Sunday, September 5, 2010

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 25 new messages in 13 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Simple Hack To Get $1000 To Your *PayPal Account - 1 messages, 1 author
* Music CD seller referrals requested - 1 messages, 1 author
* paying $4.95 a month for Internet, but may upgrade - 1 messages, 1 author
* Ed Dolan the Great and the denizens of Usenet - 6 messages, 2 authors
* gucci handbag hermes handbag juicy handbag lv handbag marc jacobs handbag
Miumiu handbag -- - - 1 messages, 1 author
* COACH peach satin doctor bag 12927B4/MJ(small) - 1
messages, 1 author
* The Flu Vaccine Scam Rears Its Ugly Head Again in 2010 - 7 messages, 3
* In the beginning God created the Chicken that laid the Egg - 1 messages, 1
* Democracy is very imperfect (Holland)... that's why God will bring a perfect
tyranny - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Free cell phones for illegal alien welfare parasites - Cost to taxpayers?
Over $1 billion/year - 1 messages, 1 author
* Friday the 13th encounter with Big Brother - 1 messages, 1 author
* Armani T-shirt Armani shirt Armani long t-shirt AF sweater POLO T-shirt D&G
jeans A&G T-shirt juicy T-shirt - - 1 messages, 1
* gucci handbag hermes handbag juicy handbag lv handbag marc jacobs handbag
Miumiu handbag-- - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Simple Hack To Get $1000 To Your *PayPal Account

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 11:53 pm

Simple Hack To Get $1000 To Your *PayPal Account At

Due to high security risks, i have hidden the PAYPAL FORM link in an
image. in that website on Right Side below search box, click
on image and enter your name and PAYPAL ID.

TOPIC: Music CD seller referrals requested

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 4:20 am
From: Shawn Hirn

In article <>,
Derald <> wrote:

> The Real Bev <> wrote:
> >Check the hierarchy.
> Thanks; did so in on whatever date I posted
> here. So far, it's been as fruitless as posting a question about gardening in
> a
> gardening NG. Started a discussion about "bronzing" and CD "rot" but, as yet,
> has produced no referrals. Ironically, the only torrent that I have found to
> date was mis-labeled (Right music; wrong orchestra) but I do keep trying. Why
> do
> so few theives steal "classical" music, I wonder....

Try contacting the publisher or distributer of each CD you want to
replace to see if they can help.

TOPIC: paying $4.95 a month for Internet, but may upgrade

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 4:23 am
From: Shawn Hirn

In article <NBTfo.10883$IH1.3462@newsfe18.iad>, Ohioguy <>

> I'm paying $4.95 a month for dialup Internet. This gives me about 6
> hours of Internet access a day. I've been happy with it in the past,
> but nobody can call in or out when I'm online, so I've been considering
> alternatives.
> We also pay about $28 a month for local telephone, and ~$6 a month
> for long distance on calling cards. That's a grand total of $39 a month
> for local and long distance, plus Internet.
> I had been considering DSL, but that would be $25 a month, and
> requires us to have the telephone. My long term goal is actually to
> dump the landline telephone, if possible.
> I've been looking at cable Internet - we have Timer Warner in this
> area. I got a flier last week advertising $29.99 a month Internet, but
> that was evidently a "bundle", where you pay them $90 total for
> Internet, telephone and TV. We don't have a TV, and I'm not interested
> in that.
> I think I've also seen "specials" where they advertise just the cable
> internet for $35 a month for the first year, then $45 a month after that.
> What I'm looking for is some sort of special. I've never had cable,
> and I'm hoping to get a really good deal for a long term - something
> like 2 years for $30 a month, Internet only.
> Anybody know of a website or anywhere that has specials like this
> advertised regularly?

For the price you are paying for Internet service, I seriously doubt you
will get a lower or comparable price for broadband service.

