Sunday, November 17, 2019

Digest for - 6 updates in 4 topics Nov 17 03:28PM -0800
Whoey Louie <>: Nov 17 07:19AM -0800

> Standard 737? Of course.
> 737 Max?
> Kinda funny how most people don't think of what plane they are flying but everyone has heard of the 737MAX and no one wants to fly on one.
It recently got worse for Boeing. They thought they had fixed just the
MCAS system and that was it. Upon testing, some new issue showed up which
now requires the flight computers to have changes made too. To do that
and certify it has added to the delay. And since they screwed up so badly
before, how much confidence should we have that they won't screw up
something again in the new work? My concern level has ticked up on any
planes that have rolled out of Boeing in the last few years. Like the 777-X.
Anyone want to be among the first to fly on that when it rolls out?
They already had to return the jet engines that the first test plane used
because there is a problem causing premature wear. Then some door blew
off during a pressure test. IDK, I used to strongly prefer taking a Boeing
plane over Airbus, but that's gone now.
Can anyone explain why that CEO is still there? I've never heard him
describe what lead to this disaster. I've never heard him describe
what internal investigation is going on, what they have done to examine
all the other airplane design and builds, what they have done to fix
whatever problems actually lead to this disaster. All I've heard is
sorry, we're fixing it. Nov 17 03:20PM -0800

> Nov 17 02:59PM -0800
rbowman <>: Nov 16 07:27PM -0700

On 11/16/2019 08:15 AM, Whoey Louie wrote:
> fathom it either. The stupid lib argument is that it would be racist
> because back in the 60s water hoses were used to push back civil rights
> demonstrators. Never mind that was FIRE HOSES and this is power washers.
Without even getting into the politics I have to believe the people
promoting the idea had never been to Seattle. Or Portland. If nothing
else this is the stomping ground of the 9th Circuit, the most screwed up
court in the land.
Whoey Louie <>: Nov 17 07:27AM -0800

On Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 10:35:10 AM UTC-5, John Weiss wrote:
> level that is sustainable. Restrictions on the number of children a
> couple can have was tried in China, and worked to some extent, but was
> deemed socially unacceptable.
It's interesting that in all the discussions about global warming,
decline of species, loss of forests, you never hear discussion of
dealing with the biggest driver of that, population growth. And even
if we did, I see little chance of it happening. For example here in
the US, Social Security is already facing a crisis, as there are more
retirees living longer, so they desperately need more new money flowing
in. You can only get that by raising the tax rate or more people working.
I think you'll find similar issues in most countries. The various
activist groups should join forces on an effort to reduce population
> A gas furnace in the home is 95-98% efficient. Producing electricity
> from natural gas is AT BEST 50% efficient. So banning home use will
> actually increase consumption!
Especially dumb when most nat gas usage in homes is from 5pM to 7AM,
ie when the sun isn't shining. I guess encouraging electric water
heaters might be a net positive, heating the water mostly during the
day. But if you look at the cost of fuels, it's a disaster compared
to nat gas and any delta is still pretty much a fart in the wind.
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