Tuesday, June 8, 2010

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 4 new messages in 4 topics - digest



Today's topics:

* using bricks to replace driveway? - 1 messages, 1 author
* What are currently your best saving tips ? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Frugal Mouth wash? - 1 messages, 1 author
* MBT shoe is a special shoe among the public, more and more people purchase
for the special shoes. As walking on the street, the MBT shoes give your feet
a best care, - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: using bricks to replace driveway?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jun 7 2010 7:26 pm
From: gheston@hiwaay.net (Gary Heston)

In article <u49Pn.21827$%u7.9989@newsfe14.iad>, Ohioguy <none@none.net> wrote:
> We have an asphalt drive, about 20 feet long, and maybe 18 feet wide,
>which needs replaced.

> I've seen a number of brick streets in the old sections of town, and
>have wondered how in the world they have lasted as long as they did.
>I've considered renting a jackhammer, then laying down a fine layer of
>gravel, and placing brick for our front drive.

That wouldn't be an adequate base, especially in your area; the ground
freezes up there.

> However, Lowe's and the other big hardware stores I've checked only
>seem to have brick with holes in it.

Stop asking for "bricks" and ask for "pavers". There's a big difference.

> Anybody ever done a project of this size on their own?

No, just seen it done on TV (This Old House Hour). To get some idea of
how it's done, check their web site.

> I've been quoted between $2k and $4k to have the whole thing replaced
>with concrete. I could probably cold patch and then seal it for $400.

I'd go with the concrete, but make sure the quotes are equivalent--same
amount of base, same thickness of slab (you'r probably need 6"), same
finishing, etc.

> Anybody have an idea how much it might cost to do with brick?

A lot more. There's more labor involved.


Gary Heston gheston@hiwaay.net http://www.thebreastcancersite.com/

If you want to reduce the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,
go plant trees.

TOPIC: What are currently your best saving tips ?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jun 7 2010 8:29 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Lou wrote:
> <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz> wrote in message
> news:a0do06tpff9n2ljfuhrhht8nmfpjh8sgvk@4ax.com...
>> On Sun, 06 Jun 2010 18:10:47 -0500, The Daring Dufas
>> <the-daring-dufas@peckerhead.net> wrote:
>>> On 6/6/2010 6:03 PM, Lou wrote:
>>>> "The Daring Dufas"<the-daring-dufas@peckerhead.net> wrote in
>>>> message news:hugng7$km6$2@news.eternal-september.org...
>>>>> On 6/6/2010 10:58 AM, Lou wrote:
>>>>>> "The Real Bev"<bashley101@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:hufdel$26s$2@news.eternal-september.org...
>>>>>>> On 06/05/10 20:53, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>>>>>> "marco polo"<markphd21@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:d5334a06-add5-44fd-ad9d-9dee8bce3f3c@x27g2000prf.googlegroups.com...
>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>> in the long run,
>>>>>>>>> you are much much better off increasing your income
>>>>>>>>> i know it's less fun, but just think about it:
>>>>>>>>> increase your income, say $1 an hour,
>>>>>>>>> or $10 a week, or $25 a month, or whatever,
>>>>>>>>> and see what you have at the end of the year,
>>>>>>>>> vs saving $1 here or $5 there, is clearly better
>>>>>>>>> marc
>>>>>>>> Sounds great, but not always easily done. With the present
>>>>>>>> economy, employers have cut OT, cut wages, cut hours, and much
>>>>>>>> of the side job part time stuff has dried up. Increasing
>>>>>>>> income may be better, but saving money is the only way for
>>>>>>>> millions right now.
>>>>>>> AND the money you save isn't taxable!
>>>>>> Well, that depends. When I lived in Georgia, money sitting in a
>>>>>> bank account was taxable. If you had an account, you owed tax
>>>>>> on the balance and had to pay. After a year went by and tax
>>>>>> time rolled around again, you had to pay tax on whatever was in
>>>>>> that account again, even if you hadn't touched the account at
>>>>>> all. In essence, you paid tax on the same money again and
>>>>>> again, for as long as you had it.
>>>>> Georgia? The state in the U.S.A. or the country of Georgia?
>>>> Georgia, the state in the U.S.A. All real and personal property
>>>> in the state is taxable unless specifically exempted by law. At
>>>> the time I lived there, money in a bank account was not exempt.
>>> Here in Alabamastan, I believe a bank account would be taxed if it
>>> earned interest.
>> Only the interest is taxed, not the principal. That's a normal
>> capital gains tax. Taxing the principal is *not* normal. Personal
>> property is taxed in some states but I've never heard of cash being
>> considered personal property.
> What would you call it? Property is generally classified into two
> types - real and personal. Real property is land, usually things
> growing on it (annual crops in at least some states are not
> considered real property) and buildings. All property that is not
> real property is personal property.

But not all personal property that is not real property is taxed even in places where it is taxed.

TOPIC: Frugal Mouth wash?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jun 7 2010 9:40 pm
From: VFW

What does Mouth Wash really do? and "Tom's" is sure expensive.
any recipes for good DIY mouth wash. I sometimes add it to my Water Pik.
Money! What a concept.

TOPIC: MBT shoe is a special shoe among the public, more and more people
purchase for the special shoes. As walking on the street, the MBT shoes give
your feet a best care,

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jun 7 2010 10:14 pm
From: cntrade08


MBT shoe is a special shoe among the public, more and more people
purchase for the special shoes. As walking on the street, the MBT
shoes give your feet a best care, although the fashion shoes so
popular, not everyone knows how to wear it. This article will do a
simple introduction about the tips how to wear the MBT shoes.

After getting the properly fitted shoe, just stand up. It seems easy.
But actually it will probably feel a little awkward at first. That is
normal. There is a uniquely design in the sole that creates the
barefoot walking effect. All these benefits are from this sole.

Try to put more stress on the outside of the sole to avoid the foot
rolling inwards. You body will soon to be natural with such active
movement. Also you should pay attention to your strides, do not too
long and just make your arms swing loosely beside your body.

Wear MBT shoes, you will feel your muscles work and adjust as they
respond to the natural instability under your feet. Before you start
walking in your MBT shoes and bring your body into a healthy, upright
posture, first take a deep breath while rolling your shoulders
backwards and then look forward, not at your feet. Just walk briskly
in a relaxed manner.

Once you are used to the motions, it is really the time to increase
your speed. Just make your speed between a walk and jog, which called
Floating. When floating, you should also keep your upright posture and
ensure a natural rolling movement of your feet. Attention, do not
bring your knees up actively as possible as you can when jogging and
loose your legs.

After a period reduce your speed again but maintain your upright
position and back your shoulders. Make sure your feet are almost
parallel and hip-width apart. Go on with your feet and keep knees

Of course, I just do a simple introduction about the methods of wear
the MBT shoes, if you want to learn more information about the MBT
shoes, you can visit our website, at our website, you can find other
popular shoes also, like the Nike Air Jordan shoes, Nike basketball
shoes and so forth, you can choose one style which you like, and you
will happy for your choice.


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