Thursday, October 9, 2008

18 new messages in 10 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Great Depression 2: 2008 - 2012 - 3 messages, 1 author
* Basic advice for an oven bake element house fire (GE JBP24B0B4WH) - 1
messages, 1 author
* PayPal - 4 messages, 3 authors
* new hybrid batteries and overcharging - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Older metal windows won't close - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Best sell Air Force one all White and all Black Now only sell 22USD - - 1 messages, 1 author
* Math on the bailout doesn't add up... - 1 messages, 1 author
* KFC 9.99 bucket - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Diamonds ARE NOT RARE, Whatsoever! - 1 messages, 1 author
* cheap Air Jordan 6 x Air Force one Fusion - 1 messages, 1

TOPIC: Great Depression 2: 2008 - 2012

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 5:18 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

OhioGuy <> wrote:

> My sister was listening to the BBC, and noticed that for some time now they have been referring to this mess as a
> "Depression", and not a recession.

They're fools that wouldnt know what a real depression was if it bit them on their lard arses.

> Here in the USA, they have only recently finally started publicly admitting that we are in a recession.

There hasnt even been a quarter of negative growth yet, let alone what qualifys for a technical recession.

> The Depression word seems to be avoided at all costs. Why is that?

Because they have enough of a clue to realise what a depression is ?

> Meanwhile, my retirement account is currently worth about half what it was a few months ago. Banks are failing.

> Inflation on food and other items has approached 40%.

Like hell they are.

> Unemployment is going up and up - in our state it is higher than it has been in more than 16 years.

Dont believe that.

> Credit is drying up. People are losing their houses at an alarming rate.

Only the fools that were stupid enough to sign up for what they couldnt possibly afford.

> Stock markets are plunging worldwide.

> Everyone is doing their shopping at dollar stores,

Like hell they are.

> and even the dollar stores are finally raising their prices.


> I believe that we have finally entered a second Great Depression.

More fool you. There hasnt even been a single quarter of negative growth yet, let alone even a technical recession.

> I'm not sure exactly what to call it, but looking back on it, I think it is going to end up being referred to as such.

I doubt it.

> I've managed a retail business, and I've taken basic economics, Macro and Micro Economics, plus Money & Banking in
> college. I'm no expert, certainly,

Thats obvious.

> but my gut feeling at this point after watching everything that has been going on over the past year is that this is
> going to last a while, no matter what the government does.

Sure, but we survived the great depression and will survive another if it does come to that.

> We have reached the point where people are going to tighten up the belts for a while.

Yep, lots of mindless neurotics just make a downturn much worse.

> A lot of us are optimists, some of us are pessimists, but it is time to be realists. Time to face the facts.

You wouldnt know what a real fact was if it bit you on your lard arse.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 5:22 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Lou <> wrote:
> "clams_casino" <> wrote in message
> news:hfZGk.46391$Nu3.11569@newsfe14.iad...
>> Lou wrote:
>>> "OhioGuy" <> wrote in message
>>> news:gci5bi$k81$
>>>> My sister was listening to the BBC, and noticed that for some
>>>> time now they have been referring to this mess as a "Depression",
>>>> and not a recession.
>>>> Here in the USA, they have only recently finally started publicly
>>>> admitting that we are in a recession.
>>> A recession is at least two successive quarters of declining GDP. In spite of appearances and regardless of mood,
>>> that hasn't
>>> happened yet. It seems pretty likely to me that it will, but the
>>> jury is still out.
>> The tax refund this past spring temporarily interrupted the technical
>> reading for the recession (two consecutive down quarters), but it's
>> quite obvious that was not enough to offset the adverse effects of
>> the current financial meltdown. Current quarter is very likely
>> back to a decline and many project next quarter will be down as well.
> Whatever the reason, the USA has not yet been in a recession
> recently. I'm all but certain it will, but it hasn't yet. Most of
> the time, you don't know when a recession started or ended until it's
> over.
>>>> Meanwhile, my retirement account is currently worth about half
>>>> what it was a few months ago.
>> Unlike the previous recession where the tech stocks were the primary
>> losses, this year it's been 20-40% losses across the board.
>>>> Unemployment is going up and up - in our state it is higher than
>>>> it has been in more than 16 years.
> You know, that sounds bad, and I don't mean to belittle it, but 16
> years ago was 1992. We all lived through that. Back in the 1970's,
> anything under 7% unemployment was considered full employment, and
> that at a time when both spouses holding down a paying job was more
> of an exception instead of the rule. We lived through that too.
>> September state sales tax receipts here were reported this morning
>> to be down 18% vs. last year - similar declines were reported for
>> July and August as well.

