Thursday, March 10, 2011

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 7 new messages in 4 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* University Medical Center Tucson Advertising - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Do cyclists suffer from traumatic stress disorder? - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Wireless printers - 1 messages, 1 author
* Christian Louboutin Boots - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: University Medical Center Tucson Advertising

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 3:08 pm
From: "Malcom \"Mal\" Reynolds"

In article <>,
"Rod Speed" <> wrote:

> Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote
> > Rod Speed <> wrote
> >> Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote
> >>> unimportantpatient <> wrote
> >>>> We have been bombarded with spam TV commercials
> >>> Isn't that redundant?
> >> Nope, some information advertising isnt spam.
> > Name three
> My town advertises when there is free vaccination for kids.

Public Service Announcement.

> My town advertises when its close to the last day to pay your rates without
> incurring any penalty.

Public Service Announcement

> My town advertises the current water restrictions.

Public Service Announcement

> My state govt advertises when there are double demerits for important driving
> offences, normally during the major public holidays like Xmas and Eastern
> etc, with the first and last days of the double demerits. Those vary from
> year to year depending on when the public holiday falls with respect to the
> weekend etc.

Public Service Announcement

Now, name three Advertisements, you know the stuff that commercial enterprises do

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 4:50 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>> Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote
>>>>> unimportantpatient <> wrote

>>>>>> We have been bombarded with spam TV commercials

>>>>> Isn't that redundant?

>>>> Nope, some information advertising isnt spam.

>>> Name three

>> My town advertises when there is free vaccination for kids.

> Public Service Announcement.

Still an ad on TV that isnt spam.

>> My town advertises when its close to the last day to pay your rates
>> without incurring any penalty.

> Public Service Announcement

Still an ad on TV that isnt spam.

>> My town advertises the current water restrictions.

> Public Service Announcement

Still an ad on TV that isnt spam.

>> My state govt advertises when there are double demerits for
>> important driving offences, normally during the major public
>> holidays like Xmas and Eastern etc, with the first and last days of
>> the double demerits. Those vary from year to year depending on when
>> the public holiday falls with respect to the weekend etc.

> Public Service Announcement

> Now, name three Advertisements,

Those are all advertisements.

> you know the stuff that commercial enterprises do

Those are all commercial enterprises.

TOPIC: Do cyclists suffer from traumatic stress disorder?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 3:33 pm
From: "Just zis Guy, you know?"

Hash: SHA1

On 09/03/2011 22:49, Peter Keller wrote:
> On Wed, 09 Mar 2011 20:58:40 +0000, Just zis Guy, you know? wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 09/03/2011 03:11, Peter Keller wrote:
>>> On Tue, 08 Mar 2011 17:24:21 +0000, Just zis Guy, you know? wrote:
>>>> On 07/03/2011 23:52, Peter Keller wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 07 Mar 2011 17:24:51 +0000, Judith wrote:
>>>>>> Members of the medical profession refer to cyclists as "donors".
>>>>>> (Daily Mail)
>>>>> They make fucking awful donors.
>>>> Now now, Peter, you know full well that Judith is trying desperately
>>>> to make that true by repeating it, in lieu of it being actually, you
>>>> know, true.
>>> I know that.
>>> I also know a certain A. Hitler used the same technique in the 30's and
>>> 40's. But the scary thing is, he was rather successful for a while.
>>> So successful that about 40M people died..
>>> Maybe that is what the Judy wants.
>> Leaving aside the Godwin element, the "lie repeated often enough becomes
>> the truth" idea that Judith believes so fervently was Lenin, not Hitler.
>> Hitler's one was the "Große Lüge" (Big Lie).
> Thank you. I stand corrected. I knew I should have tried to stay awake
> during history at school!
> I also note that Lenin's "oft repeated lie" led directly or indirectly to
> the deaths of millions in the famines and purges which followed the
> establishment of the RFSFR and the Soviet Union.
> So can we add Die Große Lüge to the Judithbot's armamentarium?

That might be a slippery slope...

- --
Guy Chapman,
The usenet price promise: all opinions are guaranteed
to be worth at least what you paid for them.
PGP public key at
Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (MingW32)
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== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 4:22 pm
From: Tºm Shermªn™ °_° <""twshermanREMOVE\"@THI$">

