Monday, February 16, 2009

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 25 new messages in 14 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Bubbles are caused by excessive credit. - 3 messages, 3 authors
* NFL Jerseys=22USD Mlb jerseys=20USD Nhl Jerseys=35USD paypal payment - 1
messages, 1 author
* DTV converters - 3 messages, 3 authors
* America is doomed without industrial restoration - 2 messages, 2 authors
* How much does a blood type test cost? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Dell Studio Hybrid - best deal on a small desktop? - 3 messages, 3 authors
* nfl jerseys youth sizes,nfl replica football jerseys - 1 messages, 1 author
* Living in CO - 1 messages, 1 author
* The Yid - 1 messages, 1 author
* Money ? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Hard boiled eggs. - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Countrywide/First USA End 2% Cash Rebate Visa - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Is it legal for a company to SHORTEN their advertised warranty? - 1 messages,
1 author
* need a small, inexpensive urban TV antenna - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Bubbles are caused by excessive credit.

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Feb 15 2009 10:23 pm
From: Peter Franks

(David P.) wrote:
> The main cause of the Population Bubble is also
> excessive credit, i.e., saying that everyone is a
> valuable asset as long as they live.
> L I K E H E L L T H E Y A R E ! !
> Hordes are no longer viable, due to infirmity,
> and become a drag on the system.

I'm not aware of bubbles in nations where there are these so-called
'hordes' you speak of.

Perhaps you would care to elaborate on your 'theory' -- explain in the
US how hordes caused the bubble.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 12:14 pm
From: "(David P.)"

Peter Franks <> wrote:
> (David P.) wrote:
> > The main cause of the Population Bubble is also
> > excessive credit, i.e., saying that everyone is a
> > valuable asset as long as they live.
> > L I K E   H E L L   T H E Y   A R E ! !
> > Hordes are no longer viable, due to infirmity,
> > and become a drag on the system.
> I'm not aware of bubbles in nations where there are these so-called
> 'hordes' you speak of.
> Perhaps you would care to elaborate on your 'theory' -- explain in the
> US how hordes caused the bubble.

Why shouldn't there be limits on longevity?
There are limits on everything else!

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 12:21 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

(David P.) wrote:
> Peter Franks <> wrote:
>> (David P.) wrote:
>>> The main cause of the Population Bubble is also
>>> excessive credit, i.e., saying that everyone is a
>>> valuable asset as long as they live.
>>> L I K E H E L L T H E Y A R E ! !
>>> Hordes are no longer viable, due to infirmity,
>>> and become a drag on the system.
>> I'm not aware of bubbles in nations where there are these so-called
>> 'hordes' you speak of.
>> Perhaps you would care to elaborate on your 'theory' -- explain in
>> the US how hordes caused the bubble.
> Why shouldn't there be limits on longevity?
> There are limits on everything else!

There's no limit to your stupidity!!!

TOPIC: NFL Jerseys=22USD Mlb jerseys=20USD Nhl Jerseys=35USD paypal payment

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 3:43 am

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TOPIC: DTV converters

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 4:57 am
From: "John A. Weeks III"

In article <>,
Jeff <> wrote:

> Well, they weren't available two years ago, even one year ago. Just
> some very pricey ATSC tuners in the well over $100 range.

So, with a dot UK e-mail address, why does this matter to you
anyway? The UK is not part of the DTV conversion that I am aware

> It's always a tradeoff with electronic gizmos, they always get
> better, and cheaper. When do you buy?

That is always going to be true. If you wait, you risk missing out.
If you adopt early, you risk getting something that will be obsolete.
You have to buy based on your personal values -- when the value of
having the device is more than the value you place on the money,
then the return on investment is positive for you. That is the
time to buy.


John A. Weeks III           612-720-2854  
Newave Communications               

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 5:30 am
From: Derald

"Lou" <> wrote:

>Anyone who's not ready now, isn't likely to be
>ready in June, October or even next year. No reason to delay it for
>those of us who take care of our business.
The silly irony is that stations, by simply announcing their
intention to FCC by Monday (Feb 9), are free to kill their analog signal
on Tuesday (Feb 17) as originally scheduled which will still leave
laggard consumers out of the club, at least for those specific stations.
Your patriotic tax dollars at work.... For all of last week, tvfool had
a downloadable listing (in m$excel format) of stations that are going to
pull the plug on the original schedule but I could not find it yesterday
(Sun Feb 15). .