> Here in NJ, the governor is talking about slashing state spending -

Thats what fools did after the 1929 wall st crash and that just made things a lot worse.

> nice change from the last time around,

We'll see...

> when what they did was raise taxes to make up the shortfall.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 5:27 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Jeff <> wrote:
> clams_casino wrote:
>> Lou wrote:
>>> "OhioGuy" <> wrote in message
>>> news:gci5bi$k81$
>>>> My sister was listening to the BBC, and noticed that for some time
>>>> now they have been referring to this mess as a "Depression", and
>>>> not a recession.
>>>> Here in the USA, they have only recently finally started publicly
>>>> admitting that we are in a recession.
>>> A recession is at least two successive quarters of declining GDP. In spite of appearances and regardless of mood,
>>> that hasn't happened
>>> yet. It seems pretty likely to me that it will, but the jury is
>>> still out.

> I'd like to take this off track just a bit.

> The US has had a negative savings rate since 2005.

Only if you're actually stupid enough to ignore what people paid into their mortgages and IRAs etc.

> Now that was "acceptable" because people felt wealthy with their homes appreciating in value, that they felt they had
> more assets.

And they really did have more assets too.

> Consumer spending is some 70% of our economy, we have been growing the economy on debt.

Nothing new about that. Thats been happening for much of the last century.

> So, the question is what will the economy grow on?

The usual stuff, what people spend.

> It can't be government spending, because any "excess" there is propping up liquidity and W really screwed the pooch on
> the deficit.

You cant ignore the trillion being spent on the bailout etc.

> It can't be increased property values, because they are falling

Thats not what grows the economy anyway.

> and it can't be increased wages as wages are flat.

For now.

> It can't be the world, because foreign investors are looking for real assets.

They wont get any choice on that.

>> The tax refund this past spring temporarily interrupted the technical
>> reading for the recession (two consecutive down quarters), but it's
>> quite obvious that was not enough to offset the adverse effects of
>> the current financial meltdown. Current quarter is very likely
>> back to a decline and many project next quarter will be down as well.
>>>> Meanwhile, my retirement account is currently worth about half
>>>> what it was a few months ago.
>> Unlike the previous recession where the tech stocks were the primary
>> losses, this year it's been 20-40% losses across the board.
>>>> Unemployment is going up and up - in our state it is higher than it
>>>> has been in more than 16 years.
>> September state sales tax receipts here were reported this morning
>> to be down 18% vs. last year - similar declines were reported for
>> July and August as well.

TOPIC: Basic advice for an oven bake element house fire (GE JBP24B0B4WH)

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 5:32 pm
From: wrote:

>On Oct 7, 9:47 pm, Donna Ohl <> wrote:
>> Can I just replace the bake element (or is the oven really kaput)?
>> Can anyone tell me what actually caused the fire (it wasn't food)? )

>As for the part numbers, your oven is a GE Spectra white. Take the WH
>off the part number BTW, it stands for white. That oven has to be at
>least five to ten years old so fat chance you'll ever find the part at
>GE for that. If you do find it, expect to pay upwards of $70 for it
>(PN WB44T10009 for the top broil and PN WB44T100010 for the bottom
>bake element).

Upper element from:


Lower element:


Both in stock for immediate delivery.

