Monday, January 10, 2011

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 25 new messages in 8 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Lost fight with Tracfone - 10 messages, 8 authors
* Unbelievable, the Buddhists and I are making sense! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Your chances of getting hurt by a terrorist at a railway station are
insignificant compared to bicycling - 3 messages, 2 authors
* The Dentist's bum rush? - 4 messages, 4 authors
* Riding bike in a park - 3 messages, 2 authors
* bayern ausland , Fluglotse Fluglotsin , arbeitsamt im ausland , jobs im
ausland de , Technischer Zeichner Technischer Zeichnerin , job , agentur fuer
arbeit jobs im ausland , jobs im ausland spanien , jobboerse karriere , + + + +
++ TOPJOB AUSLAND - 1 messages, 1 author
* getting spam from - 1 messages, 1 author
* If Jesus had been a Cowboy - 2 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Lost fight with Tracfone

== 1 of 10 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 9:57 pm
From: "krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz"

On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 04:37:35 +0000, Fred <> wrote:

>"krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz" <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz> wrote in
>> Nice! Thanks. If our phones die, I'll probably switch. We're well
>> into our fourth year of a two-year contract. ;-) I'd have to be able
>> to take our phone numbers with us, too (they're already in a different
>> AC).
>Call the nice Ohio (not Bangledesh) ladies on #737 on any Verizon phone
>and she'll get your number ported over for you. Don't call Verizon!
>#737 is how we get to Page Plus customer service, like you do on 611 on

How does that work? Can I buy a PP phone as a trial and then transfer my VZW
number if I decide to go that way?

>Switching is quite painless. Not getting a monthly sellphone bill eating
>up your paycheck and NOT being lied to....that takes a little getting
>used to!

I don't get lied to. I just pay the bill. ;-)

>PP works anywhere in America Verizon has service, plus many places where
>it doesn't as PP has deals with many mom and pop small carriers, even
>some still on AMPS (analog)!
>Side benefit to migrating from VZW to PP is all those kids and other
>family free-call vermin who keep calling you for every little thing will
>stop once they have to pay to talk to you....(c;]

Not sure that's a good idea. OTOH, I don't know anyone else on VZW. The kid
is on AT&T (they're iPhone freaks). Will it stop politicians' robo-dialers?

== 2 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 6:17 am
From: " Terri Smith"

"Fred" <> wrote in message
"krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz" <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz> wrote in

Now, Page Plus also offers one year $80 cards through dealers like
discount! You don't have to buy something every 4 months
on Page Plus if you just add $80 cards only from now on.....very nice.

$80 cards are discounted 7% this month on;]

50c/month is PP's only "fee" tax or other "fee" funny business that
adds $18/month to a Verizon bill noone can explain......

Tax and fees on a Verizon phone cost more than I pay for total service on
Page Plus!

Page Plus users

Am I correct that I could buy a PP phone then buy a $10 card and it would
work. Since the card at the link below is for 120 days that would be $40 a
year for a low use phone.



== 3 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 7:56 am
From: Fred

"krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz" <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz> wrote in

> On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 04:37:35 +0000, Fred <> wrote:
>>#737 is how we get to Page Plus customer service, like you do on 611
>>on Verizon.
> How does that work? Can I buy a PP phone as a trial and then transfer
> my VZW number if I decide to go that way?

Any CDMA capable phone that will dial #737 will work on pageplus except
they now blocked out all Verizon prepaid phones because people bought
phones from Walmart for $20 and put them on PP, instead of activating
them on Verizon to be fleeced. So, VZW stopped it. Your Verizon phones
all work on PP, now.

To activate with credit card, just go to:
and read the slightly outdated, but still valid, information on this
webpage not connected to pageplus. He also explains how to maximize the
discount effects of PINs...the numbers we enter to add
money to our PP account from discount vendors.

