Tuesday, June 1, 2010

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 14 new messages in 7 topics - digest



Today's topics:

* Wisdom can only come from a hammock - 2 messages, 1 author
* Behold the Lamb! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Forum Posting or Signature Posting Services - 3 messages, 1 author
* DOWN LOAD CAR RACE GAMES - 1 messages, 1 author
* Cleaning and Recycling - 1 messages, 1 author
* These are the laws that will protect the Cyclists under the Revolution - 2
messages, 2 authors
* parking issue - 4 messages, 4 authors

TOPIC: Wisdom can only come from a hammock

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, May 30 2010 10:10 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana and Chief of Quixotic

I do include this comment here because it mentions bike riding and
hammock as the perfect complement...

On May 31, 12:06 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana
and Chief of Quixotic Enterprises" <comandante.ban...@yahoo.com>
> On May 30, 10:30 pm, Larry <no...@home.com> wrote:
> > "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana and Chief of Quixotic
> > Enterprises" <nolionnoprob...@yahoo.com> wrote in news:f0181959-cf9c-4edc-
> > 8936-5a3466876...@y18g2000prn.googlegroups.com:
> > > Cool, laid back, back to nature, energy efficient... Have you noticed
> > > that after RIDING A BIKE the hammock is the most efficient way to save
> > > energy?
> > On the subject of hammocks, I'd like to put in a plug for a little piece of
> > South Carolina Americans have been building by hand, knot after knot, since
> > Cap'n Josh Ward invented it in 1889, the Pawley's Island Rope Hammock.
> >http://pawleysislandhammocks.com/
> > Completely self-air-conditioning, we've spent many afternoons laid back in
> > ours between the two oak trees out on the Ashley River, Mint Julep in hand
> > for attitude adjustment and peace of mind, wasting away an amazing amount
> > of hours that could have been spent actually doing something useful.
> > If you've never had the pleasure of having had a Pawley's Island Rope
> > Hammock wrap its loving arms around your tired (bike riding?) carcass, its
> > intricate rope knotting gently massaging away those aches and pains of your
> > painful life, you've completely missed one of life's greatest pleasures.
> > Even YANKEES are secretly buying them! Our agents regularly sneak them
> > across the Mason-Dixon line, in plain brown wrappers marked "car parts"
> > past the Yankee border guards where they can only hang out a few months
> > before the snow flies....unlike here where we waste thousands of hours
> > about 10 months of the year, mostly asleep as soon as the Mint Julep runs
> > out.
> > You can tell it's springtime, many items are back ordered. The depression
> > has nothing to do with the Pawley's Island Rope Hammock industry....(c;]
> > --
> > Creationism is to science what storks are to obstetrics.
> > Larry
> Thank you. I do have one from them, the original cotton rope one...
> Absolutely fantastic and cheap. I've been comparing the Mayan, the
> American style, and have settled for the last (with the spreader bar).
> But for compact travel the Mayan.
> I turned off the air conditioned and enjoyed absolutely cool breezes
> in Miami hot weather. You need a tree, of course.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, May 31 2010 4:03 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana and Chief of Quixotic

As I sat in the hammock today, I took my shirt off and said, "Hey,
this is even nicer!" Then I said to my girlfriend, "What a pity you
can't. The neighbors and the police would be all over us."

What kind of society is this? We want to teach lessons to the women in
Afghanistan, but are all repressed our our own. Why if I can, my woman
can't go topless?

So a sort of list of things we need to fix comes handy...

-gay rights

-women rights


-liberalize drugs

Then a word came flashing to me (it must have flashed by Buddha): PRO-
CHOICE. The sheep want their own view of the world for all, but that
doesn't cut it for the Wise Tibetan Monkey. WE MUST HAVE THE CHOICE
FOR EVERYTHING or DEMOCRACY would be an empty word often confused with

TOPIC: Behold the Lamb!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, May 31 2010 4:30 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana and Chief of Quixotic

(You may say this is a cruel world for cyclists... but hey, we ain't

On May 29, 2:37 pm, Pastor D <past...@christschurch.mega> wrote:
> John.1
> 1. [29] The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith,
> Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
> 2. [36] And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the
> Lamb of God!
> Jesus can and will taketh away your desire for homosexal sin or for
> athiest lies.





