Friday, February 6, 2015

Digest for - 8 updates in 5 topics Feb 06 05:17PM -0800
CanopyCo <>: Feb 06 06:24AM -0800

Ya, ok, it's a old post.
But I just got here.
I decorate my freezer with all that cheep ham.
Otherwise I wouldn't even know it was thanks giving day.
Christmas is a little different, back when I had kids around.
One has to get something for them or they feel left out when they go back to school.
Otherwise my opinion of it is that it is just a scam to get you to buy stuff that no one will want or use.
A complete waste of money, or at best a buying of needed things at a time when they are not needed.
Halloween is another one that I participate in, if I am living in town.
I enjoy scaring the crap out of people, and a couple of kit kats is a cheap payment for the fun.
CanopyCo <>: Feb 06 06:12AM -0800

I'm all for this idea.
Chores that are just there part of the load of living.
Stuff like doing their own laundry, cleaning there room, and each one gets a day at the trash and mowing the lawn.
Actually, after I got the rider, then mowing the lawn was a reward.
Then for them to earn some spending cash, they take up jobs assigned to others and get paid by them.
Cutting fire wood is a family job where everyone is involved.
After they were older they could cut fire wood without the rest of us for some cash.
Mow other people's yards with my mower and pay me $5 a yard for using my mower or buy their own.
Work the garden for other people, as our garden is again a entire family job.
They can put out their own garden if they want and sell the output, but the extra from the family garden is split with the entire family.
Same with the eggs.
Take turns gathering the eggs and split the money from selling extra eggs or get your own chicken and make your own little coop and it is all your problem and profit.
Having friendly neighbors within walking distance helps.
Having kids that can and do walk for a couple of miles doesn't hurt things either.
Doing this helps them understand the value of what they buy as well as gets them ready for the reality of life.
And that it that anyone that will help you for free is a valuable and rare friend to be treated with regard.
Anytime someone helps someone else it costs them, and now they know just how hard those resources are to get so they expect to have to pay your own way for everything until they die. Feb 05 11:01PM -0800

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ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Feb 06 05:27AM -0800

> Hii Nina,
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VOIP is very cost effective tool for international communications. I am using utteru which gives me most economic rate to make Cheap calls to India.
ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Feb 06 05:24AM -0800

Love these 'Lazarus' posts --- NOT.
In case that went right over your head utteru2015 that means you are replying to an almost NINE YEAR OLD THREAD. And just what I wanted to do, make calls to India!! But that's what spammers do, revive old threads so they can spread the word about their site.
The bots will love getting your address, jerk.
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