Pageplus's webpage is:
and you can activate the Verizon phone you're using now, even smartphones
recently, on PP right from there. The self-activation instructions are
on the webpages. Basically, you'll just fill out the PP forms including
the ESN (MEID) from under your phone's battery into the PP forms and add
money to the account FIRST, of course. Nobody ever owes PP money, which
keeps rates really low. Then, when you activate, PP's server calls the
MEID right over Verizon's network and autoactivates the phone on PP. PP
does NOT overwrite the phone's normal firmware, so if you have a hobbled
up VZW phone, it's still a hobbled-up VZW phone and if you activate an
unhobbled Alltel phone, it's still an unhobbled Alltel phone even with
Celltop that still works at no charge! Mine does...(c;]

You'll get a PP new number. When you get that working, call #737 from it
and ask the nice ladies to port your number over from Verizon. She'll
port it in a few minutes and when someone calls you they won't be any's the same call on the same Verizon system as it used to be
at a fraction of the cost...a no-brainer.

All the "freebies" like nights/weekends, inside Verizon free calls you
were paying $70/mon for, even if you didn't use it, are gone. Every call
on PP costs you the massive sum of 3.7c/min, a little over $2/hour, ONLY
IF YOU USE IT, never giving back minutes every month like now. Every
time you make a call, PP's female voice computer comes on to tell you
your balance before connecting the call, so you don't run out of prepaid.
They never hound you to buy anything...shocking, just shocking! When
your balance gets low, go to and buy a discount $80 card
for $72. Callingmart will open you an account the first time you buy so
you can buy almost too easily from then on. Callingmart will sell you
nothing but a PIN that's larger than the population number for the
planet. WRITE IT DOWN for safety, though I've never had a problem. You
don't have to enter it into your PP phone for up to a year from the
purchase date. We buy Callingmart PINs when they send us big discount
codes in our emails, then just leave them sit in our accounts until our
PP balance gets low. As PP's new year-from-now clock times down from
when you put the PIN into your phone, this lets us maximize the time
before we have to buy more PINs to the limit....unless you use it up, of
course. The only "load" on your balance is the princely sum of 50
cents/month user "fee", the only fee PP charges unless you buy some data
from them. If you use just the phone, not text messages or other data,
$72 goes a LONG way. My phone bill is now $72/year and my balance keeps
getting bigger as I don't use my phone much....the finest deal for low-
use phone service.

>>Switching is quite painless. Not getting a monthly sellphone bill
>>eating up your paycheck and NOT being lied to....that takes a little
>>getting used to!
> I don't get lied to. I just pay the bill. ;-)

Hmm...Verizon used to lie to me and change my charges any old time they
liked when I was a customer. Things must have changed......NOT!

Will it stop politicians'
> robo-dialers?

Maybe it would be a good idea to NOT port your old politician-listed VZW
phone number and just use your new PP phone number you get upon signup.
Just send out a massive email to all your callers letting ONLY the ones
you WANT to call you have the new number....leaving the politicians,
spammers, sellers and undesirables that have your old number in the dark.

Your PP number will be from the local area, not Peoria, IL. It's a local
call from any phone in my city to my PP phone.

Navy buddy of mine talked about Tracphone at breakfast this morning. He
was on the phone 2 hours with their Indian service contractor with no joy
trying to get his Tracfone running for a little trip. How awful.

== 4 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 9:08 am
From: Fred

" Terri Smith" <ts8 at> wrote in

> Am I correct that I could buy a PP phone then buy a $10 card and it
> would work. Since the card at the link below is for 120 days that
> would be $40 a year for a low use phone.

Yes. If you buy any card less than the $80 card, you must buy
"something", a minimum PIN of $10, every 120 days (not 4 months, 120
days). It's a little less than 365 days....5 days short. That makes the
month renew date move a little so be careful.

If you buy the $80 PIN from a dealer, as it's not avail from PP directly,
say from at discount around $72. The 120 days limit is
waived, recently, to a full year. This gives you 2000 minutes, much more
calling time, than the $10/100 minute card gives you, which is a much
better deal. The bigger PIN your buy, the lower the per minute rate of
the calls. The $80 card, at a 7% discount from, comes to
3.7c/min or a tiny bit over $2/HOUR of talk time. Noone beats this price
and certainly noone beats it being on the Verizon nationwide system.

