Tuesday, January 29, 2008

21 new messages in 14 topics - digest



Today's topics:

* Some TV Converter box coupon program questions - 5 messages, 5 authors
* I bet noone has told you about this! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Amana Air Command 80 Gas Fired Furnace (4 blinks) troubleshooting - 3
messages, 3 authors
* How much does it cost you to live a day in your life? - 1 messages, 1 author
* WATCH your favorate hero&HEROINES HERE - 1 messages, 1 author
* Cloth Diapers & Soap Nuts - 1 messages, 1 author
* Why do people stay in overpriced real estate markets? - 2 messages, 1 author
* Frugal Tip For InkJet Printers - 1 messages, 1 author
* Great - 1 messages, 1 author
* Infidelity and spotting a cheater! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Cellphone battery life - 1 messages, 1 author
* California moving companies - 1 messages, 1 author
* FOLKS....DO NOT PASS THIS UP! GET TONS OF FREE STUFF - 1 messages, 1 author
* will Yuvraj make a good captain after Dravid - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Some TV Converter box coupon program questions

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 11:33 am
From: Shawn Hirn

In article <kf8sp35948a0jlhpalbbn581ohu03omgcb@4ax.com>, me@privacy.net

> Some questions abt the coupons one can get for
> converter boxes:
> 1. Can it be used towards a new digital TV or DVD
> recorder to be used as a "converter"?

I don't think so.

> 2. Will the converter boxes have RF modulators in them
> allowing use of old analog TV's with ONLY a coax
> input... no direct inputs?

As soon as the boxes go on sale, which should be in a week or two, you
can check them out for yourself to see what their capabilities are. Feel
free to google for "digital TV converter box" and I am sure you will
find tons of information.

== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 3:32 pm
From: Seerialmom

On Jan 28, 10:42 am, m...@privacy.net wrote:
> Some questions abt the coupons one can get for
> converter boxes:
> 1. Can it be used towards a new digital TV or DVD
> recorder to be used as a "converter"?
> 2. Will the converter boxes have RF modulators in them
> allowing use of old analog TV's with ONLY a coax
> input... no direct inputs?

I think the answers could be found at the DTVanswers.com site, eh?
But my understanding is the coupon is for a converter...and that's
it. Actually I thought I'd check just because, here's the answer:

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)
will issue coupons for DTV converter boxes in early 2008. Households
will be able to apply for up to two coupons, which must be redeemed
within three months of receipt. The coupons cannot be combined to
purchase a single converter box, nor can they be used toward the
purchase of other products.

No idea what you mean by the second question. Maybe there's an AV
geek in here who knows.

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 6:40 pm
From: Logan Shaw

me@privacy.net wrote:
> Some questions abt the coupons one can get for
> converter boxes:
> 1. Can it be used towards a new digital TV or DVD
> recorder to be used as a "converter"?

Apparently not.

> 2. Will the converter boxes have RF modulators in them
> allowing use of old analog TV's with ONLY a coax
> input... no direct inputs?

I don't see any reason why a manufacturer couldn't offer this
feature. I don't know that all of the approved converter boxes
will, but it would be a helpful feature since by definition the
boxes are going to be used by late adopters, who may have
really old TVs.

On the other hand, I expect that as we get closer and closer
to the switchover day, analog TVs will get so cheap as to be
either practically or literally free for the taking. At that
point, you might as well ditch your low-quality obsolete
television and trade up for a high-quality obsolete television,
since it will cost you next to nothing. Either that, or pick
up free (or buy for cheap) about 10 or 20 obsolete televisions
and set up a wall of televisions in your garage. If you have
cable TV service, you can split the signal and tune each one
to a different station, and watch them all at once, just like
David Bowie in a certain sci-fi movie from the 1970's. :-)

- Logan

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 7:56 pm
From: Jeff

me@privacy.net wrote:
> Some questions abt the coupons one can get for
> converter boxes:
> 1. Can it be used towards a new digital TV or DVD
> recorder to be used as a "converter"?

> 2. Will the converter boxes have RF modulators in them
> allowing use of old analog TV's with ONLY a coax
> input... no direct inputs?

Little reason to as cable is mandated to retain standard TV for
another couple years. Last I looked, and that was few weeks ago, there
weren't *any* converter boxes available.

I'd wait to see the products before you apply for a coupon.

Or, you can do what I did and buy a receiver to watch HDTV on your
computer, mine was $9 after rebate.


== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 9:13 pm
From: Tony Sivori

me wrote:

> Some questions abt the coupons one can get for converter boxes:
> 1. Can it be used towards a new digital TV or DVD recorder to be used as a
> "converter"?


Tony Sivori

TOPIC: I bet noone has told you about this!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 11:53 am
From: vadim

Domestic applications are in; Do you know anyone suffering from the

Headache, dizziness, eye pain, sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety,
stomach pain, nervous tension, inability to concentrate, hair loss,
plus an increased incidence of appendicitis, cataracts, reproductive
problems, and cancer.

