Wednesday, October 8, 2008

18 new messages in 8 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Finally Food Rules: Labels Must Now Give Origin - 2 messages, 2 authors
* After bailout, AIG execs buy themselves a retreat worth more than $400,000 -
1 messages, 1 author
* wholesale (WWW.NotJustSneakers.COM) timberland boot wholesale Ugg australia
boots - 1 messages, 1 author
* Is your MicroWave up to snuff? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Should I renew my AIG auto insurance policy or not? - 1 messages, 1 author
* PayPal - 8 messages, 4 authors
* What cars to consider - with mileage > 40 mpg? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Math on the bailout doesn't add up... - 3 messages, 3 authors

TOPIC: Finally Food Rules: Labels Must Now Give Origin

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 2:31 pm
From: professorgunz

Al Bundy wrote:
> professorgunz wrote:
>> Seems like a government-imposed, silly waste of time and money to me.
>> And what does it have to do w/ tx.guns?
> A few months ago I noticed that the local Dollar Tree was selling
> fruit from China in thick glass jars. It was the thick glass jars that
> caught my attention as everything else around here is packaged in
> cans. I was glad it stated the country of origin. That made my
> decision not to purchase. That fruit must be very cheap if they can
> afford to ship it here in heavy jars and still make money.

When I was a kid, lots of stuff was sold in thick glass jars. Whether
it still is probably depends on the local availability and price of
plastic vs. glass.

a) what's so bad about someone provideng produce at a low price?
b) what does that have to do w/ tx.guns?

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 7:13 pm
From: Al Bundy

professorgunz wrote:
> Al Bundy wrote:
> >
> > professorgunz wrote:
> >>
> >> Seems like a government-imposed, silly waste of time and money to me.
> >> And what does it have to do w/ tx.guns?
> >
> > A few months ago I noticed that the local Dollar Tree was selling
> > fruit from China in thick glass jars. It was the thick glass jars that
> > caught my attention as everything else around here is packaged in
> > cans. I was glad it stated the country of origin. That made my
> > decision not to purchase. That fruit must be very cheap if they can
> > afford to ship it here in heavy jars and still make money.
> When I was a kid, lots of stuff was sold in thick glass jars. Whether
> it still is probably depends on the local availability and price of
> plastic vs. glass.
> a) what's so bad about someone provideng produce at a low price?
> b) what does that have to do w/ tx.guns?

A) Nothing wrong with a low price. Everything wrong with me eating
possibly tainted food from China. If their cheap wrench or VOM goes
bad, I don't get hurt as much. I can't tell what's in that food.
B) You'd have to have a gun to my head to make me eat food from China.

TOPIC: After bailout, AIG execs buy themselves a retreat worth more than $400,

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 3:24 pm

Heads must roll. Screw that 8= GIVE US THEIR BONES!!!!! =8

Now that AIG has been nationalized, some folks are wondering just how
their tax dollars are being spent. If you're among them, we have some
bad news for you from ABC. They are reporting that papers uncovered by
congressional investigators show that "less than a week after the
federal government committed $85 billion to bail out AIG, executives
of the giant AIG insurance company headed for a week-long retreat at a
luxury resort and spa, the St. Regis Resort in Monarch Beach,
California." Ouch.

ABC says that the documents show that the company, yes the company,
paid more than $400,000 for a week long retreat at the resort. The
bill included $200,000 for rooms, $150,000 for meals and $23,000 in
spa charges.

Meanwhile near the same fucking area this resort is in

A Loss for Privacy Rights

Published: November 28, 2007

The Constitution protects individuals against unreasonable searches,
but for this protection to have practical meaning, the courts must
enforce it. This week, the Supreme Court let stand a disturbing ruling
out of California that allows law enforcement to barge into people's
homes without a warrant. The case has not prompted much outrage,
perhaps because the people whose privacy is being invaded are welfare
recipients, but it is a serious setback for the privacy rights of all

TOPIC: wholesale (WWW.NotJustSneakers.COM) timberland boot wholesale Ugg
australia boots

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 3:46 pm
From: ""

wholesale (WWW.NotJustSneakers.COM) timberland boot wholesale Ugg
australia boots

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New Ugg Tall Women's boots 5817 ----WWW.NotJustSneakers.COM

TOPIC: Is your MicroWave up to snuff?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 5:36 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

h <> wrote:
> A 'Nam Veteran <> wrote

>> The uneven nature of microwave cooking can make it a dangerous way to prepare frozen raw foods. When not all of the
>> food is heated to a safe temperature, pockets of bacteria can survive and sicken people.