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 7:57 am
From: Jeff

John A. Weeks III wrote:
> In article <>,
> Jeff <> wrote:
>> Well, they weren't available two years ago, even one year ago. Just
>> some very pricey ATSC tuners in the well over $100 range.
> So, with a dot UK e-mail address, why does this matter to you
> anyway? The UK is not part of the DTV conversion that I am aware
> of.

It's a fake address there is no and there could be none. I'm in
Atlanta. I did not want to use a real address as the site owner would
get traffic from email harvesting, just hitting the domain.

>> It's always a tradeoff with electronic gizmos, they always get
>> better, and cheaper. When do you buy?
> That is always going to be true. If you wait, you risk missing out.
> If you adopt early, you risk getting something that will be obsolete.
> You have to buy based on your personal values -- when the value of
> having the device is more than the value you place on the money,
> then the return on investment is positive for you. That is the
> time to buy.

That's about it.

Personally I'm adverse to getting first generation goods, but then,
I've worked as a repair technician.

> -john-

TOPIC: America is doomed without industrial restoration

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 5:01 am
From: zzbunker

On Feb 13, 6:15 pm, Democracy Highlander
<> wrote:
> On Feb 12, 2:53 pm, clams_casino <> wrote:
> > Democracy Highlander wrote:
> > >The previous government pissed away a lot of tax money by giving
> > >unworthy tax cuts to useless idle.
> > Especially the financial bankers & Bank CEOs..
> Probably we can make a bit more sense of how and why this recession
> has been triggered
> if we investigate the inner-workings of businessmen brains:
> ====================
> The businessman brain is build primary of 2 neurons, one for each side
> of the nose tuned to the smell of money. Each of those 2 neurons are
> cross-wired  into the locomotor system right nostril neuron fire left
> limbs, left nostril
> neuron control right limbs.

Many are far worse than that. Since the people with
actual post WWII science, engineering, medical,
and media education just keep the idiots when you
a Mack Truck to a Gas Turbine compeition, the
Mack Truck is not only going to lose it's going
to lose twice. Once to the people who know
engines work, and once to the people who know
how hydraulics work.
And when you bring a slide rule to a laser contest,
the slide rule is not only going to lose, it also
going to lose on the Moon.
And when you bring GM to a computerized Welding Contest,
GM is not only going to lose, but Ford, Chrysler, US Steel,
GE, Sears, AT&T, Exxon, Boeing, and Catepillar Tractors are
going to lose too.
And when you bring CBS to a Hologram Contest,
CBS is not only going to lose, it;s going to lose
in Primetime, and on The Weather Broadcast,
The Box Office, The Home Market, and
in the Printing Presses.

> The locomotor limbs move at a speed directly proportional with the
> signal they get from the neuron.
> When there is no smell at all the businessmen stay.
> When the smell is sensed equal by both nostrils, the limbs move at an
> equal speed, so the businessman move ahead.
> When the smell is sensed stronger into a nostril, the opposite
> limbs move faster that the other side so the businessman turn to that
> direction.
> If the smell remain equal in both nostrils but the intensity decrease
> in time, the third neuron fire so businessman turn 180 degree.
> When whiskers sense touch, the businessman open the mouth and eat.
> This reflex is trigger by his fourth and last neuron in businessman
> brain.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 1:17 pm
From: "Bill Bonde { No matter what happens, it's caused by global warming )"

Rod Speed wrote:
> Bill Bonde { No matter what happens, it's caused by global warming ) wrote
> > Rod Speed wrote
> >> Bill Bonde wrote
> >>> John A. Weeks III wrote
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>> In the long run it all comes down to loss of US productivity..
> >>>>> the loss of US created wealth.
> >>>> Ummm, worker productivity has been at an all time high for quite
> >>>> some time, and has been surging ahead over the past few months.
> >>>> There is no issue with productivity.
> >>>>> Unless the US can rebuild its manufacturing capability it
> >>>>> will be a long slide into a third world level of subsistence.
> >>>> Ummm, the US is at an all time high for manufacturing at the
> >>>> moment. We manufacture far more than we did in 15 years ago.
> >>>> That is now an issue right now.
> >>>>> The only solution is to withdarw from the WTO and allow US workers - and
> >>>>> only US workers - the ability to make this country into a powerhouse again
> >>>> That sounds like the old burry you head in the sand
> >>>> and hope it goes away theory. Good luck with that.
> >>> There is an issue with regards to the balance of trade.
> >>> For some reason the Chinese economy is tanking,
> >> Because the world economy is tanking and so exports are dropping.
> > I know that, the issue is why are their imports also dropped quickly
> Because so many of them have lost their jobs and hordes more worry about
> how long they will have their jobs for, and so they dont buy whats imported.
I didn't ask that, you changed what I asked. I want to know why the
exports are down and the country is still running a huge surplus?

