Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Digest for misc.consumers.frugal-living@googlegroups.com - 4 updates in 1 topic

Beaver_Fever@live.com: Sep 29 01:12AM -0700

On Sunday, September 27, 2015 at 3:57:45 PM UTC-7, Bob F wrote:
> question. YOU need to find out what rules really affect YOU. Nobody here knows
> exactly your situation.
> Get to work.
too busy to deal with this shit right now
trader4@optonline.net: Sep 29 09:48AM -0700

> > But give them a break, most are still suffering from BDS.
> Bullshit! Same as with people who drive without insurance. Or people who keep pitbulls without homeowner's insurance. Why do we have to subsidize this guys cheapness? He gets to afford an extra case of beer a month and then cries that we need to cover his medical bills because he fell and broke something. No sympathy. Besides freedoms, Americans should expect to shoulder responsibilities.
> I'm glad you have taken the side of someone who posted here asking for instructions on how to break the law. Seems we know where your loyalties are, comrade. Or is it Alma'arefah? So hard to keep track these days.
His having insurance or not isn't the issue. Your mean spirited attack
on him calling him a "hater" and dragging Rush Limbaugh into it, is the
behavior I was clearly talking about. How exactly does him not having
insurance make him a hater or have anything to do with Limbaugh. Good grief.
The Real Bev <bashley101@gmail.com>: Sep 29 11:54AM -0700

> it, is the behavior I was clearly talking about. How exactly does
> him not having insurance make him a hater or have anything to do with
> Limbaugh. Good grief.
We went without medical insurance for over 10 years. Fortunately we're
healthy and could pay for the treatment/surgery we needed -- providers
will cut the price significantly if you can write a check.
I once checked into self-insuring for liability insurance. Numerous
hoops to jump through as well as depositing cash into an account
somewhere. Easier to just pay the insurance company even if you figure
you can afford to write a check for any damage you might cause,
regarding it as a proper penalty for stupidity.
This was back when the simplest trip to the ER was actually affordable,
of course. I wouldn't even think of doing that now.
Being required to have liability insurance was the signal to the
insurance companies that they could raise the premiums as high as they
wanted. The Insurance Commissioner here is NOT on the consumers' side.
Cheers, Bev
To define recursion, we must first define recursion.
wilma6116@gmail.com: Sep 29 12:14PM -0700

> on him calling him a "hater" and dragging Rush Limbaugh into it, is the
> behavior I was clearly talking about. How exactly does him not having
> insurance make him a hater or have anything to do with Limbaugh. Good grief.
First he says his insurance situation is causing him "endless grief and anxiety". Dog whistle for "Obamacare" critics? You'd think he'd look up what the fines are and how to remedy it, rather than post publicly.
And then he asks how to break the law. As if it is acceptable behavior to break the law, and solicit information on how to best break the law as if that too is acceptable.
But in your PC world we need to treat cheats and scofflaws as delicate humans who we most be careful not offend their sensibilities.
And by the way, Limbaugh has often talked about skirting the insurance mandate of the ACA. Limbaugh and cheating this responsibility is not some stretch of the imagination, it is one of his main talking points. Too many damn AM talk radio educated people.
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