TOPIC: Ed Dolan the Great and the denizens of Usenet

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 5:19 am
From: JimmyMac

On Sep 4, 9:56 pm, "Edward Dolan" <> wrote:
> "JimmyMac" <> wrote in message
> On Sep 3, 9:15 pm, "Edward Dolan" <> wrote:
> [...]
> > "Anyone who does not hate humanity has something seriously the matter with
> > him. Women are too pitiful to hate. And frankly, so is JimmyMac. What a
> > sob
> > sister he is!" - Ed Dolan
> >> Copy and paste is no substitute for a response.
> It is the perfect response to someone who does not know how to advance a
> discussion.

Opinion stated as fact ... AGAIN.

> >> You are a misanthrope
> and a misogynist.  What is pitiful, is your view of women.  Your
> notion that there is something seriously wrong with someone who does
> not share your hatred of humanity is a definitive indication that
> there is something seriously wrong with you.
> Nonsense! Many great minds past and present have had a jaundiced view of not
> only humanity, but also of women. I am in good company. Reread your
> Machiavelli for men and your Schopenhauer for women.

Dolan has cited two philosophers with whom he is a kindred spirit.
Not only did they have a jaundiced view of women, but they were also
known to have homosexual tendencies. Draw your own conclusions. I've
drawn mine. Thanks for the clarificatoni, Ed.

> >> Another copy and paste reply with end the banter.
> Learn how to advance a discussion if you do not want copy and paste.

Once again, you vainly attempt to accuse another for you shortcoming.
In what way does copy and paste advance a discussion??? The conundrum

> > > Regards,
> > > Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> > > aka
> > > Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 5:23 am
From: JimmyMac

On Sep 4, 9:58 pm, "Edward Dolan" <> wrote:
> "JimmyMac" <> wrote in message
> On Sep 3, 9:22 pm, "Edward Dolan" <> wrote:
> [...]
> > I cannot be equated with TM no matter how hard you try. If you think
> > otherwise, engage him and find out for yourself. All you will ever get
> > from
> > him is pabulum for idiots.
> >> I'm not trying let alone hare, just pointing out some similarities
> that you fail to recognize.  You subjectivity has blinded you.  Since
> you didn't get it the first time around, I'll repeat .. I've no
> intention of engaging TM.  I waste entirely too much time engaging you
> and your pablum.  Why take on another?
> The difference between me and TM is the difference between night and day. It
> is not even worth discussing - and so I won't!

There are similarities (some of the very things that you condemn TM
for) and fortunately, differences as well. Not to acknowledge that
would be to insult TM. As for your unwillingness to discuss this ...
GOOD, since there is nothing really to discuss.

> > Regards,
> > Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> > aka
> > Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 5:38 am
From: JimmyMac

On Sep 4, 10:03 pm, "Edward Dolan" <> wrote:
> "JimmyMac" <> wrote in message
> On Sep 3, 9:27 pm, "Edward Dolan" <> wrote:
> [...]
> > Never attempt wit or cuteness as you are not capable of it. Does your long
> > suffering wife know what you do on Usenet?
> >> Opinion stated as fact.  You accuse TM of the same regurgitated
> topics.  How many times have you erroneously referred to my wife as
> "long suffering" and how many times have you posed this very question
> before and how many time have I answered this particular question?
> Get some new material why don't you.  You are inanely repetitious and
> tiresome.
> Your wife is not only long suffering, but she is a saint for putting up with
> you. Why she has not divorced you years ago is the only mystery worth
> exploring.

Your opinion matters not because you matter not. You repetitiously
resurrect, masticate, regurgitate, the same old tiresome grist. You
even surpass TM in this respect. No matter how many times you repeat
something, it does not become any more true than it was with the first
utterance. I've tried to teach you this elementary notion, but unlike
even a slow learner, you fail to learn even an elementary concept no
matter how many times you are instructed ... DUH!!!

