Wednesday, May 4, 2011

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 9 new messages in 7 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* free shipping wholesale all shoes (ugg boots timberland boots,munich shoes,
nike,adidas,,chanel,prada,polo,d&g,dior,and so on ) http://www.24hours- - 1 messages, 1 author
* Thank you, Jesus, for sending Dutch cycling experts to Miami! - 1 messages,
1 author
* Was Jesus a Nudist? - 1 messages, 1 author
* "Bankrupt" California: OK for illegals to use welfare checks to buy
cigarettes and alcohol - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Group Policy and Components - 1 messages, 1 author
* Was Osama a CIA man who knew too much? - 1 messages, 1 author
* free shipping wholesale brand WATCH online (ROLEX,OMEGA,CHANEL,LV,CARTIER,
IWC,GUCCI,RADO AND SO ON) - 1 messages, 1

TOPIC: free shipping wholesale all shoes (ugg boots timberland boots,munich
shoes,nike,adidas,,chanel,prada,polo,d&g,dior,and so on ) http://www.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, May 2 2011 10:51 pm
From: supertrade

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TOPIC: Thank you, Jesus, for sending Dutch cycling experts to Miami!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, May 3 2011 5:50 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"

This is part of the TAMING they will have to do --whip in hand:

On May 2, 10:14 pm, Alan Baker <> wrote:
> In article
> <>,
> "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"

> > The problem with speeders is:
> > a) they take shorter to stop,
> Just plain wrong.

Obviously I used the wrong word. They take LONGER to stop. Dodge that.
> > b) they crash harder,
> But the goal is not crashing at all...

PREVENTION you mean. Right, lower speeds, lane discipline AND no
multitasking are the first lines of prevention.

> > c) the intimidate other users, ie. cyclists, small EVs (golf carts)
> > and scooters.
> Any car does that.

The faster and more chaotic the worse. Zigzagging AND speeding are
deadly combination that often see around.

Scary and driving you into ever bigger vehicles.

TOPIC: Was Jesus a Nudist?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, May 3 2011 8:26 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"

On May 3, 12:22 am, "SFD" <s...@127000.00> wrote:
> "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"<> wrote in message
> > Very interesting subject. We have many reasons to go nudist,
> > particularly for the Christians...
> > (This argument goes back & forth... I QUOTE)
> > BACK:
> > "No were in the bible,did Jesus practice or promote the nude life
> > style during His earthly ministry.
> > If God created us naked in the beginning,and there no sin in
> > nudity,why did He not live His life naked during His 33 year life span
> > on earth ? What is my theory ? I believe the reason is to
> > prevent men and woman from stumbling into sin. Sexual temptation has
> > caused a many of great men of God to sin against God. If Jesus
> > carried out his ministry in the nude, He would have been a stumbling
> > block to every one who practices sexual sin. Then if Jesus continued
> > to live a life style, knowing He was causing people to be tempted to
> > sin, He would be committing sin Himself."
> > FORTH:
> > "But at the time that Jesus supposedly walked on the earth, nudity was
> > not sexual. Nudity was accepted in the Roman baths all over the Roman
> > world. It is only in modern society that nudity has become connected
> > to sex."
> >
> > ***
> > And who knows what happened in those Roman baths? Were they mixed?
> > That's very tempting... ;)
> > On the other hand, it's perfectly safe for Christians to go to a
> > nudist beach. I think so. I'm also for women going topless as a
> > general liberation practice. I mean outside the beach, like riding a
> > bike.
> > Then what happened with Jesus? Would he go nude or not?
> Me-thinks he rode a Pennyfarthing without knickers.

He rode an ass. Riding an ass nude takes quite a bit of rubbing and
chafing though.

In any event I don't think riding a bike nude is a good idea either.

TOPIC: "Bankrupt" California: OK for illegals to use welfare checks to buy
cigarettes and alcohol

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, May 3 2011 5:45 pm
From: Billy

In article
walt (The Racist) tonne <> wrote:
many nutty things, but remember he is a dirty little racist, probably an
anti-Papist as well as an anti-semite, and thinks that the government
should be able to tell you what you can, and cannot do with your body.

"THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

THEN THEY CAME for the Catholics,
and I didn¹t speak up because I was a Protestant.

and by that time no one was left to speak up."

Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892­1984), January 6, 1946 speech before
representatives of the Confessing Church in Frankfurtöller

> On Apr 23, 11:41 pm, "GeorgeWashingtonFan"
> <> wrote:
> > Welfare checks can be used to buy alcohol and cigarettes in California
> >
> >      "Senator Dutton also explained that more
> >       than half of welfare beneficiaries are
> >       parents who are no longer eligible for
> >       state aid, but still receive cash assistance
> >       on behalf of their anchor baby children."
> >
> > By Kimberly Dvorak
> > San Diego County Political Buzz Examiner
> > April 19th, 2011
> >
> > On a straight party-line vote California lawmakers gave the green light
> > for welfare recipients to purchase alcohol and tobacco products using
> > taxpayer money. The insanity in the Golden State continues despite the
> > state¹s $23 billion deficit and double-digit unemployment.
> >
> > Recently California changed the way it disperses food stamps. In an
> > effort to take the stigma away from food stamps the state issues
> > welfare beneficiaries with an Electronic Benefits Card which look and
> > work like an ATM card.
> >
> > The Golden State doles out welfare benefits through the CalWORKS
> > program. In the past welfare recipients were not allowed to buy beer
> > and cigarettes, but compassionate state lawmakers decided it wasn¹t
> > fair to stop TAXPAYER money from being used to subsidize non-essential
> > bad habits.
> >
> > ³You would think a simple common sense reform like trying to make sure
> > taxpayer money is not used for the purchase of alcohol and tobacco
> > would find bi-partisan support,² said GOP State Senator Bob Dutton.
> >
> > No such luck in California, Dutton, SB417¹s sponsor saw his legislation
> > to save taxpayer money fail on a straight party-line vote.
> >
> > California¹s EBT/ATM card caught national attention last year when the
> > Los Angeles Times uncovered several documents proving the welfare cards
> > were being used for vacations to Hawaii, Las Vegas and strip clubs.
> > Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger quickly quashed the
> > vacation perks, but failed to stop the alcohol or cigarette buying
> > ability.
> >
> > ³These funds are designed help the neediest in California meet their
> > basic requirements of providing food, clothing and shelter,² Senator
> > Dutton quipped. ³I doubt there¹s not a taxpayer in this state who
> > believes purchasing alcohol or tobacco with welfare money constitutes a
> > basic need and should be allowed.²
> >
> > Senator Dutton also explained that more than half of welfare
> > beneficiaries are parents who are no longer eligible for state aid, but
> > still receive cash assistance on behalf of their anchor baby children.
> >
> > Advertisement ³With over half of the caseload consisting of
> > Å’child-only¹ cases, it is unconscionable to allow designated caregivers
> > the ability to purchase tobacco and alcohol products on behalf of a
> > minor,² Senator Dutton said. ³I was quite frankly surprised that
> > Democrats believe that this practice should continue.  I remain
> > committed to continue working on real reform measures, like SB 417, to
> > ensure that all taxpayer money is used as it is intended,² Senator
> > Dutton concluded.
> >
> > In an effort to reform welfare Senator Dutton sought the assistance of
> > the California Grocers Association to implement a ban on alcohol and
> > tobacco purchases with the state¹s EBT/ATM card.
> >
> > This year California taxpayers will support nearly 600,000 families by
> > enrolling them into CalWORKS. The program disperses more than $100
> > million to help welfare recipients purchase groceries.
> >
> > Something else taxpayers should consider is that California Governor
> > Jerry Brown is seeking to raise the tobacco tax another dollar in order
> > to fund cancer research; while Democrat Senator Alex Padilla already
> > introduced a bill to raise the cigarette tax by a whopping $1.61 to be
> > used to curb smoking. Neither program will cut the $23 billion deficit.
> >
> >
> > s-can-be-used-to-buy-alcohol-and-cigarettes-california#ixzz1KPMOocvt
> > ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> >
> >       What Would America's Founders Say?
> >
> >   The two enemies of the people are criminals
> >   and government, so let us tie the second down
> >   with the chains of the Constitution so the
> >   second will not become the legalized version
> >   of the first.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >
> >   Those who hammer their guns into plows will
> >   plow for those who do not.
> >    --Thomas Jefferson
> >
> >   It does not take a majority to prevail ... but
> >   rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on
> >   setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of
> >   men.
> >   --Samuel Adams
> >
> >   The strongest reason for the people to retain
> >   the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last
> >   resort, to protect themselves against tyranny
> >   in government.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >
> >    A free people ought not only to be armed and
> >    disciplined, but they should have sufficient
> >    arms and ammunition to maintain a status of
> >    independence from any who might attempt to
> >    abuse them, which would include their own
> >    government."
> >    -- George Washington
> >
> >   No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >
> >   If the freedom of speech is taken away then
> >   dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to
> >   the slaughter.
> >   -- George Washington
> >
> >   When governments fear the people there is liberty.
> >   When the people fear the government there is tyranny.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >
> >   Laws that forbid the carrying of arms... Disarm only
> >   those who are neither inclined nor determined to
> >   commit crimes.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >
> >   Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a
> >    standing army, an enslaved press, and a disarmed
> >    populace.
> >     -- James Madison
> >
> >   If the representatives of the people betray
> >   their constituents, there is then no resource
> >   left but in the exertion of that original
> >   right of self-defense which is paramount to
> >   all positive forms of government ... The
> >   citizens must rush tumultuously to arms,
> >   without concert, without system, without
> >   resource; except in their courage and despair
> >   ... The natural strength of the people in a
> >   large community, in proportion to the artificial
> >   strength of the government, is greater than in a
> >   small ... the people, without exaggeration, may
> >   be said to be entirely the masters of their own fate.
> >   -- Alexander Hamilton
> >
> >   All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people
> >   of good conscience to remain silent.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >
> >   Every government degenerates when trusted to the
> >   rulers of the people alone. The people themselves
> >   are its only safe depositories.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >
> >   As our enemies have found we can reason like men,
> >   so now let us show them we can fight like men also.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >
> >   Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act!
> >   Action will delineate and define you.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >
> >   Merchants have no country. The mere spot they
> >   stand on does not constitute so strong an
> >   attachment as that from which they draw their gains.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >
> >   I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy
> >   of our monied corporations which dare already to
> >   challenge our government to a trial by strength,
> >   and bid defiance to the laws of our country.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >
> >   I believe that banking institutions are more
> >   dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >
> >   Experience hath shewn, that even under the best
> >   forms of government those entrusted with power
> >   have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted
> >   it into tyranny.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >
> >   A Founding Father speaks out on what's nowadays
> >   called "political correctness":
> >
> >   Do not suffer yourselves to be wheeled out of
> >   your liberty to publish by any pretenses of
> >   politeness, delicacy or decency. These, as they
> >   are so often used, are but three different names
> >   for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice.
> >   --John Adams
> >
> > --
> Remove the pestilance of illegal aliens from America.
> The Occidental Observer
- Billy