>Anyway, if you like, call GE and they'll confirm everything I said (I
>used to work for GE by the way).
>GE tech support 800-626-2005
>GE customer service 800-432-2737
>GE oven appliances 800-386-1215
>GE appliance parts 800-626-2002
>GE troubleshooting 800-626-2000
>GE Spectra JBP24B0B4 upper broil element P/N: WB44T10009
>GE Spectra JBP24B0B4 lower bake element P/N: WB44T10010

Call the Repair Clinic guy at 800-269-2609 instead. He's a lot more


== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 5:39 pm
From: (Gary Heston)

In article <EpWGk.45145$>,
E Z Peaces <cash@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>Gary Heston wrote:

>> [ ... ] They're disallowing the
>> use of checks (personal, business, or certified) or money orders.

>> Too bad (for eBay) that checks and money orders are the only ways
>> to pay that are acceptable to me.

>Are they disallowing mailed payments because the seller doesn't know if
>they will arrive?

The stated reasons were "to provide a more consistent experience" and "to
reduce fraud". Although any fraud involving USPS money orders is extremely
rare, and no listings I ever looked at where checks were accepted failed
to state that the merchandise would not ship until after it cleared, or
would be held for some period of time to allow it to clear.

Most comments I've seen feel they're trying to push people to use PayPal
in order to collect a fee; they can't collect one on check or money order
payments. eBay tried to force everyone in Australia to use PayPal only;
the Austrailian government started an anti-trust investigation, eBay then
dropped the effort. Looks like they're trying a different strategy, here,
kill off the alternatives one or two at a time, until PayPal is the only
choice left.


Gary Heston

Why is it that these days, the words "What idiot" are so frequently
followed by the words "at Microsoft"?

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 6:20 pm
From: (Gary Heston)

In article <gcijk2$oas$>, h <> wrote:
[ ... ]

>Checks and money orders? Are you people kidding? This is 2008, not 1908.
>It's simply not frugal to pay for things with checks and money orders
>because they cost too much in time and money.

Too much for you, anyway. For some of us, security has a higher priority,
and the sellers get a better deal--someone has to pay those PayPal fees.


Gary Heston

Why is it that these days, the words "What idiot" are so frequently
followed by the words "at Microsoft"?

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 8:55 pm
From: Derald

Vic Smith <> wrote:

>The default is the bank account, and can't be changed.
> If you know otherwise, and tell me how to do it, I will genuflect in
>your direction.
Well, apparently user selection of default funding source is not
universal, as I had thought. All I know is that, years ago, I received
an email from paypal explaining that all one need do is initiate a
payment, select funding source from those offered and designate a
"preferred". Go to your paypal account page, select "send money" fill in
the necessary info and continue. On the following page, the "send money
review your payment and send" page, the "funding sources" link produces
a popup with the following paragraph:
>Selecting a Preferred Funding Source
>In some, but not all instances, PayPal will allow you to change from the default funding
> source to a preferred funding source. If PayPal allows you to select a preferred funding
> source, and you take the steps necessary to select a preferred funding source, then the
> preferred funding source will apply instead of the default funding source. If you would like
> to select a preferred funding source, you may do so each time you send a payment or
> establish a recurring payment. You may select a preferred funding source by clicking the
> link on the payment confirmation page and selecting from your available funding
> sources.
The ringer is "In some, but not all instances", it seems. If this
feature is not available to you, perhaps a query to PP support will
reveal what criteria they use to determine who gets it and who doesn't.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 11:02 pm
From: larry

Derald wrote:
> Vic Smith <> wrote:
>> The default is the bank account, and can't be changed.
>> If you know otherwise, and tell me how to do it, I will genuflect in
>> your direction.

> The ringer is "In some, but not all instances", it seems. If this
> feature is not available to you, perhaps a query to PP support will
> reveal what criteria they use to determine who gets it and who doesn't.

You can preset funding source on-

"Billing Type: Preapproved Payments
Manage your Billing Agreement by logging into your PayPal
account and clicking the Billing Agreement link under your
Profile. In your Profile, you can choose and edit your
preferred funding source and cancel your Billing Agreement."

"You have successfully signed up for a subscription to xxxx
- Subscription using PayPal."