>> Foods that contain raw chicken must be heated to 165 F,
>> according to federal guidelines.

> Is there anyone, anywhere who cooks meat in the microwave?

I dont, some do.

> Re-heating leftovers, sure, but "frozen raw foods"? In a microwave? Who does that?

I cook frozen raw peas, corn etc in the microwave. Works fine.

TOPIC: Should I renew my AIG auto insurance policy or not?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 5:42 pm
From: phil scott

On Oct 6, 8:17 pm, ""
<> wrote:
> My auto insurance policy is with AIG, and it is about to expire.  The
> rate is pretty good, so I want to renew the policy, but I wonder if I
> should look for another company, given their problems?  Will AIG
> disappear, or does their bailout mean they definitely won't disappear?

why deal with lying scum...find a more honorable company to deal
with..and do some research, make sure its not backed by AIG, as many

Phil scott


== 1 of 8 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 6:36 pm
From: E Z Peaces

Ebay can be a convenient, frugal way to buy items that aren't locally
available. Many sellers require buyers to use PayPal.

PayPal says an advantage for the buyer is that the seller doesn't see
credit-card numbers. Are there disadvantages?

== 2 of 8 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 7:31 pm
From: (Gary Heston)

In article <37UGk.45094$>,
E Z Peaces <cash@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>Ebay can be a convenient, frugal way to buy items that aren't locally
>available. Many sellers require buyers to use PayPal.

>PayPal says an advantage for the buyer is that the seller doesn't see
>credit-card numbers. Are there disadvantages?


Or just search for "paypal sucks".


Gary Heston

Why is it that these days, the words "What idiot" are so frequently
followed by the words "at Microsoft"?

== 3 of 8 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 7:49 pm
From: E Z Peaces

Gary Heston wrote:
> In article <37UGk.45094$>,
> E Z Peaces <cash@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>> Ebay can be a convenient, frugal way to buy items that aren't locally
>> available. Many sellers require buyers to use PayPal.
>> PayPal says an advantage for the buyer is that the seller doesn't see
>> credit-card numbers. Are there disadvantages?
> Check:
> Or just search for "paypal sucks".
> Gary

Does the lack of PayPal limit my access to Ebay products? What's the
best way to pay?

== 4 of 8 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 7:51 pm
From: Vic Smith

On Tue, 07 Oct 2008 21:36:20 -0400, E Z Peaces <cash@invalid.invalid>

>Ebay can be a convenient, frugal way to buy items that aren't locally
>available. Many sellers require buyers to use PayPal.
>PayPal says an advantage for the buyer is that the seller doesn't see
>credit-card numbers. Are there disadvantages?

Never used PayPal as a seller, so I can't speak for that.
I've bought close to 200 items on eBay using PayPal over the past 5
years or so and never had a problem. Used it for a 4 or 5 other
merchants too.
After the first 10 or so purchases using a CC with PayPal they
required a bank account number and an easy verification process.
Something about being "verified."
I didn't care for that, but ultimately figured I would trust them, and
make it easier to purchase. It's worked very well.
Their default for purchases is from your bank account, so remember to
change it each time to CC if that's what you prefer.
Once you get over the bank account hurdle, you realize that paying
through them keeps you from spreading your CC number all over the
place. So, PayPal has worked for me.


== 5 of 8 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 7:55 pm
From: clams_casino

E Z Peaces wrote:

> Ebay can be a convenient, frugal way to buy items that aren't locally
> available. Many sellers require buyers to use PayPal.
> PayPal says an advantage for the buyer is that the seller doesn't see
> credit-card numbers. Are there disadvantages?

As an eBay seller for nearly ten years, I've found Paypal to be highly
convenient and reliable. As a buyer, you should always fund your Paypal
payment through a credit card for added insurance against an unreliable
seller. If there is ever a dispute, Paypal may or may not back your
purchase, but your credit card company will most always provide you with
a full refund. Since payment is nearly immediate, the seller can ship
immediately. The biggest complaint by sellers is that when there is a
misunderstanding, the buyer can reverse charges when it's funded via
credit card. I'm not aware of any potential problems for buyers
(provided the purchases are funded via credit card). The problem is
actually potentially unreliable ebay sellers, not Paypal.