Read till' the end - you'll be aghast!

" Pacifying" Rays Pose New Hazards To Iraqis
By William Thomas 01/24/05 ( World Exclusive )


Desperate to improve images of civilian carnage, US commanders are
using portable electromagnetic-frequency weapons in Fallujah and other
"hot spots" in the Sunni Triangle to pacify restive neighborhoods with
invisible EM radiation. "Active Denial" antenna arrays mounted on
Humvees are also being deployed to panic and disperse hostile crowds
by flash-burning exposed flesh with microwaves. But unintended side
effects from the hidden rooftop transmitters are reportedly triggering
violent attacks by exposed insurgents--while leading to AWOL rates of
up to 15% among US forces disoriented by these same weapons, as well
as the electromagnetic emanations from high-power radars, radios and

On the rooftop of a shrapnel-pocked building in the ruins of Fallujah,
a team of GI's stealthily sets up a gray plastic dome about two-feet
in diameter. Keeping well back from the sight lines of the street and
nearby buildings, they plug the cable connectors on the side of the
"popper" into a power unit. The grunts have no clue what the device
does. They are just following orders.

" Most of the worker-bees that are placing these do not even know what
is inside the 'domes', just that they were told where to place them by
Intel weenies with usually no nametag," reports my source, a very well
informed combat veteran I will call "Hank".

" Intel" stands for "intelligence" officers who target the most
restive neighborhoods in a country gripped by anarchy and chaos. The
lack of nametags indicates membership in a spooky "alphabet agency",
either within or outside the military chain of command. Similar
"black: teams removed "Made In The USA" chemical weapons from Iraqi
trenches after Desert Storm. [Bringing The War Home by William Thomas]

The grunts call the plastic devices "poppers" or "domes". Once
activated, each hidden transmitter emits a widening circle of
invisible energy capable of passing through metal, concrete and human
skulls up to half a mile away. "They are saturating the area with ULF,
VLF and UHF freqs," Hanks says, with equipment derived from US Navy
undersea sonar and communications.

But its not being used to locate and talk to submarines under Baghdad.

After powering up the unit, the grunts quickly exit the area. It is
their commanders' fervent hope that any male survivors enraged by
brutal American bombardments that damaged virtually every building in
this once thriving "City of Mosques", displacing a quarter-million
residents while murdering thousands of children, women and elders in
their homes--will lose all incentive for further resistance and

A dedicated former soldier, whose experiences during and after Desert
Storm are chronicled in my book, Bringing The War Home, Hank stays in
close touch with his unit serving "in theater" in Iraq. When I asked
how many "poppers" are being used to irradiate Iraqi neighborhoods, he
checked and got back to me. There are "at least 25 of these that have
been deployed to theater, and used. Some have conked out and been
removed, so I do not know how many are currently active and

As a patriotic American, Hank believes that wars must be fought by the
rules he was taught and the principles his country stands for. Like
many Desert Storm veterans, he would like to get his hands on retired
General Norman Schwartzkopf, who covered up combat log reports of
confirmed chemical weapons exposures during that 1990-'91 conflict.
Veterans say Schwartzkopf's "treason"--to use their word--was largely
responsible for more than the officially admitted 12,000 deaths, and
200,000 Gulf War Illness casualties among returning GIs. [Bringing The
War Home by William Thomas]

Now Hank wants to warn his comrades that they are again at grave risk
from radioactive heavy metal particles inhaled form microscopic
depleted uranium debris. Be careful around Najaf, he adds, where
mustard agents from Desert Storm and Saddam's post-war repression
still linger. Having been there, Hank concurs with historians who
concluded that the Shia and Kurdish revolts would have brought down
Saddam's regime if Bush Sr. had not allowed the dictator's gunships to
fly against the uprisings he encouraged.

Hank is still losing friends in Iraq, where front-line soldiers put
their current casualty figures from all causes--combat, accidents,
psychological crackups and suicides--at 5,000 dead and 22,000 to

But these GIs volunteered to extract "payback" against a country many
were falsely told was responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Iraq's
traumatized children want only to grow up with their families and play
with their friends in the suburbs. Hank blames those at the top for
hospital counts of upwards of 65,000 children killed since the 2003

He is also concerned that innocent Iraqi families and unsuspecting GIs
alike are being used as test subjects for a new generation of
"psychotronic" weapons using invisible beams across the entire
electromagnetic spectrum to selectively alter moods, behavior and
bodily processes. "Bottom line," Hanks says about the poppers, "they
are very powerful transmitters, have multi-channel/frequency send/
receive multi-task capabilities, are being placed inside the area(s)
where people live without their knowing it "

The Air Force and Navy have been working for decades on beam weapons
that can just as easily be turned against Americans at home.

" The 'poppers' are capable of using a combo of ULF, VLF, UHF and EHF
wavelengths in any combination at the same time, sometimes using one
as a carrier wave for the others," Hank explains, in a process called
superheterodyning. The silent frequencies daily sweeping Fallujah and
other trouble spots are the same Navy "freqs that drove whales nuts
and made them go astray onto beaches."


