Wednesday, August 18, 2010

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 15 new messages in 10 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Why I don't post in moderated groups - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Good news: the peanuts are still grown in America - 1 messages, 1 author
* Best solder free electrical connection - 4 messages, 4 authors
* Is it worth it? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Straight Talk Prepaid: Unsolicited texts from TWC - 1 messages, 1 author
* replacement car tires - 1 messages, 1 author
* Substitute for cinder blocks in making temporary bookshelves? - 1 messages,
1 author
* Culligan US-600A Under-Sink Filter Review & Install Guide With Pictures - 1
messages, 1 author
* SSN for Job Applications - 1 messages, 1 author
* HUFFINGTON POST - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Why I don't post in moderated groups

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 17 2010 2:07 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-
Hammock & the Stationary Bicycle to burn the calories"

On Aug 17, 1:26 pm, raamman <> wrote:
> On Aug 16, 10:42 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > (You know, gone are the days of the hunter-gatherer, when everyday was
> > an adventure. Now we live in boredom and junk food, but there's still
> > a realm for real hunting: the Internet. Not everywhere in the
> > Internet, but in the UNmoderated groups where you can throw your
> > arrows and spears. The big mammoths are also here: You can read the
> > official media that tell you the official version of the world, not at
> > all like the Darwinian Jungle that it is. The "good guys" are not so
> > good and the "bad guys" are not so bad in the real world. But they all
> > try to survive in the jungle, and those who ignore those laws end up
> > like Hussein. He wasn't a good guy for sure, but we was a good friend
> > of the good guys, if you know what I mean. Anyway, my intention is not
> > to give a sermon in the introduction)
> > On Aug 16, 6:27 am, Trance Gemini <> wrote:
> > > Hey Comandante,
> > > You should probably check out this thread on the Mod Board.
> > >
> > > Feel free to comment if you wish.
> > Hey Gemini, once again thank you for your kind remarks.
> > But I can shed some light into it:
> > a) The Christians don't like what I say,
> > b) They have nothing to say and hate satire (let them eat the banana,
> > huh?),
> > c) They want to shut up the opposition, Taliban style.
> > Sometime I debate whether a bicycle topic, for example, should be
> > included, I post it and I get the most rewarding fruits. One thing
> > they don't understand --or perhaps because they do they want me out--
> > I'm proposing a NEW WISDOM --call it common sense if you wish-- but it
> > helps SURVIVE & LIVE in this jungle. We know this is a jungle not
> > because of the Devil, but in large part because of the indifferent and
> > stupid Christians.
> > I can even voluntarily abandon this  group, since I sincerely don't
> > get along with moderation. I'm a free spirit and will remain so. As
> > you know there are other groups where I post like "alt.atheism" or
> > "rec.bicycles.misc." Some like it, some don't. That's freedom!
> > In my JUNGLE WISDOM --just like in the real jungle-- there's a
> > connection of everything to everything else. To me, fighting God is a
> > moot point. I find hunting for the lies (lie-on) and hypocrisy most
> > interesting. Why the Christians, for example, turn a blind eye to our
> > War on Drugs. That would also be off topic.
> > So in other words, my dear Gemini, hasta la vista! See you here... ;)
> >
> >
> the reason why you don't post in moderated groups is clear- you do,
> you just can't get past the mods

Sorry, that is not the case here. The moderator agrees with me, loves
me ideas, but it may create a crisis for her where the Christian/
Republican/Talibans don't want to hear the truth and threaten to quit.

That's not how you can change the system.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 17 2010 3:06 pm
From: "h"

"raamman" <> wrote in message

>the reason why you don't post in moderated groups is clear- you do,
>you just can't get past the mods

Asshats like Monkey Brain are the reason I wish all groups were moderated.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 17 2010 11:58 pm
From: Jym Dyer

> the reason why you don't post in moderated groups is clear-
> you do, you just can't get past the mods

=x= Under the name "Millenium Twain," this lunatic posted his
off-topic drivel to every bicycle-related email list he could
find. Since most of these fora are reasonably tolerant, they
let him slide a bit, but eventually he was banned from all of
them. Every last one of them.

=x= Even the ones that weren't moderated turned moderation on
for the sole purpose of getting rid of him.

=x= So he's stuck cross-posting his insane off-topic drivel
that nobody cares about, to unmoderated Usenet newsgroups.
Fortunately, Usenet has the most highly-developed filtering
on the planet, so we have the option of simply not noticing
that he even exists.

TOPIC: Good news: the peanuts are still grown in America

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 17 2010 3:02 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

I'm eating these peanuts in the shell, and to my surprise it has an
American flag on the bag... It has been a long time I have seen that
"Proudly made America" still seen a few years ago. I assume nowadays
things are "Proudly made in China" for the proud Americans who shop at

Anyway that while we still have peanuts grown and toasted in America
(not sure if they were toasted here), we have reason for hope... the
Peanuts Revolution. We all can be happy with peanuts!



