Monday, November 7, 2011

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 14 new messages in 5 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* I'll buy you an hour to sleep in. - 3 messages, 3 authors
* a free library for your Kindle? - 4 messages, 3 authors
* $$$ Don't Vote for Any Tax Increases $$$ - 5 messages, 5 authors
* misc.consumers.frugal-living groups - 1 messages, 1 author
* Don't fall for the flu vaccine scam again this year - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: I'll buy you an hour to sleep in.

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 5 2011 11:13 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Mr. K wrote

> hey, don't be too early for church. OK?

No chance of that. I'm not actually stupid enough
to grovel to some complete arsehole of a god.

> set 'em back.

No thanks.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 9:26 am
From: The Real Bev

On 11/05/2011 10:14 PM, Mr. K wrote:

> "Mr. K"<> wrote:
>> hey, don't be too early for church. OK? set 'em back.
> oh, yes, I forgot. don't turn back your clock because it damages some
> electric clocks . take the batteries out or unplug it for an hour.
> good luck!

None of the clocks that I have to reset by hand have any way to turn
back, only forward.

Cheers, Bev
If you are going to try cross-country skiing,
start with a small country.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 1:12 pm
From: Michael Black

On Sat, 5 Nov 2011, Mr. K wrote:

> In article <>,
> "Mr. K" <> wrote:
>> hey, don't be too early for church. OK? set 'em back.
> oh, yes, I forgot. don't turn back your clock because it damages some
> electric clocks . take the batteries out or unplug it for an hour.
> good luck!

"Some", and an ever decreasing number, since relatively few still exist,
whether or not they get hurt by turning counterclockwise.

My watch and three clocks, plus my computer, changed time by themselves,
since they get time information over the radio.

One kitchen wall clock was analog. The rest (and there are lots) were
digital, they don't go backwards for reasons of design simplicity, but
wouldn't be hurt if they could be turned back, and unplugging them would
get a blank display, nt an hour later time.


TOPIC: a free library for your Kindle?

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 1:12 am
From: Mac Cool

Amazon has a free lending library if you are a Prime member.


== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 1:09 pm
From: Michael Black

On Sat, 5 Nov 2011, Mr. K wrote:

> anyone know of a free source of books for a Kindle?

Books that have fallen out of copyright. So an obvious source is Project
Gutenberg. Note that due to some oddities in US copyright laws, there was
a period in the fifties or so when books could fall out of copyright,
because nobody bothered to explicitly renew the copyright, and later
changes to the US copyright laws apparently were not retroactive.

Hence there are books and stories by science fiction writer H. Beam Piper
who killed himself in the early sixties and left no family. Tom Corbett
Space Cadet books are at Project Gutenberg, I had an almost full set (it
was a small series) in the late sixties, and foolishly sold them to a used
book store in the early seventies, thinking I'd grown up. Didn't get much
for them, never saw another copy until about 1994, seeing two volumes in
the store of a local used bookstore, late at night. I rush over the next
day and pay five dollars each for them. "A Year When Stardust Fell" by
an author I suddenly can't remember, was one of the books in the classic
Winston Science Fiction series of the fifties, seen at many children's
libraries, which is where I read the book in the late sixties. Unlike
some in the series, it was never reprinted, making it hard to find. But,
a few months ago I see something saying it's at Project Gutenberg, and
indeed it is, another book fallen out of copyright. (I gather there are
lots of technical books from the fifties out of copyright, some very
classic books, but of course whether they are available online or not
depends on whether someone's bothered to digitize them.)

For that matter, google has been digitizing books and the ones out of
copyright can be downloaded I gather.

You can get "Astoria" by Washington Irving at Project Gutenberg, his take
on the founding of Astoria, Oregon in 1811, only five years after Lewis &
Clarke (and Sacajawea) got to the Pacific in about the same spot. Lovely
Astoria (named after John Jacob Astor, the fur trading capitalist) has
been celebrating its 200th anniversary this year, kind of a weird
situation since it's the oldest US settlement on the West Coast (or is it
the Pacific Northwest?) but 200 years ago, it was mostly Europeans who
were there.