The Gulf War veteran observes that occupied Iraq has become a
"saturation environment" of electromagnetic radiation. Potentially
lethal electromagnetic smog from high-power US military electronics
and experimental beam weapons is placing already hard-hit local
populations--particularly children--at even higher risk of
serious illness, suicidal depression, impaired cognitive ability, even

American troops constantly exposed "up close" to their own microwave
transmitters, battlefield radars and RF weapons are also seeing their
health eroded by electromagnetic sickness. It's common, Hank recalls,
for GIs to warm themselves on cold desert nights by basking in the
microwaves radiating from their QUEEMS communications and RATT radar

According to Army manual TM 11-5820-890-10-1, SINGARS voice and text
messaging radios have a range up to 22 kilometers when mounted on a
Humvee. Operating in the microwave bands between 30 MHz to 87.975 MHz,
each 2320 channel transceiver radiates electromagnetic energy from
base stations employing a pair of antennas placed at least 75-feet

But even this is not enough to defeat the tyranny of distance. As an
Army "after action" report revealed after Desert Storm, "With a front
of nearly 350 miles and a operating depth of 200-400 miles long range
communications became imperative."

But the AN/VRC 46 SINGARS--essentially a military version of a mobile
phone network--did not work well. "Because of the great distances
involved teams were not able to maintain communications in order to
relay information, request support, or be notified of additional
incidents," the report states. "The operations also saw a total break
down in the ability + or all types of Communications Army
the CP [Command Post] and unit teams." [ARCENT Unit: 22D SUPCOM Box
ID: BX005554]

The same communications breakdowns occurred between units during the
long drive to Baghdad along "ambush alley". The solution is to use up
to 50 Humvees scattered in line-of-sight across the flat desert sands
as "retransmit" stations to relay messages to distant units. Humvee
and backpack-mounted SINGARS are also used extensively in Iraq's urban
areas. The result: constant and pervasive electromagnetic pollution
that interferes with cellular processes in human brains and bodies.

Constant microwave emissions from ground-sweeping RATT rigs and
SINGARS mobile microwave networks are much more powerful than civilian
microwave cell phone nets linked in many clinical studies to maladies
ranging from asthma, cataracts, headaches, memory loss, early
Alzheimer's, bad dreams and cancer.

Even more powerful US military radars, radios and "jammers" blasting
from ground bases and overflying aircraft add to this electromagnetic

Like ocean waves "piggy-backing" into rogue giants, harmonic waves
from this storm of randomly intersecting frequencies cause unintended
power spikes, while creating new wavelengths of woe never before
encountered by anyone on Earth.

This is bad enough. But this is also Iraq, Hank says, where ever-
present sand acts as miniature quartz reflectors, unpredictably
amplifying the ricocheting electronic smog so thick that if it were
visible, every vehicle in Baghdad and the surrounding Sunni Triangle
would be driving blind with their headlights on.

This is grim news to friend and foe alike--already overloaded by
constant adrenal stress, waterborne pollutants, infectious sand fleas,
dehydration, pharmaceutical drugs and exposure to radioactive
Uranium-238 fired in "hose 'em down" exuberance by US ground and air
cannons and cruise missiles.

As Hank puts it, DU is "the gift that keeps on giving." For the next
four billion years, medical investigators say, large populated
expanses of Kosovo, Afghanistan, Puerto Rico and Iraq will remain
lethally radioactive from Made In America depleted uranium dust.

What kind of people would do this?

Clinical tests have repeatedly shown how microwaves "rev up" incipient
cancer cells several hundred times. Triggered by nuclear radiation,
and turned rogue by electromagnetic warfare unleashed by US forces,
human cancer cells have been found to continue proliferating wildly--
even after the power source is turned off. [Scorched Earth by William

Another wild card is radon, Hank reckons. Typically found wherever oil
pools underground, pockets of this invisible, odorless and potentially
deadly gas tend to concentrate in natural bowls between dunes and
other niches out of the desert wind.

Ordered to "dig in", grunts typically scrape a 300 to 1000-foot
diameter position to a depth of five feet, Hank explained. They then
spray the ground with diesel fuel, adding to the toxic effects of any
radon they've just released. Hank claimed that during Desert Storm,
his unit's radon detectors went off even more often than the constant
ringing of chemical warfare exposure detectors. [Bringing The War Home
by William Thomas]

Just standing around a QUEEMS or RATT rig, "makes you stupid," this
combat veteran added. Which is precisely the intent behind that
transmitting dish on Fallujah roofs.

" It's basic stun weaponry," Hank explains during an interview filled
with revelations that later check out. The idea behind microwaving
Iraq's more restive cities, he says, is to keep them "so agitated they
cannot coalesce into a full force" of resistance fighters.

Overriding subtle bodily processes, selectable frequencies beamed
invisibly through neighborhoods can depress the central nervous
systems of everyone within a half-mile, "destroying their initiative
and making them docile and lethargic." At least that's the plan.