On 3/9/2011 12:00 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, originator of the
Stop the Bullshit Campaign wrote:
> On Mar 9, 12:45 pm, Opus<> wrote:
>> On Mar 8, 10:49 am, Harry Brogan<>
>> wrote:
>>> snip<
>>> What you "claimed" was that riding a bike was the root cause of your
>>> PTSD. You did NOT mention that you already HAD it.
>>> Say, maybe that's part of your own problem when these people in cars
>>> "target" you.
>>> As for the police "shadowing" you? Ever think that the reason is that
>>> someone has called them to complain about YOUR actions?
>> You either have a poor memory, or you came late to the party, so let
>> me enlighten you. On the very early morning of August 31, 2001 I was
>> riding home from my 2nd shift job as a computer help desk operator. As
>> I entered the city limits of the town I live in a person driving a
>> white pickup truck the other way yelled out the window for me to get
>> of the (fornicating) road, Which is pretty much the last thing I
>> remember before waking up in the ambulance telling the punchline to a
>> bad joke about getting hit by a truck, because it was too late in the
>> day for the buses to be running. What witnesses later claimed was the
>> guy went down a couple cut-throughs on the median and made a u-turn,
>> then floored it and came back to hit me from behind at somewhere
>> between 45 and 65 MPH. Naturally this caused massive amounts of blunt
>> trauma and broken bones, and in spite of wearing a helmet (magic foam
>> hat) I had a minor bit of brain damage. Anyway I did nothing to
>> provoke this attack except riding my bike on the only way between my
>> job and my house after work. I had several routes I took home but all
>> of them had to run through this point about 5 miles from my home.
>> THAT'S why I have PTSD.
>> As for why the police "shadowed" me I have no idea what the initial
>> cause was, but the reason they continued was because drivers would do
>> really stupid things when they were around me, like turn right from
>> the left turn lane before the light changed, and there were frequent
>> drunk drivers on that route, I saw several of them pulled over as I
>> rode home after midnight. It was so bad that there would actually be
>> disputes about who could cover my commute home on a particular night,
>> and I would see cop cars waiting for me to pass as I went from one
>> jurisdiction to another once the word got around. Unfortunately the
>> town I live in was not one of those towns where the cops "shadowed" my
>> commute, and that was where I got hit, less than 1/2 mile from the
>> city limits. Before that though I would have an incident of a driver
>> passing too close, up to and including an incident where I was hit by
>> a passenger-side mirror, things thrown at me from moving vehicles, and
>> frequent verbal threats of violence from drivers and passengers in
>> motor vehicles, all in the town where I live in the last 5 miles of my
>> commute.
> And on top of it all, Texas is one of those states the repealed the 3
> feet law, which we enjoy as if it meant anything. It means nothing,
> except --perhaps-- liability. No one will ever know for sure --except
> God, if he cares or exists-- if those cars are passing you 3 1/2 feet
> or 2 1/2 feet. Some of them do roar the motor to let you know they
> ain't happy and that adds to the Traumatic and Permanent Stress. Yes,
> unlike a war, you must live under that stress forever.

I would not be surprised if Texas made it legal to run over cyclists on
the roads, considering the number of politicians with anti-social
personality disorder the state elects.

I say, let Texas succeed from the Union, if they want - get them out of
Congress and Presidential elections.

T�m Sherm�n - 42.435731,-83.985007
I am a vehicular cyclist.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 6:19 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, originator of the Stop the Bullshit

On Mar 9, 7:22 pm, Tºm Shermªn™ °_° <""twshermanREMOVE\"@THI
$"> wrote:
> On 3/9/2011 12:00 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, originator of the
> Stop the Bullshit Campaign wrote:
> > On Mar 9, 12:45 pm, Opus<>  wrote:
> >> On Mar 8, 10:49 am, Harry Brogan<>
> >> wrote:
> >>> snip<
> >>> What you "claimed" was that riding a bike was the root cause of your
> >>> PTSD.  You did NOT mention that you already HAD it.
> >>> Say, maybe that's part of your own problem when these people in cars
> >>> "target" you.
> >>> As for the police "shadowing" you?  Ever think that the reason is that
> >>> someone has called them to complain about YOUR actions?
> >> You either have a poor memory, or you came late to the party, so let
> >> me enlighten you. On the very early morning of August 31, 2001 I was
> >> riding home from my 2nd shift job as a computer help desk operator. As
> >> I entered the city limits of the town I live in a person driving a
> >> white pickup truck the other way yelled out the window for me to get
> >> of the (fornicating) road, Which is pretty much the last thing I
> >> remember before waking up in the ambulance telling the punchline to a
> >> bad joke about getting hit by a truck, because it was too late in the
> >> day for the buses to be running. What witnesses later claimed was the
> >> guy went down a couple cut-throughs on the median and made a u-turn,
> >> then floored it and came back to hit me from behind at somewhere
> >> between 45 and 65 MPH. Naturally this caused massive amounts of blunt
> >> trauma and broken bones, and in spite of wearing a helmet (magic foam
> >> hat) I had a minor bit of brain damage. Anyway I did nothing to
> >> provoke this attack except riding my bike on the only way between my
> >> job and my house after work. I had several routes I took home but all
> >> of them had to run through this point about 5 miles from my home.
> >> THAT'S why I have PTSD.
> >> As for why the police "shadowed" me I have no idea what the initial
> >> cause was, but the reason they continued was because drivers would do
> >> really stupid things when they were around me, like turn right from
> >> the left turn lane before the light changed, and there were frequent
> >> drunk drivers on that route, I saw several of them pulled over as I
> >> rode home after midnight. It was so bad that there would actually be
> >> disputes about who could cover my commute home on a particular night,
> >> and I would see cop cars waiting for me to pass as I went from one
> >> jurisdiction to another once the word got around. Unfortunately the
> >> town I live in was not one of those towns where the cops "shadowed" my
> >> commute, and that was where I got hit, less than 1/2 mile from the
> >> city limits. Before that though I would have an incident of a driver
> >> passing too close, up to and including an incident where I was hit by
> >> a passenger-side mirror, things thrown at me from moving vehicles, and
> >> frequent verbal threats of violence from drivers and passengers in
> >> motor vehicles, all in the town where I live in the last 5 miles of my
> >> commute.
> > And on top of it all, Texas is one of those states the repealed the 3
> > feet law, which we enjoy as if it meant anything. It means nothing,
> > except --perhaps-- liability. No one will ever know for sure --except
> > God, if he cares or exists-- if those cars are passing you 3 1/2 feet
> > or 2 1/2 feet. Some of them do roar the motor to let you know they
> > ain't happy and that adds to the Traumatic and Permanent Stress. Yes,
> > unlike a war, you must live under that stress forever.
> I would not be surprised if Texas made it legal to run over cyclists on
> the roads, considering the number of politicians with anti-social
> personality disorder the state elects.
> I say, let Texas succeed from the Union, if they want - get them out of
> Congress and Presidential elections.

