Thursday, October 9, 2008

25 new messages in 7 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* PayPal - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Great Depression 2: 2008 - 2012 - 4 messages, 4 authors
* getting cats spayed and neutered - 8 messages, 8 authors
* KFC 9.99 bucket - 5 messages, 5 authors
* new hybrid batteries and overcharging - 3 messages, 3 authors
* uncle jay explains the news - 1 messages, 1 author
* wholesale Coogi clothing outlet (WWW.3AKICKS.COM) cheap Christian Audigier
Long Sleeve Shirt - 1 messages, 1 author


== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 8:49 am
From: "h"

"Gary Heston" <> wrote in message
> In article <gcijk2$oas$>, h <> wrote:
> [ ... ]
>>Checks and money orders? Are you people kidding? This is 2008, not 1908.
>>It's simply not frugal to pay for things with checks and money orders
>>because they cost too much in time and money.
> Too much for you, anyway. For some of us, security has a higher priority,
> and the sellers get a better deal--someone has to pay those PayPal fees.
How on earth is using a check or money order more "secure"? If you pay via
PayPal, using your credit card, you are 100% protected against fraud. Credit
cards are the ONLY payment option which offers a refund if the goods or
services are not provided. If you pay via check or money order you have no
recourse if the merchant fails to ship the goods, or they are not as
described. Well, I guess you could hire a lawyer and sue the merchant. Yeah,
that's frugal. How can any adult not know this?

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 10:43 am
From: Derald

larry <> wrote:
>Everything else you need to override the default bank acount
>to use cc.
Sorry, but I simply never have had that experience. For years,
since I discovered that so-called "e-checks" take three days to clear,
the credit card was the default payment source; now, the GE charge
account is the default source. The selection of funding sources is mine,
not PayPal's. Except for very early on, I never had to "override"
anything; good thing, too, because I try to keep the PP account at
zero-balance and the bank account at $1.00. Whenever I make a purchase,
on the confirmation page is a link that allows me to select an
alternative source that can be made sticky. Why do you insist on telling
me what I can see on my own damned monitor? I sent money to someone last
night just to demonstrate to myself that I am not delusional; well, in
this case, at least.... Also, just moment's ago checked my wife's
account and her "default" funding source is the debit card that is
linked to her checking account, reserved for online use. Unlike me, she
keeps enough money in her bank account to fund an occasional small
purchase but she also keeps her paypal account at zero.

>BTW: The limit per month is the non- account holder deal
>where you can make a paypal payment with credit card.
Well, I didn't keep the email explaining the transaction limit,
which was $500/transaction. But I do know that it was in place less than
a day after its discovery. I discovered it when payment for a sizeable
purchase bounced; some mistake somewhere. I don't know anything about
monthly limits. I did, however save PP's email of 4/8/2007 stating:
>Your withdrawal limit has been updated. There are no limitations on the amount of money
> you may withdraw from PayPal.
My particular account has been one of those so-called "premier" accounts
since 2002, has been linked to the same bank account and card since well
before 2002, so I'm not sure those were issues. But, as I say, I didn't
save the email detailing the reasons and don't remember.
I kind of suspect that, just as are fees, many of paypal's
"policies" are determined by average transaction size and total dollar
volume that passes through an account. It is under no obligation to
treat anyone "fairly" or all "equally".

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 10:05 am
From: Vic Smith

On Wed, 08 Oct 2008 22:55:21 -0500, Derald <> wrote:

> The ringer is "In some, but not all instances", it seems. If this
>feature is not available to you, perhaps a query to PP support will
>reveal what criteria they use to determine who gets it and who doesn't.

Not a big deal. I'm used to changing the source to CC when I make a
purchase. Not a heavy user. I'll keep your advice in mind next time
I get to the point you mentioned, and see if I can change the default.


TOPIC: Great Depression 2: 2008 - 2012

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 8:49 am
From: Jeff

OhioGuy wrote:
> >Fuel prices during that decade went up 400% or more,
> I don't know about you guys, but I was paying 79c a gallon for gas
> back in 1998.

I remember when gas was just over a dollar and truckers were howling
(during Clinton). Remember W saying he would jawbone the Arabs?