Astor gave my great, great, great grandfather a free trip to the Sandwich
Islands 200 years ago, before going to set up Fort Astoria. I'm sure it
was more fun than the overland route, that got there later. Somewhere
around one can find Alexander Ross's book about those early days in Astor,
I don't happen to have the title handy. I'm still trying to find out the
exact time and location when he met my great, great, great grandmother.

Likely any well known classic is available as an ebook.

Oddly enough, it is old books that I'd be tempted to get an ereader for,
especially now that one can get one with color and wifi, more like a small
and cheap tablet, for $199. I'm even hoping that is what I'm waiting for
as a late birthday present. I'd have to think twice about buying actual
current ebooks, when popular fiction can be had cheap at used book sales
and garage sales, and lots of other books too, for less than ebooks sell

There's probably lots of people writing books that can't get published,
so those are likely available free or for a very minimal price. Though
they may not be worth reading, lots of books have been published over
the years that weren't worth reading, and lots of books have had a
successful life as a bestseller (and/or as the basis of a popular movie)
and then completely faded into the past, nobody remembering they were
popular books.

But if it's popular and in copyright, I don't think there's much
discounting going on, and I sure hope you weren't asking for
some illegal download site. Good authors (and their fans) work hard to
keep track of bootleg editions of their books.


== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 1:17 pm
From: Michael Black

On Sun, 6 Nov 2011, Mac Cool wrote:

> Amazon has a free lending library if you are a Prime member.
But I thought when they introduced "prime" some years back, it got a
trashing here in this newsgroup. People couldn't see the point in it,
since they paid a fixed price per year, and the free shipping that came
with more than a certain amount ordered was fast enough. Certainly at the
time, there seemed no more incentive to become a "member", though perhaps
that has changed by now. "free books" isn't likely a good incentive, I
thought I saw something about there being limits, like maybe one a month,
and only a small number of publishers taking part.

Most new fiction is hardly frugal, too many people buying because it's a
bestseller and popular, then tossing it out some time later. Some even
waste the money on hardcover when it comes out first. Far better to wait
till others have bought it for you, and are discarding at used book sales
or garage sales, for a dollar or so. Admittedly that wouldn't work if
there weren't others so eager to "read it now". And while there are so
many books that it will take a long time for them to dry up, I suppose if
ebooks do take over, eventually the used market is gone, unless there are
means of transferring the ebooks.


== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 10:19 pm
From: "Annie Woughman"

"Mr. K" <> wrote in message
> anyone know of a free source of books for a Kindle?
> --
> Karma, What a concept!
Some libraries are now offering Kindle version of e-books. Our local
libraries (in Oregon) have had e-books and audio books for quite a while. I
have a Nook and have been "checking out" e-books for several months. In the
last few weeks I have seen books for the Kindle being offered now. Here we
have to have a current library card (our libraries are county libraries),
sign up online for the digital library and then download the software which
allows one to transfer the books to our device.

TOPIC: $$$ Don't Vote for Any Tax Increases $$$

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 4:36 am
From: Just Visiting

On Sun, 6 Nov 2011 17:11:28 +1100, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:

>Just Visiting wrote:
>> When you vote this coming Tuesday, be sure to vote
>> against any issues that would cause tax increases.
>Get stuffed.
>> It's time for people to realize that taxpayer funded jobs
>Thats not what tax increases are about.
>> are not the same as earning wages in the private sector.
>Corse they arent, but the last thing we want is the private
>sector doing them with quite a few of them like the cops,
>judiciary, military, etc etc etc.
>> It's not right for anyone to get rich on the taxpayers' money.
>Sometimes thats unavoidable when the clowns have been
>allowed to completely implode the entire world financial
>system, again, and the govt is attempting to ensure that
>we dont get another great depression or worse.
>> Government was formed to serve the people,
>And thats what it does.
>> not make millions off the people.
>It clearly isnt doing that when there are massive deficits.

People stuffing taxpayer money into their pockets is only a slice of
the pie. Taxpayers want to know, where's the money going? So quit
>> If you want to make lots of money, work in the
>> private sector and exercise your capitalistic right.
>Mindlessly superficial.
There's plenty of people getting sick of welfare freeloaders, wasteful
spending and money disappearing.

== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 8:58 am
From: "Bill"

"Just Visiting" wrote in message
> When you vote this coming Tuesday, be sure to vote against any
> issues
> that would cause tax increases.

