Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Digest for - 6 updates in 4 topics

The Real Bev <>: Mar 03 09:09PM -0800

On 03/03/2020 04:59 PM, Conceited Jerk wrote:
> US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen
>> I have an unused 10 ounce bottle for sale, $50
> Sadly, a bargain compared to some of the other prices I've seen posted...
Recipes all over helland gone about making your own out of aloe vera gel
and alcohol. I tried to find aloe vera gel in reasonable quantities for
a reasonable price, but no success. I did find ultrasound transmission
gel (also water based) from a number of sources for under $40/gallon.
Probably not possible to get alcohol any more, but still...
Any medical people here who can comment on the practicality of UTG? All
I get from the medical people I "know" is WASH YOUR HANDS. Yeah, but
what about when you can't?
Cheers, Bev
The people who don't know what they're doing and the people who
don't realize it are generally the same people." -- DAbel
rbowman <>: Mar 03 10:21PM -0700

On 03/03/2020 10:09 PM, The Real Bev wrote:
> Probably not possible to get alcohol any more, but still...
Buy a bottle of Everclear...
Conceited Jerk <>: Mar 05 12:09AM

On Tue, 03 Mar 2020 21:09:29 -0800, The Real Bev wrote:
> a reasonable price, but no success. I did find ultrasound transmission
> gel (also water based) from a number of sources for under $40/gallon.
> Probably not possible to get alcohol any more, but still...
We lucked out (in a sense), my late mother-in-law was experiencing health
issues (immune system) last spring/summer and was going to come live with
us, so my wife bought a case of hand sanitizer from the medical supply
shop while we were outfitting our home. Still have some left.
> Any medical people here who can comment on the practicality of UTG? All
> I get from the medical people I "know" is WASH YOUR HANDS. Yeah, but
> what about when you can't?
On the radio this morning, a couple of medical professionals were telling
people to stop touching their face as well. Apparently the average
person touches their face 29 times per day.
I'm CJ, by the way. Long time lurker. Mar 04 01:43PM -0800

> Mar 04 01:28PM -0800

Use cold water or hot water?
This says to use COLD water:
#3 of the following says to use HOT water: Mar 04 01:24PM -0800

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