Thursday, November 27, 2008

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 25 new messages in 10 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* do you plant to lower your indoor temp this winter? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Microchip Catflaps Win £100 with voucher code WIN £100 - 1 messages, 1
* Pet porte Microchip Catflap Xmas 2008 Photo Competition - 1 messages, 1
* Bailout costs every taxpayer $24,000.00. Are Americans just fat sheeple? - 1
messages, 1 author
* Positive thinking, patriotism...and the idiot shills issue - 1 messages, 1
* Shrinking Canned Tuna. Smaller, more Expensive - 1 messages, 1 author
* Some on this NG have questioned my veracity (gasp) - 1 messages, 1 author
* The Constitution of the Kingdom of God, Earth, effective always (www. - 1 messages, 1 author
* Do you want your tax money to pay a forklift operator $103,000.00 a year -
16 messages, 3 authors
* washable toilet paper? - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: do you plant to lower your indoor temp this winter?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 10:45 am
From: E Z Peaces

JonquilJan wrote:
> 73!!!
> Not too many years ago, I was comfortable at 58. Of course, I layered, wore
> shoes or good slippers and occasionally when the wind blew (old house) even
> a knit hat. snuggled at night with flannel sheets, thermal blankets, a few
> comforters and a flannel nighty.
> Now with increasing age and decreasing mobility (disabled and getting worse)
> have the thermostat set at 65 - which seems tolerable. I do layer and don't
> go barefoot or even stocking footed. And -- again when the wind blows --
> put on the knit hat.
> I live in northern New York - and right now it's very white outside with 6+
> inches of snow last night and it's still coming down. Better than the wind.
> JonquilJan

I grew up in VT in an old house where I think we kept the thermostat at
67. Layering didn't work for me. I was often chilled and got bad colds.

I'd add wool socks, ankle-length drawers, and a sweater to my summer
attire. That was all I could wear indoors without sweating, yet it
wouldn't keep me warm indoors.

One problem was non-uniform temperatures, which included drafts and
stratification. The other was varying biological heat production.
Depending on your diet, metabolism can drop when you're hungry. After a
meal, digestion can produce heat in addition to metabolism.

I served in the Coast Guard. Regulations called for us to work in dress
socks and work shoes which were perpetually damp and had cold, hard
soles. Standing watch on freezing surfaces, I developed leg problems.
Still, as long as a coat and hat protected my vital organs, I could be
warm with very cold feet. After I began wearing woolly socks, my leg
problems went away.

Once I was lookout on the prow in somewhat rough weather. There was
only one set of foul-weather gear, and it was short. I stood two hours
in a 30-knot wind at 30 degrees, doused with salt water every 30
seconds, in cold, wet shoes with about 9 inches of bare skin on each
ankle and each wrist. I was uncomfortable, but as long as my head,
neck, and torso were protected I didn't shiver. As soon as I went in,
my feet and hands got warm. I believe that while cold people have cold
feet, cold feet don't make a person cold.

We were issued wool watch caps, turtleneck sweaters, and pea coats. We
didn't often wear the coats or sweaters because they could be just right
one minute but cause overheating the next.

I grew a beard to reduce heat loss from my face, indoors or out. I wore
a sleeveless sweatshirt under my work shirt most of the year, along with
a lined cotton jacket and a ball cap. I didn't wear long drawers
under my pants. The executive officer said he wished the crew would
follow my example. He had noticed that most of the crew suffered from
one cold after another, but I didn't catch them.

Outside it could be freezing and windy. Some spaces inside were chilly,
while others could be in the 90s. Without long johns, my legs helped me
get rid of excess heat without being a big liability in the cold. In
warm spaces I could remove my cap and jacket. My beard and sweatshirt
provided constant protection.

We were lucky because our foam-rubber mattresses provided good
insulation. Not all foam rubber or all mattresses provide good

For two years after I got out, I lived in a finished attic. It would
have cost me nothing to turn the radiators on, but I found I was more
comfortable keeping it cold and dressing suitably: warm socks, long
johns, vest, sweater, collar, hat, and possibly a coat. Still, I would
have been cold without closed-cell pads on my chair and my mattress.

I haven't used pads like that in many years. I just ordered some. They
can make a big difference.

TOPIC: Microchip Catflaps Win £100 with voucher code WIN £100

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 11:45 am
From: bestcatflaps

At for a limited time you can Win £100
high Street Vouchers with the voucher code WIN £100. Good Luck

TOPIC: Pet porte Microchip Catflap Xmas 2008 Photo Competition

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 11:47 am
From: bestcatflaps

Microchip Catflap Photo Competition at
Send your cats & pooches using the catflap and WIN £20 m&s vouchers
for the best snap! Competition open for customers until the 31st
December 2008. Get your pics in quick to win! Good Luck!!

