Friday, February 26, 2010

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 25 new messages in 10 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* What's 1 way you enjoy being wasteful? - 3 messages, 3 authors
* new pichu online shopping mail easily!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 1 messages, 1 author
* walking boots-- which are good? - 9 messages, 7 authors
* Fall in LOVE now !?! - 1 messages, 1 author
* #¤#¤# 2010 Cheap wholesale ED Hardy Suit, Baby Suit, Puma Suit ect at www. <Paypal Payment> - 1 messages, 1 author
* Cheap Wholesale Brand Handbag& Purse: Coach, D&G, Miumiu,Prada,LV,Chanel,ED
Hardy,Chloe,Jimmy Choo etc <>==paypal payment - 1
messages, 1 author
* Soup bouillion cubes - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Ring around the collar with the toilet - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Anyone have a source for reasonable-cost vac-seal bags? - 2 messages, 2

TOPIC: What's 1 way you enjoy being wasteful?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 25 2010 9:11 pm
From: "Annie Woughman"

"MAS" <> wrote in message news:hm73hg$1cc$
> On 2/25/2010 4:46 PM, Ohioguy wrote:
>> Last year I asked folks here what was one way that you became more
>> frugal lately. We got lots of great answers, with people making big and
>> small changes to their lives to be more frugal. (mine was saving plastic
>> bags from cereal boxes, and plastic bread wrappers to use for lunches,
>> etc., so I don't have to buy sandwich bags as often)
>> This time around, I'm wondering what your guilty pleasure is? You know,
>> something that sort of bothers you because it certainly ISN'T frugal,
>> like most of your life, but you still want it enough to do it anyway.
1. Cable television with the works. We have all the premium channels 2
digital boxes (two flat screen TV's), 10MB high speed internet and oh yeah
the telephone thrown in for $160 a month. Since we don't ever go to the
movies or rent or buy DVD's this is pretty much our entertainment budget.
2. I'm a real sucker for techie gadgets. We keep our computers updated with
the latest hardware and software. We have three desktops--all with 24 in
flat screen monitors and I also have two laptops, a 17in and a 14in, all
running Windows 7 and networked with a wireless Cisco router. I also have
two Ipod Touches, mostly for reading e-books.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 5:09 am
From: "Jim...(8-| "

On Thu, 25 Feb 2010 19:00:40 -0500, "The Henchman" <>

>"Ohioguy" <> wrote in message
>> How about you?
>I collect Scotch. My budget is $100 a month for Scotch. The average price
>I pay per bottle is about $80 or $90 so about one a month. Total waste of
>money and I really don't drink much of it but over the last decade I have
>amassed a very nice collection. I have 5 custom made red oak cabinets built
>to display my bottles.
>This year we got HDTV from the cable co. It's $18 a month extra and worth
>every single penny but I dunno if we'll watch it enuf to justify it. We
>have snow on the ground at least 4 months a year so HDTV is worth it for 4
>months maybe.

HDTV is our blowout too but it's money well spent, we went digital as
soon as the local free stations offered it back in 2003, and we
figured that the HD the dave a small sampling of back then would grow
in a couple of years to regular mainstream viewing. We were wrong to
buggery with one local station failing to broadcast even the minimum
1024 of HD content required by the regulations, for the other stations
the minimum hours required seems to coincide with the maximum they
Anyway having enough sense to abandon all hope we took up subscription
TVs HD broadcast as soon as the new higher capacity satellite was put
into service last November which enabled the service.

It has changed our viewing and now we avoid SD as much as feasible
including waiting for sports events to be replayed by them in HD
rather than endure the local stations commercial ridden blur.
Our week would comprise 100+ hours of TV viewing in concert with our
internet usage so I can't see any point being stingy with TV. Although
our 101 cm Samsung whilst being a quality unit when we bought it 18
months ago may have been better served being a bit bigger.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 10:12 am

"Rod Speed" <> wrote:

>I basically buy whatever I feel like technology wise, have the lights
>and heaters etc all fully automated,

what hardware are you using to automate lights and

TOPIC: new pichu online shopping mail easily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 3:14 am
From: pichu pichandi

We have lot of social networking websites like Twitter, Orkut. But I
searched for a good site for shopping through social networking. I
found this website . very cool and interesting. I
search for a washing machine, their inventory is very bad I can't
find. I found an innovation they allowed the customers to add any
goods to their inventory and register for them. I added my item and
registered for that. The site says they will check if my item is
available in the market. If it is available they will approve my new
inventory and my group will be available for anybody else to join. It
is fascinating, but time consuming. I am waiting.