Your only recurring charge each month is 50 cents...that's it! No taxes,
no "admin fees" or "FCC charges" or other nonsense noone at VZW can
explain without lies. 50 cents/month + 3.7c/min....from the $80 PIN you
paid $72 and change for at, gives you Verizon Wireless
phone service, with full voicemail and nationwide calling for 12 months!
At the end of that 12 months, simply buy another $80 card for the
discount at that time for another year of service.....WITHOUT losing
whatever balance you didn't use from the last year's account balance! If
you continue to renew PP before the clock times out...they NEVER steal
your money/time from you!

If you find a better deal, I'd sure appreciate your posting it here for
the rest of us to switch to. I've never found a better deal and it works
great across America, not restricted to just service near your! You can call from almost everywhere to everywhere so

== 5 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 11:13 am
From: SMS

On 1/10/2011 6:17 AM, Terri Smith wrote:

> Am I correct that I could buy a PP phone then buy a $10 card and it would
> work. Since the card at the link below is for 120 days that would be $40 a
> year for a low use phone.

No. Three 120 day $10 cards would be $30, not $40, for a year. And it's
a bit less than $30 if you buy your refills when Callingmart has them on
sale for 7% or 10% off.

As a back-up, you can sign up for automatic monthly refills starting at
your expiration date, but you can cancel them if you don't need them.

== 6 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 12:12 pm
From: Bert Hyman

In news:Xns9E697BF667D99nobodyhomecom@ Fred <>

> If you find a better deal, I'd sure appreciate your posting it here for
> the rest of us to switch to.

T-Mobile's pay-as-you-go plan lets you buy time in $10, $30, $50 and $100
chunks. The time on the three cheaper plans is good for 90 days (although
unused minutes carry over if you re-up in time), but once you've spent $100
(any combination, over any period), your time becomes good for a year.

Once you've hit the $100 mark, any additional time you buy, even the $10
chunk, extends your time limit out a year from when you buy them.

For a low-volume user like me, I made the initial $100 investment, got 1000
minutes, and now can carry the account (along with all my unused minutes)
for $10/year.

T-Mobile's coverage isn't the best, but if you're in their coverage area,
you might want to look at them.

They also have a no-contract $30/month plan that gives you 1500
minutes/month (that don't carry over).

Bert Hyman St. Paul, MN

== 7 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 1:23 pm
From: Gordon

"krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz" <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz> wrote in

> I've been thinking about switching from Verizon to PagePlus. We never
> use all of our minutes (well, we did once) and PagePlus looks to be
> about the same price even if we did. They also use the Verizon
> network, which is a huge plus. Not interested in text or Internet.

PagePlus is OK. I have it on one of my phones and I will pit it
on another phone when my Spritn contract runs out. On my phone,
I just put $25.00 on it when the minuts are running low. It
takes me anywhere from 6 weeks to 120 days to use up the minuts.
Pretty cheap phone service any way you look at it.

I have to warn you that customer service is next to non-existint.
If you are comfortable dealing with them over the web, they are
OK. But getting a live body is impossible.

== 8 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 5:40 pm
From: sf

On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 15:56:42 +0000, Fred <> wrote:

> All the "freebies" like nights/weekends, inside Verizon free calls you
> were paying $70/mon for, even if you didn't use it, are gone. Every call
> on PP costs you the massive sum of 3.7c/min, a little over $2/hour, ONLY
> IF YOU USE IT, never giving back minutes every month like now. Every
> time you make a call, PP's female voice computer comes on to tell you
> your balance before connecting the call, so you don't run out of prepaid.

Is the service reliable? We have no problem whatsoever with Verizon
except the bill. We split the smallest plan Verizon has for $70 a
month (60+10) plus fees and taxes, which is around $90 total and no
landline, so our cell phones are all we have.


