Thursday, May 1, 2008

25 new messages in 17 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Incandescent that avoids upcoming ban - 4 messages, 4 authors
* Frugal living in Paris, France - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Chuck's $2 Recession Salad - 1 messages, 1 author
* See Cassie's Sexy Photos Plus Videos and Playlists on Vibe - 1 messages, 1
* ##you can see the mail^^^^ - 1 messages, 1 author
* new free fiction - 1 messages, 1 author
* The Essentials - 1 messages, 1 author
* Hot Tub Chemicals - Keep the Water Healthy and Very Clean - 1 messages, 1
* hello everybody,this is an fashion trading company . Products including
shoes,clothes,bag and digital,it is indeed honor to service for you and I
really except for your visiting. - 1 messages, 1
* Reduce your large belly and burnout unwanted fats - 1 messages, 1 author
* Horn Blowing = Lion's Roar? - 2 messages, 1 author
* frankfurt manila billig fluege manila billig flug manila flug frankfurt
manila guenstige fluege nach manila hamburg manila hotels in manila flug
hamburg manila flug bangkok manila billig fluege manila manila flug reisen
flug nach manila fluege frankfurt manila guenstig nach manila flugticket
manila - 1 messages, 1 author
* hello everybody,this is an fashion trading company . Products including
shoes,clothes,bag and digital... - 1 messages, 1 author
* Riding at night: a strategy for survival? - 1 messages, 1 author
* cheap source of protein and fat - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Heard of metal salvage yards? Next thing will be plastic salvage yards - 1
messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Incandescent that avoids upcoming ban

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 30 2008 11:55 pm
From: RobertPatrick

The incandescents last a lot longer than those new fancy bulbs.
Why the heck does the new kind burn out so fast?

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 12:14 am
From: "Rod Speed"

RobertPatrick <> wrote

> The incandescents last a lot longer than those new fancy bulbs.

Yeah, I just use incandescents and long tube fluoros myself.

> Why the heck does the new kind burn out so fast?

Its the technology.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 2:40 am
From: Jeff

krw wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
>> krw wrote:
>>> In article <>,
>>> says...
>>>> Dennis M wrote:
>>>>> In article <>, Jeff
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Dennis M wrote:
>>>>>>> In article <>, (Don
>>>>>>> Klipstein) wrote:
>>>>>>>> In article <>, S. Barker wrote:
>>>>>>>>> What's this bs about a ban? I've not kept up with the messages.
>>>>>>>> A recently enacted piece of USA Federal legislation bans manufacture,
>>>>>>>> sale and importation of certain incandescent lamps, starting in 2012.
>>>>>>> Some (Republican) congresswoman introduced a bill last week to scale back
>>>>>>> on that legislation and force Uncle Sam to keep its big nose out of
>>>>>>> people's lightbulbs. I hope it goes through.
>>>>>> Why don't you just buy a couple cases of incandescants and keep them
>>>>>> with your 8 tracks. You seem to have missed the spiraling energy costs
>>>>>> and don't seem to care about waste. Well, it's been a great 7 1/2 years
>>>>>> for you hasn't it?
>>>>> Why don't you eat me, smartass. I use CFL bulbs in my home where they're
>>>>> warranted, I just want the option to use incandescents in certain
>>>>> situations also.
>>>> You still have that option. Specialty and low wattage lamps are exempt.
>>>> There's few places where an edison base lamp couldn't be replaced with
>>>> one of the CFLs satisfactorily. It pays to not buy the cheap discount
>>>> store CFLs. And as Don pointed out, you can buy the new halogens, which
>>>> will certainly fall in price.
>>> I'm not about to use CFLs anywhere I spend any time.
>> And, why not?
> Primarily because I can't stand the light and they're too slow to
> turn on where I don't care about the light.
>> I'm not about
>>> to replace all my fixtures either.
>> Why would you have to?
> CFLs aren't for many fixtures. They do get hot and the electronics
> doesn't like it. You have a lot to learn, my boy.

Not as much as you.