> > > Fucking Regards,
> > > Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> > > aka
> > > Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 3:53 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"

"JimmyMac" <> wrote in message
On Sep 4, 9:56 pm, "Edward Dolan" <> wrote:
> Nonsense! Many great minds past and present have had a jaundiced view of
> not
> only humanity, but also of women. I am in good company. Reread your
> Machiavelli for men and your Schopenhauer for women.

>> Dolan has cited two philosophers with whom he is a kindred spirit.
Not only did they have a jaundiced view of women, but they were also
known to have homosexual tendencies. Draw your own conclusions. I've
drawn mine. Thanks for the clarificatoni, Ed.

I am not aware that Machiavelli or Schopenhauer were in the least homo. Poor
JimmyMac thinks anyone who does not like women is a homo, never realizing
that us hermits and recluses do not like anyone - period!

> >> Another copy and paste reply with end the banter.
> Learn how to advance a discussion if you do not want copy and paste.

>> Once again, you vainly attempt to accuse another for you shortcoming.
In what way does copy and paste advance a discussion??? The conundrum

It doesn't, which is why I use it on you more than most.

> > > Regards,
> > > Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> > > aka
> > > Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 3:57 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"

"JimmyMac" <> wrote in message
On Sep 4, 9:58 pm, "Edward Dolan" <> wrote:
> The difference between me and TM is the difference between night and day.
> It
> is not even worth discussing - and so I won't!

>> There are similarities (some of the very things that you condemn TM
for) and fortunately, differences as well. Not to acknowledge that
would be to insult TM. As for your unwillingness to discuss this ...
GOOD, since there is nothing really to discuss.

Try to insult TM. Go ahead, I dare you. He is such an idiot that he is
oblivious to insults. That is the one and sole advantage of being the
village idiot.

> > Regards,
> > Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> > aka
> > Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 4:07 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"

"JimmyMac" <> wrote in message
On Sep 4, 10:03 pm, "Edward Dolan" <> wrote:
> Your wife is not only long suffering, but she is a saint for putting up
> with
> you. Why she has not divorced you years ago is the only mystery worth
> exploring.

>> Your opinion matters not because you matter not. You repetitiously
resurrect, masticate, regurgitate, the same old tiresome grist. You
even surpass TM in this respect. No matter how many times you repeat
something, it does not become any more true than it was with the first
utterance. I've tried to teach you this elementary notion, but unlike
even a slow learner, you fail to learn even an elementary concept no
matter how many times you are instructed ... DUH!!!

If I wanted to stalk you, it would be the easiest thing in the world because
you respond to everything like one of Pavlov's dogs. But stalking is for
minor actors on the stage of life. It is not for us Great Ones who go our
own way while permitting the dogs to bark at the passing carnival in the

Ed Gin played you like a violin, but I am not a scum bucket like him. I do
not play people, I just tell 'em like it is.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

TOPIC: gucci handbag hermes handbag juicy handbag lv handbag marc jacobs
handbag Miumiu handbag -- -

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 5:29 am
From: clothestrade

Adidas handbag armani handbag balenciaga handbag Bally
handbag boss handbag burberry handbag cartier handbag Chanel
handbag chloe handbag christian audigier handbag coach handbag
cosmetic bag d&g handbag
dior handbag Ed hardy handbag fendi handbag gucci handbag
hermes handbag juicy handbag lv handbag marc jacobs
handbag Miumiu handbag polo handbag prada handbag tous
handbag ugg handbag

TOPIC: COACH peach satin doctor bag 12927B4/MJ(small)

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 8:21 am
From: Fashion Style

COACH peach satin doctor bag 12927B4/MJ(small)
Christian Dior
Coach Boston Bag
Coach Clutch Bag
Coach Cosmetic bag
Coach Doctor packet
Coach Lateral shoulder bags
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Coach Tote Bag
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Gucci Handbags
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Jimmy Choo Handbags
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COACH peach satin doctor bag 12927B4/MJ(small)

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TOPIC: The Flu Vaccine Scam Rears Its Ugly Head Again in 2010

== 1 of 7 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 9:24 am
From: "h"

"Jack" <> wrote in message
> What's needed is a worldwide, fatal flu epidemic that will thin the
> population by eliminating the sort of shit-for-brains idiots that have
> nothing better to do with their time than to start threads like this on
> the
> UseNet.