TOPIC: Bailout costs every taxpayer $24,000.00. Are Americans just fat sheeple?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 11:56 am
From: "Rod Speed"

§tarkiller© <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> §tarkiller© <> wrote
>>> Shawn Hirn <> wrote
>>>> §tarkiller© <> wrote
>>>>> Shawn Hirn <> wrote
>>>>>> Siobhan Medeiros <> wrote
>>>>>>> wrote

>>>>>>>> Is it not interesting that the masses wander about scratching
>>>>>>>> their ample butts while accepting the theft of their money?

>>>>>>> They stand to lose a lot more than that.

>>>>>> We taxpayers would end up paying even more if the bailout isn't
>>>>>> done. The problem with Wall Street is that there is too much
>>>>>> money managed by two few firms. We need to diversify Wall Street
>>>>>> and Detroit. Our economy should depend so heavily on a few Wall
>>>>>> Street firms and three automobile manufacturers in Detroit.

>>>>> Where do you com,e up with such nonsense that the taxpayers will have
>>>>> to pay more if they don't give charity to a bunch of non managing buffoons?

>>>> Allowing the big three automakers to go bankrupt would plunge
>>>> millions into joblessness and cause many suppliers to close. The
>>>> cost to deal with all the new jobless claims, loss of wage taxes,
>>>> etc. will easily run more then the cost of lending the automakers
>>>> a few billion dollars.

>>> You honestly believe that GM would just simply go broke and padlock their doors?

>> Nope, but letting those 3 go bust would have real downsides.

> Such is the nature of business. So why all the sudden NOW?

Because even you would have noticed the world economy is tanking.

> What about all of these multibillion dollar bankruptcies that
> have occurred in recent years with NO bail out money?

They aint anything like the size of the US car industry.

> Under 2008 one of the companies listed is Quebecor World.
> Quebecor is one of my customers. They're still printing and their
> plants are all still open. They went bankrupt, they got no federal
> aid, yet they are still open for business and have let go of a minimal
> number of employees. Go down the lists and you see many with
> bankruptcies in the billions. Yet all of the doom and gloom you all
> preach has not occurred.

Things are different with car companys, because hardly anyone with a clue is
actually stupid enough to buy a new car from car company that gone bankrupt.

>>> Why all of the sudden do you all think that there is no such thing as a buy out or a merger?

>> Because the car industry is different. Hardly anyone is stupid enough
>> to buy something as expensive as a new car if it looks like you may
>> well not be able to get any warranty faults fixed for free, or be able
>> to get parts for your car when you need them outside warranty.

> Not talking about cars fool.

We clearly were talking about cars before you showed up, fuckwit.

> Talking about a business.

Shawn wasnt.

> If GM shuts its doors completely tomorrow there will
> be some conglomerate willing, even eager, to buy them.

And no one would be stupid enough to buy their cars.

> But it isn't likely that they would simply shut down.

They wont have any choice if no one buys their cars and trucks.

> Business is business whether talking about a bank or
> a manufacturer. The rules are the same regardless.

Thanks for that completely superfluous proof that you have never ever had a fucking clue about anything at all, ever.

> Your argument that the type of product made somehow means something different is seriously lacking in logic.

You wouldnt know what logic was if it bit you on your lard arse, child.

> BTW, My particular truck model has been out of production since 98.

But the manufacturer had not gone bust when it was new, so can do what warranty
work is required, and has parts available when they are needed after warranty too.

> I have no problem getting any part I need for it and I rarely
> use GM factory replacement parts as I can obtain the same
> parts from other manufacturers that aren't owned by GM
> that are of equal or better quality at a better price.

It aint that easy with major parts like gearboxes etc, child.

> (one of the reasons they are in financial hot water). So your claim
> that we won't be able to get parts anymore is simply ill informed.

You try getting a gearbox from someone else, child.

>>> Goldman Sachs was given as one of the primary reasons
>>> for the financial bailout. They got bought out before the
>>> bailout got finalized and ended up not needing it.

>> Even you should have noticed the difference between the car industry and a bank.

> When it comes to accounting , profit and loss, and the
> ability to keep the doors open there isn't much difference.

Thanks for that completely superfluous proof that you have never ever had a fucking clue about anything at all, ever.

Even someone as stupid as you should have noticed that you dont get runs
on car manufacturers, just banks and other deposit taking institutions, child.

> You seem to be stuck on what the product is as opposed to business practices.