This is such a cruel world. We are not even trying to be vegetarian.
Some say we live in a jungle. ;)


http://webspawner.com/users/MASTURBATIONFORPEACE (option to prayers)

TOPIC: Forum Posting or Signature Posting Services

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, May 31 2010 6:11 am
From: bill jhon

The service of Forum Posting, also known as Signature Posting is
offered by our company, The Consultant SEO. It is basically a way by
which one can get good quality "one way" links in an effective and
efficient manner. This very service, along with a back link linked
with your website's signature is undertaken by our company. It is done
to bring more and more traffic to our client's website. Alongside,
another vital part is that our client's customers are not able to read
the messages posted by our client. We also create various themes for
our customer's links by providing inbound links to our client's
website and these links are one way in nature.

The service that our company offers assists a lot in the promotion and
correlation of SEO efforts. We also ensure that the precious time of
our clients is saved invariably. We provide online manual services by
the way of Forum Posting Service. Our quality is highly appreciated by
the general public. We aim at long-term relationship with the
customers by providing them with the best quality and service

For more detail

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, May 31 2010 6:13 am
From: bill jhon

The service of Forum Posting, also known as Signature Posting is
offered by our company, The Consultant SEO. It is basically a way by
which one can get good quality "one way" links in an effective and
efficient manner. This very service, along with a back link linked
with your website's signature is undertaken by our company. It is done
to bring more and more traffic to our client's website. Alongside,
another vital part is that our client's customers are not able to read
the messages posted by our client. We also create various themes for
our customer's links by providing inbound links to our client's
website and these links are one way in nature.

The service that our company offers assists a lot in the promotion and
correlation of SEO efforts. We also ensure that the precious time of
our clients is saved invariably. We provide online manual services by
the way of Forum Posting Service. Our quality is highly appreciated by
the general public. We aim at long-term relationship with the
customers by providing them with the best quality and service

For more detail

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, May 31 2010 6:13 am
From: bill jhon

The service of Forum Posting, also known as Signature Posting is
offered by our company, The Consultant SEO. It is basically a way by
which one can get good quality "one way" links in an effective and
efficient manner. This very service, along with a back link linked
with your website's signature is undertaken by our company. It is done
to bring more and more traffic to our client's website. Alongside,
another vital part is that our client's customers are not able to read
the messages posted by our client. We also create various themes for
our customer's links by providing inbound links to our client's
website and these links are one way in nature.

The service that our company offers assists a lot in the promotion and
correlation of SEO efforts. We also ensure that the precious time of
our clients is saved invariably. We provide online manual services by
the way of Forum Posting Service. Our quality is highly appreciated by
the general public. We aim at long-term relationship with the
customers by providing them with the best quality and service

For more detail


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, May 31 2010 9:45 am






TOPIC: Cleaning and Recycling

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, May 31 2010 9:49 am
From: Mrs Irish Mike

Has anyone here used those Mr. Clean Magic Erasers or other brands of
no scratch cleaning pads? Basically they are pads of polypropylene and
the mark-up in price must be outragous. Recently I found a piece of
packing foam in a package for a mirror. I tried it out and it worked
as well as the Magic Eraser in cleaning my fiberglass bathtub. I went
out to the trash and got the rest of the packing foam. After using
them for a couple of weeks I can now say, I have enough cleaning pads
to last a year.

I've tried styrafoam and found it is messy and doesn't work. You
might have to buy one of the name brand foam pad to see what I'm
talking about to match it up to the right kind of packing foam.