There's other alternatives (at a higher cost) for the heat hell holes
you mention. Personally, I've never liked or used recessed lighting.
Most of them are big leaks in a homes thermal envelope, but you haven't
impressed me as caring much about conservation, just consumption.
>> A case of bulbs here, and a case
>>> there...
>>>> I'd still like to use R12, but the switchover did close the ozone
>>>> hole. Remember that?
>>> Oh, good grief!
>> I suppose you are still questioning evolution? And global warming?
> Don't be an ass.

Don't be a flunky.
>>>> Sometimes you have to do something because it has a far greater benefit.
>>> Someimes you just have to be a good little sheep, eh Komrad?
>> Look whose calling who a sheep?
> You *are* a perfect example of a sheep, who likes it when the man
> from Washington bends you over. I bet you really love those 1.6gal
> toilets.

You've been listening to way too much wingnut radio/tv. Such is right
wing opinion in that it is all opinion and no facts. Just insult anyone
who disagrees. Don't let reality get in the way.

BTW, I have an old fashioned toilet because I live in an old house, but
have no objection to the new design toilets. The new ones work, as
opposed to the first generation.

You'd have thought that congress would have thought up
> something larger, given their needs.
>> Sometimes it pays not to be a sheep and blindly believe all that horse
>> manure W has been dishing out for the last 7 years. I'd say lemming is a
>> more appropriate term.
> Don't be an idiot. I know it's hard work to think, but try it
> anyway.

You seem to think we can just keep living the way we do now. I'm sure
the Mayans felt the same way as they gobbled up all the available resources.
>> The tungsten light bulb has been around almost 100 years.
> The planet has been around a tad longer than that and is still
> useful.
>> There's
>> nothing else we use that comes anywhere near being as inefficient.
> Now, don't add lies to your list of sins, junior.

Name a common appliance that is less efficient. The only thing in the
same ballpark is the common loudspeaker, but their drain on the grid is
>> The
>> common light bulb rings in at about 5%. It doesn't have great color
>> rendition unless corrected in which case it has a shorter life or is
>> even less efficient, it runs up the heat load in summer, it has a
>> terrible lifespan... The only real advantage it has is that it is cheap.
>> But not cheap when you consider the lifespan or the energy it uses.
> Tungsten lights have far better color rendition than most CFLs.

It's hard to call 2800K, good color rendition.

> Halogens (which I use almost exclusively), even better.

A few hundred degrees hotter.
There are excellent color balanced CFLs available, suitable for
viewing and judging color balance in photography. Much better than the
short lived photo floods. Certainly better than the common incandescent
or your halogens.

>> But hey, if you guys love your 100 year old design 100 Watt bulbs. I
>> don't happen to have your emotional attachment.
> If that's your best argument, hang up your spurs, kid.

I don't understand your problem. No one is taking away your specialty
halogen lights. All we are talking about is the old edison based lamps
which should join the trash bin of obsolete technology.

>> Jeff
>>>> Jeff
>>>> I have a sneaking suspicion the majority of Americans do
>>>>> too.
>>> Sheep? Evidently...
> obviously

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 4:51 am
From: ransley

On May 1, 1:55 am, RobertPatrick <> wrote:
> The incandescents last a lot longer than those new fancy bulbs.
> Why the heck does the new kind burn out so fast?

CFLs last longer, its proven, maybe alot of duds are made from crapy
chinese manufacturing, but HD has a 9 yr warranty and at 2$ a bulb. so
keep the warranty and pack in a box.

TOPIC: Frugal living in Paris, France

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 3:16 am
From: Magda

On Thu, 01 May 2008 01:51:21 +0200, in, Nestor le pingouin pour la
France <nestor@pingouin.gouv.schtroumpf> arranged some electrons, so they looked like