Details of various directed energy weapons used by US forces in Iraq
to knock out electronics, induce psychological passivity, and possibly
even melt people and vehicles remain under tight military wraps. But
world media is reporting deployment of portable "directed energy"
weapons in neighborhoods as troublesome as any in the USA if foreign
troops murdered Americans and destroyed their homes.

Dubbed "active-denial", this supposedly "non-lethal" mobile microwave
weapon was developed through the 1990s at the U S Air Force Research
Laboratory at Kirtland, New Mexico, and the Marine Corps' Joint
Nonlethal Weapons Directorate. [Daily Telegraph Sept 21/04]

Researchers soon found that frying flesh at a distance is not easy.
With up to two-thirds of directed microwave energy scattered through
transmission, the only way to heat skin painfully enough to encourage
its owner to flee the area is to hit her with frequencies much higher
than the microwave ovens linked to pathological changes in human blood
chemistry. [Journal Franz Weber #19; Electromagnetic Fields by B.
Blake Levitt]

A triumph of misdirected talents and treasure, a microwave array
mounted on a Humvee can heat water molecules in the skin at a
distance. But what makes this microwave weapon so appealing, say its
PR-conscious boosters, is that projected agony equivalent to grasping
a hot light bulb leaves no visible wounds--and stops instantly when
beam is avoided or removed. [Daily Telegraph Sept 21/04; [India
Telegraph Sept 19/04]

Just how enthusiastically the rest of the world greets illegal gadgets
wielded during an illegal occupation remains to be seen. International
treaties signed by the United States ban directed energy weapons.

Legalities and morality aside, the numbers for the Pentagon's latest
energy weapon are impressive: 95-GHz transmitted energy tuned to
penetrate flesh to depth of 1/64 of an inch at an officially admitted
range beyond 1,000 yards.

By contrast, cell phones and portable phones have been shown to emit
hazardous microwaves at "just" 2 to 6 GHz.

Despite an "earliest estimated" deployment in 2009, "heat ray"
prototypes have been rushed to Iraq by a military desperate to improve
the images of carnage being beamed into hundreds of millions of Muslim
homes by an even more powerful beam weapon: satellite TV.

Hank, whose contacts also extend into Congress and the Pentagon,
claims that the Humvee-portable microwave "crowd control" system was
unveiled in September 2004 against some 400,000 Americans protesting
genocide in Iraq at the Republican National Convention in New York
City. It is not known if the microwave weapons were actually used to
augment chemical agents dispensed along with beatings by police.
[www.veteransforpeace.org; EE Times June 6/01]


That same month, at least four US Army and Marine units received ray
gun equipped Humvees, dubbed "Sheriffs". Each will have to be
protected after extending a 10-foot diameter "bulls eye" antenna into
an environment bristling with rocket propelled grenades and suicide
bombers. [Daily Telegraph Sept 21/04

In a bloodless sequel to the butchery in Somalia mythologized in
"Blackhawk Down", the army hopes their invisible heat beams can
disperse crowds enraged over the continuing tortures at Abu Ghraib,
and as many as 100,000 civilians killed since the invasion began--
without injuring too many

Iraqis permanently. [Reuters Oct 28/04]

Getting microwaved beats getting shot, argues the Pentagon. A 2-second
burst from an Active Denial beam heats exposed skin to 130° F.

" It's not harmful to internal organs because it doesn't penetrate the
skin beyond 1/64 of an inch," soothes PR spokesman Conrad Dziewulski,
"It will be swept across the battlefield or directed at an individual
for a few seconds."

Dziewulski did not elaborate on the likelihood of frightened young
soldiers used to hosing down "threats" with automatic weapons fire
similarly holding down the trigger on microwave guns aimed at the same
angry crowds. While the army says their jeep-mounted weapon cannot be
"dialed up" to higher power levels, US forces are authorized to use
continues, steady microwave "fire" to cook snipers.

Highly disciplined US military volunteers confirm after live tests
that the pain inflicted by this latest wonder weapon is so intense,
the instant and overwhelming reaction is panic. Rich Garcia was
subjected to the microwave beam during testing in New Mexico. "It just
feels like your skin is on fire," he said. "When you get out of the
path of the beam, or shut off the beam, everything goes back to
normal. There's no residual pain." [India Telegraph Sept 19/04]

Alan Shaffer, director for plans, pain and programs with the
Pentagon's Office of Defense Research and Engineering, believes the
new weapon will curb Iraqi resentment by burning and humiliating them
instead of killing and maiming them outright. "You get hit with the
high-powered microwave, and you run away," he enthused.

Now a contract employee working for the Army, Ret. Lt. Col. Wesley
"Bo" Barbour, says that the non-lethal weapons being used in Iraq
"will enable commanders to break the cycle of violence. Instead of
shooting them dead and promoting further violence, you modify their
behavior." [www.defesnetech.org; Aug 2002]

But which way? After having their anger further inflamed by a heat
ray, Iraqis opposed to an Israeli-style US occupation will most likely
return with old-fashioned AK-47s, rocket launchers and improvised

For protesters who opt for the proven power of nonviolent witnessing,
effective countermeasures against this $400 million microwave weapon
include wearing thick clothing and carrying a tin trash can lid as a
shield or reflector.

