Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Digest for misc.consumers.frugal-living@googlegroups.com - 5 updates in 1 topic

The Real Bev <bashley101@gmail.com>: Aug 22 09:23PM -0700

On 08/22/2016 04:16 PM, Michael Black wrote:
>>> Do you want the job of beheading the ones you don't think are supporting
>>> themselves gainfully?
>> That's a bit extreme, I think :-)
Well, maybe not. I think Venus needs colonists...
> People can pariticipate by editing a wikipedia entry or retweet something
> (or give a "me too" reply to a post somewhere), but it requires others to
> do the work before them.
Is that the one where people are sent to <heh> colonize Venus? That one
sticks in my mind, along with a TV program I saw when I was a kid
wherein there was a sort of death race for the last 1-acre parcel of
land on earth not yet built on -- in Yosemite Valley. Imagine
contestants rushing through crowded (like the subway at rush hour)
apartment hallways with weapons... That program all by itself may
account for my serious horror of overpopulation.
> think they've taken the place of some other things, so many are lost if
> they lose their device (and that can be literal too, since they lose their
> GPS if they lose their phone).
I like having mine, and I like playing with it, but the phone function
(rarely used) is the only part that I actually use in any needful way.
If I lost it I'd have to change all my email passwords and maybe one for
the bank, but beyond that it would just be a nuisance rather than a
tragedy. My computer, OTOH, would be the first thing I'd grab if the
house caught on fire -- but then I'd realize that the backup I made last
week on the little 500GB USB drive would be almost as good and a lot
easier to carry!
> years ago, but that doesn't mean they have raised themselves up. Instead
> it's aimed at the masses, making life simpler for them without raising
> them up.
Hey, I LIKE dog videos! Next best thing to actually having a dog!
Cheers, Bev
The Marketing Professional's Motto: "We don't screw the customers. All
we're doing is holding them down while the salespeople screw them."
-- Scott Adams
Michael Black <et472@ncf.ca>: Aug 22 07:16PM -0400

Nyssa <Nyssa@flawlesslogic.com>: Aug 23 10:32AM -0400

The Real Bev wrote:
>> up.
> Hey, I LIKE dog videos! Next best thing to actually
> having a dog!
I remember that TV show too. I'm brain-cramping on the
title though. I do remember that along with the acre of
land on what had been a national park, the couple got
a license for one child. Since the wife was already
pregnant, the guy had to win both the acre and the license
or his wife would have been arrested and jailed (plus
a mandatory abortion that was hinted at, but not stated
Yeah, that show made me even more allergic to crowds and
cities than I already was. I guess that's part of the reason
I live in a fairly rural area now.
I also agree with Michael about the "me too" not really
adding to discussions, just a bunch of hangers-on with
few thoughts of their own. They rely on others for fads,
fashion, and follow-the-leader activities. When you come
down to it, there are fewer "do-ers" with any creativity
and more dabblers with short attention spans who simply
nod their heads and click on whatever is being pushed to
the masses.
Thanks goodness that there are still some people willing
to put in the effort of learning, practicing, and creating
or we'd no longer have any orchestras, scientific discoveries,
or engineering breakthroughs.
Nyssa, who can't imagine being passive and not DOING something
Michael Black <et472@ncf.ca>: Aug 23 01:35PM -0400

Dennis <dgw80@hotmail.com>: Aug 23 01:29PM -0700

On Tue, 23 Aug 2016 13:35:54 -0400, Michael Black <et472@ncf.ca>
>I seem to have aquired a frugal dog, my sister's. So she pays for the
>food, but he takes me for a walk every day, which then means he's glad to
>see me. It's actually better than owning a dog.
I have a dog. I pay for her food, actually put the food in her dish
twice a day, take her for walks, throw the frisbee, brush her, etc.
She is always glad to see me, but if I'm downstairs and my wife is
upstairs, the dog hangs out upstairs with my wife. I can't really
blame the dog, though -- I would rather hang out with my wife too.
Dennis (evil)
I'm behind the eight ball, ahead of the curve, riding the wave,
dodging the bullet and pushing the envelope. -George Carlin
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