Wednesday, January 2, 2008

25 new messages in 19 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* M I`5'Pe rsecution thei r method s and t actics - 1 messages, 1 author
* Make $10,000 on a monthly basis - 1 messages, 1 author
* M'I-5'Persec ution , wh y the s ecurity se rvices? - 1 messages, 1 author
* M'I`5,P ersecution ' w hy t he secur ity s ervices? - 1 messages, 1 author
* M'I-5,Persecutio n harassmen t at wo rk - 1 messages, 1 author
* best service low price ( - 1 messages, 1 author
* M'I`5,Persecuti on BBC h2g2 onlin e - 1 messages, 1 author
* Paying Down Debt...Working at Home - 1 messages, 1 author
* Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla or Mazda, which is best???? - 1 messages, 1
* Supply basketball shoe, football shoes, clothes, hat and so on - 2 messages,
2 authors
* Wholesale Cheap Nike Air Jordan, Nike Shox ,Puma Shoes WWW.GLOBWHOLESALE.COM
Retail Price 【$29.99】 - 1 messages, 1 author
* Free DLP T-Shirt - 1 messages, 1 author
* Free Facial Samples, and Catalog - 1 messages, 1 author
* Debit card article in Reader's Digest - 2 messages, 2 authors
* How do you cut your utility cost? - 5 messages, 5 authors
* Evidence shows 9/11 perpetrated by CIA, US Army, & Mossad - 1 messages, 1
* Top Money Making Programs To Earn online - 1 messages, 1 author
* We offer Secured loan plans from £5,000 to £150,000 for homeowners only and
have loan plans available up to 125% of the homes value - 1 messages, 1 author
* VITAL health information - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: M I`5'Pe rsecution thei r method s and t actics

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 12:10 am

-= MI5: methods. and tactics -=

They deliberately set out. to harass in a way that would resemble the
symptoms of schizophrenia, so that any report of the harassment. would be
taken as indicating mental. illness and "treated" accordingly. They never
show their own faces; they only work through proxies, in the. media, among
the public, and by. manipulating people in the workplace. Since they do not
declare. their identity there is no evidence to initiate legal action
against the. security services or anyone else. The only people you can
prosecute are the proxies and they will deny knowledge of. any conspiracy.

By repeatedly humiliating. and abusing the victim, they induced mental
illness. This is. the worst form of human rights violation: making any
statement of the harassment. appear to be symptomatic of the illness which
they. cause through the harassment. That this can happen, and people collude
by silence, is absolutely. horrifying.

From the beginning in June 1990 they set a pattern of harassment which. they
have followed. without change for the last six years. They paint me as a
"threat" to which people must "react" (shades of Nazi. persecution methods),
while simultaneously portraying. their hate campaign on which they have
spent over a million pounds of taxpayers' money as. a "joke".

The MI5 that breaks the law with the silent complicity. of the police is the
same agency that. is now seeking a role in the fight against crime. Perhaps
the real joke is the proposed. involvement in the implementation of justice
of an organisation which commits criminal acts with secrecy. and disinterest
for the legal. process.


TOPIC: Make $10,000 on a monthly basis

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 12:16 am

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TOPIC: M'I-5'Persec ution , wh y the s ecurity se rvices?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 1:29 am

-= why the security services?. -=

You may ask, why do I. think the "they" referred to are the security
services? Is there any evidence that there is a. single source, as opposed
to a loosely based "whispering campaign" amongst many people? Even if. there
is a single source, is there any evidence that "they" are. professional
"buggers" as opposed to amateurs, or perhaps people working for a. privately
funded. organization?

a) As to the question of a single source versus. something more fragmented;
it. is quite obvious that there is a single source from the way the campaign
has been carried out. Since things have been. repeated verbatim which were
said in my home, there must be one. group which does the watching and
listening.. Since on several occasions (mainly during travel) people have
been planted in close proximity and rehearsed in what they were to. say, it
follows that someone must have done the planning. for that, and again a
single source. is indicated.

b) So why couldn't it be. amateurs? Why couldn't it be a private
organisation, for example a private detective agency. paid to manage the
campaign and undertake the technical aspects? Some detective agencies. are
unscrupulous. as has been proved on the occasions in the past when they've
been exposed or caught; they too. can have access to the bugging technology
deployed; and there. are reported cases of MI5 paying private eyes to do
their dirty. work (against peace campaigners and similar enemies of the
state). on the understanding that if they were caught then they could deny
all knowledge.. Why couldn't that be the case?

