Thursday, February 16, 2017

Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic Feb 15 06:53PM -0800

> >
> Inflation? Oh my. Sure, it would help people who have mortgages and student loans, but for Nelson Moneybags who sleeps on a huge mattress full of money, this could be bad news. We must keep inflation in check to protect the wealthy and those born wealthy.
> Good thing Mr. Trump is on it. A simple 20% tax on goods coming from Mexico will surely help things.
doesn't a 20% tax on something coming in from anywhere result in xx% higher prices?
The Real Bev <>: Feb 15 08:07PM -0800

>> wrote:
>>> Inflation? Oh my. Sure, it would help people who have mortgages and
student loans, but for Nelson Moneybags who sleeps on a huge mattress
full of money, this could be bad news. We must keep inflation in check
to protect the wealthy and those born wealthy.
>> from Mexico will surely help things.
> doesn't a 20% tax on something coming in from anywhere result in xx%
> higher prices?
Unless the price of the peso drops by whatever the appropriate amount
is. A couple of months they were ~14/$. Now it's ~20/$.
Cheers, Bev
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