Friday, October 29, 2010

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 5 new messages in 4 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Does TM have a brain? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Ed chose to be a rat not a hero - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Mystery shopper scam - 1 messages, 1 author
* Kitlers - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Does TM have a brain?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 28 2010 7:25 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"

"His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits of the Jungle"
<> wrote in message
On Oct 28, 8:04 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits
of the Jungle" <> wrote:
> Or on the contrary, people will walk past them and curse and spit at
> them?
> There are arguments for them being a celebrity: They were the first!
> Not only that, they were "hand made" by God, the way the artist
> sculpted David. They must be perfect. She would have an ass like...
> Well heavenly. And he would put to shame David and his little banana.
> Isn't David's banana little?
> Christianity doesn't address these issues, but we must ready to meet
> Adam & Eve when we die.

TM is a poor crazy bastard who just posts on his one favorite subject -
hatred of motor vehicles because they interfere with his use of the roads.
His other favorite subject is attacking Christianity. If you respond to this
poor crazy bastard, then you are a poor crazy bastard too.

He likes to reference monkeys and other wild animals normally found only in
zoos because he is most likely a wild beast himself. I think he fornicates
with monkeys, but I can't prove it.

TM should confine himself to just one thread instead of proliferating them
like a poor crazy bastard. He is insane of course. I liken him to the
village idiot of olden times. The difference these days is that no one any
longer recognizes the village idiot because idiocy has become so widespread.

But I will be here to remind one and all of what a poor crazy bastard TM is.
It is mark of My Greatness that I can still recognize the village idiot even
if the rest of you can't.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

TOPIC: Ed chose to be a rat not a hero

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 28 2010 7:51 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits of the Jungle"

He could have been the hero of the revolution, Uncle Ed, and the kids
in school would sing to him and a school would have his name. What has
he done instead? Attack like a rat.

And the monkey delivered the shit right on target. Now he's dripping
feces all over and has become the laughing stock of these groups,
which have suffered from his petulance and aberrant opinions for a
long time.

Well Ed, you had the choice of good and evil and you fucked up. The
kids will stick their tender tongues at you and call you names too
vulgar to print here.

You have earned your place in the zoo as a low life survivor, and
enemy of the Muslims, Japanese, Germans and all life form contrary to
your extreme views.

Such is your well-earned place.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Oct 29 2010 12:09 am
From: "Edward Dolan"

"His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits of the Jungle"
<> wrote in message
> He could have been the hero of the revolution, Uncle Ed, and the kids
> in school would sing to him and a school would have his name. What has
> he done instead? Attack like a rat.
> And the monkey delivered the shit right on target. Now he's dripping
> feces all over and has become the laughing stock of these groups,
> which have suffered from his petulance and aberrant opinions for a
> long time.
> Well Ed, you had the choice of good and evil and you fucked up. The
> kids will stick their tender tongues at you and call you names too
> vulgar to print here.
> You have earned your place in the zoo as a low life survivor, and
> enemy of the Muslims, Japanese, Germans and all life form contrary to
> your extreme views.
> Such is your well-earned place.

There is no animal so disgusting, so vile that it deserves comparison to
you, for even the lowest, dirtiest, most parasitic member of the animal
kingdom fills an ecological niche. You fill no niche.
To call you a parasite would be injurious to the thousands of honest
parasitic species. You are worse than vermin, for vermin does not pretend
to be what it is not. You are truly human garbage.

You are an aberration, a corruption, a boil on the Net that needs to be
lanced. You are a poison we need to vomit. You are a tooth so rotten it
infects the whole body. You are sperm that should have been captured in a
condom and flushed down a toilet.

You swine. You vulgar little maggot. You worthless bag of filth. As we say
on Earth. I'll bet you couldn't pour piss out of a boot with instructions
from your ex-CO. You are a canker. A sore that won't go away. I would
rather kiss a lawyer than be seen with you.

You're a putrescent mass, a walking vomit. You are a spineless little worm
deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. You are a jerk, a cad, a
weasel. Your life is a monument to stupidity. You are a stench, a
revulsion, a big suck on a sour lemon.

You are a bleating foal, a curdled staggering mutant dwarf smeared
richly with the effluvia and offal accompanying your alleged birth
into this world. An insensate, blinking calf, meaningful to nobody,
abandoned by the puke-drooling, giggling beasts who sired you and
then killed themselves in recognition of what they had done.

I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same species as
you. You are a monster, an ogre, a malformity. I barf at the very thought
of you. You have all the appeal of a paper cut. Lepers avoid you. You are
vile, worthless, less than nothing. You are a weed, a fungus, the dregs of
this earth. And did I mention you smell?

You are weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. You are grimy, squalid, nasty
and profane. You are foul and disgusting. You're a fool, an ignoramus.
Monkeys look down on you. Even sheep won't have sex with you.

Fucking Regards,

Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

TOPIC: Mystery shopper scam

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 28 2010 7:56 pm
From: The Real Bev

On 10/28/10 16:20, Dennis wrote:

> On Mon, 25 Oct 2010 16:40:08 -0700, Dawn<> wrote:
>>On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 11:43:16 -0600, wrote:
>>>On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 17:04:19 -0700, Dawn<> wrote:
>>>>Hello to the group,
>>>>Is anyone still here? I have a question. My daughter got a letter
>>>>from Tums America to do a mystery shopping thing. The letter included
>>>>a check for almost $3000. In the letter is a breakdown of what it is
>>>>for and the assignment was to cash the check and then go to western
>>>>union and send the money to some guy in Spain. What is the scam?
>>>>There has to be one because she never solicited this from
>>>>anyone...hasn't joined any mystery shopper sites, etc.
>>>>Dawn, wanting an answer for her kid.
>>>A voice from the past! Wasn't your hotmail address taken over or
>>>phished a while back? I can tell it is really you by the way you
>>>wrote your post. Hmmm... was she in St Petersburg FL or somewhere
>>>like that?
>>>Chickpea, who just happened to do a random and rare check here.
>>I do believe you were in FL but moved to the great Alabama area. I've
>>always been in the PNW. Hopefully my email didn't send you viagra
>>ads. My brother told me to change my password and viola I quit
>>sending those bothersome ads. :P
>>Dawn, appreciative of all the input.
> Whoa, Dawn, Harry and Semi-D all in the same thread. It's almost like
> a reunion -- where's Bev?

I'm here, but I dont think The Legume has forgiven me. Still SoCal,
hoping for snow in the mountains but probably doomed to failure.

> BTW, I'm still across the river in OR.
> Dennis (evil)

Cheers, Bev
Why should I be tarred with the epithet "loony" merely
because I have a pet halibut? --Monty Python

TOPIC: Kitlers

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 28 2010 8:15 pm
From: Tom Sherman °_°

On 10/28/2010 2:50 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits
of the Jungle wrote:
> [...] Hitler[...]

See <>.

Tom Sherman - 42.435731,-83.985007
I am a vehicular cyclist.


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