Sunday, February 17, 2019

Digest for - 2 updates in 2 topics

Derald <>: Feb 17 08:55AM -0500

>Until the late 1800s, hardly anyone had hot water in their homes.
Regretably, neither had they twit filters.
...the only traits that are passed down in your family
are perversity, ego-centrism, laziness and sociopathic tendencies.
--Lynn Barton, Filedheacht Music School, East Bridgewater, MA to Derald, July, 2016
Garyatric <>: Feb 17 02:10AM -0600

On Wed, 6 Feb 2019 21:55:49 -0500, "catalpa" <>
>My hot water heater uses zero energy.
>At current natural gas prices my cold water heater costs about $6.00 a
>month. I'll keep paying the $6.00 a month for hot water.
It's amazing how wimpy modern men have become. Hot water is a LUXURY,
not a necessity. Take 2 or 3 cold baths or showers and your body will
adapt to it. But you are too accustomed to living the life of luxury,
and luxury is a waste of money, energy, and resources.
Until the late 1800s, hardly anyone had hot water in their homes. Even
before World War 2, most people just heated some water on a kitchen wood
stove and put it into a small tub to bathe. And then, a whole family
used the same bath water. They bathed once a week or less, and they
Stop making excuses to have luxury items, and call them NECESSARY.
The 21st century is the century of waste and excess.
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