The main factor pointing to direct security. service involvement (as opposed
to amateurs. or MI5 proxies) is the breadth of their access to the media in
particular, and the. fact that the television companies are so involved in
the campaign. The BBC would not directly invade someone's home. themselves,
since it would. not be within their remit to allocate personnel or financial
resources to do so. An organisation. of their stature would not take part in
a campaign set up by private sources. The only. people they would take
material from. would be the security services, presumably on the assumption
that if the cat ever flew out. of the bag yowling it would be MI5 who would
take the. consequences.

State sponsorship for these acts of psychological terrorism. is also
indicated by duration; support for over. six years for a team of three or
four people would be beyond the means and will of most. private sources.
The viciousness. of the slanders and personal denigration also points to
MI5;. they traditionally "protect" the British state from politicians of the
wrong hue by character assassination, and in this case are. using their
tried and tested methods to murder with. words an enemy they have invented
for. themselves.

And there are precedents. Diana. and Hewitt were alleged to have been filmed
"at it" by. an Army intelligence team which had operated in Northern
Ireland,. these allegations were made by someone called Jones who had been
on the team. His statements were denied by. the defence establishment who
tried to character-assassinate by describing him as. the "Jones twins".
Funny how if you tell the truth, then. you must be ill, isn't it? Thought
only communists behaved. like that?

Hewitt later said that he'd been spoken to by someone in the army. who
revealed the existence of videotapes. of him and Diana, and that the tapes
would be. published if any attempt was made by them to resume their


TOPIC: M'I`5,P ersecution ' w hy t he secur ity s ervices?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 2:01 am

-= why. the security services? -=

You may ask, why do I. think the "they" referred to are the security
services?. Is there any evidence that there is a single source, as opposed
to a loosely based "whispering campaign" amongst many people?. Even if there
is a single source, is there any evidence that "they" are. professional
"buggers" as opposed to amateurs,. or perhaps people working for a privately
funded. organization?

a) As. to the question of a single source versus something more fragmented;
it is quite obvious that there is. a single source from the way the campaign
has been carried out. Since things have been repeated verbatim. which were
said in my home, there must be one group which does the watching. and
listening. Since on several occasions (mainly during. travel) people have
been planted in close proximity and rehearsed in what they were to. say, it
follows that someone must. have done the planning for that, and again a
single. source is indicated.

b) So why couldn't it be amateurs? Why couldn't it. be a private
organisation, for example a private detective agency. paid to manage the
campaign and undertake the. technical aspects? Some detective agencies are
unscrupulous as has been proved. on the occasions in the past when they've
been exposed or caught; they too. can have access to the bugging technology
deployed; and there. are reported cases of MI5 paying private eyes to do
their dirty work (against peace campaigners and similar. enemies of the
state) on the understanding that if they were caught. then they could deny
all knowledge. Why couldn't that be the. case?

The main factor pointing to. direct security service involvement (as opposed
to amateurs or MI5 proxies) is the breadth. of their access to the media in
particular, and. the fact that the television companies are so involved in
the campaign. The BBC. would not directly invade someone's home themselves,
since it would not be within their remit to allocate personnel. or financial
resources to do so. An organisation of their stature would not. take part in
a. campaign set up by private sources. The only people they would take
material from. would be the security services, presumably on the assumption
that if the cat ever flew out of the bag yowling. it would be MI5 who would
take the. consequences.

State sponsorship for these. acts of psychological terrorism is also
indicated by duration; support for over six years. for a team of three or
four people would be beyond the means. and will of most private sources.
The viciousness of the slanders and personal denigration also points. to
MI5; they traditionally "protect" the British state. from politicians of the
wrong hue by character. assassination, and in this case are using their
tried and tested. methods to murder with words an enemy they have invented
for. themselves.

And. there are precedents. Diana and Hewitt were alleged to have been filmed
"at it" by an Army intelligence team. which had operated in Northern
Ireland, these allegations were made. by someone called Jones who had been
on the team. His statements were denied. by the defence establishment who
tried to. character-assassinate by describing him as the "Jones twins".
Funny how if you tell the. truth, then you must be ill, isn't it? Thought
only communists behaved. like that?

Hewitt later said that he'd been spoken to by someone in. the army who
revealed. the existence of videotapes of him and Diana, and that the tapes
would be published if any attempt. was made by them to resume their


TOPIC: M'I-5,Persecutio n harassmen t at wo rk

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 2:42 am

-= harassment at. work -=

Once I stopped watching television and listening to the radio at the end. of
1990, "they" had to find other ways of committing abuses. So they. took what
must be for them a. tried and tested route; they get at you by subversion of
those. around you. Since they wouldn't be able to do that with my family or
friends, that meant getting at people. in the workplace to be their
mouthpieces and do their dirty. work for them.

