Tuesday, September 14, 2010

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 7 new messages in 4 topics - digest



Today's topics:

* Don't flush for "number one"? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Cancelling CompuServe - Gonna Have Issues? - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Black and Decker Orbit Sanders of Death recalled - 1 messages, 1 author
* onlinejob - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Don't flush for "number one"?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 1:59 pm
From: Coffee's For Closers

In article <8f5ah2F9jeU1@mid.individual.net>,
billnomailnospamx@yahoo.com says...
> I got to thinking how much water we use by flushing the toilet each time we
> go "number one"...
> The internet says we typically go "number one" 7 to 13 times a day...
> A newer water saving toilet uses 1.6 gallons of water per flush (gpf).
> At 10 flushes per day, that would be 16 gallons a day.
> Or 300 flushes per month, and 480 gallons per month.
> My water is billed by each 100 cubic foot of water used. 100 cubic feet of
> water is 748 gallons.
> So one person not flushing for "number one" would save about 2/3 of 100
> cubic ft. of water (or 480 gallons) per month.

Gosh, I dunno... How do you feel about the smell? In dollar
terms, I mean.

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== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 6:28 pm
From: "The Henchman"

> Don't need anything like that in any of the first world now, and most of
> the second world too.

Are you Rod Speed?

TOPIC: Cancelling CompuServe - Gonna Have Issues?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 3:27 pm
From: gordonb.y8xqj@burditt.org (Gordon Burditt)

>I have a Compuserve account that I'm not using now.
>However, I have heard that there may be some resistance to just
>saying, "Please Stop."

The way to find that out is to say "Please Stop". They are
unlikely to burn a Koran on your lawn.

I cancelled (about 1987) and had no problems.

>This is especially worrying since it has a monthly automatic
>payment from my checking account.

Be prepared to *CHANGE BANKS* to get rid of any automatic payment
(this includes automatic *deposit*) by a merchant that's extremely
uncooperative. However, it's rare you have to go that far.

However, if you don't ask them to stop, you'll still keep paying
for a service that you don't need. If you do ask them to stop,
about the worst think that can happen is that you'll still keep
paying for a service that you don't need.

>I have heard that CompuServe has a reputation of failing to shut
>off service when asked politely. This is apparently a legacy
>from AOHell. They apparently just keep slapping your bank
>account with the debit.

Compuserve had a bad reputation for that, oh, say 20 years ago, but
if they did it to everyone, hopefully the FTC has stomped them by

>Apparantly, they don't respond well to online requests to stop.
>And they need a phone call to a CSR who has a financial incentive
>to retain the customer (and keep billing, on and on...)

If they don't respond to online requests, try certified mail, return
receipt requested, and keep a copy.

If they start offering you incentives to stay, you might find that
chanting "Cancel Cancel Cancel" while they're trying to explain
their offer effective. If you can lie really convincingly, explain
that there's a baby being electrocuted and you need the account
turned off *IMMEDIATELY* so firefighters can rescue him. Act frantic
and a little bit nuts. Don't give any details.

It is inadvisable to send anyone a cancellation notice that they'll
really pay attention to, like one attached to a bomb threat, a bunch
of mysterious white powder, or a knife in the heart of their CEO.

>Perhaps there is some way to move the billing to a prepaid Visa
>card, and then fail to top up that card? Thus resulting in
>termination of service?
>But would this result in some kind of collection agency action?

A collection agency has no more right to collect than the original
creditor. If the harass you or ruin your credit rating over a bill
they know is not due (that's why you kept a copy of the certified
mail cancelling the account), you've got good grounds for a lawsuit
against them.

If unauthorized charges appear on your bank statement, dispute them.
You may be able to get your bank to back you up in refusing further
charges from them. But you have to start by cancelling the account.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 5:55 pm
From: richgr@panix.com (Rich Greenberg)

In article <MPG.26f82ff2aae27aca9897e5@news.eternal-september.org>,
Coffee's For Closers <Usenet2010@THE-DOMAIN-IN.SIG> wrote:

>I don't want to keep paying. I am highly annoyed by the $14.95
>slap each month. And this merchant has a reputation for failing
>to understand the concept of, "Please Stop."

Well, have you yet said to them "please stop"? You seem afraid to take
the first step, and I can guarantee that compuspend won't.