Thanks for that completely superfluous proof that you have never ever had a fucking clue about anything at all, ever.

>>> If GM or Ford were to go bankrupt it would not instanlty
>>> mean all of their employees would be jobless.

>> Yeah, it would mean that the vast bulk of those working for the dealers etc would be too.

> As stated, virtually every big three dealership here also has other franchises as well.

Pity they would still have to sack most of their staff if the big 3 all went
bust and people stopped buying cars in significant quantitys, child.

> If one brand were to go belly up

Even someone as stupid as you should have noticed that it aint just
one brand thats been in Washington with a begging bowl, child.

> then there would be a need for more employees at other franchises
> whose business would likely increase in order to fill the hole in the market.

Thanks for that completely superfluous proof that you have never ever had a fucking clue about anything at all, ever.

> The general public will buy X number of cars in any given year.

Thanks for that completely superfluous proof that you have never ever had a fucking clue about anything at all, ever.

> If one player gets eliminated the market share for the competition
> will increase thus creating a demand for workers in their plants.

Thanks for that completely superfluous proof that you have never ever had a fucking clue about anything at all, ever.

So stupid that it hasnt even notice the current massive drop in sales of ALL cars.

>>> Large corporations have been in bankruptcy before and managed to reorganize into a profitable business.

>> Bet you cant list a single one that sells something as
>> expensive as a car to normal consumers that ever has.


Like I said, you clearly cant.

>>> Seems "kneejerk" is the word for the day as of late.

>> So is mindless silly stuff from fools like you.

>>> And since when has the government ever been able to manage any business?

>> Schools and the courts and the cops and the military do work reasonably well.

> None of the above are businesses.

Schools are, fool.

> If they were then they would be financial disasters.
> The courts, police and military NEVER make a profit.

The feds did out of the S&L fiasco, child.

> Instead we have ever increasing budgets for all and at the end
> of any given year those entities always say they need more.
> If they were looked at as true business they would be financial
> failures. The best they can hope for is to break even.

Have fun explaining the S&L bailout.

> But that never happens because any government employee
> will be happy to tell you that if they don't eat up their budget
> and then some then they won't get as much money next year.
> The government is designed to spend money, not make it.

How odd that some govt operations do make money, child.

>>> Hell the feds owned a whorehouse and ended up bankrupting it.

>> The technical term for that is 'pathetically inadequate sample'

> If you can't manage a lousy 10,000 square foot piece of property
> with only around a hundred employees, how can you be expected
> to know how to handle a multibillion dollar industry?

Have fun explaining the S&L bailout and the TVA.

>>> You honestly think that an entity that isn't capable of making a profit from a
>>> whorehouse has enough sense to run anything else that they have no clue about?

>> They dont have to run it themselves. Iacocca did make
>> Chrysler reasonably viable with govt bailout money.



> Iacocca got no bailout money. What he negotiated were LOAN GAURANTEES.

Thats just a different way of doing a bailout, child.

> That's a far cry from simply giving money away.

You didnt say anything about giving money away, child. You just said PROFIT, child.

> While it is sometimes said that Congress lent Chrysler
> the money, it, in fact, only guaranteed the loans.

Which means that if Iacocca had fucked up, the govt would have had to put up the money, child.

> If the government were talking of loan Guarantees now instead of the loose form of a
> so called loan as in the current bailout package then there wouldn't be any argument.

Have fun explaining why there was plenty of argument when they did that with Iacocca.

>>> And so they give GM a big fat check and say "you're going to make the kind
>>> of green vehicles that we tell you to make". And then if those vehicles end
>>> up not being the big boon to the market and don't sell for shit, then what?

>> You're left with shit that no one wants to buy.

> Then you're once again going broke and have your hand out for another "bailout".

So stupid it didnt even notice the next bit.

>> Hang on...

>>> You gonna give them more money with more strings attached?
>>> How long are you willing to prop them up?

>> Forever when they vote for you, you watch.

>>>>> You claim that the taxpayers will pay more by not bailing them
>>>>> out yet fail to think about the fact that this bullshit will end
>>>>> up setting a standard whereas dumb greedy bastards will continue
>>>>> to line up at the federal trough every time they place their own
>>>>> companies in financial jeopardy. Forget nationalized healthcare
>>>>> placing any burden on the taxpayer. This kind of garbage will
>>>>> eat up cash faster than a health plan could ever dream of doing.

>>>> Not at all. We need to tie the bailout with improved regulations
>>>> that prevent businesses from engaging in the practices that would
>>>> give rise to such problems again.

>>> Dream on. As I asked, when has the government ever
>>> been able to make a profit doing a damned thing?