Never trust a dog to watch your food.

== 9 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 5:44 pm
From: sf

On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 21:23:40 +0000 (UTC), Gordon
<> wrote:

> "krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz" <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz> wrote in
> >
> > I've been thinking about switching from Verizon to PagePlus. We never
> > use all of our minutes (well, we did once) and PagePlus looks to be
> > about the same price even if we did. They also use the Verizon
> > network, which is a huge plus. Not interested in text or Internet.
> >
> PagePlus is OK. I have it on one of my phones and I will pit it
> on another phone when my Spritn contract runs out. On my phone,
> I just put $25.00 on it when the minuts are running low. It
> takes me anywhere from 6 weeks to 120 days to use up the minuts.
> Pretty cheap phone service any way you look at it.
> I have to warn you that customer service is next to non-existint.
> If you are comfortable dealing with them over the web, they are
> OK. But getting a live body is impossible.

Why would you need customer service? Have you needed it often?


Never trust a dog to watch your food.

== 10 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 6:14 pm
From: DevilsPGD

In message <> sf
<> was claimed to have wrote:

>On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 15:56:42 +0000, Fred <> wrote:
>> All the "freebies" like nights/weekends, inside Verizon free calls you
>> were paying $70/mon for, even if you didn't use it, are gone. Every call
>> on PP costs you the massive sum of 3.7c/min, a little over $2/hour, ONLY
>> IF YOU USE IT, never giving back minutes every month like now. Every
>> time you make a call, PP's female voice computer comes on to tell you
>> your balance before connecting the call, so you don't run out of prepaid.
>Is the service reliable?

In theory, it should be the same as Verizon's normal service since it's
on the same network (plus some roaming)

TOPIC: Unbelievable, the Buddhists and I are making sense!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 5:12 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the prophet of the deep jungle"

On Jan 10, 5:49 am, Vajra <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sun, 9 Jan 2011 06:12:10 -0800 (PST), "His Highness the TibetanMonkey,
> the prophet of the deep jungle" <> wrote:
> >On Jan 8, 10:15 pm, Vajra <> wrote:
> >> Hash: SHA1
> >> On Sat, 8 Jan 2011 09:36:34 -0800 (PST), "His Highness the TibetanMonkey,
> >> the prophet of the deep jungle" <> wrote:
> >> >Sometimes not. For example, Stalin did a lot of evil and got away with
> >> >it. He died of old age. Hitler was not so lucky, but he swallowed the
> >> >pill and took the plunge. Quick ticket to Hell. ;)
> >> Perhaps got away with it in this life. But probably not in the next.
> >But they act as if this is the only reality. Perhaps we should be able
> >to produce some punishment to show them. Say a sexual predator rapes a
> >girl, will he be punished in the next life only?
> Yes, obviously there's punishment in this life through courts etc. Unless
> the negative karma is purified it will remain on the mindstream of the
> person until it meets the right causes and conditions. It then ripens into
> the negative karmic result.

We may at least keep them off the streets where they can predate at
will. I've seen the cases of sexual predators come back to their ways
after being released. It's a dangerous gamble.

> >How about the system derived from taming a beast, ie. REWARD &
> >PUNISHMENT? (treat & whip)
> Karma is only experienced by the being whose mindstream contains it. I
> cannot experience your positive and negative karma, only mine and vice
> versa.

Yes, but do you see the power of the metaphor? Too much whipping may
send the beast over the edge, and none at all may mean his bad
behavior is rewarded.

The beast may be stupid, but this is primitive instinct to choose the
treat over the whip.