> > even as they have a trade surplus? Why not export
> > $30bn a month in food to China and balance things up?
> Because they arent interested in importing US food.
They'd rather starve. But that's the problem, the US can't be the
dumping ground for the excess industrial capacity of the world any

> > They could eat and the US would be slightly less in trouble.
> Yes, but they arent interested in importing US food.
But that's the problem.

> >>> imports are going down,
> >> Because the chinese economy is tanking.
> > But they still have $30bn a month.
> Yes, because the economy is taking and thats affecting both imports
> and exports, and they still have a massive trade surplus in their favour.
That's just restating what I said. Why can't they start using that
surplus to buy food so their people aren't starving?

> >>> and yet they are still running about a $30bn a month trade surplus.
> >> Yep, because even when the world economy is tanking, that does not mean zero exports.
> >> People still need to buy lots of stuff.
> > But why are the Chinse starving
> No chinese are starving. They havent done that since the cultural revolution.
And Americans are starving? Please. Look at rural China, it's not a
pretty picture.

> > when they get $30bn a month in surplus?
> >>> Meanwhile the people are starving.
> >> Nope, no chinese are starving.
> > I bet you claim that Americans are.
> Nope, I have in fact said repeatedly that the only americans who
> are starving are those with mental conditions like anorexia etc.
> They cant be starving with so many obscenely obese americans around.
That's what I said.

> When was the last time you saw an american with its ribs sticking out
> like you see with concentration camps except those with anorexia etc ?
I didn't claim that Americans were starving, that's what the
Liberals say.

> >>> How about employing Americans to grow some food and sell it to China?
> >> They do.
> > I'm talking about to make up the trade difference.
> They grow enough of their own food to not need to import that much from america.
No they don't. China hasn't even figured out food much less a
consumer economy.

> >>> The blackhole that this money is going into needs to stop.
> >> Easier said than done.
> > People could start talking about it.
> They are, no one has been able to come up with any way to stop it happening.
Boycott their products.

He and Evie soon fell into a conversation of the "No, I didn't;
yes, you did" type--conversation which, though fascinating to those
who are engaged in it, neither desires nor deserves the attention
of others.
-+E.M. Forster, "Howards End"

TOPIC: How much does a blood type test cost?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 6:52 am

That is, compared to a DNA test.

Here's why 8 British teenage boys will definitely want to have one or
both done:


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 11:14 am
From: "Rod Speed" wrote:

> That is, compared to a DNA test.

> Here's why 8 British teenage boys will definitely want to have one or both done:


Nope, the system will be paying for it.

TOPIC: Dell Studio Hybrid - best deal on a small desktop?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 6:58 am
From: OhioGuy

I'm looking for a small, stylish desktop PC that won't take up much room.

I've been looking at the Dell Studio Hybrid:

It runs in the ~$450 range, and it isn't very upgradeable

I was wondering, can anyone suggest something similar that might be a
bit more upgradeable? Perhaps some sort of standard mini PC? It also
seems like this thing is rather overpriced for what you get.


== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 8:59 am
From: "Dave"

"OhioGuy" <> wrote in message
> I'm looking for a small, stylish desktop PC that won't take up much
> I've been looking at the Dell Studio Hybrid:
> It runs in the ~$450 range, and it isn't very upgradeable
> I was wondering, can anyone suggest something similar that might be a
> bit more upgradeable? Perhaps some sort of standard mini PC? It also
> seems like this thing is rather overpriced for what you get.
> Thanks!

Here ya go. Build whatever you want. It costs about a hundred bucks, but
that's not much more than you'd pay for a decent case anyway. -Dave

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 12:16 pm
From: Shawn Hirn

In article <gnbuvm$239s$>, OhioGuy <>

> I'm looking for a small, stylish desktop PC that won't take up much room.
> I've been looking at the Dell Studio Hybrid:
> It runs in the ~$450 range, and it isn't very upgradeable
> I was wondering, can anyone suggest something similar that might be a
> bit more upgradeable? Perhaps some sort of standard mini PC? It also
> seems like this thing is rather overpriced for what you get.

