Monday, December 4, 2017

Digest for - 5 updates in 1 topic

Christian@usenet.c0m: Dec 03 10:33PM -0600

Christmas is NOT about Jesus Christ or any holy figure. Christmas is
EVIL and it's the holiday for the devil Satan.
Look at the name "Santa". Now, move the letter"N" from the middle to the
end of the name, and you have the word SATAN.
This is not a jolly man in a red suit, this is the DEVIL encased in red
Flames from Hell.
This is NOT something you want your children associating with.
Don't lie to your children, or YOU are just doing what the devil wants.
Be honest and tell your children that Santa is evil and he is the Devil.
Above all, DO NOT celebrate this Devils Holiday. Refuse to participate
in every and all ways. Do not decorate a tree, do not send christmas
cards, do not give gifts, do not sing the songs of the holiday, and do
not allow this to be a special day. It's NOT a special day. It's only
special to those who worship Satan.
It's ok to visit your relatives and friends, as long as you tell them
what this holiday is all about. Instead of using the word "Christmas",
call it the "Winter Holiday" or Winter Solstice Holiday".
Happy Winter Solstice
The Real Bev <>: Dec 03 09:58PM -0800

On 12/03/2017 08:33 PM, Christian@usenet.c0m wrote:...
> what this holiday is all about. Instead of using the word "Christmas",
> call it the "Winter Holiday" or Winter Solstice Holiday".
> Happy Winter Solstice
Guess who got a lump of coal in HIS stocking!
Cheers, Bev
"The way England treats her prisoners, she doesn't
deserve to have any." --Oscar Wilde
ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Dec 04 07:20AM -0800

On Sunday, December 3, 2017 at 11:58:20 PM UTC-6, The Real Bev wrote:
> Guess who got a lump of coal in HIS stocking!
> Cheers, Bev
He needs a lump on his head. Dec 04 10:21AM -0600

On Mon, 4 Dec 2017 07:20:31 -0800 (PST), ItsJoan NotJoann
>> Guess who got a lump of coal in HIS stocking!
>> Cheers, Bev
>He needs a lump on his head.
Did you just prove his point? Who would be more likely to wham a head with a
lump of coal; santa or satan? Could it be... oh, I don't know...
This message from the past brought to you by the church lady.
ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Dec 04 09:42AM -0800

> lump of coal; santa or satan? Could it be... oh, I don't know...
> SATAN!!!
> This message from the past brought to you by an idiot.
Hmmmmmmm, Samson slew thousands with the jawbone of an ass and I don't
think Satan was helping him in that endeavor.
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