Thursday, September 7, 2017

Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic

Nyssa <>: Sep 06 08:00AM -0400

catalpa wrote:
> Carpool, bum a ride, take the bus/train, ride a bicycle or
> walk.
> I don't nned to buy gas until the price comes back down.
Rural area, no bus or train, no bike paths or even sidewalks,
distances too far to be practical for walking or biking plus
no one to carpool with since we all go in different directions.
I did buy gas yesterday. It was 30 cents more per gallon than
the last time I purchased it.
I doubt the prices will come back down anywhere near as quickly
as they shot up. And probably not come down to the old price
Nyssa, who has seen this yoyo pricing many times before Sep 07 02:14PM -0700

Well there you go. The true frugal strategy is to live some place where you are not at the mercy of conditions beyond control.
Take the price of oil. When gas gets too expensive, I have the voice to ride public transportation, or pedal my bike. When gas is cheaper I can drive. If it gets real cheap, I have a little left over to rent a car I've been wanting to try out.
I have a heating oil tank that holds three years worth of heating oil. When it is cheap, $2.12 wholesale on the business channel, I fill up. Much more and I run on reserves. Too high for too long, I heat individual rooms with electricity. Or I could visit relatives.
To me, frugal doesn't mean helpless. It means choices. Maybe that's why people don't live in the boondocks, once there you're stuck there.
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