... Magda a écrit:
... > On Thu, 01 May 2008 00:47:27 +0200, in, Nestor le pingouin pour la
... > France <nestor@pingouin.gouv.schtroumpf> arranged some electrons, so they looked like
... > this:
... >
... > ... Magda a écrit:
... > ...
... > ... > On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 23:44:37 +0200, in, Nestor le pingouin pour la
... > ... > France <nestor@pingouin.gouv.schtroumpf> arranged some electrons, so they looked like
... > ... > this:
... > ... >
... > ... > ... Rod Speed a écrit:
... > ... > ...
... > ... > ... > pltrgyst <> wrote
... > ... > ... >
... > ... > ... >>Magda <> wrote
... > ... > ... >
... > ... > ... >>>... Merci de poster en langue française sur ce forum.
... > ... > ... >
... > ... > ... >>>This is not a forum, this is a newsgroup, and we do as we like.
... > ... > ... >
... > ... > ... >>A newsgroup is a forum
... > ... > ... >
... > ... > ... > Nope, its a newsgroup.
... > ... > ... >
... > ... > ... >>(among other things).
... > ... > ... >
... > ... > ... > It aint anything else either.
... > ... > ...
... > ... > ... Bon, de toute façon arrêtez de nous faire chier avec votre dialecte de
... > ... > ... rétrécis du bulbe.
... > ... >
... > ... > I don't speak any dialect, of this I'm sure!
... > ...
... > ... On vous a dit d'arrêter d'éructer votre patois de demeurés en des lieux
... > ... où l'on s'exprime de façon civilisée, point.
... >
... > Keep talking, keep talking... We are listening. :ppppppppp
... Lapin au vin blanc
... Préparation : 15 mn
... Cuisson : 1h40
... Ingrédients (pour 4 personnes) :
... - 4 cuisses de lapin (ou 8 râbles)
... - 100 g de lardons (non fumés)
... - 2 verres de Muscadet
... - 6 échalotes
... - beurre
... - huile d'olive
... - 2 cuillères à soupe de farine
... - 1 bouquet garni (thym, romarin, sarriette, persil)
... - 2 feuilles de laurier
... - un peu de moutarde
... - 1 bouillon cube
... - 2 petites boîtes de champignons de Paris
... - 20 cl de crème fraîche
... Préparation :
... Faire fondre le beurre dans une cocotte avec l'huile. Faire revenir les
... lardons et les retirer avec une fourchette après que leur graisse ait
... bien fondu, puis remplacer par les échalotes et le lapin.
... Quand le lapin est bien doré, saupoudrer de farine, saler, poivrer et
... rajouter la moutarde, ainsi que le bouillon (dilué dans un bol d'eau).
... Malanger, puis ajouter le bouquet garni et le vin. Laisser mijoter 1h30.
... En cours de cuisson, ajouter les champignons et remettre un peu d'eau de
... temps en temps. 1/2h avant la fin de cuisson, remettre les lardons.
... Lorsque le lapin est cuit, réserver dans un plat chaud (vous pouvez le
... poser sur une plaque électrique mise au minimum) en retirant le bouquet
... garni.
... Ajouter la crème à la sauce pour lier, faire réduire quelques minutes et
... napper le lapin de cette sauce.
... Servir chaud.

Looks delicious, thank you ever so...! :))

It sounds much better in French, but then, everything does.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 3:19 am
From: Magda

On Thu, 01 May 2008 01:49:11 +0200, in, Nestor le pingouin pour la
France <nestor@pingouin.gouv.schtroumpf> arranged some electrons, so they looked like

... Magda a écrit:
... > On Thu, 01 May 2008 00:51:09 +0200, in, Nestor le pingouin pour la
... > France <nestor@pingouin.gouv.schtroumpf> arranged some electrons, so they looked like
... > this:
... >
... > ... Rod Speed a écrit:
... > ...
... > ... > Nestor le pingouin pour la France <nestor@pingouin.gouv.schtroumpf> wrote
... > ... >
... > ... >>Bon, de toute façon arrêtez de nous faire chier avec votre dialecte de rétrécis du bulbe.
... > ... >
... > ... > I dont bother with woggy languages.
... > ...
... > ... Cessez donc, vous dis-je. En plus, vous n'écrivez même pas correctement
... > ... votre baragouin de demeurés à la grammaire pourtant prévue pour des
... > ... atrophiés du bulbe.
... >
... > We do as we like, you cretin. Stop shitting orders here!
... L'anglophone n'est jamais loin du vocabulaire scatologique qui lui tient
... lieu de lexique.

Yeah, I've heard that francophones say the word "con" a hundred times a day at least. Not
too far from the scatological point, is it? Don't worry, darling, you'll get there soon.

It sounds much better in French, but then, everything does.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 7:28 am
From: Nestor le pingouin pour la France

Markku Grönroos a écrit:

> menes kakka muualle

Je m'apprêtais à le dire.