Everything else you need to override the default bank acount
to use cc.

BTW: The limit per month is the non- account holder deal
where you can make a paypal payment with credit card. There
ia also a deal where you can receive payments without an
upgraded account, I think that has the $100 per month, and
also has a "max" limit when you must upgrade to receive any
more payments. They change that stuff all the time, but it
is on their webpage ;-)

-- larry / dallas

TOPIC: new hybrid batteries and overcharging

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 5:39 pm
From: "William Sommerwerck"

> According to the manufacturer web pages I've read, overcharging *any*
> NiMH cell significantly can shorten its life... they're somewhat less
> tolerant to this than nickel-cadmium cells.

How do you define "overcharging"? Switching to a trickle charge at the end
of the charge cycle is, technically, overcharging, but no one considers it

NiMH cells can tolerate huge charging currents. MAHA specifically states
that do not recommend charging at _less_ than 1/3 C, and permit charge rates
as high as 1.0 C!

Whether this applies only to their cells, or pretty much everyones, I don't
know. But NiMH cells don't appear to be particularly "delicate".

"Overcharging" probably means, as others have suggested, continuing the
charge past "negative delta V" and continuing to charge at a high rate to
the point where the cell badly overheats.

But, as I said in my "moody" missive, this is something you should ask the
manufacturer, as only it knows how its only cells respond to various
charging protocols.

The people in this group do not.

> Also, it's somewhat more difficult to detect the "full charge" state
> in a NiMH than it is in a NiCd, especially at low charge rates.

Yes and no. NiMH chargers can use either a rise in temperature (which might
be hard to judge when the sensor is not part of the battery pack) or a drop
in voltage to signal "full charge". The latter is supposedly larger and more
distinct at higher charge rates.

I don't believe either of these apply to nicad charging.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 10:38 pm
From: E Z Peaces

William Sommerwerck wrote:
>> According to the manufacturer web pages I've read, overcharging *any*
>> NiMH cell significantly can shorten its life... they're somewhat less
>> tolerant to this than nickel-cadmium cells.
> How do you define "overcharging"? Switching to a trickle charge at the end
> of the charge cycle is, technically, overcharging, but no one considers it
> abuse.

In 1975 my station got a hand-held communications radio with a NiCad
battery. The radio hung in a charger that would switch to a trickle
charge when the battery was charged. That would have been ideal for a
lead-acid battery, but in a matter of weeks the NiCad would no longer
take a charge. The boss contacted the battery manufacturer and learned
that NiCads should not be left on a trickle charge. Nobody considers it
abuse because it's not intentional misuse, but trickle charging is harmful.

I began using aa NiCads in 1981. They were supposed to be good for 500
charge cycles. Within about 50 cycles, their self-discharge was so high
that they would go flat if not used within a few days. Eventually they
wouldn't charge at all. I bought a lot of them for 17 years because I
found them more practical than alkalines even if I got only a fraction
of the advertised service life.

Then I tried a set of NiMH cells along with a microprocessor-controlled
500ma charger. They performed so well that I bought many more. After
ten years, all my NiMH cells will hold a charge for months. That
charger would also work for NiCads, and I discovered that they, too, had
outstanding service lives if fast-charged.

A big killer of nickel cells is internal salts. They allow electrical
leakage so a cell won't hold a charge long and eventually can't be
charged at all. These deposits increase during trickle or C/10 charging
but apparently not with fast charging.