They supplied my employers in Oxford with details from what. was going on in
my private life, and what I and other people. had said at my home and
accommodation in Oxford. So people at work repeated verbatim words. which
had been said in my home, and repeated what. I'd been doing recently. Often
the most. trivial things, the ones from your domestic life, are the ones
which hurt most. One manager in. particular at Oxford continuously abused me
for ten months with verbal sexual abuse, swearing, and threats to. terminate
my. employment. After ten months I was forced to seek psychiatric help and
start taking medication, and was away from work for two. months. I spoke
later with a. solicitor about what had happened at that company; he advised
it. was only possible to take action if you had left the company as a result
of harassment, and. such an action would have to be started very soon after

Over a year later the same manager picked on. another new worker, with even
more serious results; that employee tried to commit suicide. with an
overdose as a result of the ill-treatment, and. was forced to leave his job.
But he didn't take action against the company, either.. Abuse at work is
comparable to that elsewhere. in that tangible evidence is difficult to
produce, and the. abusers will always have their denials ready when
challenged. And even if. a court accepts what you say happened, it still
remains to prove that abuse causes the type of breakdown I had at. the end
of 1992. In a recent case before a. British court, a former member of the
Army brought a case. against others who had maltreated him ten years
previously. Although the court accepted that abuse. had occurred, it did not
agree that. depressive illness necessarily followed, and denied justice to
the. plaintiff.


TOPIC: best service low price (

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 3:46 am
From: ""

We are wholesale each kind of Shoes, Jeans, T-shirts,
Sunglasses,Handbags, Wallets, Sandals, Watches,Cap, Belt... from
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TOPIC: M'I`5,Persecuti on BBC h2g2 onlin e

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 3:46 am

BBC h2g2. 16/Sept/1999

The BBC's h2g2 website is billed as "Earth Edition of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy!". Naturally, one of. its pages
is about me, me, me. It starts off with. the lines;

Every now and then something comes. along which makes you
think. "Ah! That's what the Internet is for!" Mike Corley
is one. such case.

The page itself can be found at

The user comments linked from h2g2 are less than respectful, but given the point of view my. website promulgates that is
understandable. It's true that without the communications ability afforded by the internet, which. came along at just the
right time, my. complaints would be getting nowhere. But that's a two edged sword also; miniature cameras only appeared
around 1990, so the advantage of technology is up to the adopter. Secret service intrigues,. and on the other side of the
coin human paranoia, have both been going on for. centuries; what changes now is an increased technologisation of both sides.


TOPIC: Paying Down Debt...Working at Home

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 3:57 am
From: clams_casino

maddy wrote:

>On Jan 1, 10:51 pm, Donna <> wrote:
>>clams_casino <> wrote in news:noeej.25623
>>>maddy wrote:
>>>>Do you want to work at home to make money..there are a lot of scams
>>>>out there.... i am in debt 37K ...check out my website at
>>>Yours included?
>>I already work at home and I'm not in debt. Go spam the meat newsgroup.
>>Reduce, reuse, recycle, re-create.
>i am so sorry that i am in debt..and you are not..why are you on this
>site anyway...

Certainly not to read your spam links.

TOPIC: Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla or Mazda, which is best????

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 4:13 am
From: meteore

Thank you all for your input.

Korean cars have little resale value in my opinion and depreciate

I shall buy either a civic or a corolla, depending partially on car
reviews, price, trade in value for my car and a test drive.


TOPIC: Supply basketball shoe, football shoes, clothes, hat and so on

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 4:59 am
From: jim

Founded in 1998, Shoessuperstar Co., Ltd. has become a professional
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Contact us right now!


Yours sincerely

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 5:07 am
From: clams_casino

jim wrote:

>Contact us right now!
>MSN :
>Yours sincerely
Hopefully you get a lot of responses

TOPIC: Wholesale Cheap Nike Air Jordan, Nike Shox ,Puma Shoes WWW.
GLOBWHOLESALE.COM Retail Price 【$29.99】

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 5:04 am
From: globwholesale


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TOPIC: Free DLP T-Shirt

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 5:07 am
From: ""

Free DLP T-Shirt

TOPIC: Free Facial Samples, and Catalog

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 5:09 am
From: ""

Free Facial Samples, and Catalog

TOPIC: Debit card article in Reader's Digest

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 5:13 am
From: Greg P

On Tue, 01 Jan 2008 23:42:16 -0800, SMS ???• ?
<> wrote:

>Greg P wrote:
>> Some experts are not that wise.
>That's true, but this was not one of those cases. In fact, there are a
>number of reasons to avoid debit cards at all costs.
>> I really do not care about the FICO
>> score anyway's.
>Right, unless you're getting a mortgage loan, a very high FICO is of
>little value, but a very high score can get you another 1/8-1/4%
>discount on the loan rate (many loan brokers will just keep this for
>themselves, but some will pass it on to the borrower).
>> I would defend debit cards myself. It some of the
>> banks that may not follow the regulations. That the problem.
>> Your are protected in the U.S.
>The protection is much less than what you get on credit cards.
>> Myself using a debit cards prevent me from buying stuff that I should
>> not have. No it is not because the because the banks stops. It
>> because cash is to tempting and you have no record of what you spend.
>With a credit card you have a record of what you spend, but you can end
>up overspending if you're not responsible and spend wildly.
>> I also check my checking accounts online everyday, sometime more than
>> one time.
>Yes, with debit cards, you should check your accounts every day, which
>is a huge annoyance. With credit cards this isn't necessary.
>> Another thing banks could is block foreign transactions like mine
>> does. Unblock when you are going to make a transaction or travel
>> outside of your country.
>> You can also lower your daily authorization limit.
>> if Suze Ormann said there was not any protection for debit cards.
>> That is total incorrect.
>She was pointing out the same facts as Reader's Digest, regarding the
>ability of a dishonest merchant, or a thief, to drain your checking
>account, with you left to sort out the mess with the bank, plus the
>other consumer protections that using a credit card gives you, that a
>debit card does not. Above all, _never_ use a debit card for big-ticket
>purchases, on-line purchases, or purchases where the card is out of your
>site (i.e. restaurants).
>> To answer the question, what would it do to your fico score.
>> Nothing, unless you have a bank that reports your debit card use to
>> the credit bureau.
>That's the whole problem. If you want to increase your FICO score you
>need to have a good record of repaying debt, something that happens with
>a credit card but not with a debit card because banks don't report
>anything to do with debit cards and debt repayment (nothing to report).

To check online it is not an annoyance with me. However, you should
check your credit card every 3 business days.

As for big ticket items. Have you ever tried to claim the good faith
rule? I have, The card company denied the claim and yes it was a
legit claim or claimed the never received the paperwork.

If you got a low Fico does it really matter? I tried people advice on
how to raise your score. It does not work.

Here what I do to prevent fraud

Do not use pay at the pump Pay inside. Do not use a self serve
machine that is unattended. Self Serve DVD, Car Wash or any place
that takes your card away where you can not see it . Do not use it
at merchants you do not trust.

Lower your daily authorization limit to $1,000 for your debit cards

For people that use debit cards online. Use google checkout, yahoo
wallet, even paypal or a similar service.

Note I do not trust paypal but that my opinion

If you can get a separate account for online, mail; and phone
purchases. Just put enough to cover double the purchase plus $5.00 in
that account.

Watch out when using a debit or credit card at some merchants. They
could put big holds on your account. The holds can last up to 30

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 6:11 am

> To check online it is not an annoyance with me. However, you should
> check your credit card every 3 business days.
> As for big ticket items. Have you ever tried to claim the good faith
> rule? I have, The card company denied the claim and yes it was a
> legit claim or claimed the never received the paperwork.
> If you got a low Fico does it really matter? I tried people advice on
> how to raise your score. It does not work.
> Here what I do to prevent fraud
> Do not use pay at the pump Pay inside. Do not use a self serve
> machine that is unattended. Self Serve DVD, Car Wash or any place
> that takes your card away where you can not see it . Do not use it
> at merchants you do not trust.
> Lower your daily authorization limit to $1,000 for your debit cards
> For people that use debit cards online. Use google checkout, yahoo
> wallet, even paypal or a similar service.
> Note I do not trust paypal but that my opinion
> If you can get a separate account for online, mail; and phone
> purchases. Just put enough to cover double the purchase plus $5.00 in
> that account.
> Watch out when using a debit or credit card at some merchants. They
> could put big holds on your account. The holds can last up to 30
> days.

What a total nightmare. Why on earth use debit cards? Separate accounts, low
spending limits, why bother? I've never had a problem with getting my money
back on a credit card purchase (not received, broken, etc.) and both times
my info was compromised I had the charges reversed the same day. In fact,
both times my card info was stolen it happened at a gas station (one in PA,
one in NJ) which was full serve only, and the guy pumping the gas took my
card to swipe it. You're completely wrong about most of your "fraud
prevention" ideas. Self-serve gas stations don't "take your card away", you
just swipe it and put in back in your wallet. No one sees it. Paying inside
is often the exact opposite. And PayPal, while very expensive if you use it
to accept payments, is completely safe for buyers, just like credit cards.