According to veteran combat cameraman Patrick Dillon and interview
subject Majid al-Ghazali, the first US forces pushing into Baghdad
also tested another electromagnetic "super weapon".

Compelled to serve in the Iraqi National Guard for more than three
decades, Majid is intimately acquainted with conventional weaponry.
But on April 12th, 2003, Majid was sheltering with his family in their
Baghdad home when he saw an odd-looking tank wheel into their street.

Suddenly a blinding stream of "fire and lightning" shot from the tank,
engulfing a passenger bus and three cars. The big bus become semi-
molten, sagging "like a wet rag" before shrinking to a twisted blob
about the size of a VW bug, Majid says. Hundreds of soldiers and
civilians were shriveled "to the size of newborn babies" amidst
puddles of metal and fibers from melted tires. [Cox News Thursday, Aug

Other Electromagnetic Pulse weapons (EMP) and special cruise missiles
were also apparently used to knock out Iraq's phone and electrical
grids--with unknown electromagnetic effects on children and other
members of the civilian population.


Practicing its own version of active denial, the Pentagon says it
doesn't want to hurt anybody. At least not with its microwave oven
gun. The army has spent $4 million testing the device on male
volunteers to ensure that their heat rays will not permanently harm
big healthy males.

Infants, young children, elders, pregnant women and their fetuses will
be tested for the first time in Iraq by being exposed to an invisible
energy traveling almost instantaneously for more than a kilometer
through concrete, glass and steel.

Experts warn that their still developing nervous and immune systems,
and brain-wave activity make children especially vulnerable to deep
microwave penetration into their thin skulls and soft brain tissue.
Children's brains are affected for long periods after very short-term
exposure to much less powerful cell phones and cell phone towers.

" Their brain wave patterns are abnormal and stay like that for a long
period. This could affect their mood and ability to learn," says
British electromagnetics researcher Dr. Gerard Hyland. ["Dialing Our
Cells" by William Thomas]

After acknowledging acute non-thermal dangers from their own
electronics in the late 1950s, the US military effectively lobbied
against stricter public health limits on electromagnetic exposure.
[Scorched Earth by William Thomas]

Today, military officials who censor medically confirmed radiation
casualties among families felled by depleted uranium fallout in
Kosovo, Afghanistan, Puerto Rico and Iraq also insist that their
"crowd-control" microwave weapons are completely "safe" because they
do not actually burn skin. This is like saying that smoking is safe if
you don't singe your fingers.

"Perception of skin warming by microwave frequencies in up to 100 GHz
is not a reliable mechanism of protection against potentially harmful
exposure," explains doctor John Mercola. Recent studies "are finding
significant biological effects at lower and lower power densities."
These effects include short-term memory loss and decreased ability to
learn--crucial capabilities for anyone attempting to survive in Iraq.
["Dialing Our Cells"}

Being continuously swept by concealed "poppers", as well as routine
radio and radio transmissions, can trigger a cascade of changes in
human cells acutely sensitive to Earth's subtle electromagnetic field.
As researcher Robert Becker points out, even low power microwaves "can
interfere with the cues that keep our biological cycle properly

Human eyes, ovaries and testes are particularly vulnerable to
microwave radiation. But the Pentagon says no one will be blinded or
sterilized by their Humvee-mounted microwave, unless the probing beam

Military researchers have published studies claiming that unborn
babies can be cooked slightly by microwaves without suffering lasting
harm. But despite assurances from experts who have dedicated their
lives to hurting complete strangers, radiation emitted by military
radars, communications and weapons systems are known to cause learning
disabilities in fetuses, as well as damaging fetal immune systems.

Russian researchers call these adverse health effects, "microwave
sickness." As Becker relates in The Body Electric:

" Its first signs are low blood pressure and slow pulse. The later and
most common manifestations are chronic excitation of the sympathetic
nervous system [stress syndrome] and high blood pressure. This phase
also often includes headache, dizziness, eye pain, sleeplessness,
irritability, anxiety, stomach pain, nervous tension, inability to
concentrate, hair loss, plus an increased incidence of appendicitis,
cataracts, reproductive problems, and cancer. The chronic symptoms are
eventually succeeded by crisis of adrenal exhaustion and ischemic
heart disease [the blockage of coronary arteries and heart attacks]."