"Living on peanuts is the best way to pull through tough times"

TOPIC: Best solder free electrical connection

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 17 2010 3:33 pm
From: Tabby

On Aug 16, 6:43 pm, "john hamilton" <bluesta...@mail.invalid> wrote:
> I have to connect this AAA battery holder to a toy. Although I have a small
> soldering iron, my soldering skills are poor. I can see myself easily
> melting all the plastic around the contacts before I can get anything to
> stick to the tabs. (The part of the tabs with the small hole will bend
> upwards giving some clearence).
> My immediate plan is to poke a few strands of wire through the holes in the
> connection tabs twist and then apply some nail varnish to stop it unwinding.
> Since its a toy it does not need to be totally foolproof.
> If anyone had any ideas that were a bit more sophisticated I would be
> gratefull.  Thanks.

If you really cant solder it, wrap the wire through the tags, then
round them a couple of times, then slide a bit of stretched rubber
tube over it. Solder's best though.


== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 17 2010 4:00 pm
From: Matty F

On Aug 18, 3:15 am, jeff_wisnia <>
> john hamilton wrote:
> > I have to connect this AAA battery holder to a toy. Although I have a small
> > soldering iron, my soldering skills are poor. I can see myself easily
> > melting all the plastic around the contacts before I can get anything to
> > stick to the tabs. (The part of the tabs with the small hole will bend
> > upwards giving some clearence).
> >
> > My immediate plan is to poke a few strands of wire through the holes in the
> > connection tabs twist and then apply some nail varnish to stop it unwinding.
> > Since its a toy it does not need to be totally foolproof.
> > If anyone had any ideas that were a bit more sophisticated I would be
> > gratefull. Thanks.
> Hey fellas, don't you think we've about saucered and blowed this thread
> by now? <G>
> Jeff (Who's been soldering stuff for about 62 years now.)

I used to have trouble with bigger soldering jobs. I could never get
enough heat into the objects being soldered.
I have no problem now that I made a solder pot:
It's sitting on a 1000 watt stove element. I have a little lid for it
so we don't poison too many people with lead!

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 17 2010 6:54 pm
From: Jeffrey Angus

On 8/17/2010 6:00 PM, Matty F wrote:
> It's sitting on a 1000 watt stove element. I have a little lid for it
> so we don't poison too many people with lead!

Melt lead in a well ventilated area and exhaust fumes to the outside.
Air movement that is sufficient to carry away the wisp of smoke from an
extinguished match is generally considered sufficient ventilation. Lead
melts at 621 degrees (F). When lead is molten, it releases minute
amounts of vapors at a progressive rate as temperatures are increased.
Harmful levels of lead vaporization are believed to occur at elevated
temperatures above 1800 degrees (F). Only lower temperatures between
700-800 degrees are normally needed to cast lead hobby parts. Most
melting equipment sold to hobbyists will not raise temperatures much
above 900 degrees. Minimize vaporization by operating melters at the
lowest temperature that gives good results.

Unless you've got your solder pot cranked up well over 800 F I don't
think you're going to be sucking up any lead vapors.


== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 17 2010 10:45 pm
From: "Michael A. Terrell"

Fred McKenzie wrote:
> What about threading tiny self-tapping screws into the holes in the
> rivets that connect the lugs to the contacts?

How are you going to keep oxygen out of the threads?

TOPIC: Is it worth it?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 17 2010 5:51 pm
From: "Lou"

"MAS" <> wrote in message news:i49r8h$gj5$
> A local bank has offered to give me $100.00, if I open a checking
> account with at least $25.00 and either make 5 debit card transactions
> or 1 automatic deposit within 60 days. The $100.00 will be reported as
> interest income. Each debit card transaction is charged $0.25. You
> must keep the account open for at least 6 months. I didn't see anything
> about a minimum balance required. All of my financial stuff is set up
> through a credit union. If I go through with this, I would do an
> automatic deposit, maybe $10.00 of each paycheck. Is it worth the hassle?
It wouldn't be worth it to me - I'm satisfied with my banking arrangements
and don't so much as look at offers of this sort. Only you can judge if the
effort involved is worth the money offered.

I don't use debit cards, but it would be easy enough to put enough money
into the account to do the weekly grocery shopping and pay with the debit
card. Just because you have set up your financial stuff through a credit
union doesn't mean you can't change if a better deal comes along.

I'd suggest you be sure of the minimum balance requirements, and if any
interest is paid on the account.