Now, where I live we now have a different perspective.
I paid for $4.29 and was very happy. Beat pushing the car!

Absolutely everything is worse. I think we can see what happens when
you let the government be run by guys that hate government and love big oil.

The economy under W never really got going, so they kept pushing out
cheap money to fuel it. I mean it's not like you couldn't see the
housing and credit bubbles blowing up, it was so obvious. All of this is
a direct consequence of the monetary policies.

Target is already running into trouble (CC defaults). Forecasts for
the XMAS shopping season are dire.

Now, we have turned into a very soft culture. It won't take much
adversity to make Americans very unhappy. It'll be what they call "a
game changer".


That was the regular price here in Dayton, Ohio. We
> lived in a house right next to a gas station, so I was usually aware of
> what gas prices were. I probably even have a picture around here
> somewhere that has the gas price in the background.
> Multiply that by 4 (400%) and that is about what we've been paying
> lately for gas - 400% over the last decade. So saying this isn't like
> the 70's, at least fuel-wise, is not true.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 9:39 am
From: "Lou"

"OhioGuy" <> wrote in message news:gcl36d$s4b$
> >Fuel prices during that decade went up 400% or more,
> I don't know about you guys, but I was paying 79c a gallon for gas back
> in 1998. That was the regular price here in Dayton, Ohio. We lived in a
> house right next to a gas station, so I was usually aware of what gas
> prices were. I probably even have a picture around here somewhere that
> has the gas price in the background.
> Multiply that by 4 (400%) and that is about what we've been paying
> lately for gas - 400% over the last decade. So saying this isn't like the
> 70's, at least fuel-wise, is not true.

Saying that it's not unprecedented is accurate. Saying that what's happened
in the last few weeks, or even the last year, is tantamount to a depression
is grossly overstating the present situation.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 10:20 am
From: " Frank"

"OhioGuy" <> wrote in message news:gci5bi$k81$
> My sister was listening to the BBC, and noticed that for some time now
> they have been referring to this mess as a "Depression", and not a
> recession.

Figures, Europe is worse than we are.

> Here in the USA, they have only recently finally started publicly
> admitting that we are in a recession.

That's is debatable, but I do hear the "R" word more and more as our economy
is sliding downhill.

The Depression word seems to be
> avoided at all costs. Why is that?
> Meanwhile, my retirement account is currently worth about half what it
> was a few months ago.

That hurts, will take a few years to break even.

Banks are failing. Inflation on food and
> other items has approached 40%.

Short financials - damn, short the whole market and make a bundle.

Unemployment is going up and up - in
> our state it is higher than it has been in more than 16 years. Credit is
> drying up. People are losing their houses at an alarming rate. Stock
> markets are plunging worldwide. Everyone is doing their shopping at
> dollar stores, and even the dollar stores are finally raising their
> prices.
> I believe that we have finally entered a second Great Depression.

No, no, no...nowhere near this level. At best its a recession. Give a few
months for the trillion plus dollar bailout to work things out. Market is
ready for a pop, cash and credit will flow, real estate will recover,
hopefully by mid 2009.

Great buys in real estate and stocks if you had stayed in king cash. The
problem is we as Americans don't save and more likely be in debt so it looks
like a depression.

> I'm not sure exactly what to call it, but looking back on it, I think it
> is going to end up being referred to as such. I've managed a retail
> business, and I've taken basic economics, Macro and Micro Economics, plus
> Money & Banking in college. I'm no expert, certainly, but my gut feeling
> at this point after watching everything that has been going on over the
> past year is that this is going to last a while, no matter what the
> government does. We have reached the point where people are going to
> tighten up the belts for a while.
> A lot of us are optimists, some of us are pessimists, but it is time to
> be realists. Time to face the facts.

This cycle is different, where everything is down with no place to hide.
Market is dominated by fear with everything is over sold. The bottom is
near. and as always, the up cycle is coming.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 11:28 am
From: clams_casino

Jeff wrote:

> OhioGuy wrote:
>> >Fuel prices during that decade went up 400% or more,
>> I don't know about you guys, but I was paying 79c a gallon for gas
>> back in 1998.
> I remember when gas was just over a dollar and truckers were howling
> (during Clinton). Remember W saying he would jawbone the Arabs?
> Now, where I live we now have a different perspective.
> I paid for $4.29 and was very happy. Beat pushing the car!

