism3.invalid (Dennis M) wrote:
>>>>> In article
>>>>> <>,
>>>>> Rich
>>>>> Hutnik <> wrote:
>>>>>> There are days that I long for John Edward's haircut not being made
>>>>>> a political issue. Now, we have to pay attention to the cost of
>>>>>> clothes that people are wearing, like McCain's loafers and his
>>>>>> wife's wardrobe.
>>>>> You're damn right we have to pay attention to decadent personal
>>>>> spending by Republican leaders, because they're being hypocritical.
>>>> How people spend their own money is their business. How they spend
>>>> tax dollars is another issue.
>>> Her money is derived from tax dollars. But that isn't the point.
>>> The point is she pretends to be just a regular, small town, hockey
>>> mom. I've known a lot of hockey (and soccer, and baseball, and
>>> football) moms. I've yet to meet one who spends 2,500 bucks on a
>>> designer jacket. Or hundreds of thousands like Cindy McCain for that
>>> matter. These people are the wealthy elite...not the regular folk
>>> they would like their naive followers to believe.
>> Come to my town (Austin, TX) and I guarantee you that you'll find a
>> LOT of :soccer/baseball/football moms that own $2000+ jackets, purses,
>> dresses, etc... especially in certain parts of town. It's not all that
>> unusual...seriously.
> I know a lot of soccer/hockey moms...

Are any of them as slutty as Palin?

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 6:42 am

On Sep 18, 1:35 pm, Cindy Hamilton <>
> On Sep 18, 10:20 am, wrote:
> > Yeah, it seems like Sarah Palin, who professes to love her kids so
> > much, could get her daughter Bristol into something other than blue
> > jeans.  That speaks volumes about "our soccer mom" and where her
> > priorities are.
> Bristol is a teenager.  Is there any evidence that she doesn't want to
> wear blue jeans?  My mother could hardly crowbar me out of mine
> and into a dress, and that was a long time ago when we had standards.
> Cindy Hamilton

Ummm... Cindy? You really think blue jeans were/are that good

And I guess by your reference to "when we had standards" that none of
the 17 year old girls in your school were getting preggers,
right: :)

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 9:08 am
From: alohacyberian

Val N. Teenow wrote:
> Where does a "hockey mom" get the money for $2,500 jackets?
> September 17, 2008 -- HOCKEY mom Sarah Palin not only wore lipstick to the
> Republican National Convention, the vice-presidential candidate wore a
> shantung silk Valentino jacket worth $2,500.
> PHOTOS: A Look at Palin's Style
> Insiders tell Page Six Palin has a secretive circle of stylists who dress
> her for events. For her big speech in St. Paul, where she accepted the
> GOP's vice-presidential nod, this fashion-conscious team encouraged the
> Alaska governor to splurge on a $2,500 jacket from Saks Fifth Avenue
> designed by Valentino Garavani.
> Palin, shunning the pantsuits favored by Hillary Clinton, wore the top
> during her first big speech, where she told McCain's delegates: "I was just
> your average hockey mom, and signed up for the PTA because I wanted to make
> my kids' public education better."
> But she's springing for designer labels. One source familiar with Palin's
> primping posse told us, "They do not want the American public to know that
> Palin is using stylists or that she is paying for expensive clothes this
> early on in the campaign."
> We spoke to someone on Palin's styling team, who told us, "I did a little
> bit of personal styling, but I can't discuss anything I've done with Sarah
> Palin. I'm not sure which designs she wore . . . anything related to
> working with her is confidential."
> Presidential nominee John McCain's wife, Cindy, recently took some heat
> after Vanity Fair itemized the cost of her wardrobe during her RNC speech
> with Laura Bush to a whopping $300,000 worth of designer wear and diamonds.
> A representative for Valentino confirmed Palin wore one of his designs
> during her convention speech, but said she did not buy it from a Valentino
> store. Palin's reps had no comment.

I could care less what she wears, but while America is withering I
find it strange she can't find an American designer. She's a creep.

Fabric from china, workmanship from a sweatshop in India, label from

I'd say screw palin, but everybody already has.

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 9:10 am
From: alohacyberian

On Sep 18, 9:46 am, Ed Stasiak <> wrote:
> > Val N. Teenow
> > Insiders tell Page Six Palin has a secretive circle of stylists who dress
> > her for events. For her big speech in St. Paul, where she accepted the
> > GOP's vice-presidential nod, this fashion-conscious team encouraged the
> > Alaska governor to splurge on a $2,500 jacket from Saks Fifth Avenue
> > designed by Valentino Garavani.
> Unlike Mahatma Obama, who no doubt weaves his own cloth....Good for him. Now that's an American.

TOPIC: A La Carte satellite TV system under $250 or so?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 6:05 am
From: Crooze

On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 14:05:51 -0400, "OhioGuy" <> wrote:

> What I DO want is the capability of getting a bunch of free channels, as
>well as subscribing to several (and by that I mean perhaps 2-4 channels like
>Discovery Channel, Game Show Channel, Sci-Fi Channel, etc.) a la carte.

The free-to-air channels you're hoping to receive are available via an
MPEG-2 set-up.

See the information at

TOPIC: Surviving a bear attack

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 8:30 am
From: James

On Sep 14, 4:11 pm, "Ryan Robbins" <> wrote:
> "James" <> wrote in message
> On Sep 12, 8:35 am, wrote:
> >The advice that these professionals give is this: fight. Your only
> >chance is to convince the bear you are not worth the effort.
> That won't work with a grizzly. In fact, it will likely get you killed.

Are you suggesting that not fighting is preferable?
> >They will huff and
> >snort and paw.
> Those behaviors are nervous responses, not acts of aggression or precursors
> to an attack. In most cases, a black bear that attacks gives no warning.
A black bear who attacks you to eat you, gives no warning true. A
black bear who thinks you are too close to his food, or his den, or
his cub, will generally try to scare you off.

Of the bear attacks in Ontario, very few have been without warning.

> >The more dangerous bears are those who scavange campgrounds for food
> >and become used to human presense. They lose their fear of humans, and
> >if they are truly hungry can't be scared from a food source like a
> >cooler.
> Although this belief is widespread, the evidence is far from conclusive.

Well feel free to speculate, I've tried to scare away a habituated
bear, I've talked to people who do this for a living. The bear I
couldn't scare away was killed, by park wardens, who had consulted
with naturalists. Those same naturalists have stated that when the see
wild black bears that have little contact with humans, they generally
run. You are much more likely to see a bear at a dump or near a
campsite than in the wild.



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