Tuesday, November 3, 2009

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 2 new messages in 2 topics - digest



Today's topics:

* free trafic - 1 messages, 1 author
* Guess Who Wants To Continue FLEECING You With OVERDRAFT "Protection"? The U.
S. Repug Empire! - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: free trafic

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 2 2009 11:31 pm
From: zeeshan

One of new features of the latest version, Ubuntu 9.10, which might
appeal to an average user, is the ease with which the software can be
added and removed. http://globalzone4u.com/home/

TOPIC: Guess Who Wants To Continue FLEECING You With OVERDRAFT "Protection"?
The U.S. Repug Empire!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 2 2009 11:51 pm
From: Mrs Irish Mike

On Nov 2, 9:39 pm, Scott in SoCal <scottenazt...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Last time on misc.consumers, Mason C <masonc...@XXXfrontal-lobe.info>
> said:
> >I have a curious banking history note:
> >In the 1960's I received a phone call from my local Bank of America
> >branch.  I had an overdraft on my checking account but had money
> >in a savings account.  They asked me to come in and transfer money so
> >as to avoid the overdraft.  It was late in the afternoon.  The bank doors were
> >closed but they let me in to transfer the money.
> >Amazing what 40-50 years can do to banking / capitalist philosophy !!!!
> A lot has changed since then. For example, at that time it was also
> possible to get a job and make a living for your family with just a
> high school diploma. Even if your wife didn't work you could earn
> enough to have a comfortable life, a decent home, and food on the
> table. Back then people didn't have to scrap for every dollar they
> could get. It was a simpler, more relaxed time; fewer people were
> caught up in "the rat race."

How could this possibly be? We have robotics and we have computers. We
have automated this and radar directed that. We have two people per
family working and illegals to do the crap jobs. We didn't get the
flying cars and it looks like we aren't getting the 20 hour work week


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