TOPIC: Older metal windows won't close

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 5:50 pm
From: Lou

Kompu Kid wrote:
> On Oct 8, 9:47 am, "Lou" <> wrote:
>> "Kompu Kid" <> wrote in message
>>> Hello All:
>>> Windows at my nephew's home won't close unless one pushes it with
>>> substantial force from outside. I looked into it a bit. I first
>>> thought it was paint buildup, but ruled this out after cleaning the
>>> buildup did not help.
>>> I have photos of the windows at:
>>> I think the windows are slightly warped over time --this is a 60-year-
>>> old home. I am thinking that if he can replace the pins in hinges (one
>>> of the hinges is marked with "B") with a smaller diameter one, the
>>> "A" side of the window would be slightly pushed out, and the "D" edge
>>> then would get to touch the mating frame (it now stands 1/4" or so
>>> away).
>> The title of this post is "Older metal windows won't close" - it's not
>> obvious from the pictures that the window frames are metal. You don't say
>> what the metal is, but I'll bet it's aluminum.
>> I doubt that the aluminum and glass have warped on their own. More likely,
>> in my estimation, is that the house has settled since the windows where
>> installed, and the dimensions/orientation of the frame have changed over the
>> years.
>> Possibly, taking the windows off the house entirely, and reinstalling them
>> as though they were new (shiming and sawing as needed), would fix the
>> problem - unless of course, the house continues to settle.
>>> Alternately if the lateral edges can be bent inwards a bit this would
>>> also get the Edge D closer. But I cannot think of an easy way of
>>> bending these edges in a controlled manner, and without breaking the
>>> glass...
>>> Any recommendations?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Deguza
> They are steel windows. And I think you are right about the cause. I
> also think that removing and reinstalling the windows can help.
> However, this is beyond my and the nephew's skill set... Having some
> else do it would be costly--this is the first home nephew got, and he
> does not have much funds left to hire someone.

I didn't think it would be cheap to hire someone else. On the contrary,
I think it would probably be expensive enough to warrant buying new
windows and having them installed properly.

> What do you think of putting slightly undersized pins at the hinges--
> say 10 or 20 mil smaller in diameter? This would make the Edge A go
> out slightly, which in turn should get Edge D closer to the window
> frame when closing.

I don't know - I'm far from an expert and can't tell from your pictures.
I don't think it would be all that hard to try it, though.

You say this is a first home - if nephew doesn't have the money to fix
it properly as yet and needs to get through the winter, I suppose you/he
might try some temporary patch, like heavy tape over the gap to stop, or
at least slow down, the leaking air.

> Deguza

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 10:50 pm
From: Smitty Two

In article
Kompu Kid <> wrote:

> I first
> thought it was paint buildup, but ruled this out after cleaning the
> buildup did not help.

Maybe it's the camera angle, but I see a hell of a lot of paint,
everywhere. If you removed 2 coats out of the 17 that are on there,
maybe it wasn't enough.

TOPIC: Best sell Air Force one all White and all Black Now only sell 22USD -

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 7:03 pm

Best sell Air Force one All White and Air Force one all Black Now only
sell 22USD
Best Wholesale Air Force one All White and Air Force one all Black Now
only sell 22USD
Best Wholesales Air Force one All White and Air Force one all Black
Now only sell 22USD
Best sell Air Force one All White and Air Force one all Black Now only
sell 22USD
Best Wholesale Air Force one All White and Air Force one all Black Now
only sell 22USD
Best Wholesales Air Force one All White and Air Force one all Black
Now only sell 22USD
Best sell Air Force one All White and Air Force one all Black Now only
sell 22USD
Best Wholesale Air Force one All White and Air Force one all Black Now
only sell 22USD
Best Wholesales Air Force one All White and Air Force one all Black
Now only sell 22USD
Best sell Air Force one All White and Air Force one all Black Now only
sell 22USD
Best Wholesale Air Force one All White and Air Force one all Black Now
only sell 22USD
Best Wholesales Air Force one All White and Air Force one all Black
Now only sell 22USD
Best sell Air Force one All White and Air Force one all Black Now only
sell 22USD
Best Wholesale Air Force one All White and Air Force one all Black Now
only sell 22USD
Best Wholesales Air Force one All White and Air Force one all Black
Now only sell 22USD

TOPIC: Math on the bailout doesn't add up...