== 6 of 8 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 7:56 pm
From: Vic Smith

On Tue, 07 Oct 2008 22:49:35 -0400, E Z Peaces <cash@invalid.invalid>

>Gary Heston wrote:
>> In article <37UGk.45094$>,
>> E Z Peaces <cash@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>>> Ebay can be a convenient, frugal way to buy items that aren't locally
>>> available. Many sellers require buyers to use PayPal.
>>> PayPal says an advantage for the buyer is that the seller doesn't see
>>> credit-card numbers. Are there disadvantages?
>> Check:
>> Or just search for "paypal sucks".
>> Gary
>Does the lack of PayPal limit my access to Ebay products?

You already answered that at the top. Some sellers take only PayPal.

> What's the
>best way to pay?

Personal issue. I use my CC, but never carry a balance.
Gives protection in disputes, though that never happened with anything
I used PayPal for.
Some like payment taken from their bank. Your call.
I don't use checks or MO's.


== 7 of 8 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 8:16 pm
From: (Gary Heston)

In article <R6VGk.59696$>,
E Z Peaces <cash@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>Gary Heston wrote:
[ ... ]
>>> PayPal says an advantage for the buyer is that the seller doesn't see
>>> credit-card numbers. Are there disadvantages?

>> Check:





>> Or just search for "paypal sucks".

>Does the lack of PayPal limit my access to Ebay products? What's the
>best way to pay?

As of late October, the only way for US customers will be PayPal, local
pickup, or credit card direct to the seller. They're disallowing the
use of checks (personal, business, or certified) or money orders.

Too bad (for eBay) that checks and money orders are the only ways
to pay that are acceptable to me.


Gary Heston

Why is it that these days, the words "What idiot" are so frequently
followed by the words "at Microsoft"?

== 8 of 8 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 9:12 pm
From: E Z Peaces

Gary Heston wrote:
> In article <R6VGk.59696$>,
> E Z Peaces <cash@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>> Gary Heston wrote:
> [ ... ]
>>>> PayPal says an advantage for the buyer is that the seller doesn't see
>>>> credit-card numbers. Are there disadvantages?
>>> Check:
>>> Or just search for "paypal sucks".

Now I see three of the pages direct us to National Merchant Bancard.
The fourth won't open.

>> Does the lack of PayPal limit my access to Ebay products? What's the
>> best way to pay?
> As of late October, the only way for US customers will be PayPal, local
> pickup, or credit card direct to the seller. They're disallowing the
> use of checks (personal, business, or certified) or money orders.
> Too bad (for eBay) that checks and money orders are the only ways
> to pay that are acceptable to me.
> Gary
Are they disallowing mailed payments because the seller doesn't know if
they will arrive?

TOPIC: What cars to consider - with mileage > 40 mpg?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 7:24 pm
From: (Gary Heston)

In article <gce8c7$1vv$>, Lou <> wrote:
[ ... ]
>It would seem to me, in my naiveté, that a relatively easy way to reduce
>NOx emissions would be to exclude nitrogen from the combustion chamber.
> Why couldn't an oxygen concentrator be used to filter out the nitrogen
>and supply oxygen and residual inert gases to the engine?

Do a web search on "oxygen nitrogen separator" and get some idea of what
you'd be trying to stuff under a car hood. One that I found required a
pressure differential of 155bar--almost 2300PSI--to operate! And that was
for about 900 cubic feet PER HOUR. Air intake into automobile engines is
measured into hundreds of cubic feet _per minute_.

Briefly: It's not practical or cost effective.


Gary Heston

Why is it that these days, the words "What idiot" are so frequently
followed by the words "at Microsoft"?

TOPIC: Math on the bailout doesn't add up...

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 7:29 pm
From: Dean Hoffman <""dh0496\"@ine$br#as&">

Jim wrote:
> Dean Hoffman wrote:
> [....]
>> Our lying weasels didn't learn the lesson. They imposed
>> requirements on the lending institutions that partially lead to their
>> collapse. Now they have added requirements on the insurance industry.
> in a nation where God is the last place the vast majority
> are going to take their problems then there is a great need
> for feel good talk talk therapy.
> Dean, by bringing this article to our attention were you making
> fun of our yankee government or just some of their decisions?