Bush's 3rd term: Obama plus another elective war
Bush's 4th term: another Judas goat

America is not broke. The country is awash in wealth and cash.
It's just that it's not in your hands. It has been transferred, in the
greatest heist in history, from the workers and consumers to the banks
and the portfolios of the uber-rich.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, May 3 2011 6:15 pm
From: Christopher Helms

On Apr 24, 12:59 pm, walt tonne <> wrote:
> On Apr 23, 11:41 pm, "GeorgeWashingtonFan"
> <> wrote:
> > Welfare checks can be used to buy alcohol and cigarettes in California
> >      "Senator Dutton also explained that more
> >       than half of welfare beneficiaries are
> >       parents who are no longer eligible for
> >       state aid, but still receive cash assistance
> >       on behalf of their anchor baby children."
> > By Kimberly Dvorak
> > San Diego County Political Buzz Examiner
> > April 19th, 2011
> > On a straight party-line vote California lawmakers gave the green light
> > for welfare recipients to purchase alcohol and tobacco products using
> > taxpayer money. The insanity in the Golden State continues despite the
> > state's $23 billion deficit and double-digit unemployment.

Tobacco and booze sales generate huge amounts of revenue for the
state. Since right wingers demand trillions in government handouts for
their beloved millionaires and corporations but scream like banchees
at any suggestion that their welfare has to be paid for, governments
have to figure out other ways to raise revenues.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, May 3 2011 6:25 pm
From: dos-i-meter

Christopher Helms wrote:
> On Apr 24, 12:59 pm, walt tonne<> wrote:
>> On Apr 23, 11:41 pm, "GeorgeWashingtonFan"
>> <> wrote:
>>> Welfare checks can be used to buy alcohol and cigarettes in California
>>> "Senator Dutton also explained that more
>>> than half of welfare beneficiaries are
>>> parents who are no longer eligible for
>>> state aid, but still receive cash assistance
>>> on behalf of their anchor baby children."
>>> By Kimberly Dvorak
>>> San Diego County Political Buzz Examiner
>>> April 19th, 2011
>>> On a straight party-line vote California lawmakers gave the green light
>>> for welfare recipients to purchase alcohol and tobacco products using
>>> taxpayer money. The insanity in the Golden State continues despite the
>>> state's $23 billion deficit and double-digit unemployment.
> Tobacco and booze sales generate huge amounts of revenue for the
> state. Since right wingers demand trillions

what do liberals demand, lower taxes? no.

less government? no.

less entitlements? no.

and so it goes.

TOPIC: Group Policy and Components

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, May 3 2011 8:58 pm
From: "webtech.ashish webtechnoworld"

Hi All,
Group Policy and its components are described in details…
For details visit at-

TOPIC: Was Osama a CIA man who knew too much?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, May 3 2011 9:43 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"

I don't want to launch another conspiracy theory, but this sounds like
the real thing...

He was just another CIA man when he was a "freedom fighter," then
turned suspiciously anti-American, the Towers "went down" --inside or
outside job-- and he was the man Bush needed to occupy Afghanistan
(loaded with poppy seeds) and Iraq (loaded with oil). Now they can
capture him alive and instead they kill him after changing the story
that he resisted.

So what's the real story behind all this? Did he know the secret
behind the Towers? Was he the boogieman in the next logical step
toward World Government?

It sounds like a Christian conspiracy to me --perhaps put together by
the Jewish Inc, but I don't want to go down that path...

I just don't want to spoil your party if you think we had a big
victory. We needed it. Bottoms up!


TOPIC: free shipping wholesale brand WATCH online (ROLEX,OMEGA,CHANEL,LV,

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, May 3 2011 11:14 pm
From: supertrade

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