Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Digest for misc.consumers.frugal-living@googlegroups.com - 2 updates in 1 topic

hchickpea@hotmail.com: Apr 13 10:07PM -0500

>Along the belief that if we could just explain things properly we could
>convince the terminally wrong-headed that life would be better if they
>could just change their minds and AGREE WITH US.
LOL! I don't think I ever wasted much time on that after high school. A lot of
what I wrote was more about educating the lurkers to alternative thoughts and
turning the "teminally wrong-headed" brains into butter by taking their own
rigid dictums and extending those to a logical extreme. Along the way I learned
a lot about my own learning edges and forces beyond the control of any of us.
I do find that there have been changes on the net that, like mainstream tv, play
to the lowest common denominator. A couple of recent comments on a private
forum have made me stop and think.
The first was someone claiming that I did hours of Google searching to answer
questions. Uhhhh, no. I will sometimes spend some time VERIFYING that what I am
about to post is correct and use a web search, but it really is possible for
people to hold thoughts longer than a twitter message in their minds AND be able
to relate them cogently.
The second was that people posing questions were more interested in
conversational interaction than getting answers or even optional answers to
their questions. I'm not even sure how to respond to that.
"My pipe burst! How do I fix it so water isn't spraying everywhere?!?"
"Funny you should ask! I once knew someone who had a pipe burst! They were an
interesting person that you would have liked. They had a parrot that could
recite the Pledge of Allegence. Let me tell you about that..."
The Real Bev <bashley101@gmail.com>: Apr 13 11:03PM -0700

>>Along with the belief that if we could just explain things properly we could
>>convince the terminally wrong-headed that life would be better if they
>>could just change their minds and AGREE WITH US.
I had to add 'with' up there. I just HAD to.
> what I wrote was more about educating the lurkers to alternative thoughts and
> turning the "teminally wrong-headed" brains into butter by taking their own
> rigid dictums and extending those to a logical extreme.
You can maybe turn butter into better butter, but I wouldn't bet money
on it. Or butter.
> about to post is correct and use a web search, but it really is possible for
> people to hold thoughts longer than a twitter message in their minds AND be able
> to relate them cogently.
The older we get the more stuff we know and the more crap we've
discarded. I'm shocked at what the under-20s don't know. "Common
knowledge" isn't.
I facebook because usenet friends facebooked. I won't twitter. I don't
care who tweets or how many revolutions get coordinated through twitter.
Some things are just too demeaning.
> The second was that people posing questions were more interested in
> conversational interaction than getting answers or even optional answers to
> their questions. I'm not even sure how to respond to that.
Don't. Questioners can expect either or both, but they're not mutually
exclusive. We need to just ignore certain things. There was a Quora
question the other day about how Americans are different. A guy said
that the big difference is that Americans think that every problem has a
solution. That may or may not be true, but it seems a lot more
admirable than just assuming that Option 1 is to accept the status quo.
Some problems (wrong-headed idiots, for example) can't be fixed until
old age or a guy with a gun takes care of the problem.
> "Funny you should ask! I once knew someone who had a pipe burst! They were an
> interesting person that you would have liked. They had a parrot that could
> recite the Pledge of Allegence. Let me tell you about that..."
But I digress...
Cheers, Bev
Too many freaks, not enough circuses.
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