TOPIC: Straight Talk Prepaid: Unsolicited texts from TWC

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 17 2010 6:30 pm
From: SMS

On 17/08/10 11:11 AM, wrote:
> SMS<> wrote:
>> restrictions against tethering). The drawbacks to StraightTalk are a)
>> the very limited handset selection, and b) the total lack of off-Verizon
>> network roaming.
> Agree. Their handset selection sucks. In fact I am now
> having problems with the cheap handset I bought (LG
> 100c). It has "buzz" or some kind of distortion when
> people are taking to me!!!
>> The T-Mobile $10/year after $100 is a very good deal for those that use
>> the phone very little and that can live with the T-Mobile and the
>> permitted GSM roaming coverage, but it's not a good plan for those that
>> use a lot of minutes because the per-minute rate is high. PagePlus is
>> the best prepaid option for big talkers as well as those that want the
>> best coverage, but they don't offer any unlimited data plans like
>> StraightTalk.
> I have a T Mobile prepaid account as well.
> I DID have Page Plus for awhile but they do NOT sell a
> candy bar style handset (which I like best) dumped
> them too.

It doesn't matter what PagePlus sells, you can find any old Verizon
candy bar style handset and activate it.

> I may have to stick with GSM phones and look for a 3rd
> party GSM mvno.

The choices are all poor for GSM MVNOs on AT&T. You could check out Red
Pocket ("").

TOPIC: replacement car tires

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 17 2010 6:39 pm
From: "The Henchman"

"Ohioguy" <> wrote in message
>> Either you are driving a lot, your car has poor suspension or you must be
>> buying really poor grade tires. At 120k miles, I've only replaced two of
>> the original tires on my Pilot (at 95k).
> It's mostly that I visually inspect the tires, which sit out in the sun
> all the time. Once I start to see even a tiny bit of cracking in the
> rubber sidewalls, I'll replace them. The used tire places probably love
> getting my tires, because they still have a lot of tread on them.
> In other words, we probably only put half of the wear on them that we
> could get. However, I don't think that $250 every 2 or 2.5 years is too
> much to spend in order to make sure the tires have good traction, and that
> a blowout our something is less likely when we take a long trip. Of
> course, now that the cost is getting up closer to $400, I'm less likely to
> replace them this often.

What kind of car are you driving where you only spend $400 for 4 tires? is
it a Civic or Corolla or cavalier/colbalt or Focus?? You never told us
what this car is you drive. $400 sounds reasonable for a compact car with
15 inch steel wheels and 9 inch brake rotors.

As far as I am concerned $250 for 4 tires is a death wish and your auto
insurance company might not want to honour your policy should you get into
an accident and hurt yourself, your family, or bystander due to unsafe

If you are a hillbilly type like my own father who only drives once a week
into town for provisions and bullets and new underwear then $250 for 4 tires
is reasonable, but if you drive more than 1000 miles a month, you will be
taking your life into your hands with $60 tires in this day in age.

TOPIC: Substitute for cinder blocks in making temporary bookshelves?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 17 2010 6:52 pm
From: (Gary Heston)

In article <>,
mike <> wrote:
[ ... ]
>Cinder blocks are also too tall for paperbacks. Using them would
>result in wasted wall space. Is there anything else I can pick-up
>cheaply at my local Home Depot or Lowes to substitute for cinder
>blocks? Something that would accommodate paperbacks without the wasted

Use bricks instead, stacked three or four high between shelves. Two on
edge, stacked, might also work.


Gary Heston

If you want to reduce the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,
go plant trees.

TOPIC: Culligan US-600A Under-Sink Filter Review & Install Guide With Pictures

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 17 2010 6:55 pm
From: "The Henchman"

"Paul Michaels" <> wrote in message
> I just installed a Culligan US-600A under sink drinking water filter
> in our new place to help remove some of the chlorine smell and odor
> from the water.
> It was a relatively easy procedure especially since I have experience
> with two other Culligan products in our last home. I deviated from the
> instructions a bit this time to make removal and original flow
> restoration easier two years from now when we move again.
> Here's the gallery -
> The water tastes much better now and we can start saving money by not
> buying anymore bottled water or wasting energy heating up ice cold
> water from the Brita pitcher for tea.

Culligan is known is have deceptive salespeople and poor service. Culligan
has been bought and sold by many companies at least 7 times in the last 20
years. They've been bankrupted twice that I know of.

I would suggest Ecowater Systems for water filtration needs. They are
backstopped by Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway no less.

TOPIC: SSN for Job Applications

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 17 2010 8:12 pm
From: "Bill"

> Yes. This is what HR does. No brain involved, as whould be obvious to
> anyone who has spent any time with an HR person. When you get 300 resumes
> for one opening, you HAVE to figure out a way of getting rid of all but 20
> real candidates.

I found a possible new way to get some insight into those job applicants!

I've been buying tons of used VCR tapes at yard sales for 50 cents each. I
check each tape to be sure it works before I put it on my shelf...

And I found an interesting trend! Violent movies are usually not rewound.
Whereas the other movies are mostly rewound...

Perhaps people who like violent movies tend to not plan ahead or may be
self-centered or lack patience?

Anyway, ask what their 5 favorite movies are. I wonder if you will see a
correlation between types of movies liked and credit / criminal background


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 18 2010 12:01 am
From: Briana Stone


Click Here to Enter:

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