>> Have a look at the S&L fiasco sometime.

>> Have a look at the TVA sometime.

>>> You're talking about the most wasteful entity in the nation
>>> possibly the world telling someone how not to go broke.

>> Nope, you're actually attempting to avoid them going broke.

>> That did work with Chrysler at one time.

> Again, Chrysler received no loan from the government.

Never said it did, child.

>>> BTW, you people keep throwing the figure out there that
>>> "millions" of employees would lose their jobs. Funny, the
>>> UAW has a total membership of just around 500,000.

>> There's a hell of a lot more than that working for the dealerships.

> Still the figure is nowhere near the "millions" you all keep throwing out there for shock factor.

I never ever used the word millions, child.

> And if GM goes completely under a large chunk of those dealers
> will simply change brands to one of the others that will gladly step
> up to fill the hole left by GM, Ford or Chrysler. Dealerships are not
> part of the Automakers. They are independently owned franchises.

Irrelevant to whether most of them would go bust if the big 3 are allowed to go bust.

> The vehicles on their lots belong to them as they buy them directly from the
> factory. The automakers do not provide vehicles to dealers on consignment.


> One individual here has been a Ford, GM and Chrysler
> dealer at one time or another over the years.

And if all 3 go bust...

> The other larger dealerships here typically have two or three brands.
> The Gwatney family, for example, owns Chevrolet, GM and Saturn
> dealerships. Homer Skelton owns both Ford and Hundai dealerships.

And if the big 3 all go bust, most of the dealers would go bust as well.

>>> That's all of the big three and then some. And no one has yet explained with any
>>> kind of logic how a GM bankruptcy, for example, extrapolates to "millions" losing jobs.

>> You're lying now.

> No,


> show us the actual figures instead of the dumbassed guesses ya'll keep throwing out there.

Its completely trivial to see the number employed by car dealerships, child.

> You all also seem bent on just guaranteeing that a GM bankruptcy would
> immediately shutdown every dealership and every auto parts store in the world

You're lying, again.

> and that just simply is not true.

Having fun thrashing that straw man, child ?

>>> You people have talked of "fear mongering" for years now and damned
>>> if ya'll aren't doing the exact same thing with this bullshit propaganda
>>> aimed at putting the governments fingers more into the auto industry.

>> Thats what politics is about, stupid.

> Thanks for admitting your hypocrisy.

You wouldnt know what real hypocrisy was if it bit you on your lard arse, child.

TOPIC: Positive thinking, patriotism...and the idiot shills issue

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 12:42 pm
From: phil scott

I say good on the shills...without them this entire mess would have
tanked a year ago. Meatime the rest of us got our ducks in a

its fine now (I ramped up my advertizing 800%, bailed on my real
assets before the crash, and have my overhead at rock bottom).

so thanks guys.

The rest of the world though, families, pension funds got screwed,
many bankrupted.... because of all that spin, lies and 'positive
thinking'.... it becomes bogus when it ignores facts.

Positive thinking and patriotism are of course vital to national
success...and I recommend the approach in life generally.

However, as with a train gone off the rails and coasting through thin
air on its way to the canyon bottom a mile below... positive thinking
on the part of the engineer does not entail visions of a soft

instead positive thinking in that case entails positive visions of
being able to jump out the window and hit smooth grass instead of

both positive thinking... one is rational, the other insane however.

same with stocks, realestate...and next, mark my words...bonds (thats
where the real money is, now already defaulting at near depression
levels and we havent even begun to see this mess roll yet).

Positive thinking and patriotism involves a clear view, and a
responsibility to tell the truth, and prison time for those involved
in perpetrating the fraud.

Phil scott

TOPIC: Shrinking Canned Tuna. Smaller, more Expensive

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 12:45 pm
From: "Bob F"

"BigDog1" <> wrote in message
On Nov 26, 3:13 pm, wrote:
> Thankyou WallStreet criminals who are ignored and/or praised by our
> congress co-conspirators, for causing inflation with all the printing
> of money going to the corrupt scumbags.
> Canned tuna was 67 cents a can for 6.5 ounces a month or two ago.
> Now the cheaperst stuff is 75 cents a can and the scumbags have put it
> in a smaller, 5 ounce can !!!
> We neeed a French Revolutiuon here. The idiots in congress are just
> standing by, watching, saying "Oh, gee, that's too bad. Oh well...."

If the idiots in congress don't have more important things to worry
about than the price of canned tuna, we're in bigger trouble than we


The problem is, they do have more important things to worry about. If only the
price of tuna was that high on the list.

