Thursday, May 8, 2008

25 new messages in 12 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* It's now or never。shopping in our company to get beijing2008 keepsake - 1
messages, 1 author
* Cause of High Cholesterol What are some of the Causes? - 1 messages, 1
* Nutrasweet and the dangers therof - 1 messages, 1 author
* Gas Prices - 14 messages, 6 authors
* Hot selling now ......please contact to - 1 messages, 1
* Tips on Mortgage Payoff? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Electric Heaters at - 1 messages, 1 author
* Amazon - World's Most Trusted Shopping Mall - 1 messages, 1 author
messages, 1 author
* Throw out your old caulk and paint - 1 messages, 1 author
* See Sexy Melyssa Ford Photos! - 1 messages, 1 author
SNEAKER-OUTLET DOT CN - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: It's now or never。shopping in our company to get beijing2008 keepsake

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, May 7 2008 11:32 pm
From: air jordan wholesale

It's now or never。shopping in our company to get beijing2008 keepsake

golden suppliers,lowest prices .cover all brand products accept
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TOPIC: Cause of High Cholesterol What are some of the Causes?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 12:49 am

What is the Cause of High Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty, wax like substance that is present in our
cells and blood steam. Cholesterol plays an important part in our body
by producing cell membrane and contributing to a number of hormones as
well. Why are we then cautioned about high levels of cholesterol and
what causes it; let us find out together.

The Types of Cholesterol

There are two types of cholesterol, one is good (HDL or high density
cholesterol) and the other is bad (LDL or low density cholesterol);
the good cholesterol should be in levels of minimum 40md/dL or more
and the bad cholesterol should be less than 200mg/dL.

Cause of High Cholesterol:

Diet Great Tips !

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TOPIC: Nutrasweet and the dangers therof

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 2:04 am
From: (A Texan From Connecticut)

(NaturalNews) In December of 1965, while James Schlatter, a chemist
for G.D. Searle & Company, was working on an anti-ulcer drug candidate
he accidentally discovered aspartame. He was recrystallizing aspartame
from ethanol when the mixture spilled onto the outside of the flask he
was using. Some of the powder landed on his fingers. Schlatter
discovered the sweet taste of aspartame when he absent-mindedly licked
his finger later. He realized that the sweet taste must have been the

G.D. Searle approached Dr. Harry Waisman (Biochemist, Professor of
Pediatrics, Director of the University of Wisconsin's Joseph P.
Kennedy Jr. Memorial Laboratory of Mental Retardation Research, and a
well-known expert in phenylalanine toxicity) in 1970 to research the
effects of aspartame on primates. The study began on January 15, 1970
and ended in late April, 1971. Dr. Waisman died unexpectedly in March,
of 1971.

In the study conducted by Dr. Waisman, seven infant monkeys were given
aspartame with milk. One died after 300 days. Five others experienced
grand mal seizures.

These actual research results were not included in the initial
application that G.D. Searle submitted to the FDA. G.D. Searle denied
knowledge of or involvement with anything involving this research
study. However, falsified results were submitted to the FDA bearing a
Searle Pathology-Toxicology project number. Dr. Waisman and G.D.
Searle both were responsible for the study design. Several false
statements were made by G.D. Searle, including that the animals
participating in the study were unavailable for autopsy after the
termination of the study.

Neuroscientist John W. Olney discovered that oral intake of glutamate,
aspartame and cysteine (all excitotoxic amino acids) cause brain
damage in mice. An internal G.D. Searle memorandum discussed the
strategy for getting aspartame approved.

In 1971, Ann Reynolds, a researcher who was employed by G.D. Searle,
confirmed aspartame's neurotoxicity in infant mice. Searle ignored her

On July 26, 1974, the FDA approved aspartame for limited use. The
limited uses included free-flowing sugar substitute, tablets for
sweetening hot beverages, cereals, gum, and dry bases.

In August 1974 (before aspartame could go on the market) Dr. John
Olney, James Turner, and Label, Inc. (Legal Action for Buyers'
Education and Labeling) filed a formal objection stating that they
believed aspartame could cause brain damage, particularly in children.

