Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Digest for - 9 updates in 3 topics

"Bob F" <>: Feb 04 07:12AM -0800

Have you checked KPLU? They seem to have multiple choices.
Derald wrote:
"Bob F" <>: Feb 04 10:43AM -0800

Derald wrote:
> (for example) broadcast, streams from radio stations in other time
> zones get me to where I came in. I hear "wait, wait; don't tell me"
> three times each Saturday ;-)
My condolances. :-)
With KPLU and KUOW, you should have even more choices. They seem to broadcast
weekend shows at different times. Ever try "Democracy Now" on KBCS?
"Bob F" <>: Feb 04 05:15PM -0800

Derald wrote:
>> Ever try "Democracy Now" on KBCS?
> Not for quite some time and never on KBCS. I'd have listened to it
> on WMNF, a community supported "alternative" station in Florida.
Oops! I should read your signiture line before I replied. I was assuming you
were in this area.
"Bob F" <>: Feb 04 05:16PM -0800

Bob F wrote:
>> on WMNF, a community supported "alternative" station in Florida.
> Oops! I should read your signiture line before I replied. I was
> assuming you were in this area.
And I should proofread my spelling. Feb 04 03:08PM -0800
The interviewee is Ron Lieber, personal finance writer for The New York
Times and author of "The Opposite of Spoiled."
I heard most of the interview (don't have time to check again), but I
suspect he did not mention the method that is now rare in the U.S., but
used to be very common before, say, WWI. Namely: Yes, give kids unpaid
chores, but do NOT give them allowances! If they want money, they can do
EXTRA chores. What's so awful about that?
(Amy Dacyczyn raised her kids just that way - and from her daughters'
interviews, I'd say they were quite content with that method, especially
since they got plenty of presents on their birthdays anyway. I assume the
sons felt pretty much the same way.)
Lenona. Feb 04 03:21PM -0800

I suddenly realized it was a repeat from 2013, but I DID hear it on NPR
very recently.
Anyway, here's one comment from back then:
Gigi Gardner * a year ago
No allowance. We tried when they were about 8 but they were too young and
money didn't mean anything to them. They really didn't want to buy
anything. Now they are 10 and 12.
They have certain chores they HAVE to do, because they are part of the
family. (empty dishwasher, laundry, bathrooms) Then there are "extra"
chores they can do if they want money.(vacuum cellar, sweep steps, rake,
Since they EARN their money, they are very careful about how they spend
it. When my daughter wanted fancy sneakers, I said she could pay for them
with HER money, and she decided she didn't really want them anymore. Same
thing when we take trips and they are in a souvenir shop and I say they
can buy things with THEIR money, it's amazing what they DON't want.
They have used their money to buy craft supplies, like fancy duct tape
and special candy treats, and to buy presents for people.
As they get older, they will get more money and more responsibility for
buying their own things like clothes. Right now they still don't really
care what they wear. (which is very affordable!)
Derald <>: Feb 04 09:55AM -0500

On Feb.5, KUOW (Seattle NPR affiliate) is discontinuing its mp3 stream
in favor of a in-browser player. Can (and will) someone provide me with
a URL for _any_ other "west coast" (Pacific Time Zone) NPR mp3 (or
"Apple" or "IPod") stream? Surely, I'm not the only one who listens
online to those smugly superior statist bastards. Just trying to save
myself some searching time.
Peninsular FL, USA
Derald <>: Feb 04 10:58AM -0500

>Have you checked KPLU? They seem to have multiple choices.
Thanks; will do. I'm embarrassed to say (well, not really) that I
"found" KAZU <> within minutes of
posting here.
My hours are erratic and when I miss the local "Morning Edition"
(for example) broadcast, streams from radio stations in other time zones
get me to where I came in. I hear "wait, wait; don't tell me" three
times each Saturday ;-)
Derald <>: Feb 04 03:17PM -0500

>My condolances. :-)
Oh, c'mon, now; you know those guys're pretty funny. I'm surprised
at the amount of absolutely useless trivia one can pick up.
>Ever try "Democracy Now" on KBCS?
Not for quite some time and never on KBCS. I'd have listened to it
on WMNF, a community supported "alternative" station in Florida.
Peninsular FL, USA
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