Traité de Lisbonne = TCE bis = forfaiture, viol de la démocratie
Il est nul et non avenu

TOPIC: Chuck's $2 Recession Salad

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 3:33 am
From: "c.n."

Here's a recipe for a $2 salad that, yes, even at this price has
meat....and can be made in the time it takes to get through the Drive-
Thru lane and back to the house (even less if you eat it there).

TOPIC: See Cassie's Sexy Photos Plus Videos and Playlists on Vibe

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 4:08 am
From: andhralo3

See Cassie's Sexy Photos Plus Videos and Playlists on Vibe

TOPIC: ##you can see the mail^^^^

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 5:07 am
From: kalai

what is your name?????

your are beautiful i like you


TOPIC: new free fiction

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 5:52 am
From: mickey333

TOPIC: The Essentials

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 6:51 am
From: clams_casino wrote:

>Dry skin

Does & know you are spamming a
newsgroup that prohit commercial spam?

TOPIC: Hot Tub Chemicals - Keep the Water Healthy and Very Clean

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 6:56 am
From: clams_casino wrote:

>Hot Tub Chemicals
> & want to hear about your spam.

TOPIC: hello everybody,this is an fashion trading company . Products including
shoes,clothes,bag and digital,it is indeed honor to service for you and I
really except for your visiting.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 6:58 am

hello everybody,this is an fashion trading company . Products
including shoes,clothes,bag and digital,it is indeed honor to service
for you and I really except for your visiting. WebSite:

TOPIC: Reduce your large belly and burnout unwanted fats

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 7:24 am
From: gokul

Worried about your large belly and unwanted fats. Reduce your belly
and burnout unwanted fats in easy five steps


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 7:59 am


TOPIC: Horn Blowing = Lion's Roar?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 8:34 am
From: Gunner

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 05:54:18 -0700 (PDT), ComandanteBanana
<> wrote:

>On Apr 30, 2:21 am, Commandante Apeshit <>
>> Got it. Whenever I hear a horn I know to be afraid.
>> I hear horns all day long, so I should be fearful all day long.
>You should never let the guard down in the jungle. But you should be
>able to tell a threatening roar from a hesitant driver, though both
>can be deadly.
>Another survival strategy that may not save you, but at least won't
>make you fearful all the time is to wear headphones with noise
>cancellation. Anyway that's what many drivers do with their radios.

I just heard on the news, that the Greens demanding hybrid vehicles is
now causing the deaths of innocent blind people.

Seems that hybrids make so little noise that the blind are walking out
in front of them in record numbers. A bill is being considered to
make hybrids noisier.


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 8:36 am
From: Gunner

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 16:00:31 -0700 (PDT), ComandanteBanana
<> wrote:

>On Apr 30, 7:11 am, Gunner <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 29 Apr 2008 05:30:31 -0700 (PDT), ComandanteBanana
>> <> wrote:
>> >On Apr 28, 6:20 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
>> >> I wonder how that translates to bicycle bells?
>> >> Chuckle
>> >Bicycle bells vs. car's horn amount to this: The lion roars and the
>> >bicycle answers back...meaow.
>> >It's a kind of behavior signalling submission. "Ding, ding, ding"...
>> Then why dont we see modified freon powered boat horns on bikes?
>> Well... CO2/propane powered horns since the Greentards banned freon...
>> Small, light, portable
>> Gunner
>Oh, they have already. They put it in the other thread.
>It's supposed to paralize an SUV driver for 10 seconds, so you have
>time to escape. ;)

Now thats way cool!

Though Im not sure that paralyizing the driver of a 8,000 lb hurtling
mass of steel, glass and rubber for 10 seconds in a really good


TOPIC: frankfurt manila billig fluege manila billig flug manila flug frankfurt
manila guenstige fluege nach manila hamburg manila hotels in manila flug
hamburg manila flug bangkok manila billig fluege manila manila flug reisen
flug nach manila fluege frankfurt manila guenstig nach manila flugticket

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 8:39 am

frankfurt manila billig fluege manila billig flug manila flug
frankfurt manila guenstige fluege nach manila hamburg manila hotels in
manila flug hamburg manila flug bangkok manila billig fluege manila
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nach manila flugticket manila


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billig nach manila flug bangkok manila flug frankfurt manila

TOPIC: hello everybody,this is an fashion trading company . Products including
shoes,clothes,bag and digital...