On August 4, 1976, G.D. Searle representatives met with the FDA and
was successful in convincing them to allow G.D. Searle to hire a
private agency (University Associated for Education in Pathology
(UAREP) and pay them $500,000 to "validate" 12 other studies that
Searle had submitted to get aspartame approved by the FDA.
<snip rest of text for space>

TOPIC: Gas Prices

== 1 of 14 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 2:45 am

> Amazingly, despite the weak dollar, vehicle prices haven't gone up that
> much, at least in terms of street prices. I.e. 12 years ago we paid a bit
> under $17K for the mid-trim level Camry LE. Now it's a bit under $19K but
> with much more standard equipment like ABS.
> I don't know where you got the idea that new cars are only for the
> wealthy. In reality they are solidly for the middle class.

$17k for a car? Are you insane? I've never paid more than $5k for a used
car, and they've always lasted at least 6 years. A new car is never a frugal

== 2 of 14 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 2:47 am

> Speaking of the epitome of driver-asshattery, check out
> this clip from a traffic cam in Phoenix. Keep watching
> the far right hand lane.

Asshat, yes, but really great driving.

== 3 of 14 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 2:48 am

> <> wrote in message
>> I think if we come together in a concerted effort to fight this
>> problem, we can figure it out, and save all of us from going to the
>> poor house.

Gas SHOULD be about $10 a gallon. Maybe that would get people to stop
driving so much and get reasonably-sized vehicles.

== 4 of 14 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 4:28 am
From: clams_casino

aemeijers wrote:

> One of many reasons I hate driving in New England, metro Chicago, and
> similar toll-infested areas.

Tolls in New England? Are you having geography problems?

Outside of the Mass turnpike (only about half has a toll), one toll both
in NH and the Maine Turnpike, I'm at a loss for toll roads in New
England. Furthermore, the MA & ME turnpikes have just entrance / exit

== 5 of 14 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 5:15 am
From: Elmo

Don Klipstein wrote:
> In article <Xns9A975A52DBCEAVeebleFetzer@>, Bert Hyman wrote:
>> (Don Klipstein) wrote in
>>> USA's national debt decreased during most of Clinton'as second term!
>> No. Not at all.
>> See
>> You'll see that the "national debt" increased each and every year.
> Those numbers are different from what I saw before.
> Meanwhile,
> says we ran surpluses for a few years in the late 1990's.
> I now see definitions of national debt being debt of the General Fund,
> which would exclude SS.
> - Don Klipstein (

That's another wonderful thing about the way that the Treasury works.
If you don't like the definition, make your own up. If you need money
print some more. If Andy Fastow could have done that my Enron stock
would have something other than collector's value on the certificate.

Self-interest, caused by low selfish desire, is the root
cause of contemporary world chaos and individual misery.

== 6 of 14 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 5:17 am
From: Elmo

Paul M. Eldridge wrote:
> We've been focusing our attention on gasoline prices, obviously, which
> after a slight pause have once again resumed their upward march.
> Likewise, Nymex crude hit $123.80 a barrel in today's trading, yet one
> more all time high in a long string.
> We might also want to keep an eye on natural gas prices, which are
> rising largely in sympathy with crude oil (some large industrial
> customers and electrical utilities can switch between oil and natural
> gas and routinely do so on the basis of their relative cost;
> consequently, if one goes up the other tends to come along for the
> ride). Natural gas is currently trading at $11.38 per MM BTU, a
> two-year high and more than double its front-month close of just eight
> months ago.
> Goldman Sachs recently revised its forecast for natural gas prices
> this coming winter from $10.50 to $13.00 per MM BTU; to put this in
> context, the Nymex Henry Hub future price spiked to $13.90 back in
> October 2005 in the aftermath of Katrina. However, based on what
> we've seen over these past couple weeks, don't be surprised if this
> estimate gets racketed up another notch or two.
> Take away point: if you heat your home and DHW with natural gas, you
> might want to increase your budget for this coming winter by 25 per
> cent or more. And if your electrical utility is dependent upon
> natural gas for a large share of its power generation, you might want
> to budget for an increase in power rates too.
> Cheers,
> Paul
My electricity comes from coal but it's going to nearly double soon.
Just another way that deregulation helps consumers by keeping prices

The other was a softer voice,
As soft as honey-dew:
Quoth he, "The man hath penance done,
And penance more will do."