Clinical studies show that the genetic effects of microwave
including weakened immunity and predisposition to cancer--are passed
down through subsequent generations. Excessive exposure can also lead
to depression and suicide, as seen among EMF-exposed GIs in Iraq.
[Scorched Earth]

The negative health effects of microwave exposure are cumulative and
irreversible. A former member of the World Health Organization's
review panel for Radio Frequency research, Professor Stephen Cleary of
Virginia lost his funding after demonstrating an altered rate of DNA
synthesis from a single exposure to microwave radiation. [Electronics
Australia Nov/99]

Electromagnetic pollution has also been found to amplify the
carcinogenic properties of chemical and radiological exposure.
[Scorched Earth]


While the mobile microwave weapons currently deployed in Iraq may or
may not lead to lasting harm, rooftop "poppers" and "domes" left to
radiate for days at a time are irradiating unsuspecting families
already coping with illness, wounds, hunger and the stress of losing
homes and loved ones, whose rotting corpses cannot be buried under the
sights of marine snipers.

A preview of what lies in store for long-suffering families in Iraq
can be gleaned from Greenham Common, where the British Army reportedly
used an electromagnetic weapon against 30,000 women who had camped for
nearly two decades around that UK military base to protest the
deployment of nuclear-tipped US cruise missiles.

One day in the summer of 1984, more than 2,000 British troops suddenly
pulled back, leaving the fence unguarded.

Peace mom Kim Besley recalls that as curious women approached the
gate, they "started experiencing odd health effects: swollen tongues,
changed heartbeats, immobility, feelings of terror, pains in the upper

Besley found her 30-year-old daughter too ill to stand. Other symptoms
typical of electromagnetic exposure included skin burns, severe
headaches, drowsiness, post-menopausal menstrual bleeding and
menstruation at abnormal times. Besley's daughter's cycle changed to
14 days and took a year to return to normal.

Two late-term spontaneous miscarriages, impaired speech, and an
apparent circulatory failure prompted the women to begin monitoring
for a directed-energy beam, Using an EMR meter, they measured beams
sweeping their camp at 100-times normal background levels. [Scorched
Earth by William Thomas]

Another harrowing example involves the sudden illness and cancer
deaths of US embassy staff in Moscow after being deliberately targeted
with very weak pulsed microwaves by Soviet experimenters and
fascinated CIA onlookers running "Project Phoenix" in 1962. [Scorched

Very Low Frequency (VLF) weapons include the dozens of "poppers"
currently deployed in Iraq, which can be dialed to or "long wave"
frequencies capable of traveling great distances through the ground or
intervening structures. As air force Lt Col. Peter L. Hays, Director
of the Institute for National Security Studies reveals, "Transmission
of long wavelength sound creates biophysical effects; nausea, loss of
bowels, disorientation, vomiting, potential internal organ damage or
death may occur."

Hays calls VLF weapons "superior" because their directed energy beams
do not lose their hurtful properties when traveling through air to
tissue. A French weapon radiating at 7 hertz "made the people in range
sick for hours."

Located at the lower end of the electromagnetic spectrum, symptoms of
VLF sickness include "giddiness, nausea or fainting".

At the upper end of the electromagnetic spectrum, symptoms of
microwave sickness include cataracts, headaches, earaches, blurring of
vision, short-term memory loss, numbing, tingling, buzzing, fatigue,
anxiety, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancer.

["Dialing Our Cells"]


Like so many other American blunders among the ruins of Babylon, the
intended microwave "pacification" of rebellious neighborhoods is
having unintended effects. In actual "field-testing" in the Sunni
Triangle, Hank has learned that the hidden, dome-shaped devices "are
removing inhibitions". Armed individuals, already highly motivated to
kill American forces are reportedly "losing all restraint" when
exposed to the electromagnetic beams.

Such variable effects have been known scientifically since 1963, when
electromagnetics researchers Dr. Robert Beck found that exposure to
certain frequencies sparks riotous behavior, while other frequency
beams can cause a sense of well-being--or deep depression. [Scorched

According to Hank's buddies in Baghdad, the frequency-shifting
"poppers" "are having some remarkable effects on the locals as well as
our own people." But these effects differ. Possibly, Hank surmises,
because Americans come from daily domestic and military environments
saturated with electromagnetic frequencies, while many Iraqis still
live without reliable electricity in places largely free from
electromagnetics before the American invasion.

" Iraq is not really as saturated with EM as it is here," Hank points
out. "The fact that the locals have not been exposed to this type of
radiation from birth as we have might mean they have a different
reactivity to this stuff."

According to members of Hank's former unit, constant exposure to
invisible emissions from radar and radio rigs--as well as to their own
microwave weapons--is backfiring. "Our people are driven nuts," Hank
says. "It makes them stupid for two or three days."

The Desert Storm veteran compared the emotional effects of constant
exposure to military microwaves to a lingering low-pressure weather
system that never goes away. "You feel way down for days at a time,"
he emphasizes

As a consequence, AWOL rates among "spaced out" US troops are as high
as 15%, Hank reports. For many deserters, it is not cowardice or
conscience that is causing them to absent themselves from duty. "They
are feeling so depressed," Hank explains. "They don't feel good. So
they leave."

According to Hank's front-line buddies, Iraqis exposed to secret beam
weapons "get laid back, confused and mellow, and then blast out in a
rage, as opposed to our folks going on what could only be called a
'bender', and turning into a mean drunk for a while."