We have a winner...I was really hoping that pig flu would do it last year.
Oh well.

Bottom line, if you don't want to get sick, stay away from children and
their parents. Little kids are walking germ vectors.

== 2 of 7 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 9:45 am
From: Clams <"Clams">

h wrote:
> "Jack" <> wrote in message
> news:i5uui4$efc$
>>What's needed is a worldwide, fatal flu epidemic that will thin the
>>population by eliminating the sort of shit-for-brains idiots that have
>>nothing better to do with their time than to start threads like this on
> We have a winner...I was really hoping that pig flu would do it last year.
> Oh well.
> Bottom line, if you don't want to get sick, stay away from children and
> their parents. Little kids are walking germ vectors.

Last week, I saw a mother washing her children's hands from a bottle of
sanitizer as they were leaving the library. Hopefully (it would have
been much more effective overall) she used it upon entering the library.

== 3 of 7 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 1:37 pm
From: tmclone

On Sep 5, 12:45 pm, Clams <"Clams"> wrote:
> h wrote:
> > "Jack" <> wrote in message
> >news:i5uui4$efc$
> >>What's needed is a worldwide, fatal flu epidemic that will thin the
> >>population by eliminating the sort of shit-for-brains idiots that have
> >>nothing better to do with their time than to start threads like this on
> >>the
> >>UseNet.
> > We have a winner...I was really hoping that pig flu would do it last year.
> > Oh well.
> > Bottom line, if you don't want to get sick, stay away from children and
> > their parents. Little kids are walking germ vectors.
> Last week, I saw a mother washing her children's hands from a bottle of
> sanitizer as they were leaving the library.  Hopefully (it would have
> been much more effective overall) she used it upon entering the library.- Hide quoted text -

Nah...this is the same type of woman who won't flush a public toilet
or touch anything she doesn't absolutely HAVE to when out in public.
She's all about herself and her own larva. The upside is that all the
overuse of hand-sanitizer by idiotic breeders will result in a
generation with no immune systems. If you refuse to control over
population, nature will do it for you. We can only hope!

== 4 of 7 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 4:11 pm
From: tmclone

> No - much of it is misquoted. See the existing posts; no need to chew it
> twice. Easy to check for yourself.

You're assuming any of the above morons can actually read. They can't.

== 5 of 7 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 4:16 pm
From: tmclone

On Sep 3, 8:48 am, Clams <"Clams"> wrote:
> h wrote:
> > "Rebel1" <> wrote in message news:4c801745$0$31277
> > Oh, doG, NO one need a flu shot. GIVE IT A REST,. All that crap is a Big
> > Pharma Scam. Sheesh, everyone knows this....Or, at least all adults with
> > working brains know this..
> except the 40K who die from influenza each year in the US and 500k
> worldwide.     Why bother with a shot, even if fully covered by one's
> insurance?  What's a few days of inconvenience?

Because it's all bullshit. Less than 500 people a year die from the
flu, or even complications from the flu. It's all about making big
pharma rich.

== 6 of 7 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 5:00 pm

tmclone <> wrote:

>Because it's all bullshit. Less than 500 people a year die from the
>flu, or even complications from the flu. It's all about making big
>pharma rich.

That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life!

== 7 of 7 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 5:22 pm
From: Clams <"Clams">

tmclone wrote:
> On Sep 3, 8:48 am, Clams <"Clams"> wrote:
>>h wrote:
>>>"Rebel1" <> wrote in message news:4c801745$0$31277
>>>Oh, doG, NO one need a flu shot. GIVE IT A REST,. All that crap is a Big
>>>Pharma Scam. Sheesh, everyone knows this....Or, at least all adults with
>>>working brains know this..
>>except the 40K who die from influenza each year in the US and 500k
>>worldwide. Why bother with a shot, even if fully covered by one's
>>insurance? What's a few days of inconvenience?
> Because it's all bullshit. Less than 500 people a year die from the
> flu, or even complications from the flu. It's all about making big
> pharma rich.