== 7 of 14 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 5:27 am
From: Elmo

BR wrote:
> SMS wrote:
>> Larry Caldwell wrote:
>>> That mind set is rampant consumeritis. If you want to be sensible,
>>> buy the car you can afford. It's not difficult to find a reliable
>>> vehicle for a few hundred dollars. Buying a new car is only for the
>>> wealthy. If you are buying a used car, the longer you wait the less
>>> it will cost.
>> It often makes no sense to buy a used car. For the most reliable cars,
>> a two year old model costs only slightly less than a new one, because
>> so many people are overpaying for the used ones it drives up the
>> value, while the new ones are in good supply and heavily discounted.
>> The new car will have a warranty, and will last longer. 15 years and
>> 200K miles is pretty common these days for Toyotas and Hondas.
>> Amazingly, despite the weak dollar, vehicle prices haven't gone up
>> that much, at least in terms of street prices. I.e. 12 years ago we
>> paid a bit under $17K for the mid-trim level Camry LE. Now it's a bit
>> under $19K but with much more standard equipment like ABS.
>> I don't know where you got the idea that new cars are only for the
>> wealthy. In reality they are solidly for the middle class.
> I have to disagree. Depreciation is non linear. The value of a car
> falls quite rapidly the first three or four years. I can get a four
> year old car for half what it cost new, and these days, cars last 12-15
> years if cared for properly. So if I pay $30,000 for a new car that
> will last 15 years, that's $2000 a year the new car costs. If I buy a
> four year old car for $15,000 and it will last me 11 years (the first 4
> years already being "used up"), that works out to $1363.63 a year that
> the car costs. That's not taking into account the loan interest on a
> new car, vs paying cash for the cheaper car. Even if one has to take
> out a loan for the $15,000 car that will still be less interest.

Depreciation is an accounting gimmick.

There's a big difference between market value and use value.
After paying off the last car, it lived another 8 years during which
time I sometimes had to shell out a few hundred dollars for repairs
but never as "emergency" repairs. Fixed things found during regular
maintenance. One year I needed both exhaust and brakes which hit
me for $600. During that time when I wasn't making loan payments,
the market value dropped to a few hundred dollars but it was worth a
lot more than that to me.

Liquidity itself is one of the more socially discerning
forms of money. As furnished in recent years, it is
almost always found hovering fondly around foolish
bankers, clumsy speculators, and stock markets gashed
by rampaging bears. It is rarely found in ruined farm
districts or cities where giant corporations have laid
off 20,000 employees.

== 8 of 14 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 5:33 am
From: Elmo

aemeijers wrote:
> Dave wrote:
>>> Back when I still had to commute I was one of the first people to
>>> sign up for E-ZPass (NY) for automated toll lanes. Nearly every
>>> morning I'd see this little red car whip past me going 80mph in a 55
>>> zone, only to get caught in the long lines for a manned toll booth.
>>> I'd see the red car waiting, I'd go through the empty automatic lane,
>>> and get on the highway. A few minutes later the same red car would
>>> whip past me going 90 in a 65. I'd get to the toll booths and there
>>> he was, waiting again. I'd go through the automatic lane, and
>>> continue on. Just as I reached my exit, the red car would go whizzing
>>> by. So, this guy had to go 25mph over the speed limit to get to the
>>> same destination at exactly the same time as I did, yet I was going
>>> the speed limit (or at least the speed of traffic). How much extra
>>> gas did this idiot burn?
>> If true, your post is a good argument why toll booths should be BANNED
>> for environmental concerns. -Dave
> True that. One of many reasons I hate driving in New England, metro
> Chicago, and similar toll-infested areas. Death of a thousand cuts- if
> you have to have a toll, have ONE (maybe at the state/county whatever
> line), not a tiny one every five miles. And given the oil shortage and
> smog problems, having people wait in line is unconscionable. I realize
> it is a profit center, and they put the tolls on roads where people have
> little choice, not the roads where they need the money. There was a
> time, not so long ago, that when the bonds for THAT road were paid off,
> they tore down the toll booths. Maybe EPA could ban them as an
> un-permitted point source of pollution.
> On principle, I hate EZ-pay, Speedpass, and the like. Just like cable TV
> and car leasing, they get people in a mindset of ALWAYS having a payment
> for a particular thing. I forsee eventually the gummint putting pay
> toilets in our houses, to conserve water, of course.
> --
> aem sends...

When the Illinois Toll Road Authority was established, it was supposed
to put itself out of business when the bonds were paid off. Every
time they were in danger of getting there, they would need new bonds
for expansion. Where once it was just in the Chicago area, now it's
most of the way to Wisconsin and Iowa.