Upgradable in what sense? What do you plan to use this new PC for and
how long do you expect to keep it before you replace it with something

TOPIC: nfl jerseys youth sizes,nfl replica football jerseys

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 7:16 am
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TOPIC: Living in CO

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 9:09 am

On Sun, 15 Feb 2009 12:19:13 -0500, clams_casino
<> wrote:

>William Boyd wrote:
>> clams_casino wrote:
>>> Our son recently took a job between Denver & Boulder CO. It's been
>>> some 30 years since we vacationed in the area, but still have fond
>>> memories, having enjoyed that memorable vacation very much.
>>> When doing a Best Places comparison, the quality of life, taxes,
>>> climate & cost of living look appear very attractive. Sales and
>>> income taxes appear moderate while property taxes appear very
>>> reasonable. As I approach SS, income taxes have a minimal concern
>>> where property taxes will likely be the biggest (tax) cost after
>>> retirement. Downside appears to be the 100 inches/yr of snow, but
>>> the number of sunny days & moderate temperatures for most of the year
>>> appear attractive. General cost of living, quality of life and
>>> housing costs appear attractive.
>>> Any one have thoughts / experience with retirement living in towns
>>> just northwest of Denver?
>> I can not understand why some one would retire in a cold climate.
>75F is tends to be my upper temperature tolerance. My brother in law
>has a condo just north of Tampa which he gladly offers us to use for
>weeks. We tried it for a week (in February). No thanks - even free.
>Our son was previously in Phoenix. We limited our visits to Feb -
>March - glad he left.. Same for my wife's relatives in MS - strictly a
>winter visit. Went once in July many years ago. Never again.

One of the coldest nighttimes drives I ever took was from Denver to
Boulder and back to visit a friend - and I grew up in Vermont. Don't
let anyone kid you that winters are "mild." Maybe they generally warm
up some during the day because of the sun, but it can be colder than a
witches tit.

Be aware of all the little rules and regulations that can make life
crazy. You aren't allowed to harvest rainwater in Colorado. If there
ever is a tax on sunlight, it'll probably start in Colorado or
California. If I had to live in the state, I'd likely choose Golden
over Boulder or Denver.

TOPIC: The Yid

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 10:12 am
From: Cindy Hamilton

On Feb 13, 1:57 pm, wrote:

> I apologize for some of language in the post but it raises many
> questions
> worth considering.
> mitch

The first question it raises is: why can't the author write a
essay? "Stream of consciousness" is a technique for fiction.

TOPIC: Money ?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 10:12 am
From: Devo

In article <>,
"Rod Speed" <> wrote:

> Okikuro wrote
> > Rod Speed <> wrote
> >> You can also buy gold.
> > how much over the price of gold (troy oz.) should one pay for a coin?
> I prefer to stick with real gold myself.
> > Like the Canadian Maple Leaf?

the only trouble with a nugget is the assay costs . not as easily
It's amazing what you can do. If...
you put your mind to it.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 11:17 am
From: "Rod Speed"

Devo wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Okikuro wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote

>>>> You can also buy gold.

>>> how much over the price of gold (troy oz.) should one pay for a coin?

>> I prefer to stick with real gold myself.

>>> Like the Canadian Maple Leaf?

> the only trouble with a nugget is the assay costs . not as easily "recognized".

Depends on the real gold you use. Some are serial numbered quite small bars with a proper provenance certificate etc.

TOPIC: Hard boiled eggs.

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 10:30 am
From: James

Stopped by WalMart today and large eggs are for $1.58 a dozen so no
need to really stock up. It seemed to be a real deal at Safeway
because their regular price is $3.29 a dozen.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 10:43 am
From: Omelet

In article
James <> wrote:

> Stopped by WalMart today and large eggs are for $1.58 a dozen so no
> need to really stock up. It seemed to be a real deal at Safeway
> because their regular price is $3.29 a dozen.

That's insane.
Peace! Om

I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. -- Dalai Lama

TOPIC: Countrywide/First USA End 2% Cash Rebate Visa

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 12:08 pm
From: Shawn Hirn

In article <>,
"John A. Weeks III" <> wrote:

> In article <_QCll.20386$>,
> SMS <> wrote:
> > I knew that it was too good to last. I got a letter telling me that the
> > 2% cash rebate is history on March 29th. This was the best credit card
> > cash rebate program available.
> Discover Card has had the 2% cash back, which you can double by
> taking a coupon for any of the vendors that advertise with them.
> They also have 5% on selected items, which rotates every 90 days.
> This quarter, it is on travel related items like airline tickets.
> I have used Discover Card since they first came out in the mid
> 1980s, and never had an issue with them.

Perhaps the situation differs in your area, but where I live in NJ, the
majority of merchants do not accept Discover. I have two Discover cards,
one of which is their best credit card. Both of those cards sit and
collect dust because they aren't accepted anywhere I shop. I also hate
the way Discover handles online bill payments.