Well duh - Most everyone with risk is getting flu shots.

TOPIC: In the beginning God created the Chicken that laid the Egg

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 3:17 pm
From: BrianW

On Sep 4, 7:53 am, Doug <> wrote:
> On 4 Sep, 01:18, "Lou" <> wrote:
> > "Doug" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > There is no God. Chickens and eggs slowly evolved together from a
> > > common ancestor over many millions of years, who may or may not have
> > > laid eggs.
> > I can't resist.  Eggs (at least unfertilized eggs) are haploid, while
> > chickens are diploid.  That is, eggs have one set of chromosomes, while
> > chickens have two sets.  Fossil evidence indicates that the first organisms
> > where haploid - they had the genetic structure of eggs.  The egg clearly
> > preceded the chicken.
> I can't resist either.
> Yours is and ingenious answer but since an unfertilised egg cannot
> produce a chicken and it takes two to tango, both sperm and egg are
> haploid, obviously chickens came first, or else both chicken and egg
> arrived simultaneously as a result of evolution from a common
> ancestor.
> BTW, if fossil evidence indicates only haploids how did they reproduce
> and what gave rise to diploids?  Maybe a peculiar union between two
> different species? Or cell division followed by damage to one set of
> chromosomes which were then reunited in some way?

Perhaps the "good" type of ozone fertilised the egg, eh Doug?

TOPIC: Democracy is very imperfect (Holland)... that's why God will bring a
perfect tyranny

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 3:25 pm
From: "Just zis Guy, you know?"

On Sep 3, 6:39 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of
the Jungle" <> wrote:
> The shortcomings of democracy are evident in Holland among the most
> liberal countries:

Holland is not a country. You ,however, are a cunt.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 4:30 pm
From: "h"

"Just zis Guy, you know?" <> wrote in message
On Sep 3, 6:39 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of
the Jungle" <> wrote:
> The shortcomings of democracy are evident in Holland among the most
> liberal countries:

>>Holland is not a country.

Well..technically it was country for 3-4 years under French rule when
Napoleon gave "The Kingdom of Holland" to one of his brothers, but still,
you're right. The country is "The Netherlands".
Monkey Brain is a total loon. Just killfile it and move along.

TOPIC: Free cell phones for illegal alien welfare parasites - Cost to
taxpayers? Over $1 billion/year