> >> >This is a source of anger and hunger in the world that is not likely
> >> >to go away.
> >> Again, cause and effect are still in play. The first world terrorises the
> >> third world by treating them like slaves and raping their countries. Some
> >> of the third world terrorises the first world with suicide bombers. The
> >> ruling elete think they are beyond cause and effect because they are blin=
> >> d
> >> to the connection between their actions and their results.
> >> One day they'll wake up.
> >A campaign of nonviolence can wake them up now. For example, perhaps
> >we should undergo a campaign such as "living with peanuts," in which
> >the poor are taught to live a wholesome happy life with a bicycle and
> >simple foods --vegetarian only to be even smarter.
> Yes, or vegan. There will always be beings who are asleep as there will
> always be beings who are awake. Through the actions, words and thoughts of
> awakened beings, those who are asleep can be awakened. One hopes that the
> number of asleep beings is being reduced through contact with the awakened
> ones.

If the asleep ones won't be alert, they may be in for a rude

> >The problem is the lion doesn't allow this kind of enlightenment to
> >take place. Riding a bike is deadly. My next bike ride is coming up
> >and I'm looking at it with both excitement and fear.
> Enlightenment happens in spite of, or maybe because of, the lion. Riding a
> bike in the company of cars is a risky business. If car drivers can't see a
> bus, they're unlikely to see a bike!

Yes it is, but it's the only way. Riding on sidewalk is often more
dangerous. Either that or you stay in the cage.

The lion must be alert to this situation so we can all enjoy peace in
the jungle he has created. My proposal is to GIVE THE LANE to the bike
and the cars simply go around him briefly.

But it's all a money jungle.

TOPIC: Your chances of getting hurt by a terrorist at a railway station are
insignificant compared to bicycling

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 5:54 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the prophet of the deep jungle"

But cyclists die one at a time, and they do so by "accident," so
nobody cares.

This is a world full of ironies and hypocrisy, but the name of the
game is survival. Well, I don't want to appear braver than the average
commuter, since there's no train stations around here for me to be
brave. I just base my biased opinion on riding a bike. I can tell this
much: I'm happy to be alive after yesterday's outing. Alive in the
sense of "not hurt," and alive in the sense of feeling the sun and the



"Please be alert to the jungle!"

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 6:40 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the prophet of the deep jungle"

On Jan 10, 9:03 am, FatterDumber& Happier Moe
<"WheresMyCheck"@UncleSamLoves.Mee> wrote:
> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the prophet of the deep jungle wrote:
> > But cyclists die one at a time, and they do so by "accident," so
> > nobody cares.
> > This is a world full of ironies and hypocrisy, but the name of the
> > game is survival. Well, I don't want to appear braver than the average
> > commuter, since there's no train stations around here for me to be
> > brave. I just base my biased opinion on riding a bike. I can tell this
> > much: I'm happy to be alive after yesterday's outing. Alive in the
> > sense of "not hurt," and alive in the sense of feeling the sun and the
> > breeze.
> > Remember though, NOBODY COMES OUT OF HERE ALIVE!
> > --------------------------------------------------------------
> > "Please be alert to the jungle!"
> >
> Trust me, you could be even happier if you had a job and earned a
> paycheck.
> Go get a job

Are you aware of the unemployment rates? I could hurt someone who
really needs it by taking their job.

Do you have a problem with my "LIVING WITH PEANUTS CAMPAIGN"?

"Driving around everywhere is simply nuts! You are smart though and
know how to live with peanuts. Don't forget your banana sandwich!"

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 7:10 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the prophet of the deep jungle"

On Jan 10, 10:04 am, edspyhill01 <> wrote:
> On Jan 10, 8:56 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the prophet of
> the deep jungle" <> wrote:
> > But cyclists die one at a time, and they do so by "accident," so
> > nobody cares.
> > This is a world full of ironies and hypocrisy, but the name of the
> > game is survival. Well, I don't want to appear braver than the average
> > commuter, since there's no train stations around here for me to be
> > brave. I just base my biased opinion on riding a bike. I can tell this
> > much: I'm happy to be alive after yesterday's outing. Alive in the
> > sense of "not hurt," and alive in the sense of feeling the sun and the
> > breeze.
> > Remember though, NOBODY COMES OUT OF HERE ALIVE!
> > --------------------------------------------------------------
> > "Please be alert to the jungle!"
> >
> What's with your obsession with bikes?