Please see this site

and try to join if anybody interested.

TOPIC: walking boots-- which are good?

== 1 of 9 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 3:49 am
From: Peter Clinch

SMS wrote:

> Boots are required for safety; they won't
> allow anyone the backpack trips without boots that have ankle support
> and sufficient traction.

Boots are /widely perceived/ to be needed for safety. That's not the
same thing.

Take them orienteering instead and they'll be on rougher terrain with
more need of good soles, and hardly anyone will think they're best off
in boots with Vibram soles and ankle support. Certainly almost all of
the experts won't be in them.

Peter Clinch Medical Physics IT Officer
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Univ. of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital
Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK

== 2 of 9 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 4:45 am
From: Geoff Berrow

On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 11:49:00 +0000, Peter Clinch
<> wrote:

>Take them orienteering instead and they'll be on rougher terrain with
>more need of good soles, and hardly anyone will think they're best off
>in boots with Vibram soles and ankle support. Certainly almost all of
>the experts won't be in them.

I've been walking 3-4 miles a day on pavements to keep in trim and in
the recent snow, I wore my boots instead of my usual North Face shoes.
As I only have short legs, I found it harder to walk as fast with the
boots because of the extra weight. This isn't usually a problem when
doing day walks across country or up hills as my pace will be more
relaxed. I can see, however, that someone concerned with speed would
prefer lighter footwear.
Geoff Berrow (Put thecat out to email)
It's only Usenet, no one dies.
My opinions, not the committee's, mine.
Simple RFDs

== 3 of 9 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 5:00 am
From: Peter Clinch

Geoff Berrow wrote:

> I've been walking 3-4 miles a day on pavements to keep in trim and in
> the recent snow, I wore my boots instead of my usual North Face shoes.
> As I only have short legs, I found it harder to walk as fast with the
> boots because of the extra weight. This isn't usually a problem when
> doing day walks across country or up hills as my pace will be more
> relaxed. I can see, however, that someone concerned with speed would
> prefer lighter footwear.

Indeed, but the other point to realise is that going faster doesn't
magically protect one's ankles on fast terrain. In practice it's not a
problem because a /safety requirement/ of ankle support is a red
herring. Yes, orienteers damage their ankles from time to time but not
to the extent that you ever see many in something like
rather than,
and it's not as if boot-wearers never prang theirs.

That's not to say some folk won't prefer a boot for whatever they're
doing, but a preference and a requirement for safety are quite different

Peter Clinch Medical Physics IT Officer
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Univ. of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital
Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK

== 4 of 9 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 6:01 am
From: "Gordon"

"Peter Clinch" <> wrote in message
> If a dander across the local farmlands had a significant degree of
> commonality with a 30 mile forced march with a 30 kg pack

30kg? 60kg more like...... :-(

== 5 of 9 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 6:05 am
From: Vic Smith

On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 12:45:10 +0000, Geoff Berrow
<> wrote:

>On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 11:49:00 +0000, Peter Clinch
><> wrote:
>>Take them orienteering instead and they'll be on rougher terrain with
>>more need of good soles, and hardly anyone will think they're best off
>>in boots with Vibram soles and ankle support. Certainly almost all of
>>the experts won't be in them.
>I've been walking 3-4 miles a day on pavements to keep in trim and in
>the recent snow, I wore my boots instead of my usual North Face shoes.
>As I only have short legs, I found it harder to walk as fast with the
>boots because of the extra weight. This isn't usually a problem when
>doing day walks across country or up hills as my pace will be more
>relaxed. I can see, however, that someone concerned with speed would
>prefer lighter footwear.

Speed isn't the only concern with weight.
After some miles of walking in comfortable but heavy boots, a knee
became painful and slightly swollen. I didn't connect it with the
boots at first, but when I doffed the boots the knee problem very
quickly disappeared.
It's possible my gait in the above ankle boots was a factor, but I'm
guessing it was mostly the swinging weight of the boots.


== 6 of 9 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 6:19 am
From: Tim Jackson

On Thu, 25 Feb 2010 10:14:04 -0800, SMS wrote...
> Maybe the original poster needs to spend a year in the U.S. to learn
> proper English.

Nah, he wouldn't learn it proper like what English is spoke in England.

> One friend from the U.K. was in a Walgreen's here (a
> drug store chain) and his wife who had just moved to the U.S. yelled
> over to him, "hey Ray, do we have any rubbers in the house." On one
> backpacking trip I was on, it was time to wash the dishes, the leader
> asked one participant who had just moved from he U.K. to the U.S. if he
> had brought along a scrubber to which he replied "I didn't know that it
> was permitted."