TOPIC: Some on this NG have questioned my veracity (gasp)

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 1:58 pm
From: Al Bundy

phil scott wrote:
> Hold it raight thar John.... you have me mistaken entirely...
> .not only will I admit that i am wrong, but further as I tell all of
> my clients, (and Ive had major ones)....
> on a scale of absolutes (thats a scale of everything known now and
> that will be known in the future, corrected).... I am not just
> wrong, I'm wrong 99.999% of the time at least.... and right only
> 0.0000001 percent of the time at best.
> It is my view that we are the drooling cave men of the year 6,000...
> dumber than a train load of plywood from that perspective... and
> myself most definintely and emphatically included.
> dummm.
> dumb de dumb dum.... dummmmmm.
> and that is true for the specialty areas for which ny clients hire me
> to solve their snitty little problemo's.. often in the billion
> dollar range... these days, 'retired' not so big... but still nasty.
> From that base of emphatically described, well documented, and proven
> complete ignorance we then proceed to solve their problems...every
> damn time.
> Thats because there are always root causes, and presupposition blinds
> you to them every single time John.
> thats my chosen base at all times, on all projects, most especially
> my own fields..
> ***
> so now....regarding my posts.
> I post my *views, recall of history... etc. for anyones
> consideration... at no point do I post or expect that Im right or that
> anyone should adopt my views.... I present them for consideration if
> the reader so desires.
> I recommend rejection of my views however... acceptance of any view
> blinds one to all others... or distorts them.....
> sadly it takes brains to parse all that, the human condition that
> we self exterminate... as a result proving mother natures
> ultimate wisdom.
> (kneels in prayer now, thanks god for mother nature)
> I recommend that one and all reject all of what they read everywhere,
> use that for the purpose of *investigation only (emphatically NOT for
> learning, but for investigation only).
> (such as noticing the errors in an authors thinking, mine for
> instance)....
> and then noticing which comport with observable reality, currently and
> back through recorded history... and then adding in your own
> observations as you edit them micro second by micro second....
> and then.... after that.. .one has potentially somewhat of an
> accurate view...sometimes.
> ***
> The individual viewpoint even at is very best, is restricted...
> we see only our own thin slice of what we think is relevant to us, our
> humanity, biosphere etc..., and are thus biased...and at least 99%
> blind to the rest of universal reality.
> I hope that answers anyones concerns regarding my personal veracity.
> Phil scott

There is no reason to be disrespectful of anyone in this newsgroup.
Even Professor Irwin Corey was misunderstood in the early years. He is
95 and going strong, pursuing Internet options. He has been able to
continue by updating his job skills, something you have suggested many
times. But nobody can live forever on earth. The professor may welcome
a youthful 67 year old protégé.

TOPIC: The Constitution of the Kingdom of God, Earth, effective always (www.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 3:03 pm
From: Prime Minister of the Kingdom of God Serge Grishenkoff

The Constitution of the Kingdom of God, Earth, effective always

TOPIC: Do you want your tax money to pay a forklift operator $103,000.00 a

== 1 of 16 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 3:40 pm

Its out there on the internet son. Its not nonsense. Its truth; e.g.,
the big three pay almost as much in benefits to retirees as they do to
current workers.

In <ZZzXk.4734$no6.4367@newsfe04.iad>, on 11/27/2008
at 11:34 AM, clams_casino <> said:

> wrote:

>>Wrong asshole. The big three works make a couple of dollars more per hour
>>then other auto workers. The rest goes to pay the cost of retireees.
>>Learn to do homework goober. You might get to move out of trailer you
>>live in and watching rush limbrain for your information.

>Where did you get that nonsense?

>Any references to support the claim that UAW workers do not get
>substantially more benefits than the non three domestic competition?

== 2 of 16 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 3:40 pm

Are you a retard all day long goober, or does it come and go in hot

In <>, on 11/28/2008
at 02:38 AM, "Rod Speed" <> said:

> wrote:

>> Wrong asshole.

>How many assholes have you got ?

>> The big three works make a couple of dollars more per
>> hour then other auto workers. The rest goes to pay the cost of
>> retireees. Learn to do homework goober. You might get to move out of
>> trailer you live in and watching rush limbrain for your information.
>> In <>, on 11/26/2008
>> at 08:55 PM, LeRoy Blue <> said:
>>> On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 23:57:10 GMT, wrote:
>>>> The problem is a Big 3 management failure. Not a worker failure.
>>>> Furthermore, you are using the total per hour labor cost that is
>>>> given out. That includes current workers and retirees. Using it as
>>>> a current worker number -- as you guys are doing, is spinning the
>>>> facts to suite the nonsense.
>>>> The problem will not be changed by whining.
>>> The auto workers got where they are drawing a ridiculous wage and
>>> benefit package by collective whining (of course that will go
>>> swooooosh, right over your pointed head.)