A bicycle is like a pedestrian growing wings.

It's good for the environment too!

TOPIC: The Dentist's bum rush?

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 11:29 am
From: "VFW,"

I thought it SOP that a dentist sees you every 6 months. A dentist I saw
doesn't call and now acts like they aren't all that interested in caring
for my teeth. Nothing blatant but I'm having my doubts. I wonder if they
just don't like my politics. Or I'm too fussy. I dunno.
are they T-party dentists? Dentists do seem to lean conservative even
flashing the "fish". Is there a way to test the waters?
I'll have to go "fish" for a new one. Again!
Karma, What a concept!

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 4:38 pm
From: Patricia Martin Steward

On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 11:29:06 -0800, "VFW," <>

>I thought it SOP that a dentist sees you every 6 months. A dentist I saw
>doesn't call...

"Doesn't call????" What are you, dating?

You're supposed to call the dentist, not the other way around.
Actually, I schedule my next appointment while I'm there.

Doesn't call indeed.

We are becoming a country that believes the rich have earned their money but the well educated have not
earned their intellectual superiority. This leads to a nation that idolizes Kardashians.
Joel Stein, TIME, 8/23/10

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 5:10 pm
From: MAS

On 1/10/2011 7:38 PM, Patricia Martin Steward wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 11:29:06 -0800, "VFW,"<>
> wrote:
>> I thought it SOP that a dentist sees you every 6 months. A dentist I saw
>> doesn't call...
> "Doesn't call????" What are you, dating?
> You're supposed to call the dentist, not the other way around.
> Actually, I schedule my next appointment while I'm there.
> Doesn't call indeed.

I get a nice reminder card from my dentist.


== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 6:27 pm
From: WaIIy

On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 11:29:06 -0800, "VFW," <> wrote:

>I thought it SOP that a dentist sees you every 6 months. A dentist I saw
>doesn't call and now acts like they aren't all that interested in caring
>for my teeth. Nothing blatant but I'm having my doubts. I wonder if they
>just don't like my politics. Or I'm too fussy. I dunno.
>are they T-party dentists? Dentists do seem to lean conservative even
>flashing the "fish". Is there a way to test the waters?
>I'll have to go "fish" for a new one. Again!

What the fuck are you whining about.

Who cares?

TOPIC: Riding bike in a park

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 11:33 am
From: "VFW,"

In article <>, (Don Klipstein) wrote:

> Does the law regarding that place say what vehicles are prohibited
> (and all others are allowed), or what vehicles are allowed (and all others
> are prohibited)?

Yes, there is a sign. which I pointed out did not prohibit my machine.
They said it was a bike and that's that. It's the old "color of law"
If they are blue, they can make up "rules" on the fly. I guess.
Someone pointed out that my "crime" was challenging their authority.
Oh, my gosh, can you fight city hall?
Karma, What a concept!

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 11:59 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the prophet of the deep jungle"

On Jan 10, 2:33 pm, "VFW," <> wrote:
> In article <>,
> (Don Klipstein) wrote:
> >   Does the law regarding that place say what vehicles are prohibited
> > (and all others are allowed), or what vehicles are allowed (and all others
> > are prohibited)?
> Yes, there is a sign. which I pointed out did not prohibit my machine.
> They said it was a bike and that's that.  It's the old "color of law"
> If they are blue, they can make up "rules" on the fly.  I guess.
> Someone pointed out that my "crime" was challenging their authority.
> Oh, my gosh, can you fight city hall?
> --

Yeah, join the Trikke Federation... ;)

I own one because it allows me to capitalize on the little space I've
got. Actually I never went past the first lesson, but now it's getting
time to unleash it.