And tell your bank (in writing) that thier authority to make withdrawals
is cancelled. And be prepared to close the account.

Rich Greenberg Sarasota, FL, USA richgr atsign panix.com + 1 941 378 2097
Eastern time. N6LRT I speak for myself & my dogs only. VM'er since CP-67
Canines: Val, Red, Shasta, Zero & Casey (At the bridge) Owner:Chinook-L
Canines: Red & Cinnar (Siberians) Retired at the beach Asst Owner:Sibernet-L

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 7:11 pm
From: "Bob F"

Coffee's For Closers wrote:
> I have a Compuserve account that I'm not using now.
> However, I have heard that there may be some resistance to just
> saying, "Please Stop."
> This is especially worrying since it has a monthly automatic
> payment from my checking account.
> I have heard that CompuServe has a reputation of failing to shut
> off service when asked politely. This is apparently a legacy
> from AOHell. They apparently just keep slapping your bank
> account with the debit.
> Apparantly, they don't respond well to online requests to stop.
> And they need a phone call to a CSR who has a financial incentive
> to retain the customer (and keep billing, on and on...)
> Perhaps there is some way to move the billing to a prepaid Visa
> card, and then fail to top up that card? Thus resulting in
> termination of service?
> But would this result in some kind of collection agency action?

Write to them that you are canceling. Send it return receipt requested. That
should do it. If they don't stop, tell your bank to stop paying them. If they
continue to bill you, and the bank won't help, close the bank account, and take
Compuserve to small claims court for any payments after your cancellation.

TOPIC: Black and Decker Orbit Sanders of Death recalled

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 4:39 pm
From: Les Cargill

Mrs Irish Mike wrote:
> On Sep 12, 2:54 pm, zeez<blinkingblyth...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> notbob wrote:
>>> On 2010-09-12, Jeff Thies<jeff_th...@att.net> wrote:
>>>> Does B&D make anything anymore that isn't crap?
>>> If they do, I've not seen it. Most B&D stuff can now be found at
>>> Walmart. That pretty much says it all.
>> Ewwww... Walmart is known to sell 'special' versions of products that
>> use cheaper components, but are usualy indistinguishable from the
>> 'good' product, except for some obscure code in their model number.
> Why do companies bow to WalMart? It makes their brand seem cheap.
> Why does WalMart insist items be made so cheaply? To save a half-
> cent, a plastic washer is subsitutued for a steel washer making the
> entire appliance a POS.

WalMart doesn't sell appliances that I have been able to determine.
Folks have gotten pretty good at cost reduction, though.

> Nothing can be fixed. Evrything is made to break. Our landfills are
> full. We need to import from people who don't like us to keep the crap
> coming in. No one has pride in labor.

I'd rather buy crap from 'em than shoot at 'em. There are still good
makes of tools, but they're - *surprise*- expensive. So I can
still buy a cheap drill at Wal Mart, and it'll still last a while for
no more than I use it, and my buddy the contractor can buy
pro tools and they'll last longer.

> Made in USA was a brand of quality. The entire world would look for
> the Made in USA label. Now it is an oddity. Black and Decker used to
> be made in the USA by people who knew their family or neighbor would
> be using the product; now it is made by someone who works many hours
> under bad conditions for a few pennies an hour, whom I wouldn't blame
> for hating the B&D label.

When you dig a bit, the people making pennies an hour like
the jobs better than what they were doing before. Just
like people in the Triangle Shirtwaist Company before the fire...

> I worked for WalMart for a few weeks. I couldn't believe how much
> junk was in their stores, and I couldn't believe how many people went
> there thinking they didn't have enough junk in their lives. Everything
> is junk. We need more junk. Throw out the old junk and bring in the
> new junk. WalMart knowing the value of junk applies the same measure
> to people. People are junk and need to be replaced when they break.
> Throw out the old junk and bring in the new junk.

It's phenomenal. What's weirder is - we bought a TV recently, and
you get a *much better price* if you buy online. Back
to the old Sears Catalog model of retail....

Les Cargill

TOPIC: onlinejob

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 10:55 pm
From: mustak

dear sir/madam,
Earn money by using your own computer and get the
dollars of dollar in one click in this site.


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