Paid $3.08 this past weekend.

TOPIC: getting cats spayed and neutered

== 1 of 8 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 8:54 am
From: timeOday

Bebe wrote:
> On Oct 9, 9:41 am, OhioGuy <> wrote:
> << My wife is saying she would like to get them fixed. ... Of course,
> I sort of feel like they are just wild cats, and not really our
> responsiblity. They don't let us pet them or anything.... Anyone have
> any suggestions?>>
> Even feral cats, if you are feeding them, are going to stick around
> and will bring their babies to be fed too. By this time next year you
> could have hundreds of cats in your vicinity. Most animal shelters
> offer low-cost S/N surgery and some will provide you with traps to
> capture the feral cats, so you can bring them in. (Our shelter only
> charges $15 for each feral cat.)
> HTH,
> Bebe

$15, you're lucky. Is that spaying or neutering? My daughters recently
wanted a cat, so we asked around and some friends gave us one that had
started hanging around their garage. It has turned out to be a good
pet. We searched and searched and the cheapest we found for spaying and
the required immunization was $75.

== 2 of 8 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 9:06 am
From: Vic Smith

On Thu, 09 Oct 2008 09:54:45 -0600, timeOday
<> wrote:

>Bebe wrote:
>> On Oct 9, 9:41 am, OhioGuy <> wrote:
>> << My wife is saying she would like to get them fixed. ... Of course,
>> I sort of feel like they are just wild cats, and not really our
>> responsiblity. They don't let us pet them or anything.... Anyone have
>> any suggestions?>>
>> Even feral cats, if you are feeding them, are going to stick around
>> and will bring their babies to be fed too. By this time next year you
>> could have hundreds of cats in your vicinity. Most animal shelters
>> offer low-cost S/N surgery and some will provide you with traps to
>> capture the feral cats, so you can bring them in. (Our shelter only
>> charges $15 for each feral cat.)
>> HTH,
>> Bebe
>$15, you're lucky. Is that spaying or neutering? My daughters recently
>wanted a cat, so we asked around and some friends gave us one that had
>started hanging around their garage. It has turned out to be a good
>pet. We searched and searched and the cheapest we found for spaying and
>the required immunization was $75.

Think I paid about $60 each for spaying my adopted dogs. The shelter
farms it out to a regular vet, and requires it be done.
But this was 7 and 10 years ago.
My 12 year-old dog is almost unable to walk with arthritis and muscle
loss, and going soft in the head. Have to put her down real soon.
If I was in the country I'd shoot her and bury her myself, but I think
the vet doing it is going to cost me a couple hundred bucks.
Anybody have experience with this?


== 3 of 8 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 9:35 am
From: "Lou"

"OhioGuy" <> wrote in message news:gcl57c$5ip$
> About 3 months back, we started having a momma cat and a batch of maybe
> 7 tiny kittens show up in our back yard. Normally I wouldn't care all
> that much, but my cat of 9 years had just died earlier this year, and I
> still had a nearly full bag of food left over from her.
> So, I started giving that food to them, figuring that it would be better
> to do that rather than just have it go to waste. Of course, the kittens
> grew. Now there are 5 kittens left, plus the mother.
> My wife is saying she would like to get them fixed. About 8 years ago,
> I got my cat fixed for $35, and now it is $55 at a local shelter.
> We are facing up to $4,000 in medical bills because of a recent change
> in our health insurance over the next 4 months, and I'd really like to
> curtail any unnecessary spending during that time to make sure we can come
> up with the $. My wife believes (probably correctly) that one or more of
> the cats will end up pregnant if we don't have this done now.
> Of course, I sort of feel like they are just wild cats, and not really
> our responsiblity. They don't let us pet them or anything.
> $330 is just too much right now, and seems like a really bad idea with
> us having to come up with $4k over the next 4 months for my wife's
> pregnancy. It seems like our family should come first.
Your wife's pregnancy, personal financial situation, etc. are all beside the
point. Maybe your municipality or county has an animal control office that
will send someone out to collect these animals, maybe not. If they're still
hanging around your house and you're still feeding when you pack up and
move, are you going to take them with you? If not, what's going to happen
to them then? If they are not your cats, and you don't want them, don't
feed them.