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 9:36 am

hello everybody,this is an fashion trading company . Products
including shoes,clothes,bag and digital,it is indeed honor to service
for you and I really except for your visiting. WebSite:

TOPIC: Riding at night: a strategy for survival?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 9:43 am
From: ComandanteBanana

Nothing new about it: The little furry mammals developed that strategy
to survive among the dinosaurs (which is why we are here)...

Anyway, now my next door neighbor wants to ride at midnight... And he
ain't one of those crazy bums on a Huffy. He even bought a vest with
blinking lights (DUI drivers and SUV drivers chatting on the cell
phone should be able to see him). And his bike cost him 2 grands
(important in this hierarchal jungle where you are what you drive), so
I guess he better find a use for it. The other day he told me he
didn't have the nerve anymore to ride in traffic (he ain't no chicken,
he's a veteran), which leads to this daring survival strategy.
Actually, I do the same with my canoe, where the motorboats put me at
the bottom of the food chain in the day time.

Well, our dinosaurs (SUVs and motorboats) make us get smarter and get
nocturnal. And I can only hope Darwin was right: "It is not the
strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but
the one most responsive to change."

NOTE: I told my neighbor to knock on my door. Just in case I'm


TOPIC: cheap source of protein and fat

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 9:56 am
From: Cheapo Groovo

In article <>,
> wrote:
> > With the rising cost of food i would suggest peanuts as a good source of fat and protein.
> Nope, there is MUCH cheaper protein and fat available.
> > Provided you don't have an allergic reaction towards
> > this legume it's a great source of fat and protein
> Pity about the price of it.
> > and even fiber.
> There's plenty of much better sources of fibre.
> > It might be a bit too high in fat and the protein content
> > maybe a bit low for athletic/big people but a jar of peanut
> > butter or a decent size bag of peanuts packs quite a punch
> > in terms of the daily required amount of fat and protein.
> Pity about the price of it.
Are you gonna tell us what it is? You so smart, tell us all!

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 10:43 am
From: Sev

On May 1, 12:56�pm, Cheapo Groovo <> wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
> > wrote:
> > > With the rising cost of food i would suggest peanuts as a good source of fat and protein.
> > Nope, there is MUCH cheaper protein and fat available.
> > > Provided you don't have an allergic reaction towards
> > > this legume it's a great source of fat and protein
> > Pity about the price of it.
> > > and even fiber.
> > There's plenty of much better sources of fibre.
> > > It might be a bit too high in fat and the protein content
> > > maybe a bit low for athletic/big people but a jar of peanut
> > > butter or a decent size bag of peanuts packs quite a punch
> > > in terms of the daily required amount of fat and protein.
> > Pity about the price of it.
> Are you gonna tell us what it is? You so smart, tell us all!
> Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Try bugs- just catch em n crunch em

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 12:16 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Cheapo Groovo <> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> wrote

>>> With the rising cost of food i would suggest peanuts as a good source of fat and protein.

>> Nope, there is MUCH cheaper protein and fat available.

>>> Provided you don't have an allergic reaction towards
>>> this legume it's a great source of fat and protein

>> Pity about the price of it.

>>> and even fiber.

>> There's plenty of much better sources of fibre.

>>> It might be a bit too high in fat and the protein content
>>> maybe a bit low for athletic/big people but a jar of peanut
>>> butter or a decent size bag of peanuts packs quite a punch
>>> in terms of the daily required amount of fat and protein.

>> Pity about the price of it.

> Are you gonna tell us what it is?

What what is ?

> You so smart, tell us all!

Just how many of you are there between those ears, spammer ?

TOPIC: Heard of metal salvage yards? Next thing will be plastic salvage yards

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 1 2008 10:46 am
From: Sev

On Apr 30, 9:07�pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> Cash_is_king,and_RodSpeed, don't_forget_it <> wrote:
> > Plastics are made from oil. Nobody is scavenging plastics just yet.
> Wrong.
> > If you are an entrepreneur, now is your chance to become a plastics exporter.
> Been going on for a long time now.

I wonder at what price point for oil will thieves start ripping
plastic plumbing out of houses...


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