Just as long as he didn't have a fag in the tent.

Tim Jackson
(Change '.invalid' to '' to reply direct)

== 7 of 9 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 6:34 am
From: rob

On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 08:05:38 -0600, Vic Smith wrote:

> On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 12:45:10 +0000, Geoff Berrow
> <> wrote:
>>On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 11:49:00 +0000, Peter Clinch
>><> wrote:
>>>Take them orienteering instead and they'll be on rougher terrain with
>>>more need of good soles, and hardly anyone will think they're best off
>>>in boots with Vibram soles and ankle support. Certainly almost all of
>>>the experts won't be in them.
>>I've been walking 3-4 miles a day on pavements to keep in trim and in
>>the recent snow, I wore my boots instead of my usual North Face shoes.
>>As I only have short legs, I found it harder to walk as fast with the
>>boots because of the extra weight. This isn't usually a problem when
>>doing day walks across country or up hills as my pace will be more
>>relaxed. I can see, however, that someone concerned with speed would
>>prefer lighter footwear.
> Speed isn't the only concern with weight.
> After some miles of walking in comfortable but heavy boots, a knee
> became painful and slightly swollen. I didn't connect it with the
> boots at first, but when I doffed the boots the knee problem very
> quickly disappeared.
> It's possible my gait in the above ankle boots was a factor, but I'm
> guessing it was mostly the swinging weight of the boots.

I'm also guessing, but I think it's more likely that you walk differently
in boots. In running, there are advocates of barefoot running, largely on
the grounds of reduced injuries. There was a study that showed that
injuries increased in proportion to the cost of the running shoes.

Heavy boots can make your feet feel very protected, but may mean that you
stride out in a way that puts more strain on other parts of your body.


== 8 of 9 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 6:58 am
From: Peter Clinch

rob wrote:

> Heavy boots can make your feet feel very protected, but may mean that you
> stride out in a way that puts more strain on other parts of your body.

I don't know whether the confidence will affect gait or not, but I'm
pretty sure a stiffer sole will because your foot doesn't get to bend
nearly as much as "normal" walking has evolved. And because walking is
different, it's probably using muscles that don't usually get so involved.

Peter Clinch Medical Physics IT Officer
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Univ. of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital
Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK

== 9 of 9 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 10:19 am
From: FenlandRunner

On 23 Feb, 10:49, Christopher Loffredo <> wrote:
> SMS wrote:
> > Look for the following features:
> > 1. GORE-TEX® lining.
> > 2. Vibram® outsole
> > 3. Stitchdown construction (not just glued)
> > 4. Full-grain, all-leather upper (not split grain, not "nubuck").
> Though many, including myself, dislike Gore-Tex in a boot.
> It requires a different construction method, which leads to the boot not
> lasting as long, can create a sweatier environment, starts leaking
> fairly quickly and then does a good job of keeping the water *in*.
> Unfortunately, Gore-Tex-less boots are getting harder and harder to find...

Gore-Tex YUK!!!

TOPIC: Fall in LOVE now !?!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 5:53 am

Fall in LOVE now !?!

TOPIC: #¤#¤# 2010 Cheap wholesale ED Hardy Suit, Baby Suit, Puma Suit ect at <Paypal Payment>

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 6:00 am
From: ""

#¤#¤# 2010 Cheap wholesale ED Hardy Suit, Baby Suit, Puma Suit ect at <Paypal Payment>

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== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 6:41 am
From: brandtrade

paypal payment wholesale all brand
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and so on.
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More detail land,address:

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 7:05 am
From: brandshoes08

paypal payment wholesale all brand

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More detail land,address:

TOPIC: Cheap Wholesale Brand Handbag& Purse: Coach, D&G, Miumiu,Prada,LV,
Chanel,ED Hardy,Chloe,Jimmy Choo etc <>==paypal payment

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 8:21 am
From: niceyoyo

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TOPIC: Soup bouillion cubes

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 8:54 am
From: Tennessee Tony wrote:
> SMS <> wrote:
>> aesthete8 wrote:
>>> Any recommendations?
>> Try "Better than Bouillon."
>> ""
>> We get their organic product at Costco in 16 ounce jars. I don't
>> remember the price, I think it's around $10 though.