TOPIC: These are the laws that will protect the Cyclists under the Revolution

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, May 31 2010 2:22 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana and Chief of Quixotic

On May 30, 5:28 pm, xeno <69black...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On May 29, 2:03 pm, Chris <chrism3...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > in your twisted world, rickshaws would soon vie for the same space
> > occupied by bicycles. Bicycles entail too much freedom, especially
> > single seaters...
> Too much freedom? You mean freedom from paying the oil companies on a
> daily basis? Or are you pissed off because some schmuck on a bike
> tried to run you over in the cross-walk?

Yep, they are afraid of the competition so they roar to intimidate the
cyclists. The motor of an Stupid Unnecessary Vehicle also makes such a
sound when passing you.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, May 31 2010 4:06 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana and Chief of Quixotic

(I hope you get the intention of it... Holland = bikes)

On May 31, 6:19 pm, russo...@grace.speakeasy.net (Matthew Russotto)
> In article <e95c1ea7-4fec-4f89-a7d8-018104981...@x27g2000prf.googlegroups.com>,
> Phlip <phlip2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >On May 23, 4:07=A0pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, ComandanteBanana
> >and Chief of Quixotic Enterprises"
> >> Will Obama lead to Perestroika?
> >Now cue every wingnut screaming "yeah he's a communist with all his
> >'czars'"....
> >...in oblivious disregard to Czars were _before_ Soviet communism (and
> >Reagan had cabinet head "czars"), and Perestroika came _after_ Soviet
> >communism.
> Czar is, of course, derived from "Caesar", as in Julius and Augustus.
> I believe it was that pinko Reagan who came up with the first US
> "czar", the drug czar.
> Anyway, Obama's an authoritarian any way you slice it. And the
> feces-flinging monkey remains a nutcase.
> --

Sorry, with or without Obama, I want a country that looks more like
Holland than like China.

Chinese want to be like American, but I don't think the Dutch give a
shit about it.

TOPIC: parking issue

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, May 31 2010 6:00 pm
From: Ohioguy

My wife commutes to her job downtown. Previously she rode the bus,
but we moved out into the suburbs. There is only one place with a
convenient parking lot nearby, which is a welding company. My wife
picked that parking lot because it was close, and wouldn't require her
to walk through several dimly lit parking lots to get to her car.

Well ... they put her in an edge of the lot in a corner, right up
against the building where there is SUPPOSED to be a light, but the
light has burned out. Therefore, it is one of the least visible,
darkest spots in the whole parking lot.

She has brought this up at least 6 or 7 times with the folks she pays
for the monthly parking. At first the guy acted completely clueless.
She kept telling him that the light on their building was burned out,
and that she couldn't see well. He kept saying "you mean the street
light?", & stuff like that. She had to keep explaining, "No, if it was
a STREET light, I wouldn't be talking to you about it", etc., etc.

So they didn't do anything about it, and now it has been 3 months.
She went in the other day to pay, and since they kept forgetting to do
anything about it, she wrote up a short reminder note with the details,
and took it in with her when she paid. She again asked them to do
something, and they said they forgot, but would get around to it.

Ok, so then she says "Well, you keep forgetting, so here is something
to help you remember." The guy actually had the gall to hand the note
back to her, and once again said, "we'll get around to it".

This is starting to royally piss me off. I get to hear her complain
about it all the time, and as a guy I want to fix the situation. I want
her to be safe, and I want them to get off their butts and do the basic
maintenance that a customer has asked for numerous times.

In a situation like this, what do you think the best way to handle


== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, May 31 2010 6:37 pm
From: MAS