TOPIC: How do you cut your utility cost?

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 5:28 am
From: Lou

Can anyone tell me how they actually cut thier utility bills?
For instance, I have a shut off valve attatched to my shower
head so when it's time to soap up, I don't waste water down the
drain. Any other ideas?

== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 6:12 am

"Lou" <> wrote in message
> Can anyone tell me how they actually cut thier utility bills?
> For instance, I have a shut off valve attatched to my shower
> head so when it's time to soap up, I don't waste water down the
> drain. Any other ideas?
> Lou

I keep my house at 58 degrees in the winter and I don't have AC just a fan
in the summer.

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 6:32 am
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"Lou" <> wrote in message
> Can anyone tell me how they actually cut thier utility bills?
> For instance, I have a shut off valve attatched to my shower
> head so when it's time to soap up, I don't waste water down the
> drain. Any other ideas?

you're probably just saving water, but not money. most water companies
charge per 1000 gallons or any part thereof. so, if you usually use 2000 a
month and cut back to 1001 gallons, you're still gonna pay for 2000. to
really see water use drop in this country, there should be a requirement
that you only pay for what you use, but that would probably entail changing
out all the water meters since i think they only compute in 1000 gal

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 7:08 am
From: "Bill"

At night, turn the house heating way down, heat just the bedroom with an
electric space heater. Close off rooms you don't use and don't heat them.
Can also use space heater and sweater in living room during day with main
heating turned down.

Electric hot water can be 30% of an electric bill. Take showers every other
day and turn off water when soaping like you do. Also can put water heater
on timer to heat up just in the mornings. Hot water in mornings, then have
residual warm water for rest of day for hand washing/dishes. Get solar water
heater with solar electric water circulation pump.

Electronic things like TV, stereo, microwave, computer equipment, phones,
and garage door opener may always use electricity. Unplug when not in use or
put on easy to reach power strip and turn off. Phones which plug in will
usually work when not plugged in (except cordless). Except the "features" on
the phone will not work.

Get new Energy Star appliances which use much less electricity or hot water
than older appliances. Wash dishes by hand. Wash laundry in cold water.

More energy saving tips...

"Lou" wrote in message
> Can anyone tell me how they actually cut thier utility bills?
> For instance, I have a shut off valve attatched to my shower
> head so when it's time to soap up, I don't waste water down the
> drain. Any other ideas?
> Lou

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 7:12 am
From: clams_casino

AllEmailDeletedImmediately wrote:

>"Lou" <> wrote in message
>>Can anyone tell me how they actually cut thier utility bills?
>>For instance, I have a shut off valve attatched to my shower
>>head so when it's time to soap up, I don't waste water down the
>>drain. Any other ideas?
>you're probably just saving water, but not money. most water companies
>charge per 1000 gallons or any part thereof. so, if you usually use 2000 a
>month and cut back to 1001 gallons, you're still gonna pay for 2000. to
>really see water use drop in this country, there should be a requirement
>that you only pay for what you use, but that would probably entail changing
>out all the water meters since i think they only compute in 1000 gal
While they do charge in increments, the reading is off a continuous
reading meter. If you get charged for 2000 when you only used 1500, you
will not be charged for that extra 500 in the next bill.

TOPIC: Evidence shows 9/11 perpetrated by CIA, US Army, & Mossad

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 6:14 am
From: Joe

TOPIC: Top Money Making Programs To Earn online

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 6:46 am

Top money making ideas!

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TOPIC: We offer Secured loan plans from £5,000 to £150,000 for homeowners only
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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 6:50 am
From: ""

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TOPIC: VITAL health information

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 6:59 am
From: Sir_law1

VITAL health information

Knowledge, be it physical or spiritual, is very important, and Lack of
it can cause a person to pay a heavy price.
In Hosea 4: 6, God's word said;
" My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: ..." Hosea 4 : 6
By clicking on the links below, you enter a web page where a number of
web links are provided to give you vital information, empowering you
with knowledge to live a healthy life style.
Many ailments and disabilities may be prevented, just by having the
right knowledge and taking the right steps, thereby enabling you to
save precious time; save your resources; save your energy; to render
services to God, yourself, and to mankind in general.
For extra information, go to, ; then, click on
'other helpful links' or simply click here;
Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year, PLUS good health!
Kn Arku-Lawson


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