More recently, governments have been leasing the roads to private
entities who provide a big payment up front (usually offshore dollars)
and get to run the road for a long time. The states spend the money
and guess who gets to pay the bill for much longer.

The United States behaves like a salesman with a fantastic
product who tries to force people to buy it at gunpoint.

== 9 of 14 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 5:34 am
From: Elmo

h wrote:
>> Speaking of the epitome of driver-asshattery, check out
>> this clip from a traffic cam in Phoenix. Keep watching
>> the far right hand lane.
> Asshat, yes, but really great driving.
More like dumb luck.

== 10 of 14 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 6:06 am
From: George

aemeijers wrote:
> Dave wrote:
>>> Back when I still had to commute I was one of the first people to
>>> sign up for E-ZPass (NY) for automated toll lanes. Nearly every
>>> morning I'd see this little red car whip past me going 80mph in a 55
>>> zone, only to get caught in the long lines for a manned toll booth.
>>> I'd see the red car waiting, I'd go through the empty automatic lane,
>>> and get on the highway. A few minutes later the same red car would
>>> whip past me going 90 in a 65. I'd get to the toll booths and there
>>> he was, waiting again. I'd go through the automatic lane, and
>>> continue on. Just as I reached my exit, the red car would go whizzing
>>> by. So, this guy had to go 25mph over the speed limit to get to the
>>> same destination at exactly the same time as I did, yet I was going
>>> the speed limit (or at least the speed of traffic). How much extra
>>> gas did this idiot burn?
>> If true, your post is a good argument why toll booths should be BANNED
>> for environmental concerns. -Dave
> True that. One of many reasons I hate driving in New England, metro
> Chicago, and similar toll-infested areas. Death of a thousand cuts- if
> you have to have a toll, have ONE (maybe at the state/county whatever
> line), not a tiny one every five miles. And given the oil shortage and
> smog problems, having people wait in line is unconscionable. I realize
> it is a profit center, and they put the tolls on roads where people have
> little choice, not the roads where they need the money. There was a
> time, not so long ago, that when the bonds for THAT road were paid off,
> they tore down the toll booths. Maybe EPA could ban them as an
> un-permitted point source of pollution.
> On principle, I hate EZ-pay, Speedpass, and the like. Just like cable TV
> and car leasing, they get people in a mindset of ALWAYS having a payment
> for a particular thing. I forsee eventually the gummint putting pay
> toilets in our houses, to conserve water, of course.
> --
> aem sends...

And the best part is that roads already have one of the fairest tax
systems going with the liquid fuels taxes. I am in PA and our governor
has been trying for years to turn I-80 over to the mega bureaucratic
turnpike commission that is overflowing with high paid appointed jobs
and make it a toll road. All of this so he can look good (and payback
his friends since he makes the turnpike appointments) because the road
maintenance would be removed from the states' budget and he can claim he
is a genius because he "lowered spending". Then everyone will have to
pay more to cover the cost of the building and operation of toll
collection systems.

== 11 of 14 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 6:25 am
From: SMS

BR wrote:

> I have to disagree. Depreciation is non linear. The value of a car
> falls quite rapidly the first three or four years. I can get a four
> year old car for half what it cost new,

You can, if you choose the worst possible cars. Try pricing a 4 year old
Camry or Accord. They fall very little in price compared to the
equivalent vehicle purchased new. Ironically, buying a one year old
Camry or Accord often costs _more_ than buying a new one, because so
many people are too dumb to know how to negotiate the price of a new car.

A Camry or Accord can be purchased for well under dealer invoice, let
alone under MSRP. But you've got a lot of naive buyers thinking, "gee, I
can't afford $22,000 for a new Camry LE, I'll pay $19,000 for a year old
model," not realizing that the new ones are available for well under
$19,000. With the new one they get a longer warranty, plus presumably
one more year of total service if they keep the vehicle until it no
longer makes sense to fix it, or if they do sell it after five years or
so, they get a slightly higher resale value.

As an example, around here, a four year old 2005 Camry LE with automatic
transmission sells for $14,000-16,000 (depending on mileage, and
equipment level), while a 2009 LE automatic can be purchased for a tad
under $19,000. The 2005 will have no warranty. It will be more poorly
equipped. The lower price range probably won't have ABS if it wasn't
standard equipment. There will be no TPMS. At least in California you
still pay sales tax on used vehicles (hmm, how many times can the state
collect sales tax on the same item?!).