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 7:15 pm
From: Dean Hoffman <""dh0496\"@ine$br#as&">

Jim wrote:
> Dean, Hoffman, wrote:
>> Jim wrote:
>>> Dean Hoffman wrote:
>>> [....]
>>>> Our lying weasels didn't learn the lesson. They imposed
>>>> requirements on the lending institutions that partially lead to their
>>>> collapse. Now they have added requirements on the insurance industry.
>>> in a nation where God is the last place the vast majority
>>> are going to take their problems then there is a great need
>>> for feel good talk talk therapy.
>>> Dean, by bringing this article to our attention were you making
>>> fun of our yankee government or just some of their decisions?
>> I bet a fair amount of the lying weasels from south of the
>> Mason-Dixon Line voted for this. They also probably had a hand in
>> creating the conditions that lead to the sub prime mortgage flop and the
>> resulting problems we're having now.
>> My spell checker doesn't like the spelling of yankee. It's OK with
>> Yankee though.
> yes, proper nouns should begin with the capitalization of
> their first letter. proper nouns, that is.
>> Did you hear the news? General Lee surrendered at
>> Appomattox.
> yep and with his surrender the occupied South was Reconstructed
> back in and under the control of the yankee government. now when
> representatives from the South go to washington they too become
> members of the yankee government and therefore are subject to
> the same terms of endearment.
> you'd be correct in knowing how a good number of these Southern
> scalawags were influential with their contributions towards the
> enrichment of themselves at the expensive of the tax paying module.
> greed of the flesh knows not regional boundaries nor ethnic
> differences.
> so then what was it from you Dean, making fun of [our] yankee
> government or just some of their decisions?

Doesn't one lead to the other?
I'm sure glad we're helping out the poor execs of AIG:
That site has mug shots of some of the rich and famous. It also has
some mug shots under the caption Civil Rights Heroes.


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TOPIC: KFC 9.99 bucket

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 8:54 pm
From: James

How much would the raw chicken cost you at regular supermarket
prices? At sale prices? Assume you cook regularly and have all the
other stuff necessary for fried chicken so their cost is minor.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 11:47 pm
From: larry

James wrote:
> How much would the raw chicken cost you at regular supermarket
> prices? At sale prices? Assume you cook regularly and have all the
> other stuff necessary for fried chicken so their cost is minor.

Healthwise, you would do much better to bake or roast your
chicken for better flavor, reduced fat and carbs.

We pay a high price for our highly processed food in the
name of saving time and a few cents.

-- larry/dallas

TOPIC: Diamonds ARE NOT RARE, Whatsoever!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 10:18 pm
From: Hackamore

A 'Nam Veteran wrote:
> In article <>,
> Hackamore <> wrote:
>> St Georges Day April 23rd wrote:
>>> Diamonds are not rare, whatsoever! This might come as a shock to a
>>> person who has just paid 1,000 dollars for a one-carat stone, but
>>> there are enough diamonds in the world to give every man, woman, and
>>> child in America a cupful. Although they have the best reputation,
>>> diamonds are not the most expensive gemstone, either. A top-quality
>>> ruby would be double the expense of a diamond of the same carat. A
>>> diamond¹s expense comes from a human-imposed drought rather than a
>>> true drought. The whole theory of supply and demand plays very nicely
>>> here into the hands of the diamond-governing corporations!
>> Hi,
>> it's true that the price of gem quality diamonds is manipulated...
>> as a travel agent I see grooms planning honeymoons (the groom is
>> responsible for the engagement ring, her ring, and the honeymoon) and
>> I've started offering a service locally (Memphis, Tennessee) where a
>> groom can shop for the stone he wants, get it priced, and bring me the
>> specs...
>> then I get him 2 stones 1 with comparable specs (but for much less, and
>> one with a comparable price (but much better specs, people usually want
>> size) and I charge a consulting fee of 100$...
>> on a 1 carat stone I can usually either save him 500-1500$ or get about
>> 25% more size.
> What about "blood" diamonds ?
> Worth supporting killing?


I get my diamonds from Israel these days... used to get them from
Antwerp... I have no idea and no care where they came from before they
were cut and polished.


>>>==>> Hackamore <<==<<<

TOPIC: cheap Air Jordan 6 x Air Force one Fusion

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 12:00 am

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