== 4 of 8 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 10:08 am
From: val189

On Oct 9, 10:41 am, OhioGuy <> wrote:
> About 3 months back, we started having a momma cat and a batch of
> maybe 7 tiny kittens show up in our back yard. Normally I wouldn't care
> all that much, but my cat of 9 years had just died earlier this year,
> and I still had a nearly full bag of food left over from her.
> So, I started giving that food to them, figuring that it would be
> better to do that rather than just have it go to waste. Of course, the
> kittens grew. Now there are 5 kittens left, plus the mother.
> My wife is saying she would like to get them fixed. About 8 years
> ago, I got my cat fixed for $35, and now it is $55 at a local shelter.
> We are facing up to $4,000 in medical bills because of a recent
> change in our health insurance over the next 4 months, and I'd really
> like to curtail any unnecessary spending during that time to make sure
> we can come up with the $. My wife believes (probably correctly) that
> one or more of the cats will end up pregnant if we don't have this done now.
> Of course, I sort of feel like they are just wild cats, and not
> really our responsiblity. They don't let us pet them or anything.
> $330 is just too much right now, and seems like a really bad idea
> with us having to come up with $4k over the next 4 months for my wife's
> pregnancy. It seems like our family should come first.
> Anyone have any suggestions?

Your first mistake was feeding them - you could've donated that food
to a shelter or anyone with a cat.

Call your animal control and see if they can come out to trap these
creatures. Or see if there are any groups in your area who trap
neuter and release.

I used to run a low cost spay clinic - our worst nightmare was someone
who fed the ferals and let em breed out of control. So, please don't
compound the problem.

== 5 of 8 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 10:11 am
From: "Rod Speed"

OhioGuy <> wrote:
> About 3 months back, we started having a momma cat and a batch of
> maybe 7 tiny kittens show up in our back yard. Normally I wouldn't
> care all that much, but my cat of 9 years had just died earlier this
> year, and I still had a nearly full bag of food left over from her.
> So, I started giving that food to them, figuring that it would be
> better to do that rather than just have it go to waste. Of course,
> the kittens grew. Now there are 5 kittens left, plus the mother.
> My wife is saying she would like to get them fixed. About 8 years
> ago, I got my cat fixed for $35, and now it is $55 at a local shelter.
> We are facing up to $4,000 in medical bills because of a recent
> change in our health insurance over the next 4 months, and I'd really
> like to curtail any unnecessary spending during that time to make sure
> we can come up with the $. My wife believes (probably correctly) that
> one or more of the cats will end up pregnant if we don't have this
> done now.
> Of course, I sort of feel like they are just wild cats, and not
> really our responsiblity. They don't let us pet them or anything.
> $330 is just too much right now, and seems like a really bad idea
> with us having to come up with $4k over the next 4 months for my
> wife's pregnancy. It seems like our family should come first.
> Anyone have any suggestions?

Shoot the cats.

== 6 of 8 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 10:59 am
From: Bebe

. (Our shelter only
> > charges $15 for each feral cat.)
> > HTH,
> > Bebe
> $15, you're lucky.  Is that spaying or neutering?  My daughters recently
> wanted a cat, so we asked around and some friends gave us one that had
> started hanging around their garage.  It has turned out to be a good
> pet.  We searched and searched and the cheapest we found for spaying and
> the required immunization was $75.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

This is for a Trap, Neuter, Release Program for ferals only. No owned
animals, and no shots are included. Call around to your local Humane
Society, etc for help. There are also cat rescue groups who will help
you. Look online.