Now if you buy a vehicle that has a very rapid depreciation, then a used
one makes a lot of sense. According to Consumer Reports, the ten worst
vehicles in terms of depreciation were all Ford, GM, and Chrysler
models. The ten best vehicles in terms of depreciation were Honda/Acura,
Toyota/Lexus/Scion, BMW, and Mini Cooper models.

The goal in buying a used car is to find a vehicle that has high
depreciation, but that also has very good long term dependability of
major components (even if minor components may need more replacement
than a low-depreciation vehicle).

== 12 of 14 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 6:36 am
From: Larry Caldwell

In article <J4vUj.15169$>, (SMS) says...

> I don't know where you got the idea that new cars are only for the
> wealthy. In reality they are solidly for the middle class.

If you can pay cash for a new car, you meet *my* definition of wealthy.

If you can't pay cash for a new car, you can't afford it.

For email, replace firstnamelastinitial
with my first name and last initial.

== 13 of 14 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 6:45 am
From: Larry Caldwell

In article <o7DUj.2050$>, (SMS) says...

> You can, if you choose the worst possible cars. Try pricing a 4 year old
> Camry or Accord. They fall very little in price compared to the
> equivalent vehicle purchased new. Ironically, buying a one year old
> Camry or Accord often costs _more_ than buying a new one, because so
> many people are too dumb to know how to negotiate the price of a new car.

It also sounds like people are too dumb to avoid used car dealers.
Never buy a used car off of a lot. Purchase a used car privately
instead. You will save yourself thousands of dollars. Used car dealers
typically price cars at around 2x what they paid for the car.

For instance, one of my co-workers recently bought a 2002 Nissan Sentra
with 57,000 miles on it for $1,500. Other than a little faded paint,
the car was in immaculate condition. It's easily good for another
100,000 miles with only moderate repairs.

For email, replace firstnamelastinitial
with my first name and last initial.

== 14 of 14 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 6:53 am

"Elmo" <> wrote in message
>h wrote:
>>> Speaking of the epitome of driver-asshattery, check out
>>> this clip from a traffic cam in Phoenix. Keep watching
>>> the far right hand lane.
>> Asshat, yes, but really great driving.
> More like dumb luck.

I meant great driving from the big SUV which managed to not hit him and then
keep right on going.

TOPIC: Hot selling now ......please contact to

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 3:16 am

Hot selling now ......please contact to

TOPIC: Tips on Mortgage Payoff?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 3:49 am
From: "Joe"

About to pay off our mortgage... Anything sneaky possible from the company,
etc that I should watch out for or anything I can do to make the experience
even more beneficial for us?

Joe in Northern, NJ - V#8013-R

Currently Riding The "Mother Ship"

Ride a motorcycle in or near NJ?

TOPIC: Electric Heaters at

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 3:49 am

Electric Heaters at
Find manufacturers and suppliers of electric heaters at

TOPIC: Amazon - World's Most Trusted Shopping Mall

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 4:04 am
From: Amazon Shopping Mall, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) is an American e-commerce company
based in Seattle, Washington. It was one of the first major companies
to sell goods over the Internet and was one of the iconic stocks of
the late 1990s dot-com bubble. After the bubble burst, Amazon faced
skepticism about its business model, but it made its first annual
profit in 2003. Founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994, and launched in 1995, began as an online bookstore but soon diversified its
product lines by adding VHSs, DVDs, music CDs, MP3s, computer
software, video games, electronics, apparel, furniture, food, toys,
and more. Amazon has established separate websites in Canada, the
United Kingdom, Germany, France, China, and Japan. It ships globally
on selected products. Please click here for further details


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 4:42 am

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TOPIC: Throw out your old caulk and paint

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 5:13 am
From: " Frank"

"Gary Heston" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> Frank <> wrote:
>>> Or, you can donate any leftover unopened paint or caulk to someone like
>>> Habitat for Humanity, where it'll got put to use in short order.
>>What would they do with the outdated caulk that already solidified? GE all
>>silicone caulk has a very short self life, it makes a huge eraser.
> Donate it when your project is done, not after letting it sit around for
> five years.
> Gary

I've found many of the GE silicon tubes are bad even if its unopened and
within a few months of the expiration date.

TOPIC: See Sexy Melyssa Ford Photos!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 5:17 am
From: sureka

See Sexy Melyssa Ford Photos!



== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 5:42 am



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