I bet a fair amount of the lying weasels from south of the
Mason-Dixon Line voted for this. They also probably had a hand in
creating the conditions that lead to the sub prime mortgage flop and the
resulting problems we're having now.
My spell checker doesn't like the spelling of yankee. It's OK with
Yankee though. Did you hear the news? General Lee surrendered at
I usually vote Libertarian if I have a chance.


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== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 7:42 pm
From: Jim

Dean, Hoffman, wrote:

> Jim wrote:
> > Dean Hoffman wrote:
> > [....]
> >> Our lying weasels didn't learn the lesson. They imposed
> >> requirements on the lending institutions that partially lead to their
> >> collapse. Now they have added requirements on the insurance industry.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > in a nation where God is the last place the vast majority
> > are going to take their problems then there is a great need
> > for feel good talk talk therapy.
> >
> > Dean, by bringing this article to our attention were you making
> > fun of our yankee government or just some of their decisions?
> I bet a fair amount of the lying weasels from south of the
> Mason-Dixon Line voted for this. They also probably had a hand in
> creating the conditions that lead to the sub prime mortgage flop and the
> resulting problems we're having now.
> My spell checker doesn't like the spelling of yankee. It's OK with
> Yankee though.

yes, proper nouns should begin with the capitalization of
their first letter. proper nouns, that is.

> Did you hear the news? General Lee surrendered at
> Appomattox.

yep and with his surrender the occupied South was Reconstructed
back in and under the control of the yankee government. now when
representatives from the South go to washington they too become
members of the yankee government and therefore are subject to
the same terms of endearment.

you'd be correct in knowing how a good number of these Southern
scalawags were influential with their contributions towards the
enrichment of themselves at the expensive of the tax paying module.
greed of the flesh knows not regional boundaries nor ethnic

so then what was it from you Dean, making fun of [our] yankee
government or just some of their decisions?

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 7 2008 9:22 pm
From: Michael Coburn

On Fri, 03 Oct 2008 19:09:20 -0500, Dean Hoffman wrote:

> Michael Coburn wrote:
>> The Republicans were indeed responsible for the Tech Stock bubble and
>> the Housing bubble.
>> The Bubbles:
>> IN 1997 the Gingrich Congress passed the "Taxpayer Relief Act" as a
>> totally veto proof bill. Clinton could no more veto this Republican
>> tax cut than he could have turned back the tide. The vote in the House
>> was 3xx to < 50 and in the Senate it was 90 to 8 (or close to it). No
>> veto of that bill was possible. It was a Republican bill all the way.
>> That tax code adjustment allowed people to cash out of their homes (a
>> retirement vehicle for most Americans) and to use the TAX FREE capital
>> gains for speculative purposes in the highly touted tech stocks and, at
>> the sam3e time to use a new home as a speculative vehicle.. And the
>> gains from such gambling ("investment") would be taxed at a mere 15%.
>> Prior to this speculation enabling bill homeowners could move from one
>> home to another with no tax penalty and could then take a one time
>> exemption at retirement (empty nest). But the new rules allowed the
>> American to use the money from the house to gamble in both real estate
>> and in the stock market.
> The Act was veto proof because a lot of Senate Democrats voted for
> it. The election in 1996 ended with the Reps having a 55-45 edge over
> the Dems.
> The Republican edge in the House was 228 to 206. There were not
> enough Republicans to override a Presidential veto there either.
> For the non Americans a veto override requires a 2/3 majority in
> both the House and the Senate. Article 1, Section 7.
> The Senate has 100 members, the House 435.
> Dean
The bill could not be vetoed. That is a fact. That the Democrats
supported the bill and would not have supported a Clinton veto is not any
real news. The American public was hot for this tax adjustment and that
is the way of it. No competent politician is going to jump out in front
of a freight train. The bill was produced by the Gingrich Republicans
and it could _NOT_ be stopped by the Democrats. Those are the facts.
The Democrats did not create this bill and once created it was not

The same was the case in 1999 when the Republicans did Gramm-Leech-
Bliley. Had the Democrats been in control of the Congress this bill that
repealed Glass-Steagall would never had existed. And again, the bill was
veto proof.


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