== 3 of 16 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 4:36 pm
From: clams_casino wrote:

>Its out there on the internet son. Its not nonsense. Its truth; e.g.,
>the big three pay almost as much in benefits to retirees as they do to
>current workers.

Hey old man - having reading comprehension problems? Or just senile?

Read it again - While I doubt that's true, there was NO to reference
retirees' benefits.

>>Any references to support your claim that UAW workers do not get
>>substantially more benefits than the non three domestic competition?

== 4 of 16 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 5:07 pm

Learn to follow the thread son.

In <w2HXk.7124$b05.5514@newsfe06.iad>, on 11/27/2008
at 07:36 PM, clams_casino <> said:

> wrote:

>>Its out there on the internet son. Its not nonsense. Its truth; e.g.,
>>the big three pay almost as much in benefits to retirees as they do to
>>current workers.

>Hey old man - having reading comprehension problems? Or just senile?

>Read it again - While I doubt that's true, there was NO to reference
>retirees' benefits.

>>>Any references to support your claim that UAW workers do not get
>>>substantially more benefits than the non three domestic competition?

== 5 of 16 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 5:07 pm
From: LeRoy Blue

On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 13:28:10 GMT, wrote:

>Thanks for showing us your true colors. You don't give a damn about the
>unborn, you're just a hate-filled moron who lies and whines.

It's clear that you never read the post you respond to. You simply key
the macro that inserts some asinine boiler plate clip from your
wrong-wing Dogma.

>In <>, on 11/26/2008
> at 08:43 PM, LeRoy Blue <> said:

>>Of course the issue to be balloted on will include the following --
>>For every child not aborted but born under the conditioned you set down
>>there would be deported one wrong-winger aka democrap to Canada. That
>>would even out the load on the majority of tax payers who happen to be
>>REPUBLICANS, democraps, as clearly demonstrated in the recent election
>>and its result. being mostly welfare and food stamps kind of folks.-I
>>know you'll agree,

== 6 of 16 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 5:10 pm
From: LeRoy Blue

On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 13:28:10 GMT, wrote:

>Wrong asshole.

No, my post was aimed precisely at you.

== 7 of 16 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 5:12 pm
From: LeRoy Blue

On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 23:40:23 GMT, wrote:

>Its out there on the internet son. Its not nonsense. Its truth; e.g.,
>the big three pay almost as much in benefits to retirees as they do to
>current workers.

Are you a turkey all year round or just on Thanksgiving <SNIGGER>

>In <ZZzXk.4734$no6.4367@newsfe04.iad>, on 11/27/2008
> at 11:34 AM, clams_casino <> said:
>> wrote:
>>>Wrong asshole. The big three works make a couple of dollars more per hour
>>>then other auto workers. The rest goes to pay the cost of retireees.
>>>Learn to do homework goober. You might get to move out of trailer you
>>>live in and watching rush limbrain for your information.
>>Where did you get that nonsense?
>>Any references to support the claim that UAW workers do not get
>>substantially more benefits than the non three domestic competition?

== 8 of 16 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 5:16 pm
From: LeRoy Blue

On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 23:40:25 GMT, wrote:

>Are you a retard all day long goober, or does it come and go in hot

His was a perfectly legitimate question since you indicted that
someone had directed a post to your "wrong ass hole." Being so endowed
must make you terribly popular among the gays in your neighborhood.

>In <>, on 11/28/2008
> at 02:38 AM, "Rod Speed" <> said:
>> wrote:
>>> Wrong asshole.
>>How many assholes have you got ?
>>> The big three works make a couple of dollars more per
>>> hour then other auto workers. The rest goes to pay the cost of
>>> retireees. Learn to do homework goober. You might get to move out of
>>> trailer you live in and watching rush limbrain for your information.
>>> In <>, on 11/26/2008
>>> at 08:55 PM, LeRoy Blue <> said:
>>>> On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 23:57:10 GMT, wrote:
>>>>> The problem is a Big 3 management failure. Not a worker failure.
>>>>> Furthermore, you are using the total per hour labor cost that is
>>>>> given out. That includes current workers and retirees. Using it as
>>>>> a current worker number -- as you guys are doing, is spinning the
>>>>> facts to suite the nonsense.
>>>>> The problem will not be changed by whining.
>>>> The auto workers got where they are drawing a ridiculous wage and
>>>> benefit package by collective whining (of course that will go
>>>> swooooosh, right over your pointed head.)