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 3:45 pm
From: walt tonne

On Sep 5, 2:29 pm, "GeorgeWashingtonFan"
<> wrote:
>   Note to anyone planning to claim "but illegal aliens aren't eligible
> for welfare!"
>   You're completely WRONG!
>   The VAST MAJORITY of illegal aliens in the U.S. receive Food Stamps
> (this alone makes them eligible for the free cell phones from the
> government. Just check the eligibility requirements at the second
> website noted below!
> he-poor/
> "In general, you may qualify if...
> 1.You already participate in other State or Federal assistance program
> such as Federal Public Housing Assistance, Food Stamps and Medicaid.
> OR
> 2.Your total household income is at or below of the poverty guidelines
> set by your State and/or the Federal Government."
> * FACT: Most illegal aliens receive Food Stamps for their anchor babies.
> * FACT: Virtually *EVERY* illegal alien understates their income when
> dealing with government programs, be it applying for Food Stamps or
> filling out free breakfast and free lunch applications for their anchor
> babies.
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>       What Would America's Founders Say?
>   The two enemies of the people are criminals
>   and government, so let us tie the second down
>   with the chains of the Constitution so the
>   second will not become the legalized version
>   of the first.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Those who hammer their guns into plows will
>   plow for those who do not.
>    --Thomas Jefferson
>   It does not take a majority to prevail ... but
>   rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on
>   setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of
>   men.
>   --Samuel Adams
>   The strongest reason for the people to retain
>   the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last
>   resort, to protect themselves against tyranny
>   in government.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>    A free people ought not only to be armed and
>    disciplined, but they should have sufficient
>    arms and ammunition to maintain a status of
>    independence from any who might attempt to
>    abuse them, which would include their own
>    government."
>    -- George Washington
>   No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   If the freedom of speech is taken away then
>   dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to
>   the slaughter.
>   -- George Washington
>   When governments fear the people there is liberty.
>   When the people fear the government there is tyranny.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Laws that forbid the carrying of arms... Disarm only
>   those who are neither inclined nor determined to
>   commit crimes.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a
>    standing army, an enslaved press, and a disarmed
>    populace.
>     -- James Madison
>   If the representatives of the people betray
>   their constituents, there is then no resource
>   left but in the exertion of that original
>   right of self-defense which is paramount to
>   all positive forms of government ... The
>   citizens must rush tumultuously to arms,
>   without concert, without system, without
>   resource; except in their courage and despair
>   ... The natural strength of the people in a
>   large community, in proportion to the artificial
>   strength of the government, is greater than in a
>   small ... the people, without exaggeration, may
>   be said to be entirely the masters of their own fate.
>   -- Alexander Hamilton
>   All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people
>   of good conscience to remain silent.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Every government degenerates when trusted to the
>   rulers of the people alone. The people themselves
>   are its only safe depositories.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   As our enemies have found we can reason like men,
>   so now let us show them we can fight like men also.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act!
>   Action will delineate and define you.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Merchants have no country. The mere spot they
>   stand on does not constitute so strong an
>   attachment as that from which they draw their gains.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy
>   of our monied corporations which dare already to
>   challenge our government to a trial by strength,
>   and bid defiance to the laws of our country.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   I believe that banking institutions are more
>   dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Experience hath shewn, that even under the best
>   forms of government those entrusted with power
>   have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted
>   it into tyranny.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   A Founding Father speaks out on what's nowadays
>   called "political correctness":
>   Do not suffer yourselves to be wheeled out of
>   your liberty to publish by any pretenses of
>   politeness, delicacy or decency. These, as they
>   are so often used, are but three different names
>   for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice.
>   --John Adams
> --

And like dazed sheep the public tolerates the existence of the
invading cancer cells.

TOPIC: Friday the 13th encounter with Big Brother

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 6:16 pm
From: The Real Bev

On 09/04/10 06:29, Clincher wrote:

> "Winston_Smith"<> wrote i:
>> The state of Aridzona just got rid of it's cameras. The towns are
>> keeping them but the state dumped them.
>> They are cash cows. Be prepared for higher taxes to cover the lost
>> revenue if you do dump them.
> Point. It may be cynical to hide behind "traffic safety" when the real goal
> is revenue, but on the other hand...
> States and municipalities are going broke. And if it comes down to a choice
> of taxing traffic violators or taxing income or sales, I say tax the
> violators.

You missed the "stop spending money" choice. They are going broke
largely because they caved in to whatever demands the unions made,
assuming that the taxpayers will pay for it. After all, all they have
to do is threaten to close libraries and lay off police/firepersons and
we'll vote in whatever bond they're pushing.

No. What actually happens when a city goes bankrupt? Restructuring,
maybe? No more $125K after 20 years retirement plans? Fire ten $150K+
administrators? Kick out the unions? All they can do is strike, and
the whole point of a union is to keep 'management' from firing the
members. Perhaps a strike is a GOOD thing. It's not like the unionized
city employees actually know how to do anything except feather the nests
of themselves and their cronies.

Cheers, Bev
"When I was in college, the only job I could get was
shitting on people's lawns. Sure, the owners complained,
but it was honest work and it kept me off welfare..."
-- M. Tabnik in mcfl (paraphrased)

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== 1 of 1 ==
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