Once they wander away from direct electromagnetic-fire, startled GIs
come to their senses. They return to their units, Hank explains,
saying, "What was I thinking?"

The recovery rate among US troops "seems to be about a day or so,
where the locals are not getting over it in less than a week or more
on average," Hank has learned

While electromagnetically disoriented GIs are not being court-
martialed for inadvertent absence from duty, they remain at heightened
risk, with reaction times and brain functions sharply degraded by
electromagnetic pollution in a combat environment.

Or their bodies and brains may sicken later, after even more
vulnerable women and male GIs return home dosed with microwave-
enhanced depleted uranium illness--and are mustered out of a military
that is still not counting more than one million civilian corpses
since the first American attacks in 1991.

It is Hank's hope that his revelations will prompt public debate over
the secret use of electromagnetic weapons in Iraq. But lost in the
arguments over these supposedly "non-lethal" weapons is a much bigger
question: What are Americans doing there?

Whether soldier or civilian at home, it is our imperative duty to stop
supporting those responsible for ongoing "weapons tests" in Iraq. As
electrochemical "beings of light," the strongest electromagnetic force
on Earth is human conscience, acted upon.

TOPIC: Amana Air Command 80 Gas Fired Furnace (4 blinks) troubleshooting

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 2:31 pm
From: "Stormin Mormon"

Convert; then you'll know, also.

Christopher A. Young
Learn more about Jesus


"Jeff" <jeff@spam_me_not.com> wrote in message
Stormin Mormon wrote:
> Yep; I know.
Exactly what we all love about christians.


== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 6:00 pm
From: Jeff

Stormin Mormon wrote:
> Convert; then you'll know, also.
Sorry, it goes against my beliefs of being nice to others.


== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 10:42 pm
From: "Donna Ohl, Grady Volunteer Coordinator"

On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 11:46:34 -0500, Jeff wrote:
> It sounds like he reset a jumper to a higher speed.
OK. That makes sense. I see a LOT of wires in there. Maybe he moved some
around. I should have taken a before/after photo. I did this time so when
he comes tomorrow I'll have something to show beforehand and after it gets

I never knew this cleaning stuff was so important.

BTW, how much do cleanings cost for most of you?

And, how often do you do them?

He will be here from 10am to 1Pm he said, so, it can't take longer than 3

Is this reasonable by normal standards?


TOPIC: How much does it cost you to live a day in your life?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 3:52 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"Scott Fargham" <scottyfar@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> "val189" <gwehrenb@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> news:06beadde-6e13-4297-b768-943f2c6f33d2@q39g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>> On Jan 23, 10:12 am, Too_Many_Tools <too_many_to...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> So how little can you live on..$1000...$100...$10...$1?
>>> And to do it every day.
>>> So what is your minimum cost of living?
>>> Considering today's events, you may need to answer that question
>>> sooner than you think.
>>> TMT
>> Impossible to answer. There's are many levels of living costs between
>> my present living standard and taking my place under the overpass.
>> A better question might be - what did you spend per person per day
>> last year? And where could you cut?
>> I guess if I gave up all forms of insurance, car, sat in the dark,
>> rented something squalid and lived on beans, I could get by pretty
>> cheaply.
> Living on beans would certainly set you apart from your friends.

only for a bit until your bowels got used to them.

TOPIC: WATCH your favorate hero&HEROINES HERE

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 4:10 pm
From: "zyrva2007@gmail.com"


TOPIC: Cloth Diapers & Soap Nuts

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 4:14 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"Al Bundy" <MSfortune@mcpmail.com> wrote in message
> On Jan 16, 1:57 pm, 7match777 <mej...@telus.net> wrote:
>> My wife recently purchased a bag of soap nuts to use for cleaning
>> cloth diapers for our baby girl. They worked better than any other
>> laundry detergent she had tried. She was so impressed that she bought
>> them in bulk & opened up an e-store so that she have a home-based
>> business and still raise our daughter.
> Maybe we should just buy in bulk too instead of paying $25/lb. for
> soap and hoping 2oz of shells will clean a load.
they work just fine, but you can probably find them cheaper.

TOPIC: Why do people stay in overpriced real estate markets?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 5:37 pm
From: "Bob F"

"clams_casino" <PeterGriffin@DrunkinClam.com> wrote in message
> Bob F wrote:
>>"Cindy Hamilton" <angelicapaganelli@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>On Jan 18, 3:59 pm, hchick...@hotmail.com wrote:
>>>>Cindy, replying to spammers just encourages them. Better to set your
>>>>filters to avoid gmail addresses, and never quote their message
>>>>including the website they want to promote.
>>>I didn't know that Google Groups provides filters... I'll have to
>>>poke around
>>>the interface.
>>>Cindy Hamilton
>>If you do as he says, you'll miss a lot of helpful posts.
> Almost NO posts via google groups are worthy as 99.9978675% are spam.