== 9 of 16 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 5:34 pm

No asshole -->it was not a legitimate question. He was beign a asshole
like you are all day long.

Now move along goober. You're stupid and boring, racist scum.

In <>, on 11/27/2008
at 08:16 PM, LeRoy Blue <> said:

>On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 23:40:25 GMT, wrote:

>>Are you a retard all day long goober, or does it come and go in hot

> His was a perfectly legitimate question since you indicted that someone
>had directed a post to your "wrong ass hole." Being so endowed must make
>you terribly popular among the gays in your neighborhood.

>>In <>, on 11/28/2008
>> at 02:38 AM, "Rod Speed" <> said:
>>> wrote:
>>>> Wrong asshole.
>>>How many assholes have you got ?
>>>> The big three works make a couple of dollars more per
>>>> hour then other auto workers. The rest goes to pay the cost of
>>>> retireees. Learn to do homework goober. You might get to move out of
>>>> trailer you live in and watching rush limbrain for your information.
>>>> In <>, on 11/26/2008
>>>> at 08:55 PM, LeRoy Blue <> said:
>>>>> On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 23:57:10 GMT, wrote:
>>>>>> The problem is a Big 3 management failure. Not a worker failure.
>>>>>> Furthermore, you are using the total per hour labor cost that is
>>>>>> given out. That includes current workers and retirees. Using it as
>>>>>> a current worker number -- as you guys are doing, is spinning the
>>>>>> facts to suite the nonsense.
>>>>>> The problem will not be changed by whining.
>>>>> The auto workers got where they are drawing a ridiculous wage and
>>>>> benefit package by collective whining (of course that will go
>>>>> swooooosh, right over your pointed head.)

== 10 of 16 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 5:34 pm

Move along dumbass. You're boring us.

In <>, on 11/27/2008
at 08:07 PM, LeRoy Blue <> said:

>On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 13:28:10 GMT, wrote:

>>Thanks for showing us your true colors. You don't give a damn about the
>>unborn, you're just a hate-filled moron who lies and whines.

>It's clear that you never read the post you respond to. You simply key
>the macro that inserts some asinine boiler plate clip from your
>wrong-wing Dogma.

>>In <>, on 11/26/2008
>> at 08:43 PM, LeRoy Blue <> said:

>>>Of course the issue to be balloted on will include the following --
>>>For every child not aborted but born under the conditioned you set down
>>>there would be deported one wrong-winger aka democrap to Canada. That
>>>would even out the load on the majority of tax payers who happen to be
>>>REPUBLICANS, democraps, as clearly demonstrated in the recent election
>>>and its result. being mostly welfare and food stamps kind of folks.-I
>>>know you'll agree,

== 11 of 16 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 5:34 pm

Move along asshole. You're boring us, as all hillbilly trailer park trash

In <>, on 11/27/2008
at 08:10 PM, LeRoy Blue <> said:

>On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 13:28:10 GMT, wrote:

>>Wrong asshole.

>No, my post was aimed precisely at you.

== 12 of 16 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 5:34 pm

Move along asshole. You're boring us, as all hillbilly trailer park trash

In <>, on 11/27/2008
at 08:12 PM, LeRoy Blue <> said:

>On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 23:40:23 GMT, wrote:

>>Its out there on the internet son. Its not nonsense. Its truth; e.g.,
>>the big three pay almost as much in benefits to retirees as they do to
>>current workers.

>Are you a turkey all year round or just on Thanksgiving <SNIGGER>

>>In <ZZzXk.4734$no6.4367@newsfe04.iad>, on 11/27/2008
>> at 11:34 AM, clams_casino <> said:
>>> wrote:
>>>>Wrong asshole. The big three works make a couple of dollars more per hour
>>>>then other auto workers. The rest goes to pay the cost of retireees.
>>>>Learn to do homework goober. You might get to move out of trailer you
>>>>live in and watching rush limbrain for your information.
>>>Where did you get that nonsense?
>>>Any references to support the claim that UAW workers do not get
>>>substantially more benefits than the non three domestic competition?

== 13 of 16 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 5:54 pm
From: LeRoy Blue

On Fri, 28 Nov 2008 01:34:18 GMT, wrote:

>No asshole -->it was not a legitimate question. He was beign a asshole
>like you are all day long.
>Now move along goober. You're stupid and boring, racist scum.

More of your Dogma boiler plate.