On 5/31/2010 9:00 PM, Ohioguy wrote:
> My wife commutes to her job downtown. Previously she rode the bus,
> but we moved out into the suburbs. There is only one place with a
> convenient parking lot nearby, which is a welding company. My wife
> picked that parking lot because it was close, and wouldn't require her
> to walk through several dimly lit parking lots to get to her car.
> Well ... they put her in an edge of the lot in a corner, right up
> against the building where there is SUPPOSED to be a light, but the
> light has burned out. Therefore, it is one of the least visible, darkest
> spots in the whole parking lot.
> She has brought this up at least 6 or 7 times with the folks she pays
> for the monthly parking. At first the guy acted completely clueless. She
> kept telling him that the light on their building was burned out, and
> that she couldn't see well. He kept saying "you mean the street light?",
> & stuff like that. She had to keep explaining, "No, if it was a STREET
> light, I wouldn't be talking to you about it", etc., etc.
> So they didn't do anything about it, and now it has been 3 months. She
> went in the other day to pay, and since they kept forgetting to do
> anything about it, she wrote up a short reminder note with the details,
> and took it in with her when she paid. She again asked them to do
> something, and they said they forgot, but would get around to it.
> Ok, so then she says "Well, you keep forgetting, so here is something to
> help you remember." The guy actually had the gall to hand the note back
> to her, and once again said, "we'll get around to it".
> This is starting to royally piss me off. I get to hear her complain
> about it all the time, and as a guy I want to fix the situation. I want
> her to be safe, and I want them to get off their butts and do the basic
> maintenance that a customer has asked for numerous times.
> In a situation like this, what do you think the best way to handle this

She's getting screwed. Tell them you'll "get around to paying the
monthly parking bill when they fix the light." Quick action guaranteed.


== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, May 31 2010 8:16 pm
From: gheston@hiwaay.net (Gary Heston)

In article <lZYMn.129897$0M5.1414@newsfe07.iad>,
Ohioguy <none@none.net> wrote:
> My wife commutes to her job downtown. [ ... ]

> Well ... they put her in an edge of the lot in a corner, right up
>against the building where there is SUPPOSED to be a light, but the
>light has burned out. Therefore, it is one of the least visible,
>darkest spots in the whole parking lot.
[ ... ]

> This is starting to royally piss me off. I get to hear her complain
>about it all the time, and as a guy I want to fix the situation. I want
>her to be safe, and I want them to get off their butts and do the basic
>maintenance that a customer has asked for numerous times.

> In a situation like this, what do you think the best way to handle

I can see an option or two;

If it's an incandescent bulb, stop by with a ladder and a CF bulb and
replace it yourself.

Find another parking space that's near a bus stop; park there and take
the bus the rest of the way.

File a lawsuit for breach of contract (you did sign a contract of some
sort, defining who's liable if the car is burglarized or damaged, etc.,
didn't you?) but have a new parking space lined up first.

File criminal charges of fraud (again, have a new space ready).

Buy her a big four or five cell MagLite.

If she's not been dealing with the welding shop owner, try going over
the counter helps' head to the owner.

Bear in mind that if the staff gets mad, her car is at risk of vandalism.


Gary Heston gheston@hiwaay.net http://www.thebreastcancersite.com/

If you want to reduce the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,
go plant trees.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, May 31 2010 9:13 pm
From: "h"

"Gary Heston" <gheston@hiwaay.net> wrote in message
> In article <lZYMn.129897$0M5.1414@newsfe07.iad>,
> Ohioguy <none@none.net> wrote:
>> My wife commutes to her job downtown. [ ... ]
>> Well ... they put her in an edge of the lot in a corner, right up
>>against the building where there is SUPPOSED to be a light, but the
>>light has burned out. Therefore, it is one of the least visible,
>>darkest spots in the whole parking lot.
> [ ... ]
>> This is starting to royally piss me off. I get to hear her complain
>>about it all the time, and as a guy I want to fix the situation. I want
>>her to be safe, and I want them to get off their butts and do the basic
>>maintenance that a customer has asked for numerous times.
>> In a situation like this, what do you think the best way to handle

Talk to the manager of the lot and explain, in no uncertain terms, that
WHEN, not if, your wife is attacked or injured in their lot because of the
poor lighting about which they have been informed, IN WRITING, you will sue.
And you will win. What I can't figure out is why she's let this go on for
months? I'd have had a new lightbulb up there in a week or I'd have called
code enforcement or taken my parking business elsewhere.


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