== 7 of 8 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 2:38 pm
From: Derald

OhioGuy <> wrote:

>Anyone have any suggestions?
Well, I'm a cat guy. Have had as many as 13 concurrent innie-outie
kitties. I suggest: Either capture the cats in a humane trap and donate
them to a shelter, where they likely will be killed (kittens of feral
queens, for the most part, never make safe, trusting, or trustworthy
pets), or invest in an inexpensive .22 rifle and a box of bullets and
let your kids kill them, if they are of an appropriate age. The kids
will love it; they'll learn a valuable and recreational skill, will
perform a public service, and will learn a little bit about the
responsibilities that accompany that "dominion" thing that borne of
being at the nominal top of the food chain. Feral cats are a valuable
unnatural resource: They replace the native predators (primarily foxes,
wolves, solitary cats and snakes) that human beings eliminated from the
countryside and reduce the population of various noxious varmints such
as dogs, field mice, rats, raccoons and certain birds. Unfortunately,
primarily because they are not native and no predators control _them_,
they tend to overpopulate and must be controlled, a purpose for which an
inexpensive .22 rifle and box of bullets comprise the perfect tool.

== 8 of 8 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 2:01 pm
From: Zuke

On Thu, 9 Oct 2008, OhioGuy wrote:

> About 3 months back, we started having a momma cat and a batch of maybe 7
> tiny kittens show up in our back yard. Normally I wouldn't care all that
> much, but my cat of 9 years had just died earlier this year, and I still had
> a nearly full bag of food left over from her.
> So, I started giving that food to them, figuring that it would be better to
> do that rather than just have it go to waste. Of course, the kittens grew.
> Now there are 5 kittens left, plus the mother.
> My wife is saying she would like to get them fixed. About 8 years ago, I
> got my cat fixed for $35, and now it is $55 at a local shelter.
> We are facing up to $4,000 in medical bills because of a recent change in
> our health insurance over the next 4 months, and I'd really like to curtail
> any unnecessary spending during that time to make sure we can come up with
> the $. My wife believes (probably correctly) that one or more of the cats
> will end up pregnant if we don't have this done now.
> Of course, I sort of feel like they are just wild cats, and not really our
> responsiblity. They don't let us pet them or anything.
> $330 is just too much right now, and seems like a really bad idea with us
> having to come up with $4k over the next 4 months for my wife's pregnancy.
> It seems like our family should come first.
> Anyone have any suggestions?

Unless you want 40 cats you better catch them and have them spayed.

I'm surprised more cats haven't shown up. They seem to have some sort
of underground communication system which tells every stray cat in the
vicinity that food is being passed out.

TOPIC: KFC 9.99 bucket

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 9:00 am
From: phil scott

On Oct 9, 5:16 am, "jmcquown" <> wrote:
> Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> > "James" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> How much would the raw chicken cost you at regular supermarket
> >> prices?  At sale prices?  Assume you cook regularly and have all the
> >> other stuff necessary for fried chicken so their cost is minor.
> > Cost is about the same as if you compared it to the chicken dinner at
> > a nice restaurant for $19 a plate.  What is the point? You pay for
> > convenience. Whole chicken is 99¢ a pound regularly.
> You must admit 99 cents a pound sounds rather deceptive since I've never
> actually seen a 1 lb. chicken for sale ;)  Okay, cornish hens weigh a pound
> or so but they aren't nearly as inexpensive as a whole chicken, poundage
> wise.  Publix has chicken leg quarters on sale for 59 cents/lb right now.
> That's the cheapest I've seen them in a long time.
> Jill

you do realize its painful reading someone unable to fathom what
'cents a pound' means... its a rate Jill, not
a limitation even with the gramatical flaws.

if a person works for '10 dollars a hour' (bad grammar not
withstanding) few would then try to claim that he only works one
hour... its a pay *rate. not a limitation

== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 11:22 am
From: clams_casino

Siskuwihane wrote:

>On Oct 9, 2:47 am, larry <> wrote:
>>James wrote:
>>>How much would the raw chicken cost you at regular supermarket
>>>prices? At sale prices? Assume you cook regularly and have all the
>>>other stuff necessary for fried chicken so their cost is minor.
>>Healthwise, you would do much better to bake or roast your
>>chicken for better flavor, reduced fat and carbs.
>That's not the question being asked.
>>We pay a high price for our highly processed food in the
>>name of saving time and a few cents.
>Yes, we know.
>Some of us also like KFC every now and then and do not need preached
>to everytime a question about fast food is brought up.
>Would you like to be told about veganism or the cruelty of poultry
>processing plants every time you mention roasting chicken? How buying
>chicken supports illegal aliens working in the plants? Probably not.