>In <>, on 11/27/2008
> at 08:16 PM, LeRoy Blue <> said:
>>On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 23:40:25 GMT, wrote:
>>>Are you a retard all day long goober, or does it come and go in hot
>> His was a perfectly legitimate question since you indicted that someone
>>had directed a post to your "wrong ass hole." Being so endowed must make
>>you terribly popular among the gays in your neighborhood.
>>>In <>, on 11/28/2008
>>> at 02:38 AM, "Rod Speed" <> said:
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Wrong asshole.
>>>>How many assholes have you got ?
>>>>> The big three works make a couple of dollars more per
>>>>> hour then other auto workers. The rest goes to pay the cost of
>>>>> retireees. Learn to do homework goober. You might get to move out of
>>>>> trailer you live in and watching rush limbrain for your information.
>>>>> In <>, on 11/26/2008
>>>>> at 08:55 PM, LeRoy Blue <> said:
>>>>>> On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 23:57:10 GMT, wrote:
>>>>>>> The problem is a Big 3 management failure. Not a worker failure.
>>>>>>> Furthermore, you are using the total per hour labor cost that is
>>>>>>> given out. That includes current workers and retirees. Using it as
>>>>>>> a current worker number -- as you guys are doing, is spinning the
>>>>>>> facts to suite the nonsense.
>>>>>>> The problem will not be changed by whining.
>>>>>> The auto workers got where they are drawing a ridiculous wage and
>>>>>> benefit package by collective whining (of course that will go
>>>>>> swooooosh, right over your pointed head.)

== 14 of 16 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 5:56 pm
From: LeRoy Blue

On Fri, 28 Nov 2008 01:34:19 GMT, wrote:

>Move along asshole. You're boring us, as all hillbilly trailer park trash

What! More asinine boiler plate? Have you a more current macro?

>In <>, on 11/27/2008
> at 08:12 PM, LeRoy Blue <> said:
>>On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 23:40:23 GMT, wrote:
>>>Its out there on the internet son. Its not nonsense. Its truth; e.g.,
>>>the big three pay almost as much in benefits to retirees as they do to
>>>current workers.
>>Are you a turkey all year round or just on Thanksgiving <SNIGGER>
>>>In <ZZzXk.4734$no6.4367@newsfe04.iad>, on 11/27/2008
>>> at 11:34 AM, clams_casino <> said:
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>Wrong asshole. The big three works make a couple of dollars more per hour
>>>>>then other auto workers. The rest goes to pay the cost of retireees.
>>>>>Learn to do homework goober. You might get to move out of trailer you
>>>>>live in and watching rush limbrain for your information.
>>>>Where did you get that nonsense?
>>>>Any references to support the claim that UAW workers do not get
>>>>substantially more benefits than the non three domestic competition?

== 15 of 16 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 5:58 pm
From: LeRoy Blue

On Fri, 28 Nov 2008 01:34:20 GMT, wrote:

>Move along asshole. You're boring us, as all hillbilly trailer park trash

You're frightened now that the word is out the you have multiple ass
holes. aren't you boy?

>In <>, on 11/27/2008
> at 08:10 PM, LeRoy Blue <> said:
>>On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 13:28:10 GMT, wrote:
>>>Wrong asshole.
>>No, my post was aimed precisely at you.

== 16 of 16 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 6:01 pm
From: clams_casino

Any references to support your claim that UAW workers do not get
substantially more benefits than the non three domestic competition? wrote:

>Learn to follow the thread son.
>In <w2HXk.7124$b05.5514@newsfe06.iad>, on 11/27/2008
> at 07:36 PM, clams_casino <> said:
>> wrote:
>>>Its out there on the internet son. Its not nonsense. Its truth; e.g.,
>>>the big three pay almost as much in benefits to retirees as they do to
>>>current workers.
>>Hey old man - having reading comprehension problems? Or just senile?
>>Read it again - While I doubt that's true, there was NO to reference
>>retirees' benefits.
>>>>Any references to support your claim that UAW workers do not get
>>>>substantially more benefits than the non three domestic competition?

TOPIC: washable toilet paper?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 27 2008 4:52 pm
From: phil scott

On Nov 17, 8:46 am, wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Nov 2008 22:43:27 -0800 (PST), phil scott
> <> wrote:
> >On Nov 16, 7:42 am, wrote:
> >> anyone tried that? shouldnt be too compicated right? a bit like
> >> washable handkerchiefs exept you need a few more and the washing gets
> >> a bit more messy!?
> >> could save lots of money in the long term, and also be great for your
> >> carbon foot print!
> >the japanese have invented an automatic butt cleaner built into the
> >toilet seat, two revolvning brushes come up powered by  2 hp 1500 RPM
> >motors...and an 800 PSIG pressure wash nozzle...and rotating anal
> >probe insert.
> >Phil scott
> In the U.S., we call that Congress.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -



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