With all my other credit cards, I set up my online bill payer account
via my credit union's web site to accept electronic billing notices and
pay each of my credit card bills automatically. Maybe Discover recanted,
but a few years ago, I received a notice in the mail that Discover would
no longer do any more that due to "security concerns." They said in
their letter that anyone who wants to do only bill paying had to log
into their web site and set it up and log in monthly to issue payments.
I much prefer to manage all my online bill payments from my credit
union's bill paying web site, instead of logging into multiple
creditors' web sites. I responded to Discover's notice by saying that I
will not use their credit cards until they drop that ban. I never heard
back from them, but I now only use my two Discover cards once a year,
just so I can keep them as positive entries on my credit record.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 1:57 pm

On Mon, 16 Feb 2009 15:08:35 -0500, Shawn Hirn <>

>With all my other credit cards, I set up my online bill payer account
>via my credit union's web site to accept electronic billing notices and
>pay each of my credit card bills automatically. Maybe Discover recanted,
>but a few years ago, I received a notice in the mail that Discover would
>no longer do any more that due to "security concerns." They said in
>their letter that anyone who wants to do only bill paying had to log
>into their web site and set it up and log in monthly to issue payments.

I've paid Discover by EFT for years, but I have to initiate the
transfer and specify the amount. Sounds like you want to entirely
automate the process, which I would not do... because of security

TOPIC: Is it legal for a company to SHORTEN their advertised warranty?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 12:12 pm
From: Shawn Hirn

In article <gn74cm$1b63$>, OhioGuy <>

> I've run into a couple of instances recently where a company seems to
> have retroactively changed the warranty on a product. The first was the
> actual manufacturer, and the second was a reseller.
> The first was a Logitech Trackman Wheel trackball, model # T-BB18.
> Inside the retail box, it clearly describes it as "Logitech warrants
> that any hardware products accompanying this documentation shall be free
> from significant defects in material and workmanship for a period of
> five years from the date of purchase." On the back of the box, it even
> says in French, Garantie 5 ans, and in Spanish, Garantia de 5 anos. I
> think it was pretty clear cut.
> However, when I got on the website and put in the model # and
> everything, they only show a 3 year warranty for it. 2 years
> disappeared! So instead of having just under 4 years left, I supposedly
> only have less than 2 years. Not nice being told your warranty has been
> cut in half, and you're not getting what the box said you were.
> Normally it wouldn't be much of an issue, but the cord developed some
> sort of short circuit about 3" from where it leaves the trackball, so
> I'm going to try to get it replaced under the warranty. (granted - it's
> a first for any Logitech product I've ever owned)

Call Logitech and explain the situation and tell them about the warranty
on the package. Odds are, they will honor the longer warranty period, so
why worry about something that hasn't happened yet and may never happen?
If Logic fails to honor the warranty, contact your state's Attorney
General via your state's web site to see what, if any, action can be
taken against Logitech.

> The other instance was a digital projector that was advertised on
> with a 24 month warranty on parts, and a 24 month
> warranty on labor. (the manufacturer's website says that the warranty
> varies by reseller) At the time I placed my order, I decided it would
> also be prudent to grab a screenshot of the page showing the two year
> warranty.
> I'm glad I did, because now that Tigerdirect is sold out, when I go
> to the same page and look at the description, it has been changed to
> show only a 12 month warranty on parts and labor - not 24 months. I
> have proof that it was marketed and sold as having a two year warranty,
> so I hope the manufacturer will honor this if I need to have the unit
> serviced during that time.
> How about you - have you noticed any similar changing of an
> advertised warranty after the fact?


TOPIC: need a small, inexpensive urban TV antenna

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 12:39 pm
From: Shawn Hirn

In article <>, wrote:

> I can not get any TV reception with analog so I guess the same will be true
> with digital. If I want TV here I'll have to stay with cable or satellite.

I live in a high rise apartment building that's built like Fort Knox. I
love the location where I live ... in a park setting, very close to
work, and lots of shopping nearby, but also very quiet. The downside to
my building is that indoor TV antennas don't work. I tried several. All
I get is static regardless of the antenna's placement. I cannot put up a
satellite antenna either, so its either cable TV or no TV for me.

My mom and dad live in a city row house. They are not big TV watchers.
Right now, they are using rabbit ears and they can get all the stations
they want. My dad tried two different DTV converter boxes and both
knocked out half the stations he likes. So he returned them. My dad was
poised to sign up for satellite TV service and buy a new high definition
LCD TV for the living room. He then heard about the possibility of this
DTV transition delay so he decided to hold off until the summer, with
the idea that the cost for a TV will drop even further. I think he made
a smart decision.


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