Monday, February 25, 2008

6 new messages in 3 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Where Do You Shop For The BEST Value? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Sell my used Levi's jeans? - 1 messages, 1 author
* HD-TV converter box rip-off .... - 3 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Where Do You Shop For The BEST Value?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Feb 24 2008 10:28 pm
From: Anthony Matonak

Too_Many_Tools wrote:
> On Feb 23, 5:08 am, Anthony Matonak wrote:
>> Too_Many_Tools wrote:
>>> When it comes to buying something, where do you find the best value?
>> I guess it depends a lot on the something, doesn't it?
> The question is meant to be vague....and to encourage discussion as to
> where one finds good values.
> So where do you like to shop to get GOOD VALUE for your money?

Oh, sorry, I'm a guy. I don't like to shop so that disqualifies me.


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Feb 24 2008 11:47 pm
From: Too_Many_Tools

On Feb 25, 12:28 am, Anthony Matonak
<> wrote:
> Too_Many_Tools wrote:
> > On Feb 23, 5:08 am, Anthony Matonak wrote:
> >> Too_Many_Tools wrote:
> >>> When it comes to buying something, where do you find the best value?
> >> I guess it depends a lot on the something, doesn't it?
> > The question is meant to be vague....and to encourage discussion as to
> > where one finds good values.
> > So where do you like to shop to get GOOD VALUE for your money?
> Oh, sorry, I'm a guy. I don't like to shop so that disqualifies me.
> :)
> Anthony

Understood....I too hate to shop.

One more reason to know where to go to get what you need at a good
price so you can get on with life.


TOPIC: Sell my used Levi's jeans?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Feb 24 2008 10:48 pm
From: Logan Shaw

Hey everyone,

During 2007, I lost about 40 lbs. (Yay me!) So now I have this big
stack of 8 pairs of Levi's 501 and 505 jeans that don't fit me. With
any luck, they won't ever fit me again. :-)

I need to get rid of them, but they're in fairly good condition, so
I'm hoping to get a little cash for them. Even if it's only $10 a
piece, that's $80. It seems like my options are:

(1) Consignment store. No idea how much I'd get.
(2) eBay them. A hassle, plus shipping eats into profits.
(3) Some place that specializes in jeans? I used to see trailers
where the guys would buy your old jeans, to ship them overseas.
But I haven't seen one in a while. (But I haven't been looking.)

Any opinions on which is the best? Other ideas?

- Logan

TOPIC: HD-TV converter box rip-off ....

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Feb 24 2008 10:59 pm
From: strabo