Not a bad idea. Let them annex Mexico so they can attack narcos not

TOPIC: Wireless printers

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 5:08 pm
From: "John Weiss"

aesthete8 wrote:

> Are they worth the extra cost?
> Or am I better off saving a bit of money by buying the wired version?

If wired Ethernet is a viable option, it is much better. If USB
connection to an always-on computer is an option, it is usually a very
good option.

I would use WiFi as a last resort if the above 2 are impractical.

Many printers now come "standard" with a WiFi option, especially if you
are spending $$ for duplexing or other office-type options. HP
OfficeJet 8500 and Brother HL-5370 are examples.

TOPIC: Christian Louboutin Boots

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 10:32 pm
From: Andrew xu

Christian Louboutin Boots
Christian Louboutin Pumps
Christian Louboutin Sandals
Christian Louboutin Shoes
Jimmy Choo Shoes
Manolo Blahnik Shoes
Yves Saint Laurent Shoes
Christian Louboutin Rolando Satin pumps Taupe

Christian Louboutin Slingback Bow Pump black

Christian Louboutin Rolando platform pumps Purple

Christian Louboutin Ron Ron - Multi

Christian Louboutin Rolando Satin pumps Taupe

Christian Louboutin Suede Fringe Pump Black
Christian Louboutin Rolando Hidden-Platform Pump Silver

Christian Louboutin Suede Fringe Pump Magenta

christian louboutin Suede pumps
christian louboutin Suede peep-toe court

Christian Louboutin Slingback Bow Pump white

Christian Louboutin Ron Ron - Fuchsia

Christian Louboutin Suede Platform Peep-Toe Pump

Christian Louboutin - Declic leather pump

Christian Louboutin Almeria - Dark Brown

Christian Louboutin Almeria - Light Blue

Christian Louboutin Almeria - Red

Christian Louboutin Alta Spritney - Cobalt Blue

Christian Louboutin Altadama Double-Platform Pump

Christian Louboutin Altadama Peep-Toe Pumps

Christian Louboutin Altadama Peep-Toe Pumps

Christian Louboutin Altadama Peep-Toe1

Christian Louboutin Alti Pumps Blue

Christian Louboutin Ambro Lace Pump

Christian Louboutin Ambro Lace Pumps Black

Christian Louboutin Anemone stiletto pumps Black

Christian Louboutin Anemone stiletto pumps pink

Christian Louboutin arielle-studded-pumps

Christian Louboutin atent Spike Pump red

Christian Louboutin Alta Spritney - Cobalt Blue

Christian Louboutin Altadama Double-Platform Pump

Christian Louboutin Altadama Peep-Toe Pumps

Christian Louboutin Altadama Peep-Toe Pumps

Christian Louboutin Altadama Peep-Toe1
Christian Louboutin Alti Pumps Blue
Christian Louboutin Ambro Lace Pump
Christian Louboutin Ambro Lace Pumps Black
Christian Louboutin Anemone stiletto pumps Black
Christian Louboutin Anemone stiletto pumps pink
Christian Louboutin arielle-studded-pumps
Christian Louboutin atent Spike Pump red


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