Saturday, May 13, 2017

Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic

The Real Bev <>: May 12 09:19PM -0700

> there is no incentive to curb TM calls, even if it would be an easy find and
> fix. With the VOIP using valuable satellite time, there is a cost to the
> provider when these calls tie up the links.
We have an Ooma VOIP device which connects via cablemodem. For a year
we were able to block spam calls, but there were a lot of first-timers.
Then we got a Sentry device, which requires first-time callers to
press 0 if they're not a telemarketer. If they lied (only a few in a
year) we immediately blacklist them. Friends only have to press 0 once,
from then on they're whitelisted automatically. Only $50 or so.
Cheers, Bev
I'd tell you a UDP joke, but you might not get it.
-- K.E. Long
Bob F <>: May 13 09:15AM -0700

On 5/12/2017 9:19 PM, The Real Bev wrote:
> 0 if they're not a telemarketer. If they lied (only a few in a year) we
> immediately blacklist them. Friends only have to press 0 once, from
> then on they're whitelisted automatically. Only $50 or so.
Does that Sentry device stop unwanted calls from ringing at all? Or does
it ring once for them before it rejects them? What does it do for
spammers that spoof your own number to the call?
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