William Souden wrote:
> Rod Speed wrote:
>> Too_Many_Tools <> wrote:
>>> On Feb 23, 1:08 pm, Tim May <> wrote:
>>>> In article
>>>> <>,
>>>> sarge137 <> wrote:
>>>>> On Feb 23, 8:23 am, wrote:
>>>>>> In misc.survivalism sarge137 <> wrote:
>>>>>>> You're right. Off the top of my head, I can't cite where I read
>>>>>>> that digital signals can't be amplified;
>>>>>> Google "amplify digital signal"
>>>>> Got it - I know how to use Google. In fact my collegues say that if
>>>>> I can't find it, it ain't out there.
>>>>> I didn't find it on the web. I read in a periodical, or a book -
>>>>> likely one the "for Dummies" series. But, Rod's a wingnut and I'm
>>>>> not going to any trouble to prove anything to him. He'd either deny
>>>>> it's there, or find some reason to dismiss it anyway.
>>>> I don't know who you and Rod are, but digital signals can OF COURSE
>>>> be amplified. The digital signals transmitted by remote spacecraft
>>>> are of course amplified in various sophisticated ways. Even fiber
>>>> optic lines often have repeaters, which are essentially "detect,
>>>> regenerate" amplifiers of digital (high, low, 1, 0, etc.) signals.
>>>> The very LNB/amplifier in a satellite dish is an amplifier/detector
>>>> of a "digital signal" (though until the signal is "decided on" in
>>>> terms of 1s and 0s, it's basically analog, which is why bigger
>>>> dishes give a better signal, and are basically "amplifying" the
>>>> signal via focussing the raw RF onto an element which further
>>>> processes it).
>>>> As for Google, I found numerous discussions in a few seconds' worth
>>>> of searching. I won't even bother to clip-n-paste various URLs here.
>>>> As for what you may have read in a "Dummies" book, my speculation is
>>>> that you read something along the lines about how when a signal has
>>>> already been detected/converted/processed and is a clean digital data
>>>> stream, that further "amplificiation" is usually unnecessary. This
>>>> issue often comes up in high-end audio, with various snake oil
>>>> salesmen trying to sell "digital amplifiers" for what are already
>>>> signals which are already clean (meaning, easily distinguishable).
>>>> (Timing jitter may or may not be an issue worth considering, but
>>>> this is not the same as amplification.)
>>>> Error correction is also common in digital transmissions, so even
>>>> some incorrectly discriminated bits, or bit flips, can be
>>>> corrected-way. If too many errors occur, not so.
>>>> I have both HD via a satellite (DirectTV) and OTA (Terk antenna on my
>>>> roof). Both signals are _usually_ clean, with no break-up or
>>>> "blocking." Sometimes with heavy rain one or both of these feeds may
>>>> break-up into chunks, that is, uncorrectable blocks of signal.
>>>> (There's probably some common term for this, but I don't follow
>>>> things that closely.)
>>>> In extreme cases, my receiver or my t.v. (when fed directly from the
>>>> Terk roof antenna) will go blank, a design feature. Sometimes the
>>>> satellite receiver says "Searching for satellite signal."
>>>> A bigger satellite antenna might help (not offered by my vendor, but
>>>> physics is physics), a bigger roof antenna might help. An inline
>>>> amplifier between the dish or antenna and receiver might help.
>>>> Because the signals are "at the edge" of proper detection (that is,
>>>> without too many errors), so amplification might help.
>>>> A long signal run may need inline amplifiers. As the previous poster
>>>> said, use Google. I would check antenna size first.
>>>> (And there are some obvious simple experiments to try before spending
>>>> money on inline amplifiers.)
>>> Wanna bet that the big problem with the digital changeover will be
>>> with reception problems and not with the actual analog/digital
>>> conversion via converter boxes?
>>> MANY people view analog television using marginal reception of the
>>> signals....
>> And many of those find that digital works fine.
>>> I will wager that we will be seeing broadcasters uping the signal
>>> strengths.
>> Bet they wont.
> I actually agree with Rod. There is that little detail regarding the
> FCC. In addition, only about 12 percent of households get over the air tv.

In large cities about 50% rely on broadcast signals. This is very
important to ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Feb 24 2008 11:47 pm
From: strabo

Winston_Smith wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Feb 2008 21:54:45 -0800 (PST), Too_Many_Tools
> <> wrote:
>> Wanna bet that the big problem with the digital changeover will be
>> with reception problems and not with the actual analog/digital
>> conversion via converter boxes?
>> MANY people view analog television using marginal reception of the
>> signals....
>> I will wager that we will be seeing broadcasters uping the signal
>> strengths.
>> TMT
> From what I've read, digital is much more tolerant of many forms of
> loss and distortion up to a point. Above that point, digital wins.
> Below that point you lose everything in one shot. No such thing as a
> kinda viewable but mostly snowy picture. All or nothing.

No, that's not what happens.

As a signal is received the image production circuitry will
interpret this in digital format and fill the screen with whatever
it has available.

A weak or distorted signal will be displayed with dropouts or
missing parts of the picture.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Feb 24 2008 11:58 pm
From: strabo

Stormin Mormon wrote:
> Thank you, Congress.

Congress didn't do you a favor. Congress wants to
strip away as much frequency as possible and sell
it to private users. Whether or not you will
benefit is questionable.

The analog audio/video bandwidth for low frequency television
for example is large compared to that needed for a digital signal.
Most of this bandwidth surrounding the core frequency will be sold
once the transition is completed.


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