I never cook with bouillon, I use base. Like beef base, chicken base...
probably 10 or more times stronger flavor without all the salt and
often can be found with no MSG either.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 9:31 am
From: "h"

"Tennessee Tony" <> wrote in message
> I never cook with bouillon, I use base. Like beef base, chicken base...
> probably 10 or more times stronger flavor without all the salt and often
> can be found with no MSG either.

Agreed. Much better and you use less.

TOPIC: Ring around the collar with the toilet

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 9:34 am
From: noel888

Remember that old tv commercial about the ring around the collar of a
shirt? Well i seem to have that problem with my commode...daily
scrubbing does not get rid of a ring at its water level in the
commode, not the tank. I've used comet, bleach and now CLR to no
avail...the main problem is getting that water line to stay low to
keep that area dry enough for the liquid cleaners to do their work...i
guess. Any other suggestions on how to get rid of that ring that has
worked for you? I cannot afford to buy another commode just for that
ring problem..and yet its not something you want visitors to see
either. What gets me is that commercial about CLR, and how thorough it
is in cleaning rust and etc.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 1:14 pm
From: Al

On Feb 26, 12:34 pm, noel888 <> wrote:
> Remember that old tv commercial about the ring around the collar of a
> shirt? Well i seem to have that problem with my commode...daily
> scrubbing does not get rid of a ring at its water level in the
> commode, not the tank. I've used comet, bleach and now CLR to no
> avail...the main problem is getting that water line to stay low to
> keep that area dry enough for the liquid cleaners to do their work...i
> guess. Any other suggestions on how to get rid of that ring that has
> worked for you? I cannot afford to buy another commode just for that
> ring problem..and yet its not something you want visitors to see
> either. What gets me is that commercial about CLR, and how thorough it
> is in cleaning rust and etc.

You can keep the water level low by turning off the supply line and
flushing before cleaning.
The same can be done by holding up the fill valve so it thinks the
tank is full. It could be wired in place temporarily.
I think it's better to just use a brush with something strong enough
to do the job.
I wonder if your toilet has not become etched in that area so it has a
profile that retains stains more than a smooth surface.
I got a product called "The Works" from the dollar store and it worked
great. I will not buy it again because of the fumes and potential lung
damage though. Read the labels on anything you use. If it says don't
breath it, then you better have a respirator while using and ventilate
the area wall before removing the mask.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 1:14 pm
From: Al

On Feb 26, 12:34 pm, noel888 <> wrote:
> Remember that old tv commercial about the ring around the collar of a
> shirt? Well i seem to have that problem with my commode...daily
> scrubbing does not get rid of a ring at its water level in the
> commode, not the tank. I've used comet, bleach and now CLR to no
> avail...the main problem is getting that water line to stay low to
> keep that area dry enough for the liquid cleaners to do their work...i
> guess. Any other suggestions on how to get rid of that ring that has
> worked for you? I cannot afford to buy another commode just for that
> ring problem..and yet its not something you want visitors to see
> either. What gets me is that commercial about CLR, and how thorough it
> is in cleaning rust and etc.

PS. CLR has never done anything good for me either.

TOPIC: Anyone have a source for reasonable-cost vac-seal bags?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 11:52 am
From: freeisbest

Even the Evil Empire (Mall-Wart) wants around a dollar per bag,
and more than that for smaller packages. Is there a reasonable-priced
The vac process works fine. Last summer's home grown paste
tomatoes taste totally fresh. All I did was wash, cut them in half,
scrape out the seeds, freeze them on cookie sheets and then vacuum
pack in gallon bags. The tomatoes smell and taste as if they were
just picked, 6 months later.
TIA if you can help.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 1:02 pm
From: turtlelover

On 2/26/2010 2:52 PM, freeisbest wrote:
> Even the Evil Empire (Mall-Wart) wants around a dollar per bag,
> and more than that for smaller packages. Is there a reasonable-priced
> source?
> The vac process works fine. Last summer's home grown paste
> tomatoes taste totally fresh. All I did was wash, cut them in half,
> scrape out the seeds, freeze them on cookie sheets and then vacuum
> pack in gallon bags. The tomatoes smell and taste as if they were
> just picked, 6 months later.
> TIA if you can help.

I've bought from an Ebay seller before, and I plan to do so again.

I bought a set(?) of 50 each pint, quart and gallon bags. You can check the physical measurements at their store site. I remember doing the math quickly, and it averaged out to: pint bags were about 20� ea., the quarts were 30�, and the gallons were 40�.

No matter which size bags you buy, they're much more frugal than FoodSaver bags.

No relation to the seller; just a happy customer.

Good luck,


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