Saturday, November 8, 2014

Digest for - 10 updates in 2 topics Google Groups
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John Doe <always.look@message.header>: Nov 07 07:36PM

Everybody has personal problems, but please try to stay on topic...
"Bob F" <bobnospam> wrote in news:m3j0un$887$1
John Doe <always.look@message.header>: Nov 07 04:55PM

Does Walmart inspect your receipt when you are leaving the store?
The closest Wal-mart here does. They have been doing that for about a
decade. Seems to me they should post a sign(s) at the entrance with
regard to that, but they don't. I'm getting tired of it, planning to go
out of my way to avoid Walmart for a while. Even if it means traveling
miles across the food desert... I see the sheep lining up at the exit to
Walmart in order to get their receipt inspected before they leave. I just
can't do that.
I suppose one could refuse the inspection. Their only recourse being to
disallow your entrance to the store. But that hassle isn't worth it IMO.
"Bob F" <>: Nov 07 09:53AM -0800

John Doe wrote:
> I suppose one could refuse the inspection. Their only recourse being
> to disallow your entrance to the store. But that hassle isn't worth
> it IMO.
There are much better reasons to not give your business to WalMart.
John Doe <always.look@message.header>: Nov 08 01:30PM

Trolls often post no-archive, like this one...
Derald <derald> wrote in news:hp1s5al4la1ile5v1soqe3aglpf8464kol
John Doe <always.look@message.header>: Nov 08 01:32PM

If you intend to help other people by posting to a group like this,
please do not post no-archive. If you are just a troll, posting
no-archive helps hide your trolling...
Derald <derald> wrote in news:te3s5ad5g5h70hhjcic1q1veomleile5fg
KenK <>: Nov 08 05:06PM

John Doe <always.look@message.header> wrote in
> I suppose one could refuse the inspection. Their only recourse being
> to disallow your entrance to the store. But that hassle isn't worth it
> IMO.
The one I go to used to have someone visually checking carts as they
left, asking for a receipt for un-bagged items. Then a year or two ago
they stopped even doing that. Now there is no one obviously checking at
the exit, except sometimes a greeter (goodbyer?) wishing everyone
leaving a nice day or whatever (and likely still doing that visual
You know it's time to clean the refrigerator
when something closes the door from the inside. Nov 08 09:22AM -0800

they have someone there to "go through the motions"
of inspecting your goods, but
they don't/can't really do a thorough job
i think it's more of a "deterrent"
than really trying to catch shoplifters
in the last few years,
they seem to have cut back on looking at receipts,
but i've seen a few "greeters"
Derald <>: Nov 08 07:07AM -0500

>Everybody has personal problems, but please try to stay on topic...
Golly, who'd have thought it possible: An ignorant top-posting
twit masquerading as "mommy" trawling through ACF-L. I guess AOL _did_
serve a useful purpose, after all by providing them a home.
Derald <>: Nov 08 08:15AM -0500

MCF-L; oops!
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-B. Franklin
Derald <>: Nov 08 08:15AM -0500

>> to disallow your entrance to the store. But that hassle isn't worth
>> it IMO.
>There are much better reasons to not give your business to WalMart.
I agree with you on that one but, unfortunately, in many
communities it now is impractical, if not impossible for some items, to
avoid shopping at Wallyworld thanks, in large part, to Wallyworld -- in
concert with other "big box" stores -- and their brutally predatory
To OP's point, I had the experience sometime in the late '90's but
it was because I was leaving the store with an item too large to bag.
Gratuitous Aside: In 2000, while comparison shopping automobile
tires, I toured a Sam's Club to determine whether it could ever possibly
be worth actually _paying_ someone just to shop in his store and there
witnessed customers dutifully lining up like cattle in a chute so that a
Sam's minion could compare the contents of their shopping carts to their
receipts. It didn't seem to matter to any of them that the items being
"verified" already belonged to _them_!
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-B. Franklin
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