If the government was spending our money wisely and frugally. And
really needed it, then yes. But for local government in my area, I see
things like $26,000.00 spent for a study of something silly and MANY
other needless expenditures, so NO! (Your area may be different...)

These people need to learn to live within their means.

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 9:25 am
From: The Real Bev

On 11/06/2011 08:58 AM, Bill wrote:

> "Just Visiting" wrote in message
>> When you vote this coming Tuesday, be sure to vote against any
>> issues that would cause tax increases.

BobF said he'd already voted for more than one increase because it's his

> If the government was spending our money wisely and frugally. And
> really needed it, then yes. But for local government in my area, I see
> things like $26,000.00 spent for a study of something silly and MANY
> other needless expenditures, so NO! (Your area may be different...)
> These people need to learn to live within their means.

What he said! This shit happens at all levels. Locally there was a
plan to spend $6million (this may have been federal money because the
freeway in question is an interstate) to build a walkway over the
freeway so that people from the south side of the rail terminal wouldn't
have to walk UNDER the freeway. Apparently in these difficult times it
was felt that $6M was too much, so they're just going to spend $1million
to widen the 6' sidewalk to 12' and add lighting. NEITHER PROJECT IS
EITHER NEEDED OR ACTUALLY USEFUL except to transfer money to the people
who will do the actual construction.

We have no way to know how much money was transferred from the people
who will do the construction to the people who decided it needed to be done.

And there are STILL potholes and heaved sidewalks.

Screw 'em, I will never choose to give them an extra penny. Whatever
they get they will waste. You will remember, I'm sure, that the reason
for special tax increases is ALWAYS to keep police/fire/library/school
services from being cut. Novody ever mentions that the mayor won't be
able to redecorate his office if we don't pass the bond issue.

And spending more money on schools just means spending more money on
schools, not better education.

Cheers, Bev
If you are going to try cross-country skiing,
start with a small country.

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 3:46 pm
From: "krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz"

On Sun, 6 Nov 2011 08:58:25 -0800, "Bill" <> wrote:

>"Just Visiting" wrote in message
>> When you vote this coming Tuesday, be sure to vote against any
>> issues
>> that would cause tax increases.

Also, "if you don't understand it, vote NO". If they can't explain "it" to
your satisfaction, it's not needed.

>If the government was spending our money wisely and frugally. And
>really needed it, then yes. But for local government in my area, I see
>things like $26,000.00 spent for a study of something silly and MANY
>other needless expenditures, so NO! (Your area may be different...)
>These people need to learn to live within their means.

Close. These people have to live within *our* means. They're not paying for

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 4:05 pm
From: Lil Abner <-@diasy.mae>

On 11/5/2011 1:51 PM, Just Visiting wrote:
> When you vote this coming Tuesday, be sure to vote against any issues
> that would cause tax increases. It's time for people to realize that
> taxpayer funded jobs are not the same as earning wages in the private
> sector. It's not right for anyone to get rich on the taxpayers'
> money. Government was formed to serve the people, not make millions
> off the people. If you want to make lots of money, work in the
> private sector and exercise your capitalistic right.
If you vote for those that support NAFTA and the other one way streets,
that export our jobs you are voting for higher taxes. No income means
welfare for millions. Subsidizing Ethanol and Big Ag and Big Oil and
every Global Corporation with a Lobbyists means higher taxes.
Supporting those that champion the regressive Flat Tax and Fair Tax is a
vote for much higher real taxes for the 99% of Americans.

TOPIC: misc.consumers.frugal-living groups

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 5:26 am
From: vasanth kumar


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TOPIC: Don't fall for the flu vaccine scam again this year

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 8:29 am
From: "Bob F"

h wrote:
> "Bill Gill" <> wrote in message
> news:j76oi2$jh8$
>> That's right, if you fall for the flu-vaccine scam you will miss all
>> the fun of lying in bed with your joints aching while you shiver and
>> sweat. And you won't be able to pass the fun on to your family, friends, and
>> co-workers.
> Wrong. The only time I ever got the flu was 2 weeks AFTER I got a flu
> shot. I'll never get a flu shot again. Total scam. Maybe it doesn't
> give you the flu, but it sure doesn't stop it.

It doesn't stop every flu. Just the 3 expected to be most problematic.


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