Saturday, May 26, 2018

Digest for - 3 updates in 2 topics May 26 09:28AM -0700
SYRACUSE, N.Y. – It's a case that pitted a mom and dad against their own son. The couple wanted the 30-year-old to move out of their home in upstate New York. Despite eviction notices and offers of cash, he wouldn't budge, CBS New York reports.
So now, a court ruling is forcing him out, and he's complaining about his parents...
...In the time that he's been at home, Rotondo said he's never been expected to contribute to household expenses, assist with chores or the maintenance of the property. He blames his so-called "failure to launch" on a custody battle he's been waging over his own son.
"I'm getting my son back, that's what I'm doing," he said.
But Judge Donald Greenwood agreed with mom and dad that he can do that somewhere else.
"I'm granting the eviction," he ruled...
Lenona. May 26 09:54AM -0700

Amusing commentary:
First paragraphs:
By John Kass
Chicago Tribune
May 26, 2018
It breaks my heart to say this, but the entire country is dead wrong about poor Michael Rotondo, the 30-year-old slacker living in his parents' basement.
You've all been horribly, stupidly and arrogantly cruel; those of you on the left who've mocked poor Rotondo for being a conservative in a bad '80s burgundy shirt, and those on the right who treated the Syracuse pajama boy as if he were the secret son of Bernie Sanders...
(snip) May 26 07:22AM -0500

How many shirtless and shoeless people freeze to death each year?
Imagine this. A person has no shirt ot shoes. They go to Walmart or any
other clothing store to buy a shirt and some shoes, and they are refused
entry into the store, because there is a sign that reads: "NO SHIRT - NO
SHOES - NO SERVICE". They are forced to stand outside, barefooted and
topless, in deep snow and ice, while they freeze to death.
How many Americans must die because of that senseless sign?
If you dont have a shirt or shoes, and a clothing store wont let you
into their store to buy a shirt and/or shoes, how in the heck can that
person survive in weather extremes? Obviously the stores dont give a
damn about the needs of their customers. Whether that customer is rich
or poor, dont much matter, if they are not allowed to buy their much
needed shirt and shoes.
Worse yet, it's possibly condemning someone who just suffered a
traumatic experience. For example, they just had a major house fire and
all their belongings were destroyed, including their shirts and shoes.
Or maybe it was a tornado, hurricane or other disaster that left them
shirtless and shoeless. Now they are being punished for something they
had no control over in the first place. So instead of helping the needy,
these stores are judging and condemning them to a painful death, after
their misfortune.
Those stores should be held accountable, and even charged with assisted
murder, for refusing a needy paying customer.
This MUST change. Contact your State and Federal politicians and tell
them you've had enough of this abuse. Tell them that all stores with
those signs, should have their businesses closed until they remove the
signs and begin caring for shirtless and shoeless needy people.
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