I'm member one of the Federation.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 2:46 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the prophet of the deep jungle"

On Jan 10, 2:59 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the prophet of
the deep jungle" <> wrote:
> On Jan 10, 2:33 pm, "VFW," <> wrote:
> > In article <>,
> > (Don Klipstein) wrote:
> > >   Does the law regarding that place say what vehicles are prohibited
> > > (and all others are allowed), or what vehicles are allowed (and all others
> > > are prohibited)?
> > Yes, there is a sign. which I pointed out did not prohibit my machine.
> > They said it was a bike and that's that.  It's the old "color of law"
> > If they are blue, they can make up "rules" on the fly.  I guess.
> > Someone pointed out that my "crime" was challenging their authority.
> > Oh, my gosh, can you fight city hall?
> > --
> Yeah, join the Trikke Federation... ;)
> I own one because it allows me to capitalize on the little space I've
> got. Actually I never went past the first lesson, but now it's getting
> time to unleash it.
> I'm member one of the Federation.

I can see where the Trikke could be of great danger to sloths,
homeless and other slow species that populate our parks.

Please tell the city hall.

TOPIC: bayern ausland , Fluglotse Fluglotsin , arbeitsamt im ausland , jobs im
ausland de , Technischer Zeichner Technischer Zeichnerin , job , agentur fuer
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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 11:50 am
From: we2ew223

bayern ausland , Fluglotse Fluglotsin , arbeitsamt im ausland , jobs
im ausland de , Technischer Zeichner Technischer Zeichnerin , job ,
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TOPIC: getting spam from

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 2:11 pm
From: Sofa Slug

On 1/9/2011 3:46 PM, J Burns wrote:
> I recognized the headers and thought, "Oh boy, I haven't had any spam in
> years!" I'd started to think spammers didn't like me.
>> Opt-outs are usually just a way for a spammer to confirm that you have
>> responded, inviting even more spam. Spammers normally go through a
>> series of hosts in order to continue undaunted in their annoying quest.
> That's what I thought in the past, but the FTC recommends using them.
>> I recommend that you sign up with and Reporting
>> spam to both regularly, combined with common sense about giving out
>> email addresses (as well as account filtering), has vastly reduced the
>> amount of spam I receive.
> The last time they got me was about ten years ago. I believe it was
> I ordered a telephone. They said it was out of stock, but
> if I'd leave my email address, they'd let me know when they had more.
> Shortly after that, I started getting spam.
> This time I think they got my address from somebody's gmail account. I
> think there may be malware that changes a victim's DNS IPs, and their
> DNS hijacks a victim to a fake gmail page that phishes their password to
> harvest the addresses of friends.
> Should I sign up with both?

It can't hurt.

FTC not withstanding, opts-out are only good with "legit" sources. If
the email is genuinely from a retailer you've done business with, it's
probably safe to opt-out. For more info on this, see:
For a good overview on dealing with spam in general, go to:

TOPIC: If Jesus had been a Cowboy

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 2:56 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the prophet of the deep jungle"

I guess he wouldn't be the same pitiful character, but he would make
more sense...

He would have overwhelmed the bad guys, given the evil townspeople
some courage and taught Mary Magdalene some manners. I was revisiting
this movie the other day, and Clint Eastwood really touched all the
right buttons. The preacher comes out more hypocrite than the rest,
and the town is renamed "Hell."

Hey way to go, Jesus, I mean Clint. We all know a real Jesus would
have been the fastest man in Jerusalem and never allow evil to rule
one more time. Pity no guns were around back then.


(once every 65 million years...)

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 3:46 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the prophet of the deep jungle"

On Jan 10, 5:21 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the prophet of
the deep jungle" <> wrote:
> I guess he wouldn't be the same pitiful character, but he would make
> more sense...
> He would have overwhelmed the bad guys, given the evil townspeople
> some courage and taught Mary Magdalene some manners. I was revisiting
> this movie the other day, and Clint Eastwood really touched all the
> right buttons. The preacher comes out more hypocrite than the rest,
> and the town is renamed "Hell."
> Hey way to go, Jesus, I mean Clint. We all know a real Jesus would
> have been the fastest man in Jerusalem and never allow evil to rule
> one more time. Pity no guns were around back then.
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (once every 65 million years...)

Jesus crossed the border...

He now resides in Texas.


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