KFC quality is so erratic, it's a rarity that I'd consider them. For a
while, Popeyes was a preferred source, but their quality seems to have
slipped in recent years.

Perhaps that's best as I rarely consider fried chicken any more.

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 12:45 pm
From: val189

On Oct 8, 11:54 pm, James <> wrote:
> How much would the raw chicken cost you at regular supermarket
> prices? At sale prices? Assume you cook regularly and have all the
> other stuff necessary for fried chicken so their cost is minor.

It's bound to be cheaper to cook at home. No profit margin for KFC or
whomever. I never liked their chicken anyway - I think they used
skinny chicken. Seemed no like meat and a lot of coating. One more
fast food ripoff.

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 1:31 pm
From: Sqwertz

James wrote:

> How much would the raw chicken cost you at regular supermarket
> prices? At sale prices?

I didn't know raw chicken comes in buckets.

Maybe you should tell us how much the raw chicken weighs.
or send us all a free bucket of chicken.

You're probably the only on here who knows WTF you're talking about.


== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 1:38 pm
From: "JonquilJan"

About the only advantage of KFC is convenience. If you really like the
taste of KFC, experiement with different herb and spice mixtures and come up
with your own "special ingredients.'

There is the time needed to prepare and cook involved. If you don't have
the time - and have the money - and aren't worried about the fat and grease
and salt - go for KFC.


Learn something new every day
As long as you are learning, you are living
When you stop learning, you start dying

TOPIC: new hybrid batteries and overcharging

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 9:58 am
From: Al Bundy

On Oct 9, 1:38 am, E Z Peaces <c...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> William Sommerwerck wrote:

> A big killer of nickel cells is internal salts. They allow electrical
> leakage so a cell won't hold a charge long and eventually can't be
> charged at all. These deposits increase during trickle or C/10 charging
> but apparently not with fast charging.

There are ways to burn off those salts. I suppose it might be done
with a well designed apparatus to gain a bit more life from a dead
cell, but not economically practical. For emergency purposes or as an
experiment, one can "tickle" the cell with a high voltage. I have even
used 120VAC from the wall socket. This is not for the feint of heart
and I would not advise even experimenting without proper eye and other
protection. A 12VDC battery applied to a 1.5VDC cell might be held
for about a second and no more.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 10:01 am
From: Rob Morley

On Thu, 9 Oct 2008 09:58:13 -0700 (PDT)
Al Bundy <> wrote:

> A 12VDC battery applied to a 1.5VDC cell might be held
> for about a second and no more.

Forward or reverse polarity?

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 11:03 am
From: E Z Peaces

Al Bundy wrote:
> On Oct 9, 1:38 am, E Z Peaces <c...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>> William Sommerwerck wrote:
>> A big killer of nickel cells is internal salts. They allow electrical
>> leakage so a cell won't hold a charge long and eventually can't be
>> charged at all. These deposits increase during trickle or C/10 charging
>> but apparently not with fast charging.
> There are ways to burn off those salts. I suppose it might be done
> with a well designed apparatus to gain a bit more life from a dead
> cell, but not economically practical. For emergency purposes or as an
> experiment, one can "tickle" the cell with a high voltage. I have even
> used 120VAC from the wall socket. This is not for the feint of heart
> and I would not advise even experimenting without proper eye and other
> protection. A 12VDC battery applied to a 1.5VDC cell might be held
> for about a second and no more.

In 1982, first time I saw self-discharge progress to a full short, I
zapped it with a capacitor charged to 170 V. It would take a charge
after that, but self-discharge was still high. I decided fixing shorted
NiCads wasn't worth much.

TOPIC: uncle jay explains the news

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 12:59 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

TOPIC: wholesale Coogi clothing outlet (WWW.3AKICKS.COM) cheap Christian
Audigier Long Sleeve Shirt

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 9 2008 2:05 pm

WHOLESALE UGG boots hot sell on (
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