And I wasn't talking about google groups - I was talking about gmail.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 5:39 pm
From: "Bob F"

"SMS" <scharf.steven@geemail.com> wrote in message
> Beachcomber wrote:
>> Everyone sort of gets into the act to encourage this "ownership at any
>> price mentality"... real estate agents don't want to sell you a house,
>> they want you to buy into having a home in a "neighborhood",
>> regardless of what you think you can afford. Appraisers and home
>> inspectors have a vested interest in turnover.
> The appraisers were pressured into high appraisals at the risk of not being
> hired for more appraisals.
> However in my experience, home inspectors do not intentionally lie about
> defects. They are normally hired by the buyer, and have no vested interest in
> overlooking defects. In fact, they would be liable if obvious defects that
> they should have seen later showed up. Unfortunately they do miss a lot of
> stuff that is hidden, and that shows up only after a few years.

Liable you say? Have you ever heard of inspectors paying for unnoted problems?

TOPIC: Frugal Tip For InkJet Printers

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 6:05 pm
From: pc

clams_casino wrote:
> pc wrote:
>> Vic Smith wrote:
>>> On Thu, 24 Jan 2008 09:44:19 -0500, clams_casino
>>> <PeterGriffin@DrunkinClam.com> wrote:
>>>> Can't comment on potential problems, but I'm envious. My HP
>>>> printer will not operate without a color cartridge (with ink).
>>>> Even though I rarely use the color ink (and could easily live
>>>> without it), it needs to be replaced about once / yr or the printer
>>>> will not work.
>>> Good to know. My HP672c has been running for years with an empty
>>> color cartridge. Would have assumed if I bought a replacement HP
>>> printer that it would do the same.
>>> Now I know that's a bad assumption.
>>> --Vic
>> It must depend on the HP model.
>> I use an HP 460 for work in the field. I only need black and white.
>> My color car has been empty for a year and everything is still okay.
>> I do have other major issues with the printer. But, luckily, the
>> cartridges have been fine.
>> ..PC
> My current HP 1610 is turning out to be a piece of junk. It's only two
> years old. About two months ago started have jammed carriage problems -
> can't seem to find the paper. I've tried several brands of paper, so
> it must be the printer. After about 2-5 hits on the reset. it finally
> finds the paper. It's especially a problem at the start of each day.
> My previous HP 872 lasted about 8 years of fairly heavy usage - I
> finally had to toss it when the ink cartridges starting leaking out the
> bottom of the printer. I was considering a Kodak model, but with
> Donald Trump as their spokes person, there is no way.
> May try a Cannon next.

Well it may be too late .. since you got rid of your HP, but we had that
same ink leak problem with a few printers in my work group.

We didn't have to do the fix ourselves because there is an IT department
that took care of it for us. But, there seems to be a reservoir of some
sort on the bottom of the printer that needs to be cleaned out /
replaced at certain intervals or it leaks.


TOPIC: Great

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 6:38 pm
From: bery.x@hotmail.com

wholesale and dropship NIKE\UGG womens classic tall boots
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TOPIC: Infidelity and spotting a cheater!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 7:02 pm
From: 4Front <4frontinvestigations@gmail.com>

4Front Investigations provides this information to assist and educate
those who may find themselves in a position of needing a private
investigator. There is a difference between spam and informative
information which we provide our clients. Countless times our clients
have thanked us for providing our informative posts to educated them
in many investigation areas including domestic related matters!






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TOPIC: Cellphone battery life

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 8:10 pm
From: SMS

Terry Terry wrote:

> I just wanted to hear from other cell phone users that may treat their
> phones the same way. I want to leave my phone in my car when I am
> away from home and not have it in my pocket. I know most people keep
> their phone handy even if they don't plan to get any calls. I know I
> will not be getting any calls, because I haven't given out my phone
> number. I don't consider being out of bread an emergency.
> The only thing I care to spend a dollar a min to call would be 911 or
> a tow truck.

Let's start with the first issue. If you don't plan on getting any
calls, then you shouldn't have gone with Tracfone, you should have gone
with ARN. As low as 25¢/minute with a two year expiration. Oh, and 911
calls don't get charged, you can use any cell phone, even one that isn't
activated, to call 911.

Even if you wanted to occasionally receive calls, Tracfone is one of the
most expensive prepaid companies.

See "http://prepaiduswireless.com/".

As to the battery, Li-Ion batteries do extremely well in cold weather
(unlike NiMH) so the temperature wasn't the problem. If the phone was
on, two days of standby isn't unreasonable depending if it's CDMA or
GSM, and whether it was able to get a good signal or not. If it has AMPS
capability (doubtful on current Tracfone models) and was in AMPS mode,
it would last only a very short time.

It probably does have a marginal battery, as most of the prepaid phones
are designed to be very cheap. They may intentionally be using marginal
batteries in these phones.

TOPIC: California moving companies

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 8:19 pm
From: love

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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 8:33 pm
From: "Gift Givers Inc."

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TOPIC: will Yuvraj make a good captain after Dravid

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 11:06 pm
From: "manivannan341@gmail.com"

will Yuvraj make a good captain after Dravid
i feel he will please write ur views


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